
We’re here to discuss the journey of the soul. Now, so far you’re sitting here and you’re thinking like everybody else on this planet that this is my life and when my life goes, then that’s it. I’ll be somewhere else!

But we think of it as this is life; this is it, now we’re here and all my family members are with me, I wish I can stay for a very long time with my mom, my dad, my sister…

Death is Not the End

But we all know it’s not too possible.

When a person has gone from this world, it is death. It is the end of one’s life and the end of this body and this life is finished.

Yet when the Quran was revealed, it gave a whole total new term. The Quran did use the word mawt (death) and it said everybody has to taste death, but it did not stop there. It said: “You are being transferred; and you are being taken to a new world; you are traveling; you are going from this place to another place.”

What did that mean?

That means that we don’t actually die, we don’t come to an end. Yes, we taste death, but we move on.

And it’s not the first time that has ever happened, it’s happened before that we move from one world to another world.

When we think of our life, don’t think of a life on its own, and don’t think of death as the end of that life. This life is only one small part to a massive life Allah has created for us.

We Are Made to Be Eternal

In fact we are actually in some ways eternal.

And in that eternal life, yes we had a birth somewhere Allah created us somewhere, and I’m not talking about the birth in this world, I’m talking about the birth of the soul.

There’s a time when my soul and your soul was created; and once it was created it was never to go dead ever except one death which is the death of this world.

When we face that death, and after that we just transfer; and throughout this entire life, there are many times a lot transfers from one world to another world.

There are five transfers each and every one of us goes through; there are six whole worlds that we will live in.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

There shall come a time upon my Ummah, upon my nation, upon the people who follow me, upon the people who believe in me, they call themselves Muslims and believers, when their prayers are not prayed correctly, and when high buildings spread in every place, when people swear in the name of Allah a lot about everything without fulfilling their oath. (Abu Dawud)

People curse each other a lot. Bribery and adultery prevails. People neglect the hereafter in order to buy the luxuries of this world in exchange for the Hereafter; so people become materialistic.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

If you see this happening in your time, then seek refuge, seek refuge.

Find the solution to get away from all of this. It’s not an easy solution, but you need to stay away from all this.

In one other hadith, a man said:

“O Messenger of Allah, what is seeking refuge? How do I seek protection? What do you mean by that?”

And the Prophet gave an expression like this, he said:

By adhering to your house, and keeping your mouth shut, and hold your tongue, and hold from doing unlawful until death comes to you. (At-Tirmidhi)

There’s going to come a time even worse than this, where a person becomes so confused about what is happening in the world, so deluded by everything that they see and hear that they’re not going to know what to do and where to go and who to stand with except to stay away from things even if they means sitting at home, abstaining from all of this. Because there’s not much they can do anymore.

They want to do good, but where do they go? They want to avoid the bad, but it’s all the way around…

I heard a lot of young people say to me: “Why does Islam say everything is Haram?”

This is not true. Islam does not say everything is Haram, but when there’s so much Haram around us and corruption, Islam, looks like, is forbidding everything.

But because we live in a time where the Prophet (peace be upon him) told us that sins will be taken lightly, and that modesty will be very invaluable, which leads us to that human life becomes invaluable.


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