I want to understand Islam, the religion of Allah, the Almighty Creator, glorified be He.
Do you have any questions you would like to ask, my dear friend?
Yes, tell me about Islam.
I will introduce you to Islam.
In Islam, we believe in the existence of only one God, and that is Allah, the Creator of the entire universe. We believe that He is one, with no partner, no son, no wife, and no equal. He is the one who created the sun, the moon, and the stars, and He is the one who gave you the oxygen and the blood that flows in your veins. There is no god but the one who created the entire universe.
Allah created us for a purpose, and this life is a test for us. Therefore, Allah sent many messengers to guide people to the truth. He sent Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Jacob, and the last of them was the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. All these messengers came with one message, which is to inform people of the purpose of their existence and what will happen to them after death.
Allah gave His messengers miracles and signs as proof of their prophethood. When Allah sent Moses, He parted the sea for him, and when he threw his staff, it turned into a serpent, and these were miracles to prove his prophethood.
Similarly, when Allah sent Jesus, He gave him great miracles. Allah created him without a father as a miracle, just as He created Adam, peace be upon him, from clay without a father or mother, without male or female.
And He created Eve from a male without a female.
And He created the rest of humanity from a male and a female.
There had to be among humans one who was created from a female without a male, and this was fulfilled in Jesus, peace be upon him, whom Allah willed to be created in this manner as a sign to people of His perfect power, for Allah is capable of all things.
In the Quran, Jesus is described as having many miracles that were not granted to other prophets.
The miracles mentioned in the Quran, although not mentioned in the Bible, include that Jesus spoke while in the cradle to protect his mother Mary from any accusations people might direct at her due to the presence of a child without a father.
And Allah gave Jesus many miracles; by Allah's will, he healed the blind and the leper, and he raised the dead, all by Allah's will.
Jesus performed miracles to convince the skeptics of his truth, with miracles of an unparalleled nature, which should have made the Jews believe in Jesus' prophetic message without any doubt. But they did not believe in him.
The truth remains that Jesus or any other prophet did not perform miracles by their own will. On the contrary, they were accomplished only by the will of Almighty Allah. And if He had not willed it, they would never have happened.
Allah has explicitly mentioned this in the Quran.
To become a Muslim is to return to the original teachings of Jesus and to obey him.
But my dear friend,
There are evil people who have corrupted the teachings of Jesus, peace be upon him, in the Gospel, and that is why we find today many different versions of the Gospel.
These changes have led to the emergence of doctrines that were not originally present. Therefore, Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to correct these errors, and He revealed to him the Quran, the final recounting of the truth of Jesus Christ, preserved forever in the last book of divine revelation, the Quran.
Which has remained preserved from corruption, unlike the previous books.
The Quran is the final revelation from Allah, and it is a miracle in itself, because humans have not been able and will never be able to produce anything like it. Allah challenged humans to produce a book like it, then challenged them to produce ten chapters, then one chapter, and yet they could not. This is evidence that this book is not from Muhammad's authorship, but it is a revelation from Allah.
The Quran contains scientific facts that humans could not have known 1400 years ago. For example, the Quran mentions the stages of embryonic development in the womb with astonishing accuracy, at a time when there were no scientific means to see this. How could an illiterate man living in the desert know this information?
This is evidence that the Quran is from Allah.
And in the Quran, Allah clarifies that Jesus is not a god, but he is a messenger from Allah. He ate, he slept, he prayed, and Allah does not need food or sleep. Even Jesus himself said that only Allah knows the Hour, but he does not know. If he were a god, how could he not know?
My dear friend,
You must use your mind, because Allah has given you a mind to think with. If Jesus prayed, to whom was Jesus praying?
Jesus was praying to Allah because he needed Him, so we too must worship Allah alone, and not Jesus.
Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad to correct the wrong doctrines, and He informed us in the Quran that this world is a test, and that there is a day of judgment, and Allah will resurrect us from our graves to judge us for our deeds.
Whoever worships Allah alone and does not associate anything with Him will enter Paradise, and whoever worships others will be punished in Hell.
Therefore, to be a true believer, you must worship Allah alone without any partners.
The word "Allah" means the one God worthy of worship. Allah has many names, but all of them indicate that He is one with no partner.
And we must believe in all the prophets, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, because whoever believes in one prophet and rejects the others is not a true believer.
Therefore, my dear friend:
You must sincerely search for the truth, because this is a matter of destiny. No one knows when they will die,
and if you die without accepting Islam, what will you say to Allah on the Day of Judgment?
Will you say: "I was just following my family"?
Religion must be based on reason and the search for truth, not just imitation.
If you are convinced that Allah is one with no partner, that Jesus, peace be upon him, is a messenger and not a god, and that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the last of the prophets, then this means you are ready to embrace Islam.
Do you want to become a Muslim? My dear friend.
You answered "Yes." Your answer must definitely be "Yes."
Well, my dear friend,
Now I will ask you to repeat after me the testimony of Islam.
I will say it to you first in your language, then in Arabic. But you must believe in what you say from your heart, and not for the sake of anyone else.
Are you convinced, my dear friend?
Well, repeat after me the testimony of embracing Islam:
* I believe
* That there is no god but Allah
* And I believe that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
* And I believe that Jesus is the servant of Allah and His messenger
Praise be to Allah, now you, my dear friend, are a Muslim! Now you will feel true happiness.
Upon embracing Islam now,
All previous sins are forgiven, and you start a new life of piety and righteousness.
- And as a Muslim, when you sin in the future, you can repent to Allah, who forgives the sins of sincere repenters.
- There are no intermediaries or created beings to confess to.
Praise be to Allah. This is the best decision of your life.
You should be happy because Allah has guided you to the truth.
Now you must learn to pray, as we pray five times a day, and when you pray to Allah, you will feel the sweetness of faith. You are closest to Allah in prayer. To supplicate and seek help, mercy, and forgiveness from Allah.
Continue reading and researching Islam. There are hundreds of easy-to-understand articles about Islam.
And it is very useful for you, my dear friend, to visit local mosques or Islamic centers.
Well, my dear friend.
May Allah bless you, my dear friend, and I ask Allah to keep you steadfast on the truth.
If you need, my dear friend, help in learning Islam, you can contact me, so do not hesitate.