
Oh Christian .... Watch out ... Before it's too late.

 I hope these words are the way to the truth before it is too late.

 By Sheikh Abdul Rahman Damascene.

 Are you a follower of Christianity?  🙄🙄

 You may not like this letter.

 As much as you like nice words and give you peace of mind, that does not mean that you are always right.

 What you should try is not to regret it when it is too late.  ♨️♨️

 Therefore, I recommend that you read this message to the end, as it is more important than the beginning.  ⬇️⬇️

 Are you really right?  What is your answer to these questions:

 I Did God himself become incarnate and come to this world or did he send his only son?

 Do you realize that you accept both cases?  But you have to look a bit to realize that you believe in opposites .. !!!!

 II: The Bible mentions punishments for Adam's sin which are:

 (Pregnancy and childbirth for women) and (Enmity between the descendants of the woman and the serpent) and (The punishment of the serpent is to crawl on its belly) .. If the blood of Christ was the expiation for sin, why are those sanctions still up to now ??? !!!

 Despite the atonement, the shedding of blood, and the forgiveness of sin.  Would it be fair to forgive you the debt and then demand it? !!!!!!!

 III: If the Bible says that the wages of sin is death, why didn't Satan die since he was the main culprit of sin!  While people are punished when their mistakes depend on the sin of Satan?

 IV: father, son and Holy Spirit are three united hypostases, do they depend on each other ?!

 If there were dependence between them, one of them could not be God ... due to the need of him to others, if there is no dependence, each of them would be God, so ... There would be three Gods ..... ❗️ ❗️❗️

 V: why didn't Jesus mention something about his divine and human nature? !!!!!

 Isn't this a fundamental principle in Christianity?  Did you forget him?  Did he get lost?  Or was it a secret belief and he didn't want to announce it?

 And most importantly, how do you know, if Christ did not tell anyone? !!!

 VI: why didn't Christ mention that he came to atone for Adam's original sin?

 Isn't it central to Christian belief?

 Why didn't Christ say something about it?

 How does the father send the world with this message and not transmit it to the people ?!  And if he did not inform you how you believe in it?

 VII: If Christ was born of the eternal Father, ... then they are the same in origin !!!  And if neither of them came from the other ... the two would inevitably be comparable, and if they are equal in power, what privileges would the father have over the son?  And how can the father and son relationship be established in this case ?????

 Didn't John say that the Father sent the Son into the world?  So, the sending Father is not the same as the messenger son ......

 VIII: Matthew says: "And there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven and coming, rolled away the stone, and sat on it" 28: 2.  Does the Lord need angels to remove the stone from the door ?????  How do you think he is the one who created the angel and created the stone and that he needs the angel to remove the stone ???  Or that the angel acted without his will.

 IX: John says: "And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I think that even in the world the books that would be written would not fit" John 21:25.

 If the Gospel of John is a divine revelation, who is the one who "thinks" here?  If John received his inspiration from the Holy Spirit, there would be no room for suspicion, because revelation and inspiration is a certainty not a doubt ... !!!!!

 X: If Adam had sinned by disobeying God, who should apologize ????  God or man? !!!!  Surely he should be the man !!!!!  However, we see that God is the one who sacrificed his only son for that sin.  And he invites us to accept this sacrifice in order to forgive that sin.

 If the goal is forgiveness, why doesn't God forgive us without having to sacrifice anything for His

 part of him?  !!!

 Perhaps he is not the creator and administrator of everything, who demands sacrifice from him to forgive?  And it would be absurd to believe that it is he who puts on that condition.

 He will continue God willing.

 Sheikh Abdul Rahman Dimashquiah.

 Oh Christian ..... Watch out .... before it's too late .. 2

 XI: Who died on the cross?  ☦

 Of course, you believe that he was Christ !!!  but Christ is human and divine, who of the two died on the cross?  !!!  If the human is who died, the atonement did not take place ,,, If the divine is who died, how can God die?  ???  🙄

 And how does the creator die and the world follows?  I don't know of any Church that accepts it.

 XII: Jeremiah says, addressing his people 8-8 "How dare you say:" We are wise; the law of the Lord supports us ", if the deceptive pen 📝of the scribes has falsified it?

 This chapter explicitly demonstrates the existence of the misrepresentation of the Bible, Jeremiah speaks here with his people about those who write the word of God.  The misrepresentation is demonstrated by the existence of this phrase in the Bible ,,,, If we say that it is not true, it would turn out that the Bible contains texts that are incorrect !!!!  But if we accept it, the misrepresentation of the Bible will be expressly proven !!! How do we deal with it?

 Before it is too late ...

 Now, go over yourself a bit and read with me with concentration, leaving you in the meanings and portraying the situation that has not yet happened in these verses of the Sura de la Vaca (chapter 2):

 165. There are people who take instead of God others who consider equal [God], and love them as only God should be loved;  but believers love God more [than they love their divinities].  The unjust will already know when they see the torture that awaits them, that absolute power belongs to God and that God is severe in punishment.

 166. [They must consider that on the Day of Judgment] the leaders of their followers will disregard, and all will see the punishment and all alliance between them will disappear.

 167. Then the followers will say: "If we had another chance [to return to worldly life] we would disengage from them, as they have disengaged from us."  This is how God will make them see his works so that they feel remorse.  But they will never come out of the Fire.

 Are you 100% sure this won't happen to you?

 If you are not sure you should be careful and take precautions.

 How do you feel after reading these verses?

 They are taking away an important weapon that would benefit you if what was mentioned in the verses happened, it is:

 "I did not know, I did not know it!"  They are describing an event that would happen to you or to others .. Who knows you could be one of the witnesses. What would you say? "Will you wait until you have remorse for your deeds?"  And if that happens, what apologies will you have?  !!

 You could say, "What religion and what prophecy are these?"  But here you have two references, one from Christianity and the other from Islam:

 • The Bible says that the false prophet will not continue to preach much and his message will disappear soon, does this apply to the message of the prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him ?!

 On the contrary, the Islamic religion, in terms of its spread, cannot be compared with other religions if we take into account the time it takes!

 How can this Prophet be a liar, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him?

 • From the history of Islam this reference to an incident narrated in Sahih al-Bukhari:

 "He eclipsed the sun in the time of the Messenger of Allaah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, coinciding with the death of his son Abraham, the people said that the sun had eclipsed by the death of Abraham, the Messenger of Allaah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: the sun and the moon are not eclipsed by the death of one or by his life. If you witness it, pray and supplicate God. "

 If he was a false prophet, what would he have told them?  !!!  Of course he would have taken advantage of this eclipse coinciding with the death of his son to tell them: you believe now!  Even if he believed that he was a prophet, when he was not, he would believe the words of his

 his friends and he would consider this fact as one of the strongest proofs of his prophecy .. !!  But

 the answer he gave to his companions shows that he is a true prophet.

 Now you can not give up your pride and reaffirm yourself in your position, but read this other verse from the Sura de la Vaca (2: 206): "And when [one of them] is told:" Be afraid of God, " his pride drives him to do evil. His retribution will be Hell. What a terrible fate! "

 Believe me, I will not get anything from this world, if you accept or reject my speech, but I try to have my conscience clear and get the message to you. The messenger should only get the message across! ...

 Oh God, have I complied ??!  Oh God, bear witness.

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