
Human nature desires a society based on morals and manners which provides a stable and secure life leading to liberty and happiness for all people.

Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad had a character as a model for all humanity to follow. The Quran describes the Prophet as:

By an act of mercy from God, you O' Prophet were gentle in your dealings with them - had you been harsh, or hard-hearted, they would have dispersed and left you - so pardon them and ask forgiveness for them. Consult with them about matters, then, when you have decided on a course of action, put your trust in God: God loves those who put their trust in Him? Quran 3:159

Following is list of 75 good manners that we can learn from the Glorious Quran:

Don't lie (22:30)

Don't spy (49:12)

Don't exult (28:76)

Don't insult (49:11)

Don't waste (17:26)

Feed the poor (22:36)

Don't backbite (49:12)

Keep your oaths (5:89)

Don't take bribes (27:36)

Honour your treaties (9:4)

Restrain your anger (3:134)

Don't spread gossip (24:15)

Think good of others (24:12)

Be good to guests (51:24-27)

Don't harm believers (33:58)

Don't be rude to parents (17:23)

Turn away from ill speech (23:3)

Don't make fun of others (49:11)

Walk in a humble manner (25:63)

Respond to evil with good (41:34)

Don't say what you don't do (61:2)

Keep your trusts & promises (23:8)

Don't insult others' false gods (6:108)

Don't deceive people in trade (6:152)

Don't take items without right (3:161)

Don't ask unnecessary questions (5:101)

Don't be miserly nor extravagant (25:67)

Don't call others with bad names (49:11)

Don't claim yourselves to be pure (53:32)

Speak nicely, even to the ignorant (25:63)

Don't ask for repayment for favours (76:9)

Make room for others at gatherings (58:11)

If enemy wants peace, then accept it (8:61)

Return a greeting in a better manner (4:86)

Don't remind others of your favours (2:264)

Make peace between fighting groups (49:9)

Lower your voice and talk moderately (31:19)

Don't let hatred cause you to be unjust (6:108)

Don't ask too many favours from people (2:273)

Greet people when entering their home (24:27)

Be just, even against yourself & relatives (4:135)

Speak gently, even to leaders of disbelief (20:44)

Don't criticize small contributions of others (9:79)

Don't call the Prophet how you call others' (24:63)

Try to make peace between husband & wife (4:128)

Don't call the Prophet from outside his rooms (49:4)

Opprression/corruption is worse than killing (2:217)

Preach to others in a good and wise manner (16:125)

Don't accuse others of immorality without proof (24:4)

Consider wives of the Prophet like your mothers (33:6)

Don't raise your voice above that of the Prophet's (49:2)

Don't call someone a disbeliever without knowing (4:94)

Seek permission before entering someone's room (24:59)

Know your enemies can become your close friends (41:34)

Don't wrongly consume the wealth of the vulnerable (4:29)

Don't turn your cheek away from people in arrogance (31:18)

Forgive others, as you would like Allah to forgive you (24:22)

Seek Prophet's permission when leaving his gathering (24:62)

Don't hold secret meetings for sin, rather do so for piety (58:9)

Don't order others to do good while forgetting it yourself (2:44)

Be patient with your teacher & follow his instructions (18:67-69)

Don't frown, turn away or neglect those who come to you (80:10)

If unable to help a needy person, at least speak nice words (17:28)

Be lenient to those under you, and consult them in matters (3:159)

Verify information from a dubious source before acting upon it (49:6)

Don't remain in the Prophet's home unnecessarily after a meal (33:53)

Those who can should continue to spend on those less fortunate (24:22)

Don't enter homes without permission & return if refused entry (24:27-28)

Don't sit with those who mock religion until they change the subject (4:140)

Say it's not appropriate to talk of slander when it's mentioned to you (24:16)

If required to ask the Prophet's wives, then do so from behind a screen (33:53)

Divorce in an amicable manner instead of keeping & harming your wife (2:231)

Punish in an equivalent manner to how you were harmed or be patient (16:126)

Differences in color & language are signs of Allah, not means of superiority (49:13)

Don't take women by force, nor take back bridal gift without a valid reason & live with them in kindness (4:19)

Don't take bribes (27:36)

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