When people see a Muslim woman on the local High Street, covered from
head to toe, exposing nothing but her eyes or her face and hands, all sorts of
thoughts and images enter their minds:
Burkah clad victims who hide their bodies away out of shame, forced marriages
and honour killings, suppression and oppression of women – things that Islam
totally condemns but some crazy Muslims are guilty of.
Feelings range from curiosity and pity, to complete horror at what looks like a
religion that deems women inferior. What doesn’t really seem to add up is that
even though Islam seems to be the least appealing way of life for women, more
and more intelligent, educated, independent women in the West feel that Islam
showed them what it was to be true to their womanhood and are actually
choosing to live as Muslims. Now why would they want to do that?
To be honest, I would completely understand why someone might think Islam
was an unattractive choice for women. When Islam is mentioned in the popular
media, it is often mentioned alongside horrible stories and without much of an
explanation from a Muslim perspective. On top of that, there are some Muslims
out there who are doing terrible things that are either twisted interpretations or
cultural practises and have nothing to do with the religion of Islam – in fact they
are things that Islam is against.
But wouldn’t you agree that to judge a religion merely by looking at the actions
of some of the people who claim to follow it is not really fair? I mean, surely to
get a true understanding of Islam, we’ve got to look at what its teachings are,
what its book says about it – not just at the behaviour of some people who call
themselves Muslims. And to get an unbiased understanding, we’ve got to
approach the topic with an open mind – not allowing the things we’ve read in
the papers or seen on TV to colour our view.
Everybody seems to have an opinion on Muslim Women: from Presidents of
European states to the local cab driver and you’ve probably heard everyone’s
views -except the views of the women themselves!
Well, my name is Fatima and I am the busy mother of 4 children. I’m a journalist
and a Londoner born and bred and this is a chance for you to hear from me; a
Muslim woman, in my own words, how Islam affects my experience of womanhood.
You see the thing is, the way I see my role as a woman is completely linked to
the conclusions I’ve come to about the meaning of life – and they are very
rational, common sense conclusions. That the Universe has a cause – a Creator
and that Creator sent us guidance and created us with a purpose that is not
merely materialistic. That the Creator sent us a manual to guide us through life
and an extraordinary individual –Muhammad – to teach us that way of life.
I believe that the vast and seemingly limitless universe in which we live didn’t
just appear by chance. In our human experience we know that nothing just
comes out of nothing and everything that has a beginning has a cause. Since
the universe around us had a beginning – the universe too must have a cause.
You could call that cause the Creator or God or even the Force behind creation.
Now forget your old perceptions of God. In Islam, the Creator is not a male or
female, we refer to Him as ‘He’ but that’s not because He has a gender. God is
Unique, not like His creation, He doesn’t need anyone, He made you and me
and everything we see and a whole lot of things we can’t see too! He is not
contained by space and time – He is outside and beyond those finite things.
Now since He is the Creator, He knows everything about His Creation, including
about men and women. I mean the designer and maker of something
knows what makes it tick right? The designer knows what will damage it and
what it needs to function properly.
It makes sense to me that the One who made us would tell us why we are here
– what the purpose of our life is. He wouldn’t just create such an intricate and
finely tuned creation such as us humans– who question what the meaning of
life is- and leave us without any direction. He would tell us how to live a good
life. He would give us an instruction manual.
I believe – with good reason – that that instruction manual is the Qur’an.
The Qur’an is the only book that tells us about the Creator in reasonable, rational
terms that satisfy our intellects. It is a fully comprehensive guidance, revealed
through an extraordinary individual: Muhammad. And it is the only book from
God that exists in its original form, word for word. Yes the Torah and the Bible in
their original form were from that same source – but it is a historical fact that
they have been changed and manipulated by human beings over the years.
When I read the Qur’an on the other hand, I found no contradictions and I found
that it described things accurately in a way that I would expect the creator to
do. In fact even though the Qur’an was revealed over a thousand years ago, a
time when microscopes hadn’t been invented, it tells us things that Muhammad
couldn’t have known about – like the development stages of the embryo in the
womb of the mother. And other amazing things that convinced me that it had to
have a divine source.
But for me as woman, what I found most uplifting was that the Qur’an was
incredibly empowering. It empowered me by telling me not to be subservient to
created things: to men, to the media, to fashion, to what other people think and
dictate to me. It showed me that the way to be free from subservience to
created things was to submit to my Creator. That’s exactly what Islam means:
submission to our Creator.
I also found out through the Qur’an the answer to that question all of us must
have asked ourselves at least once in our lives: What is the pupose of life?
What’s it all for? The answer is in the Qur’an. That the purpose of our creation is
to recognise that we have a Creator and Sustainer – to acknowledge that
Creator and submit to Him.
The Prophet Muhammad was one of the first men in history to stand up in front
of a whole nation and speak about the rights of women. Really! He was the first
world leader to tell men: Honour your womenfolk, treat them kindly, the best of
you is the one who is the best to his wife and respect the wombs that bore
you. He elevated the status of women as builders of society.
When a man came and asked him “Who has the most rights over me” who
should I serve the most and take care of the most. He said “Your mother.” The
man asked, “Then who?” And he said: “your mother” again! And a third time the
man asked “and then who?” and he replied again “your mother” and then when
the man asked him a fourth time said “And then your father”.
Now if we go back in time for a moment – one thousand four hundred years
back to be precise, we realise that there’s so much we take for granted as
women living in the 21st century…we have rights that women years ago never
dreamed of. In Arabia for example, before the coming of the Prophet Muhammad,
women essentially belonged to men. If a man died, his wife was part of
the wealth that his heirs would inherit. Female babies, used to be buried alive
because families thought that girls were just a burden.
The message that the Prophet Muhammad came with changed all of that and
upset the men who wanted to keep things the way they were. But what he said
was a message from the Creator of women it wasn’t something that he invented
himself. The Prophet Muhammad told women that they were equal to men:
just as important as men spiritually, socially, as individuals and as members of
society. The Qur’an gave women rights of inheritance and to keep their identity
and family names after they got married. In European countries women would
change their names when they got married signifying that they now belonged to
their husbands.
He told men that women were to be respected and not used as sexual objects
or abused and that they must take full financial responsibility to provide and
nurture their marriage partners and any children they father, even if the marriage
breaks up. He condemned the killing of baby girls and encouraged raising
daughters with as much pride as sons. He said that women should never be
forced to marry against their will and should be able to choose and refuse.
He encouraged women to study and learn and in fact his wife Aisha was one of
the greatest and most knowledgeable jurists and teachers in Islamic history. In
the words of author Ruth Roded: “In reading the biographies of thousands of
Muslim women scholars, one is amazed at the evidence that contradicts the
view of Muslim women as marginal, secluded and restricted.” In her study she
found that the proportion of female lecturers in many classical Islamic colleges
was higher than in modern Western universities.” Here in Britain – women had
to fight for their right to enter universities and only started getting degrees in
1920! If there are men in the world who are stopping women from being educated,
they are going against the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.
Women would come from far and wide to learn from the Prophet Muhammad
and they were always welcome to come and ask him questions. They never felt
shy to come to him for justice. For example, one young lady was forced by her
father to marry a man. She went to the Prophet Muhammad and told him what
her father had done. The Prophet Muhammad told her she could have the
marriage annulled. She said that she came to him so that fathers would know
that they are not allowed to force their daughters in to marriage. Just look at
how confident the women were that if they came to Muhammad, they would
get justice and he would stand up for them.
These were all revolutionary ideas that are relatively new even to Europe and the
Western World. Yet Muhammad was saying these things 1400 years ago!
Each and every human being submits to someone or something. Sometimes
it’s subconscious. We’re so used to conforming to subtle external expectations
that we don’t even realise we are conforming. We submit to peer pressure –
pressure from our friends or from the media. We submit to societal pressures or
to the fashion or music industries or to our desires…that feeling of ‘I want this’
and ‘I want that’. It’s easy for a human being to allow their desires to lead them
in life and it inevitably leads to destruction or a lack of fulfilment.
What Islam did for me was to give me a chance to break away from those
pressures. I realised that my Creator is the one I must submit to because He
knows what is good for me and what is bad for me because He created me!
Before that I had many masters – trying to control me, affecting my behaviour –
sometimes really subtly. By submitting to God I became free. And I strive to
continue to submit to him – it is an ongoing journey – but now I have a clear
roadmap to follow.
God tells us in the Qur’an, that we have to submit, to surrender to the will of
God – the one who created all of us men and women and who knows us best.
That is the only way we will attain peace.
Any guidance that came from our creator would recognise that men and
women are physiologically and psychologically different. To ignore the differences
would be unjust. Men are on the whole physically stronger than women.
That’s why you’ll never find Roger Federer playing tennis against Serena
Nor will you find men racing against women at the Olympics. Our bodies are
designed differently. That’s why it is still not acceptable on the streets of London
for a woman to walk around topless but it would be for a man to – right? So we
know that we are different and therefore Islam tells us that our roles in society
are different too. We as women give birth to children and nurture them with the
milk of humanity. Men cannot do that.
God tells men that one of their roles is to take leadership and nurture their
families, to provide for them and to take full financial responsibility for their wives
and children. And women are the most powerful force in society, our role as
mothers, as the first school of humanity is honoured and supported in Islam.
We are not required to contribute one penny to the upkeep of the family. We
may work and earn money and that money is ours to do as we wish with. But
we don’t have to work because God deems us irreplaceable as the homemaker
and nurturer of the next generation and had placed that responsibility upon
the shoulders of men.
So to go back to the question I started with: When I as a Muslim woman cover
myself, I’m not doing it because a man told me to or my Imam told us to. No! I
do it because our Creator knows the nature of men and women and gives us
guidance about all sorts of things in the Qur’an to help us live the most upright
lives we can. One of the things He tells us in the Qur’an is to cover ourselves
when we go outside, with outer garments and head coverings so that we will
be recognised and respected and not molested in any way. He commanded us
to cover ourselves in a certain way when we are in the presence of men who
are not closely related to us. (Men have also been given guidelines for dress in
Islam – that’s not something you hear about usually – but here I’m focusing on
us women as that is what is so often in the media).
When I’m at home or in the company of women and children I dress as I please
– yes, I even go to the hairdressers and wear the latest fashions and jewellery,
but I just cover it up when I go outside – it’s a sort of uniform. There is nothing
strange about this. In fact the Bible too instructs women to cover their heads.
We would never walk around with our PIN number on display would we? How
about our cash or our most precious jewels? Precious things are kept carefully
– and that’s what women are in Islam – precious; not to be flaunted cheaply,
but preserved under our robes for people whom we choose to share our
beauty with. And we all know that when we are dressed in a more modest way,
men show us more respect. Have you ever seen a man whistling at a nun or a
Muslim woman who is dressed in Hijab? If Mary came down to earth today –
who are the women she would be most like? When we dress as God tells us
to, people appreciate what we have to say and what our talents are instead of
judging us for the way we look.
Islam teaches us that we – all human beings – came from one father and one
mother – Adam and his wife Eve and that it was not due to Eve’s temptation
that Adam and Eve were taken out of Paradise and put on earth. Both of them
were led astray by Satan. So unlike in Christianity, childbirth and menstruation
are not punishments from God. They are part of our experience of womanhood
and have wisdoms behind them.
God teaches us that we as women are much more than just our bodies or our
vital statistics. Our purpose in life is much more than just to be a play thing for
men or a commodity for market forces to exploit. We are spiritual beings. Our
actions and our intentions will be acknowledged by God when He judges us
and we will be rewarded equally to men.
Islam teaches us that to use a woman’s body as a commodity is wrong. To
exploit her and tell her to cavort in public for the pleasure of men – might please
men – but it is degrades her and lowers her status in society. Unfortunately
today, although we think that we are liberated – women are used more now as
sex objects then they ever have been in history. Our sexuality is a beautiful and
sacred gift from God that we should share with a man who has committed to
us through marriage – who won’t use and abuse us or love and leave us.
Islam raises our status as women and frees us from the pressures of society to
conform to a particular image or body shape or to be a superwoman who
works from 9-5 and then comes home and does the housework too – a double
shift! I’ve found that it allows us to be true to our nature and at peace with it.
When you submit to God, you cease to be forced to go against your true
nature. That is true liberation. I invite you to look into Islam further and take a
fresh look at womanhood and I hope that you too one day can experience the
sweetness that submitting to our Creator brings.