The Truth of Qadianiyah
May praise and peace be upon the Messenger of and his companions and family. It
was narrated that Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said: People used to ask Messenger of
Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about good, and I asked him about
evil, fearing that it would catch me. I said, O Messenger of Allah, we were in
ignorance and evil and Allah brought us this good. Is there after this good any evil?
He said: Yes, and in it is smoke (unclarity) I said: what is the unclarity? He said:
"Some people guide without guidance, you know from them and deny" I said: After
that good Is there any evil? He said: Yes, callers to the gates of hell, those who
answer them they will threw them in it »I said: O Messenger of Allah, describe them
to us? He said: «They are from our skin, and speak with our tongues» I said: What
will you tell me if I catch that? He said: Stick to the Muslim Group and their imam. I
said: If they do not have a group or an imam? He said, "Avoid all these (groups of
faith), even if you have to bite the trunk of a tree (steadfast), till death comes to
What It is taken from this hadeeth is that Muslim should recognize the evil habitats
and places to avoid them, and this applies to the (groups of faith) that claim Islam
falsely and recklessly, and the most dangerous of these groups of faith is the
"Qadianiyah" which appeared in the nineteenth century in India by "Mirza Ghulam
Ahmed Qadiani "under the nudging of the British occupation to mislead Muslims and
have them doubt their faith and to drop the obligation of jihad, which calls them to
resist the occupier and expel them from the lands of Muslims. Qadianis have been
known with false doctrines that contradict the fundamentals of Islam, and the most
1 Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3606) and Muslim (1847).
dangerous call by this group is revoking the doctrine of the Seal of the Prophecy by
Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed that he is a
prophet and that he is revealed to, and no one has complete Islam if he does not
believe in him. Qadiania has spread and established branches in many countries,
and has been active in Europe, Asia, America and Africa. Due to the danger of this
sect on Islam and Muslims and its secret activity in the Islamic countries, we will
shed a light on the history of this sect creed, founder, anomalies and those behind it,
and give the reader a general picture of this deviant group and recognize its
misguidance and danger against Islam. May the peace and the bless of Allah be
upon Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his Companions.
Scholastic Committee in Dar Al-Muntaqa
Who is the Qadiani group?
Qadianiyya A new doctrine emerged in the early 14th century AH, late 19th
century in Qadian, one of Punjab Indian villages1. They received the blessing and
sponsorship of the English occupation. They are thus referred to after the country in
which the leader of this sect was born. They are also called Ahmadiyya in relation to
the founder of this sect: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad2.
Who is the founder of Qadianiyah?
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was born in 1839 in Qadian village in Punjab,
India3. Al-Qadiani belongs to a family famous for betraying religion and the
homeland, and infiltration for English occupation. Gholam Ahmed grew up loyal to
colonialism. He was chosen to play the role of the prophet in order to have the
support of Muslims to become preoccupied with him on the expense of resisting
English colonialism. Ghulam Ahmed was known by his followers for mood, diseases,
and drug addiction4.
1 Punjab (Hindi): An Indian state located in northern India, forming a large
part of Punjab province. It is bordered to the north by Jammu and Kashmir, to
the west by Himachal Pradesh, Haryana from the south and south-east, the
Punjab province to the east and Rajasthan from the southwest. With its capital,
2 See Summary of Contemporary Religions and Doctrines / Dr. Nasser al-
Aql and Dr. Nasser Al-Aqfari page (144).
3 "Qadianiyyah" by Sheikh Ihsan Elahi Dhahir, page (22).
4 See "Destructive Movement" page (199), and the Facilitated Encyclopedia
of Religions, and Contemporary Sects / Mana Bin Hammad Al-Juhani (1/416).
How did Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani start his call and to where did he get it?
Ghadam Ahmad Al-Qadiani began his activity as an Islamic advocate defending
Islam and responding to the doubts raised against it. Ahmad Al-Qadiani continued in
this way for a period of time in which he became famous and his supporters and
followers increased. He claimed that he was inspired by God to renew the religion on
the top of the century. Qadiani continued his misleading and claimed to be the
awaited Mahdi who Shiites call for. Qadiani did not stop at this point but continued
the way he chose for himself to serve English colonialism, claiming that the spirit of
Jesus peace be upon him has been incarnated into him, followed by the spirit of the
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him1.
Who are the most prominent Qadiani personalities?
1. Nour al-Din al-Buhairi : The most prominent character after Ghulam and his
successor, was born in 1258 AH, has learn Persian and the principles of
2. Second successor, Mahmoud Ahmed Ibn Gholam Ahmed who said "I am not
only the successor of Qadianis, nor the successor of India alone, but I am the
promised successor of Christ. I am the successor of Afghanistan, the Arab
world, Iran, China, Japan, Europe, America, Africa, Sumatra and Java, and
even I am the successor to Britain as well as all the continents of the world "2.
1 Islam without Doctrines / Mustafa Shaka (386).
2 "Qadianiyyah" by Sheikh Ihsan Elahi Dhahir, page (174-175).
3. Khoja Kamal El Din: He claimed that he was like Ghulam Ahmad in renewal
and reform. he raised a lot of money, went to England to call for Qadiani, but
he favored pleasures, desires and building of luxury homes1.
4. Mirza Masrour Ahmed: He is the current leader of the sect and fifth caliph of
Ghalam Ahmed, who was elected in 2003 to take up the position. Mirza
Mesrour takes Britian as a center to himself and his movement. He is
delivering a sermon on Friday at the Beit El-Fotouh mosque in London, one of
the largest mosques in Europe.
Where does Qadianism spread?
Most of the Qadianis now live in India and Pakistan, and few in Israel and the
Arab world. They are seeking colonial help to obtain sensitive positions in
every country where they settle.
They have centers in America, Europe, Africa and in some Arab countries,
including centers in Kuwait, Bahrain, Muscat, Egypt, Dubai, Sharjah, Jordan
and Syria. Their main center is in Pakistan, Rabawa. They have many TV
channels. In England they have one called Islamic TV. The English
government has agreed to establish this special channel, in recognition of the
role of Qadianism in standing alongside English colonialism in India and
calling on Qadiani to abolish the Islamic Jihad, This TV channel airs in more
than fifteen different languages around the world, including Arabic, covering
the whole world and its programs calling abroad for its doctrine.
In Africa, they have more than 5,000 callers for their false religion. They have
translated the meanings of The Quran into the various African languages and
dialects, according to their false doctrine1.
1 "Qadianiyyah" by Sheikh Ihsan Elahi Dhahir, page (163-184).
What are the magazines founded by Qadianis in the world?
In Nigeria they have a weekly magazine in English.
They have a monthly magazine in Ghana.
In Sierra Leone they have a monthly magazine in English.
In Kenya they have a quarterly magazine in English.
In East Africa They have a monthly magazine in Swahili.
In Mauritius they have a monthly magazine in English and French.
In Sierra Leone they have a monthly magazine in English.
In Indonesia they have a monthly magazine in Indonesian.
They have a monthly magazine in Israel in Hebrew.
In Switzerland they have a monthly magazine in German.
They have a monthly magazine in English in London.
In Denmark they have a monthly magazine in Danish.
In addition, the have many books and huge funds they have always sent to many
countries to spread qadianiyyah.
What are the most prominent schools and mosques founded by Qadianis?
One of the main activities of Qadianiya is the construction of schools and mosques.
In Africa alone, there are about 47 schools. The number of mosques they built in the
world was about 343, built in Netherlands, Switzerland and Burma, one mosque
each, two mosques in Germany and Malay. In the United States of America there
are three, in Borneo six mosques, in Mauritius has 20 mosques, in North Africa, 40
1 See: The Atlas of Sects and Doctrines in Islamic History (Sami Al-
Mughlout, page (599), and “the Facilitated Encyclopedia of Religions, and
Contemporary Sects” / Mana Bin Hammad Al-Juhani (1/419-423).
mosques, in Nigeria and Sierra Leone, Indonesia, 60 mosques, and in Ghana, 161
What is the relationship between Qadianiyah and the British?
After British troops failed to quell jihad of Muslims on the Indian continent, the
British realized that their ambitions would only be achieved by targeting the faith of
the Muslims and replacing their religion with another, sponsored and promoted by
the British government, so that they can extend their influence on the Punjab
province. In 1869, an English mission of Christian leaders came to extrapolate
Muslims to find ways and means of parting their religion and faith. The mission
brought to the government a report: "The majority of Indian Muslims follow their
religious leaders blindly, and if we find one to claim to be a prophet, we will be able
to fulfill the ambitions of Britain by supporting his case under the auspices of the
They found the person they were looking for easily: Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, who
belongs to a family that boasts with loyalty to colonialism.
What does Agha Shorsh Kashmiri say About Qadiani?
Agha Shorsh Kashmiri3 Says In his book "The Traitors of Islam": "Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad Qadiani had been chosen by the English to achieve their goals. He first
1 “Contemporary teams”, by Dr. Ghalib Awaji, (2/832-835), and “Letters in
Religions”, d. Mohammed Al-Hamad, page (310).
2 Traitors of Islam/ Agha Shorsh Kashmiri, page (3-4).
3 Agha Shorish Kashmiri (1917-1975) was a scholar, writer, debater, and a
leader of the Majlis-e-Ahrar-e-Islam party. He was a figure of the freedom movement
of undivided India, as well as the chief editor of the weekly "Chattan'' magazine, in
appeared as a debater who was arguing against the Jesuit Fathers fighting Islam.
Then he formed a group from his followers and in 1880 He claimed that he was a
speaker (inspired by God), then announced being a renewal, and in 1888 he
announced that God ordered him to take the allegiance of Muslims, and claimed in
1891, that he is the promised Messiah. He invented for himself a new title, The
Shadow Prophet1. His father, Mirza Ghulam Mourtada, was a supporter of the
British. "The family of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is the most loyal family of the
city of Qadian for the English," said Agha Shorash Kashmiri. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
himself has acknowledged his sincerity and loyalty to the English countlessly in his
books and letters and said he proud of this allegiance"2.
Was Ghulam proud of this allegiance to the English?
Gholam Ahmed was proud of his family's allegiance to the English colonizer. "We
were not short in shedding our blood and sacrifice ourselves for English rule," he
said. "The government has recognized that my family is at the forefront of the
families known in India for sincerity of the English government. Historical documents
have shown that my father and my family were senior loyalists of this government
from its earliest era, 3 .
The Qadianiya is a movement made by the English, who created it to change Islam,
which calls to fight for the cause of Allah and to resist the occupiers." The
government directed the dispatch of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to kill the spirit of Jihad in
the hearts of Muslims and have influence in Punjab province. They claimed that the
Punjab area will not subject to them except through a false Prophet, and if they fail,
they at least occupy scholars, and distract them from jihad to other controversial and
1 Traitors of Islam/ Agha Shorsh Kashmiri, page (4).
2 Traitors of Islam/ Agha Shorsh Kashmiri, page (3).
3 Al-Qadianiyan / Amer Al-Najjar Page (13_ 14).
verbal issues, have them differ and disperse and deviate from the idea of jihad
against the English"1.
What are the most prominent beliefs of Qadianism?
Qadianiyah believes in the reincarnation of life: Al Mirza claimed that Ibrahim was
born after two thousand and fifty years in the house of Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib
embodied in the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and then sent the Prophet
peace be upon him two more times, one in the Qadianiy himself.
They believe that Allah prays, fasts, wakes up and sleeps. He claimed, "Allah said to
me: I pray and fast and I wake up and sleep" and said: "God said I am with the
Prophet, I answer right and wrong. I know with the Apostle."
They believe that the prophecy is not sealed with Muhammad peace be upon him,
but it is ongoing, and God sends a prophet as necessary, and Ghulam Ahmad is the
best of all prophets! And Jibril (peace be upon him) would descend upon Ghulam
Ahmad with revelation and inspiration like the Qur'an.
. They say: There is no Qur'an except that which is given by the promised Messiah
(Ghulam), and there is no talk except in the light of his instructions, and no prophet
except under the rule of Ghulam Ahmad. They believe that their book The Clear
Book is a revealed one.
They Believe that they are the owners of a new independent religion, and
independent law, and that the companions of Ghulam are like the companions, as
stated in their newspaper, "Fazl, number 92": "There was no difference between the
companions of the Prophet peace be upon him and students Mirza Ghulam Ahmed,
those were the men of the first mission, and these second".
They believe that the greatest pilgrimage is pilgrimage to Qadian to visit the tomb of
Qadiani, and stated that the holy places are three, Mecca, Medina and Qadian. It is
stated in their newspaper: "Pilgrimage to Mecca without Qadian is dry Hajj, because
Hajj to Mecca does not fulfill the purpose and the mission.
1 Previous source page (16_ 17).
. They allow alcohol and drugs. Every Muslim is a kaafir until he enters
Qadianiyyah. As for a person who marries or is married to non-Qadianis, he is an
infidel. They call for the abolition of jihad, and blind obedience to the English
government occupying India at the time, because - according to their claim – they are
the rulers of Muslims 1.
What is the position of Qadianism from the doctrine of the seal of prophecy?
Qadianies believe that the door of the Prophecy did not close after the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and they changed the meaning of his
words: "There is no prophet after me."
by saying it means: No prophet with me. and they say about Allah saying (but the
messenger of God and the seal of the prophets) that the meaning is: the best of the
prophets, not the last of them, or the meaning is the sealer, who seals people to be
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed that the Prophecy, divided into three sections 2 :
1 - The true prophecy of a Prophet with Sharia.
2 - Prophecy to a prophet without Sharia.
3 – Shadow Prophecy acquired by fully following the Prophet.
Ghulam Ahmad says: "I am a messenger and a prophet, I consider full silhouette a
mirror in which a complete reflection of the image and the prophecy of
Muhammadiyah" 3 .
1 See: Contemporary Groups / Ghaleb Awaji (2/819 - 821), The Facilitator's Encyclopedia, and
Summary in Contemporary Religions and Doctrines / Nasser Al-Aql and Nasser Al-Qafari (152), and Al-
Qadianiyya / Amer Al-Najjar, page 69-71.
2 See "The Safes of the Doveinah" by Al-Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, page 175-177, and "The Golden
Assets in Response to Qadianiyya" by Sheikh Manzoor Ahmad Shenyuti, p. 459.
3 The position of the Islamic Ummah of Qadiani / Selected Pakistani Scholars, p. 25.
He claimed that when the Almighty said: (Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and
those who are with him are hard on the infidels and merciful among themselves) that
Allah called me Muhammad and the Messenger in this verse and other verses 1 .
He also claimed that he is better than all the prophets who preceded our Prophet
Mohammad peace be upon him, because he had all the perfect attributes that
Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him had, Compared to other prophets, saying:
"The Holy Prophet compiled all the attributes that were dispersed in other prophets,
and I have been given these qualities silhouette, and that is why we are named
Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah, David, Joseph, Solomon, and
Yahya, 2 .
Do the Qadianis prefer Ghulam Ahmad to the Messenger of Allah?
The Qadiani went far against the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) claiming that the Prophet mentioned by Jesus in the Qur'an is Ahmed and is
not the Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but Bashir
Ahmed ibn al-Mirza Ghulam is, and he said: "The one whom Jesus told about
Ahmed is not the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), because the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) name is Muhammad, not
what Qadianiyah says is a blatant Kufr and Insolence of all the prophets, including
our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and contrary to the faith of all
Muslims. God chose the religion of Islam to be the last religions, chose the Koran to
be the last book revealed, and chose our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
the Seal of prophets; God said: (Muhammad was not one of your fathers, but the
Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets).
The meaning of the seal is what is sealed by what preceded it, and the meaning of
the first reading: that he sealed them and came as the last.
1 Qadianiyya Study and Analysis, Ehsan Elahi Thahir, page (67).
2 Al-Qadianiyya Study and Analysis, Ehsan Elahi Dhahir, page (55).
The meaning of the second reading: that he became like the seal for them, which
they were conclude with. Prophecy will not be opened to anyone after him to the
Last Hour. The Prophet is the last prophet means that God sent him to His creation,
and no prophet is after him until God inherits the earth.
Shaykh Muhammad al-Tahir Ibn Ashoor (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
"The verse states that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was
the seal of the Prophets, and that no prophet after him in humans because the word
Prophets is general. So the sealer of the prophets is a sealer of the attribute of
prophecy. " 1 . The companions agreed that Muhammad (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) was the seal of the apostles and prophets and this continued to
the generations after them and therefore they did not hesitate in Takfeer of
Meselmeh, and Alaswad Al-Ansy became known by religion, so who denied this is
an infidel outside of Islam even if he recognized that Muhammad peace be upon him
is sent by God for all people. "
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The
Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The analogy
of me and the prophets before me, is like a man who built a building, he decorated
and beautified it except for the place of a brick in one of his corners. people went
around it and admire it, saying, "Can this brick be put: so, I am the brick and I am the
seal of the Prophets."2 .
It was narrated that Jubayr ibn Mat`am (may Allah be pleased with him) said that his
father said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
said:" I have names, I am Muhammad and I am Ahmad and I am the Mahi, who God
obliterates disbelief with. And I am the Gatherer, when people are crowded on my
feet, and I am the Last, who has no a prophet after him. " 3
1 Liberation and Enlightenment: (23/45 - 46).
2 Sahih Muslim: No. (2286).
3 Sahih Muslim: No. (4469).
What is the ruling on belonging to Qadianis?
Qadianism or Ahmadiyya is nothing but a destructive movement and a malicious
colonial trick that has nothing to do with Islam and does not belong to it. Rather, it is
an independent religion and a corrupt creed, and what its owners believe is infidelity.
If a Muslim embraces it and adopts it with knowledge and choice is out of the circle
of Islam. This is the decision of the Academy of Muslim World League 1 .
What is the position of the Islamic scholars of Qadianism?
Islamic scholars confronted this movement and one of the scholars who confronted it
is Sheikh Abu Alwafa Thanau Allah Amir of Ahlehadith Association of India, where
he debated Mirza Ghulam, flabbergasted him, and exposed his badness, infidelity
and deviation. When Ghulam Ahmed did not return to his senses, Sheikh Abu Al-
Wafa did Mubahalah, that the false will die in the life of the sincere, and in few days,
death came to "Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani" in 1908, leaving more than fifty
books, bulletins and articles all call to misguidance and deviations.
The National Assembly of Pakistan (the Central Parliament) questioned one of the
leaders of this community, "Mirza Nasser Ahmed" and responded to him by Sheikh
Mufti Mahmoud, may God have mercy on him. This debate lasted for nearly 30
hours, when Nasser Ahmed was unable to answer and revealed the infidelity of this
sect. The Council issued a decision to consider Qadianiyya as a non-Muslim
In April 1994, a conference was held in the Muslim World League in Makkah,
attended by representatives of international Islamic organizations from all over the
world. The conference declared the community to be ignorant of Islam and
demanded that Muslims resist their danger and not deal with them and not to bury
their dead in Muslim graves. The conference also called on Islamic governments to
1 Dar al - Iftaa al - Masri / Fatwa on belonging to the Ahmadiyya Qadianiyya, serial number: 13503.
prevent all activities of the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, as a non-Muslim
minority, and to refrain them from taking up sensitive posts in governments and
prevent publishing all the Qadiani distortions of the Quran, limiting the Qadiani
translations of the meanings of the Quran, and preventing the circulation of these
translations 1 .Various fatwas have been issued by a number of Islamic societies
and legal bodies in the Muslim world, including the Fiqh Academy of the Muslim
World League, the Islamic Fiqh complex of the Organization of the Islamic
Conference, and the authority of senior scholars in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
along with fatwas of scholars of Egypt, Syria, Morocco, India and other scholars.
Several publications have been published on the reality of Qadianiyah, titled:
Qadiani and Qadianya, Abul Hassan Ali Nadwi.
study and analysis of Qadiani, Ehsan Elahi Zaheer.
What is Qadianiyya, Abu al-Maqoodi?
Qadiani, Abdullah Saleh al-Hamwi.
The Golden Assets in Response to Qadianiyeh, Sheikh Manzoor Ahmad Shenyuti.
Qadianiyah threat threatening Islam, d. Ahmed Mohamed Aouf.
Abadiel Qadianiyah in the balance, Dr. Mohammed Yousef Al-Najrami.
Abstract in Contemporary Religions and Doctrines, by Dr. Nasser Al-Aql and Dr.
Nasser Al-Qafari.
Islam without doctrines, by Dr. Mustafa Shakaa.
Qadianiya, by Dr. Amer Al-Najjar.
Qadianiya, to Ahmad Reza Khan Hanafi.
Encyclopaedia encyclopedia of religions, sects and contemporary parties.
Contemporary teams, by Dr. Ghalib Awaji.
Letters in Religions, d. Mohammed Al-Hamad.
When did Qadiani die and how?
1 See: Qadianiyan / Amer al-Najjar, page 80-81.
When Qadiani claimed this, scholars, led by Sheikh Thanaullah Amertsri, Debater
and Defender of Islam and Muslims in the Indian continent, had several debates and
discussions with Qadiani. The victory was always for the shaikh, so Qadiani got
angry and asked for Mubahalah (ask Allah to destroy the liar).
On 5 April 1907, the Impostor wrote that he prays to God to take the soul of the liar
in the life of his companion, and to hit him with a plague that cause him to die.
Indeed, his supplication was accepted and after thirteen months and ten days
exactly fate came with what he wished for the shaikh, cholera.
His son, Bashir Ahmad, said: "My mother told me that my father needed toilet
immediately after having food, and then he slept a little, and then he needed the
toilet. He went once or twice without telling me. Then he woke me up and I saw that
he was very weak and can not go to his bed, so he sat on my bed and I started
massaging him, and after a while he wanted toilet again, but now he could not go to
the toilet, so he did it next to my bed again and again, and after he had vomited, he
fell on his back, and his head hit the wood of the bed.
The Indian newspapers at the time reported that impurities came from his mouth
before his death and died while sitting in the toilet.
He died on this horrible image at 10:30 am on May 26, 1908, while the shaikh
remained alive after the death of Qadiani nearly 40 years, working on destroying the
Qadiani roots and structure .
Thus, God hit the liar, after he received colors of torment.
His body was taken to Qadian, where he was buried in the cemetery he named
Bhishti, and what he said applied on him: "If I am a liar as you claim in every article I
will perish in your life; because the corrupt spoiler does not live long, and in the end
he dies in the life of his enemies, so he won't be able to corrupt His slaves).
After the loss of Mirza, his intimate friend and partner Nur al-Din al-Beheroi
succeeded him in the leadership of Qadianiyah.
The Qadiani proved that he was a liar in his claim of prophecy even in his death,
because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ("God takes
the soul a prophet only in the place where he likes to be buried in").1
It has become clear to us that Qadianiyya is a non-Islamic sect that was adopted by
the English for malicious purposes. They chose Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, who
belongs to a family known for their total loyalty to the English occupier. The enemies
of Islam helped spread this sect in various countries because they serve their
interests and colonial policies.
To address this rogue community, the following recommendations must be made:
- Scholars should take their part in warning against this deviant sect and indicating
its danger.
- Organizing conferences and seminars to demonstrate their truth and reveal their
plans, especially in the countries in which they are active.
- Universities should protect their students from the ideas of this stray group.
- Alert research centers and publishing houses from printing or publishing books
written by the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani.
Competent authorities should translate books that were written in response to the
Qadianiyyah and indicate their deviation from the Muslim faith to languages as
English, French, Portuguese, Indonesian, Filipino, Urdu, Swahili, Hausa and all the
languages spoken by the people of the qibla, in order to expose this deviant group
and its danger on Islam and Muslims.
May Allah bless, and peace be upon his servant and Messenger Muhammad, his
family and companions. Scientific Committee at Dar al-Muntaqa
1 https://dorar.net/firq/3510
Riyadh 7 Jumada al-Awwal 1440 AH