
Why Believe in the Almighty Creator's Absolute Power,

May He Be Glorified and Exalted?

Reflections on the Absolute Power of Almighty God

Prepared by

Mohamed El-Sayed Mohamed

Why Believe in the Almighty Creator's Absolute Power,

May He Be Glorified and Exalted?

Islam came on the tongue of the seal of the prophets and messengers of God, Muhammad (peace be upon him), calling for pure and clear belief in the Almighty Creator, which aligns with the pristine nature and the aspirations of pure souls and sound minds. This proves the truth of the message of Islam and the credibility of the call of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Among the things that Islam called for:

- Belief in the absolute power of the Almighty Creator, may He be glorified and exalted, along with the call to believe in His existence and the oneness of His divinity (just as every existing thing has a maker and every product has a producer, so logically every creation must have a Creator).

And let's contemplate this hypothetical model to understand the absolute power of Almighty God as follows:

- Assuming the existence of an angel in the size of the first heaven, that is, the size of the universe and all that is in it (and it is known that the seven heavens and all they contain are nothing compared to the dominion of Almighty God).

Then we ask: What is the size of the galaxy that contains millions of stars and suns, including planets and moons orbiting these stars, and vast spaces between them, in relation to this universe that has it, or with regard to this angel?

Undoubtedly, this galaxy, concerning this universe (the first heaven) or in relation to the angel that is the size of the first heaven (as in the hypothetical model), is almost like a speck in the eyes of this angel. It may not be visible at all to this angel, meaning its size and space in relation to him = zero. And indeed, this galaxy and its expanse concerning this small part of the vast universe is nothing. So, what about the incomprehensible parts of the universe that our eyes have not yet reached through modern techniques? But glory to Allah (God)! This galaxy indeed exists, and it contains millions of stars and billions of planets (including creatures, seas, rivers, mountains, and beings) and billions of asteroids, and vast expanses that equal multiples of the space of all that existing stars, planets, and moons.

By comparison, what is invisible to the human eye (and its size is negligible to humans, and therefore, in relation to the Earth on which we live, and consequently, in relation to what is above it, such as giant planets, stars, and galaxies...) is considered non-existent and its space is thought to be zero. However, it may contain a lot and a lot... and the discovery of the atom (with its marvelous world and others) is far from us, so what about the size and space of the atom (which is nothing to humans and therefore to the Earth on which we live) in relation to the galaxy with its contents, which is nothing in comparison to this vast universe, or in contrast to this angel that we assumed as an example?!

What we have explained (supported by scientific discoveries) only indicates one thing: that this Creator God's power is absolute and limitless. He, may He be glorified and exalted, can do everything and create a place from a non-existing place (according to human conception), and this is strong proof and compelling evidence of His great absolute power. Similarly, He, may He be glorified and exalted, can create time from non-existence (according to human conception). Therefore, through disciplined contemplation, it is possible to increasingly recognize the great attributes of the Creator God, especially after this tremendous advancement in modern technologies.

Just to give a rough idea: If it is said that the people of paradise will be rewarded with what equals a second, and the people of hell will be punished with what equals a second, then Allah (God), may He be glorified and exalted, can make this second contain a vast and endless amount of time.

Discovering the femtosecond and the zeptosecond is not far beyond us; they are among the modern scientific discoveries. Glory be to the Almighty Creator God.

Since the absolute perfection of the attribute of power of Almighty Creator God is evident, all the attributes of this Creator God, such as knowledge, wisdom, greatness, and other characteristics, are attributes of absolute perfection, just like the attribute of knowledge, as mentioned in the Noble Quran revealed to the last Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him), the prophet of Islam.

And indeed, God, may He be glorified and exalted, has bestowed upon us the blessing of intellect and has distinguished us and favored us with it over many of His creations so that we may use it to recognize the greatness of His power and wisdom, and to place Him in the highest conception befitting His greatness, by the innate disposition with which humans have been created.

For clarification: If someone is greatly praised for his excellent character and beautiful qualities, then our minds and perceptions lead us to place this person in the best possible imagination and the highest esteem. Similarly, suppose a building is extensively described for its height, grandeur, beauty, and soundness of its foundation and qualities. In that case, our minds and perceptions lead us to place this building in the best possible imagination. If what we have indicated regarding the excellence of perception pertains to a created servant or something that is made and exists, then what about the Creator God, the Originator?

Shouldn't we, by the grace of the intellect that God, may He be blessed and exalted, has bestowed upon us, elevate Him, glorified and exalted is He, in a manner befitting His greatness, as per the teachings of Islam, and exalt this Great God, our Creator and the Originator of all things, from any attributes of deficiency, blame, or imperfection that are falsely ascribed to Him in previous religions, and acknowledge the absolute perfection of His power, great attributes, and the perfection of His wisdom.

So we ask Him, glorified and exalted is He, to envelop us in His mercy, to grant us success in obeying Him, and to keep us away from disobedience. We hope for His mercy and for success in attaining His paradise, for we have no power to withstand His anger, nor do we have the ability to endure His punishment. He, glorified and exalted, is He, the One in control of that and capable of it.



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