

Literally, God is in English language. Allah is Arabic language, Dieu is French, Elohim is Hebrew, Alaha is Aramaic etc but do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? 

🛑The Muslims prefer calling Allah, instead of the English word God' because the Arabic word, 'Allah´, is pure and unique, unlike the English word God', which can be played around with.

👉 If you add s' to the word God, it becomes Gods', that is the plural of God. Allah is one and singular, there is no plural of Allah. 

👉 If you add dess' to the word God, it becomes Goddess' that is a female God. There is nothing like male Allah or female Allah. Allah has no gender. 

👉 If you pre-fix tin before the word God, it becomes tin-God i.e., fake God. Allah is a unique word, which does not conjure up any mental picture nor can it be played around with. Therefore the Muslims prefer saying 'Allah', but sometimes while speaking to the non-Muslims we may have to use the inappropriate word God for Allah.

Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? 

👉 Christians believe that their God is three-in-one but in ISLAM this is a major sin and polytheistic dogma 

👉 Christians believe that their God couldn't forgive Adam but had to wait hundred of years to sent Jesus to kïll him for the sin but in ISLAM, God forgave Adam immediately.

👉 Christians believe their god has a son but in ISLAM, God doesn't have and uttering that is a major sin in Islam 

👉 Christians believe Jesus is their god who became man but that's contrary to the teachings of ISLAM, God is far above such.

👉 Christians believe their god died but that's not the case in Islam. 

👉 Christians believe their god is the father but that's not the case in Islam. 

👉 Christians believe that their god is equal to Jesus and holy spirit but this is a major sin in Islam. Etc


 Let it be known to the Muslims all over the World that the Christians are not worshipping the God Muslims worship. It is wrong and religious  hypocrisy  to say or believe that Muslims and Christians do worship the same God. I am saying without any fear of contradiction that the  Supreme God Muslims serve and worship is quite different from the "God" the Christians serve and worship even though only one Supreme Being created all of us. 

🛑(1) The Christians worship Jesus Christ who was a Jew from Israel and a Prophet sent by God to the Children of Israel as written in Matthew 15 v 24 . They said that Jesus is the very God that created the universe and all it contains. Even though the bible called Jesus a human being who ate, drank, slept, cried,  circumcised, fasted  and prayed ,yet the Christians still believed that Jesus is the Supreme God who descended on earth by taking the nature of Man. They worship Jesus as their "God" and directed their prayers to him.  

🛑(2) Out of their confusion and ignorance, the Christians also said God is a triune being. They divided God into three (à)  GOD THE FATHER (b)  GOD THE SON(c) GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT.  All these three beings are CO-EQUAL, CO-ETERNAL  AND OF THE SAME ESSENCE. THEY ARE ALL ONE GOD AND NOT THREE DIFFERENT GODS ACCORDING TO THEIR LIES. This is not the God Muslims served and worshipped.  The God we worship and serve is only ONE SUPREME GOD (ALLAH) WHO HAS NO EQUAL OR PARTNER TO SHARE HIS ATTRIBUTES. The "God" Christians worship is a compound of three different persons called Father, Son and Holy Spirit .This is what the Christians called Trinity. Therefore,  Christians worship three "Gods" with three different ranks while Muslims worship only Allah. 

🛑(3) Christians do not even believe in Allah to be their God, and that is why they continue to use different abusive languages and images to describe Allah. Those that claimed that they believed in Allah,  still think that this Allah is none but Jesus Christ. Many of them wrote in their blasphemous books that there is no Allah but Jesus.

Most Christians do not even accept Allah to be the Supreme God. This is the reason why any Christian that wants to embrace Islam must be asked to acknowledge Allah and also believe in His Oneness as well as accept the divine prophet hood of Muhammad (peace be upon him). This shows that any Christian that refuses to  embrace Islam is a disbeliever and an  enemy of Allah.

🛑 (4) The fact that Allah has commanded the Muslims in Surah 3 v 64 of the Glorious Qur'an to invite the Christians to believe and worship the same Supreme Allah with them shows that the Christians do not worship the true God but they only worship the God of their imagination. 

🛑(5) The Christians ,like the Catholic Church  also worship Mary, Jésus' Mother. 

Moreover, there are many Qur'anic verses that proved that Christians are going straight to hell fire if they die outside Islam.. I call on my Muslim brothers and sisters to continue inviting the Christians to Islam.

Christians worship the wrong god, false and are polytheistic. Only Muslims worship the True God and that's why we keep inviting them to Islam so that they don't end in hell!

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