
Who Created God?

I recall having a very long debate with an atheist, and I tried my best to hear him

out, so I can properly pinpoint the logic he works off of. I felt this prudent in order

for me to be in position to handle the misconceptions he brings forth.

He said: If God created the Universe, then who created God?

I responded: By asking this very question, or it rather appears to be more of an

objection, it is as though you are affirming that all objects must have a creator.

He said: Do not try to beat around the bush; answer my question.

I told him: I am not at all beating around the bush. You claim that the universe has

no creator. That is, you believe its existence is of its own self without the need of

causal intervention. So, why is it that you accept the notion that the universe is

the source of its self-existence, yet you are dumbfounded by the religious

conformity that God – the Creator of the universe- has no origin? Hence, the issue

we are addressing is one, so why is that you submit to this fact when promoting

your beliefs, yet you reject it when it is recounted by others? If you believe that a

supreme being that has no creator is a folkloric figment, then according to your

logic, a universe that has no creator should also be a folkloric figment.

He retorted: We live in this universe and we can actually feel its existence. Hence,

we cannot reject it.

I responded: Who is asking you to reject the existence of the universe? When any

of us ride in an airplanes, ships and cars that transports us over rugged terrains,

our questions do not arouse around the existence of such vehicles; rather,

speculations may be raised about whether it is self-piloted or steered by a captain

Thus, I return to your first question/objection to bring to your attention that the

same logic can be used against you. Both of us concur on the presence of that

existence; there is no logical way to deny that premise. Our difference is

specifically in that you claim that the existing matter has no beginning, and I

believe that the creator of that matter has no origin. So, if you want to mock the

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