be enslaved
contributed to the growth of the alternative slave
trade from Africa. It was believed that there had
been several different creations of humanity. The
belief that other people belonged to a different
species continued to be held by some later
Enlightenment scholars, who tried to develop
systematic ways of categorising the races of mankind.
Racism and Empire
The success of the anti-slavery movements in the nineteenth century represented
something of a high point in efforts to contest extreme racist
beliefs. However, in the latter half of that century a new and more virulent
form of racism began to emerge in Europe, spearheaded by figures such
as Carlyle and Gobineau. It claimed scientific respectability for the idea
that human beings belonged to distinct and separate species. Each race
was seen as a self-reproducing biological group whose characteristics were
fixed forever with its own distinctive 'blood' and 'stock'. A scientific basis
was similarly claimed for the principle of arranging races into a hierarchy,
and physical differences were measured in order that groups could be
mapped on a
neo-Darwinian evolutionary tree, from 'primitive' to 'civilised'. Biological
reproduction within each group should be regulated, it was maintained, so
as to allow only the physically most superior to procreate, thereby improving
the racial stock. These theories were closely aligned with increased
European nationalism and with rising competition between the European
nation-states for a monopoly of markets, raw materials, colonial possessions
and world supremacy. Scientific racism spanned the
period of high
imperialism and two world wars - racial sentiments
were valuable supports for military mobilisation and
nationalistic fervour. This race-based nationalism interacted
with a race-based imperialism. In Britain, for
example, the Empire was frequently celebrated as the
achievement of an 'imperial race'. The revival of anti-
Semitism, leading to the pogroms against Jews in central
and Eastern Europe and Hitler's Final Solution,
was the climax of this pan-European trend.
Islam and racism
Racism involves stereotypes about difference and
inferiority, and the use of power to exclude, discriminate or subjugate. It
embraces the view that the human species can be scientifically divided into
different races and that differences between groups ultimately have a
biological or genetic basis. These views, though biologically discredited,
remain in much popular thinking about race and some scientists, usually
funded by right wing organisations, continue to make claims regarding the
links between genes and race.
On the contrary, it is now widely acknowledged that race is a social and
political construct, not a biological or genetic fact. Race cannot be used to
account for the wide range of differences between people. For instance,
we know there is more genetic variation within any one so-called race than
there is between 'races'. Moreover, it is now known that the human species
shares a common gene pool. All the while this issue of race was being
debated in Europe, the view in the Muslim world had already been made
Ask most people
Ask most people about racism and they will probably talk vaguely about
discrimination at work or in public attitudes to ethnic minorities. Only a few
will mention the verbal abuse which some people experience on a daily
basis, or the physical trauma suffered in racist attacks. But, racism is alive
and kicking and the situation is not getting any better. The level of racist
violence in the UK has risen dramatically in recent years, to an estimated
130,000 incidents a year. And a full 90% of these cases go unreported -
often because the victims have no confidence in the police or the judiciary.
The institutionalised prejudice that exists in some areas of the state system
is a major reason for the low levels of housing, education and job
opportunities which most minority groups face. People should not be
denied a fair chance.
In addition, the introduction of exclusive laws to keep migrants out of
'Fortress Europe' has condemned thousands of refugees to months or
even years of imprisonment while their cases are dealt with, even though
they have committed no crime. Some politicians and media figures continue
to portray minority or refugee communities as if they were a burden,
rather than highlighting the enormous, positive contribution they make to
societies in which they live. These misrepresentations reinforce stereotypes
carried over from the colonial era, and often go hand in hand with
negative media images of the Third World. In turn they encourage racially
motivated violence, and levels of abuse have been seen to increase when
figures openly attack minority groups.
The development of racism in Europe
From classical times, European thought has held onto a set of ideas and
images about the 'others'. The farther one moved from the centres of
'civilisation' - Greece and Rome - the more it was believed that Europe
was inhabited by strange and monstrous species: the 'wild' people of the
forests of the north; the 'barbarians' who could not speak Greek or Latin;
and the 'wild hordes' whose advance struck terror into the hearts of ordinary
folk. Europe was believed to be inhabited by what classical writers
like Herodotus and Pliny called the "monstrous races" - bizarre combinations
of human and animal forms, at one and the same time wondrous and
threatening. Anyone who did not belong within the known and familiar
communities - fools, beggars, nomads, witches, the very poor, widows, the
insane, even peasants from remote settlements - was vulnerable to negative
stereotyping. It was against these negative images of its 'others' that
European civilisation first defined itself.
In the Middle Ages, 'others' was extended to include Jews (portrayed as
betrayers of Christ), Muslims (portrayed as infidel enemies of Christian
Europe) and the Irish. As a result of voyages of exploration, bizarre ideas
of monstrous races were also applied to the new communities that they
came across. These ideas were consistently found in the accounts of the
explorers, such as Marco Polo, Sir John Mandeville,
Columbus, Vespucci and Sir Walter Raleigh. Within
a decade Europeans were debating before Charles
V, King of Spain, whether the Native Americans
were indeed human at all - did they have souls
and, if so, could they justifiably be enslaved? The
papal view that they did have souls and could not
“uncivilised foreigners!”
civilisation has arrived
ent individuals and ideologies in different places of
our globe and at different times. We know that
since the 18th century, when the Age of
Enlightenment had dawned, this idea has been
accepted and adopted as a principle or policy of
organised society. It is true that this idea was not
invented in the Qur'an. Muslims believe that this was
the teaching of all the prophets that God had sent to humanity, peace be
upon them all. But only through Islam has this idea ever been realised in
action over the centuries and among the most different and dissimilar
nations and races. An historian like Arnold Toynbee, who was not known to
be sympathetic to Muslims, wrote: "The extinction of race consciousness
between Muslims is one of the outstanding moral achievements of Islam,
and in the contemporary world there is, as it happens, a crying need for
the propagation of this Islamic virtue."
Islam's answer to racism did not remain as some pious exhortation, but
went on to sound the death knell of racial discrimination in much of the
world. This was signalled in the earliest days of Islam through the example
set by the final messenger of God, Muhammad(pbuh), and was to be
borne out by the subsequent events in the history of Muslim nations.
Muslim Spain represents a shining example of a progressive, cohesive and
advanced multicultural society, the like of which was never to be witnessed
in the world again. History bears testimony to the fact that Islam has,
uniquely and with no parallel from world religions and world civilisations,
overcome the problems of colour and racial prejudice.
Prophet Muhammad (# peace be upon him) - God's Messenger
There are instances galore in the life of the Prophet Muhammad#, which
show that he was the perfect exemplar, the beautiful pattern of conduct
that realised the principle of the oneness of humanity in both his personal
relations with his followers and with adherents of other faiths. We can
further appreciate how formidable a task it was to establish this principle
among his followers when we take into view the social conditions which
prevailed at the time. Arabian society was suffering from the same
conspicuous disease of racism and colour was not any less of a problem.
The Arabs regarded themselves as a superior race and they did not
recognise black skinned people except as slaves.
When, during the lifetime of Muhammad#, the Muslim community was
forced due to persecution to emigrate from Makkah to the city of Medina,
the Prophet# succeeded in establishing the first state in human history
based on basic human rights and respect for all races. From that point on,
the state was to appoint the best and brightest of the community without
regard to social background, wealth or race. Throughout his life, the
Prophet# constantly observed and strictly opposed racist tendencies
among his people. On one occasion, a companion of the Prophet# once
derogatorily called another companion Bilal, the "son of a black woman!"
The Prophet# on hearing this severely reprimanded the caller, saying: "Do
you condemn him because of the blackness of his mother? You are certainly
a man of ignorance, blindly following inherited
And the Prophet# also declared: "People
descend from Adam, and Adam was made out of
dust. There is no superiority for an Arab over a
clear through the verses of the Holy Qur'an, God's
final revelation to
humanity, revealed to prophet Muhammad some
six centuries after prophet Jesus (may God's
peace be upon be them).
"And humanity is naught but a single nation"Qur'an 2:213
"O human beings! Be conscious of your Sustainer, who created
you out of one living entity and out of it created its mate, and
out of the two spread abroad a multitude of men and women."
Qur'an 4:1
Islam teaches that all human beings have a common origin, and that
because of their common origin, the whole of humanity is one family, one
nation. Human brotherhood is thus a real one. We all trace our ancestry
back to one and the same mother and father. The Qur'an, however, does
not shy away from or deny that there are differences in human beings
regarding their colour, language and other features. In fact, it affirms and
recognises these differences. But in the Qur'an these differences say
something of the greatness of God rather than of the greatness or
superiority of one colour, or language, or group of people over the other:
"And among God's signs is the creation of the heavens and the
earth, and the variations and diversity of your tongues and of
your colour; truly in that are signs for those who know" Qur'an 30:22
Here, inquisitive minds are made curious about the world at large. Far from
being described as a source of danger, diversity in nature is given as
something to be admired and marvelled at. Modern science may confirm
the unity of all human beings, but the Qur'an goes further to explain why -
what is the object and purpose of this division. It also provides us with the
one and only criterion or standard by which a person is judged by God:
"O human beings! We created you from a single (pair) of a male
and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may
know one another not that you may despise each other, truly the
most honoured of you in the sight of God is the most righteous of
you, and God has full knowledge and is well acquainted with all
things" Qur'an 49:13
This standard is neither colour, language, social standing, wealth nor
degree of intelligence. It is something which lies within the reach of every
human being, regardless, if only they made an effort to cultivate it within
themselves: righteousness! Righteousness is moral greatness and the
careful observance of duty towards God and one's fellow human beings.
The concept and idea of the oneness of humanity is Islam's unique
contribution to human civilisation, and it came as a natural sequel to its
cardinal doctrine: the unity of God. God is the God of all the worlds,
dealing with all of us alike, no matter what language we speak, what colour
we are or to what parentage we may belong.
Not a new idea? You might want to point
out that the idea of racial equality and human
brotherhood is not the exclusive property of Islam
- that such ideas have been proclaimed by differ-
“O human beings!”
Muslim Spain has no parallel
equality before God
America needs to understand Islam, because this is
the one religion that erases from its society the
race problem. Throughout my travels in the
Muslim world, I have met, talked to, and even
eaten with people who in America would have
been considered 'white' - but the 'white' attitude was
removed from their minds by the religion of Islam. I
have never before seen sincere and true brotherhood practised by all
colours together, irrespective of their colour."
A human weakness
To say that Muslims had managed to completely eradicate the scourge of
racism from themselves would be as presumptuous as to assert that
Muslims had managed to defeat evil itself. Considering the weakness of
human nature, some racist stains on the Muslim world were inevitable as
communities weakened in faith, and became less mindful of God and less
thankful for His countless favours and blessings.
Racism, then, is a human weakness. It still exists in all parts of the world
and manifests itself in many forms. Sometimes it appears as abuse or
physical attacks, which could be as serious as murder, assault or torture.
Racism is also manifest in discrimination, which could be in terms of state
welfare, education, employment, housing, court justice or in politics. In
many countries around the world this sort of racism is rife - discrimination
on the basis of colour or caste or family background. Racism is also hidden
within the ideologies of nationalism, tribalism, fascism, nazism and anti-
Race and culture
Over the centuries all forms of racism have had - and continue to have
another two separate but intertwining strands. One, biological racism, uses
physical or biologically derived signs as a way of recognising difference -
skin colour, hair, features, body type, and so on. The other, cultural racism,
uses cultural features, such as customs, language and dress. The two
strands usually appear together, but they combine in distinct ways, with
one or other prominent at different times and in different contexts. The
result is a focus on outer signs and features of a particular grouping of
Islam teaches that it is not the outward forms that are important but the
inner values and principles. There are more than one billion Muslims all
over the world and they have many different cultures, customs, languages
and types of dress. There is no particular culture that is inherently more
Islamic than another. A European Muslim brought up in a European culture
is no less of a Muslim than an Asian or African Muslim brought up in an
Asian or African culture. In fact as the faith of Islam spread throughout the
world, the people who became Muslims did not discard their own distinctive
cultures but adapted them to adhere to the values and principles that take
them closer to God. These principles include the notions of equality, justice,
the rule of law and the sanctity of life, for Islam regards
these as universal values. Islam is as much a western
religion as it is an eastern religion.
non-Arab, neither for a white man over a black man, except the superiority
gained through righteousness and God-consciousness."
The reverence which Muslims hold for Prophet Muhammad# meant that
this declaration was to shape the general attitude of Muslims, right to the
present day.
Unity through prayer
Among the measures introduced to level the differences of rank or colour
among the steadily growing community, perhaps prayer ought to be
mentioned in particular. Five times a day Muslims meet together for prayer.
Among the first Muslims were members of the noblest Arab families as
well as a good number of black slaves. At prayers they all stood in rows,
shoulder to shoulder before God. And when during the course of prayer,
they prostrated before their Lord, it might well have been that the head of
an Arab noble praying in a row behind a slave rested at the latter's feet!
And so it was impressed on their minds that they were all equal before
God. The human heart once moulded in this way led to the natural consequence
that all citizens genuinely enjoyed equal status in society.
The Hajj
The annual pilgrimage, or Hajj, is a fundamental religious practice
performed by Muslims. This huge assembly of believers in God, the
gathering together of a multitude of worshippers from all five continents on
a single desert plain, is perhaps the most spectacular expression, symbol,
and proof of the unity and equality of human beings before God. There, for
all to see, is a multitude of men, women and children, close to 2 million in
number, and from every race in the world. Every person is dressed alike,
eliminating completely all marks and signs of distinction: the mighty and
the wealthy cannot be distinguished from the poor and the lowly. Here they
come, brother unto brother, sister unto sister, bearing witness to the
brotherhood and sisterhood of humankind, to the equality of all human
beings before their Creator.
The intense feeling of universal brotherhood and peace of the Hajj even
liberated a black activist like Malcolm X from his previously aggressive
racism. His youth was characterised by crime and drugs, but he turned his
back on that life and became one of the most outspoken and charismatic
speakers against the injustice and racism suffered by black people in the
USA. However, he had come to believe that all 'whites' were evil and only
'blacks' were good. Although he considered himself a ‘Muslim’, he did not
really know the teachings of Islam. Then he took the opportunity to perform
the Hajj, and this was to change his thinking forever:
"Never have I witnessed such sincere hospitality and the overwhelming
spirit of true brotherhood as is practised by people of all colours and races
here in this ancient holy land, the home of Abraham, Muhammad, and all
the other prophets of the Holy Scriptures. For the past week, I have been
utterly speechless and spellbound by the graciousness I
see displayed all around me by people of all
colours...There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from
all over the world. They were of all colours, from the
blue-eyed blondes to black-skinned Africans. But we
were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit
of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America
had led me to believe never could exist between white
and non-white.
much in common
Serbia in the 90s
ferentiated by class, region and religion as well as by culture, ethnicity and
race. Assimilation is a fantasy, for there is no single culture into which all
people can be incorporated. In any case, it seldom leads to complete
acceptance, for the demand for assimilation springs from intolerance of difference,
and for the intolerant even one difference is one too many.
One of the major reasons why total assimilation has become unacceptable
is that it cannot be justified morally. It attempts to suppress difference and
condemns to second-class citizenship, in fact if not in law, everyone who
does not accept majority norms. It actually encourages the opposite: isolation.
There are many reasons why some immigrants have become more isolated
than others. Certainly it has to be acknowledged that it is a complex two-way
process. Racism forces some people into isolation, and this fosters nothing
but ignorance, reinforcing prejudices, encouraging mistrust, mutual suspicion
and hate (and so the cycle continues). Perhaps also because Muslims
do not wear their religion lightly, some Muslims are concerned that assimilation
necessarily means abandoning the principles and values of their religion.
Whilst fear of losing something precious is understandable, cutting
oneself away from society to become isolated from others is not a characteristic
of Islam. It can give a false impression to observers of take, take,
take, giving nothing in return - and this is not in the teachings of Islam.
Instead, Islam requires Muslims to take a full part in their society, to
contribute to society, culturally, economically and politically. Historically
speaking, over the centuries, whenever Muslims have travelled to other
lands, they have learned the languages and customs of their societies and
inter-married with the people without abandoning their values and
principles. This is the reason why Islam continues to exist in many different
societies around the world in a variety of cultures. The whole debate,
however, is rapidly being superseded by the growing number of children
born and brought up in Britain, and the growing number of converts to
Islam who are all in the process of forging a new British Muslim culture -
feeling both totally Muslim and totally British.
This forging of a new British Muslim culture would make some people very
uncomfortable and one of the most common questions is that of loyalty.
Where does the loyalty of Muslims lie? Is it to their religion or is it to their
country? For Muslims the answer is quite simple and it is to be found in the
teachings of the Qur'an. Loyalty is to God. What this means is that loyalty
is to what is right and just and fair. There is no concept in Islam of “my
country right or wrong” nor of “my religion, right or wrong”. It is a matter of
conscience, and what is important is what is in the interests of all of us, of
the human race and of the planet earth, not the self-centred interests of
one group of people over another. Muslims are duty bound to be loyal, to
serve their family, their neighbours, their society and the country where
they live - but it is not a blind loyalty; that would be morally indefensible.
The last two thirds of the 20th century have made more people refugees
than any other century before due to that kind of blind, raging nationalism,
usually accompanied by religious or ethnic reasons. Just remember the
exodus of uncounted Jews from Europe; the expulsion of 11 million
Germans from Eastern Europe; the bloody population exchange between
India and Pakistan; the many Palestinians who have been scattered all
over the world; the flight of the Bosnians and Kosovars; and of the Hutus
and Tutsis. The 20th century was indeed the century of displaced persons,
Much of the debate on racism in Europe is closely linked with the
phenomena of mass migration in the late twentieth century. People
confused Islam with the different cultures that many Muslims in Europe
had brought with them. Ironically some of these people flee to the West to
escape the cruel dictatorial regimes that are partly being supported
through the 'ethical' foreign policies of some Western governments. The
issue is also surrounded by 'immigration myths' propagated by racist
groups. Myths built around emotive subjects such as the number or 'flood'
of immigrants, Britain being overcrowded, or immigrants taking people's
jobs and running down the inner city areas. The facts are that since 1964
more people have left Britain each year than have entered and of those
that enter, there are more white than non-white by a ratio of 2:1. The nonwhite
population is actually just 5% of the total population, less than in
other major western European countries, some of which are more densely
populated. Far from taking people's jobs, immigration has proven to be a
boost for a country's economy by creating wealth and more jobs, and by preventing
vital public services (transport, NHS etc.) from grinding to a halt.
Unemployment is caused by changes in the economy (recessions), not
because people are coming into Britain. Some of the lowest unemployment
Britain has had this century was in the 1950s when immigration into Britain
was at its highest level since WWII. Bad housing conditions existed long
before 'black' immigrants, and urban decay has existed in Britain since the
Industrial Revolution. Nobody expects that the UK or any other country will
relax border controls completely and let everybody in who wants to. But
the case against controlled immigration continues to grow even weaker as
Britain's birth rate declines.
Integration: "Them and us"
In reality racists hide behind immigration myths because they really don't
mind immigration as long as it is 'white' immigration. Some still continue to
believe in the existence of 'pure' racial groups. In truth they are detached
from reality for the human race cannot in fact be divided in this way. No
such groups exist. The history of the human race and of every region in
the world is one of invasion, conquest, migration and so on - and Britain
was no exception.
Amuch more common reason against non-white immigration given nowadays
is that “they” don't fit in with “our” way of life. On the face of it, this
sounds reasonable: If you're going to live here, then you must learn the language,
obey the law and contribute to society. Certainly for Muslims, none
of this is objectionable, indeed it is a requirement according to Islamic
teachings, for Muslims to do so. But some people would prefer immigrants
not to try and amend an unfair law, or to pass on knowledge of their heritage
to their children so that, for example, grandparents can speak to their
grandchildren. They would prefer them to change so utterly that, bar the
colour of their skin, they would be indistinguishable from anyone else in
society. The uneasy assumption behind all this is that a
mono-cultural society is better than a multicultural society,
whereas history shows us that the opposite is true.
Successful nations have always been pluralistic, tolerant
of others, allowing diversity, ensuring the continuing
adaptability and survivability of the society. The other
problem with this assimilationist view is that Britain is
not and never has been a homogenous and unified
whole - it contains many conflicting traditions and is dif-
The term Islamophobia refers to unfounded hostility towards Islam. It
refers also to the practical consequences of such hostility in unfair discrimination
against Muslim individuals and communities, and to the exclusion of
Muslims from mainstream political and social affairs. There are those who
would say that the use of this term panders to what they call 'political
correctness' and that it stifles debate and criticism of Islam. But there is a
difference between debate on the one hand, and prejudice or hostility on
the other. The difference can be seen, for example, when Islam or Muslims
are discussed as a monolithic entity, or as inherently inferior, or as the
'other', or as the 'enemy', rather than recognised as being diverse, dynamic
and different but equal.
Anti-Muslim racism has been a feature of European culture at least since
the Crusades, but has taken different forms at different times. In modern
Britain its manifestations include discrimination in recruitment and
employment practices; high levels of attacks on mosques and on people
wearing Muslim religious dress; widespread negative stereotypes in all
sections of the press, including broadsheets and tabloids; bureaucratic
obstruction or inertia in response to Muslim requests for greater cultural
sensitivity in education and healthcare; and non-recognition of Muslims by
the law of the land, since discrimination on grounds of religion or belief is
not unlawful.
Islam - the very anti-thesis to racism.
Muslims cannot possibly afford to rest on the laurels of the exemplary
anti-racist teachings of their faith. Not only did God's final
revelation, Islam, succeed in bringing racial harmony among the
people with whom it came into contact, it is also true that much
of the success of Islam in various parts of the world goes to the
credit of this Islamic virtue. It is the duty of the Muslims, now
more than ever, to understand that their survival and the survival
of the world rests to a large degree on the propagation and promotion
of this Islamic virtue. A virtue that provides humanity with
the spiritual and moral foundation on which lasting peace and
mutual trust and respect among the nations of the world can be
built. The curse of racism and narrow-minded nationalism have
been and still are responsible for many of the troubles of the
ancient and modern world. Islam is, first and foremost, a universal
religion founded on belief in the oneness of God, that stands
for the equality and unity of humankind. To return to God is to
sweep away the curse of racism.
and against this bloody background of recent date, we hardly need to
recall other monstrosities like the systematic extermination of Native
Americans in the 18th and 19th century and black slavery in the USA until
the civil war.
Patriotism has been described as a non-aggressive form of nationalism
that expresses one's loyalty to the country in which they live, and so is
nothing more than family feelings extended toward 'kin and tribe'. What is
important is that human beings commit themselves to a higher moral ideal
that curbs excessive feelings and leads them towards justice. God says in
the Qur'an:
"O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses
to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your
kin, and whether it be against rich or poor; for God can best
protect both. Follow not the lusts of your hearts, lest you
swerve, and if you distort justice or decline to do justice, truly
God is well acquainted with all that you do." Qur'an 4:135
Anti-Semitism and Zionism
Anti-Semitism is the adherence to views or practices directed against the
interests, legal rights, religious practices, or lives of Jews. This is clearly a
racist notion and has no place in Islam, for the Qur'an commands upholding
the rights of the Jewish people. Zionism was a secularist and nationalistic
transformation of an aspiration basic to orthodox Judaism to establish the
Jewish nation in Palestine in reaction to the Czarist persecution of Russian
and Polish Jewry and to other outbursts of Anti-Semitism. The only
alternative to persecution, it was argued, was to found a Jewish state. The
fundamental flaw in the idea was that it required the political or physical
expulsion of the Palestinians, who had nothing to do with the pogroms of
Europe, to make way for the emigrating European Jews. It is quite possible
to be against anti-Semitism and to be against Zionism at the same time.
The Palestinians should not be made to suffer for someone else's crimes.
Two wrongs cannot make a right.
Zionism today describes the organised sympathies and support in the
West, especially in the USA, for Israel and also the efforts of Soviet Jewry
to emigrate to Israel. It has resulted in the occupation of Palestinian land,
the plundering of their resources, in continued expansion by bulldozing and
illegal settlements, and Israeli state terrorism on the Palestinian people for
more than 50 years. The Zionist movement is a pure colonial movement
that has misused Judaism to serve its unlawful purposes, and still does.
Zionism is neither a representation of Judaism nor a fulfilment of a Judicial
prophecy. Decades of Zionist propaganda have misrepresented Zionism as
a progressive, modern force bringing civilization to an arid, uninhabited
wasteland. Such an image is an illusion; Zionism is an apartheid philosophy.
It was not only land that was needed to reach Zionism's goal, but land
without another people in the majority. Since Palestinian Arabs were by far
the majority throughout the period up to Israel's establishment as a Jewish
state in 1948, the Zionist state could emerge only by denying the majority
its rights or by becoming the majority, either through
immigration, or through reducing the number of
Palestinians by ethnic cleansing. This is what has
been going on in the region and is continuing to
happen right now.