🌀[ *Your dictionary to understand a Muslim and to sound like Muslims* 🌀
🎁When you love someone ,you will find yourself keep mentioning him every now and then.That's why you find Muslims use many words mentioning Allah in all situations.
🎉Let's see some of them.They're so easy🤩
3⃣ *When you start to do something* 🥇:
✅Bismill Allah.
👉🏻Meaning: In the name of Allah
4⃣ *When intending to do something* 💡:
✅Inshaa' Allah
👉🏻Meaning: If Allah wills
5⃣ *When taking an oath* ✋🏻:
✅W Allah i.
👉🏻Meaning: Swearing by Allah
6⃣ *When you see something is amazing* 🤩:
✅Subhanal Allah.
👉🏻Meaning: Glory be to Allah.
7⃣ *When one is frightened* 🙀 :
✅La ilaha illa Allah.
👉🏻There is no god worthy of worshiping except Allah.
8⃣ *When suddenly pain is felt.* 😖 :
✅bismill Allah.
👉🏻Meaning:In the name of Allah
9⃣ *When expressing appreciation or you fear to envy someone* :
✅Mashaa' Allah.
👉🏻Meaning: That is which Allah wills
🔟 *When thanking someone* 👏🏻:
✅Jazak Allah u khayran.
👉🏻Meaning: May Allah reward you with goodness.
🌀[ *Your dictionary to understand a Muslim 😎 and to sound like Muslims* 😉 ]🌀
1⃣ *When awakening from sleep* 🤠:
✅Al hamdulill Allah il ladhi ahyana ba adama amatana wa ilayhin noshour.
👉🏻Meaning:"Praise is to Allah Who has given us life after taking it from us (sleep is a form of death), and unto Him is the Resurrection".
2⃣ *When one sneezing* 🤧:
✅Alhamdulill Allah.
👉🏻Meaning: All praise be to Allah.
🔺And let the one replying to him 🤗:
👉🏻Meaning: May Allah bestow His mercy on you
🔺And let him say to him:
✅'Yahdikumull Allah u Wa Yuslihu Balakum
👉🏻Meaning: May Allah guide you and amend all your affairs)
3️⃣ *When repenting from a sin* 🥺 :
✅ Astagh-firull Allah
👉🏻Meaning: May Allah forgive me. 💎
4️⃣*When having love for someone* 🥰:
✅Ohibboka fil Allah
👉🏻 Meaning: I love you for the sake of Allah
⚠️[said from one's gender of course ]
5️⃣ *When a problem appears* 😟:
✅Hasbiyya Allah u wa ni mal wakil.
👉🏻Allah only suffices me. [Allah is sufficient for me and the best of those on whom to depend.]
6️⃣ *When something bad occurs* 😤:
✅A'udhu-Bill Allah
👉🏻Meaning: I seek refuge in Allah
7️⃣ *When something good appears* 🥳:
✅Tabarakal Allah
👉🏻Meaning: Blessed is Allah
✅Masha Allah
👉🏻 Meaning: what Allah has willed (has happened/occurred)"
8️⃣ *When participating in prayer* 🤲🏼:
👉🏻Meaning: May Allah answer
9️⃣ *When parting from someone/ setting off for a trip* ✋🏻:
🔺Supplication of the traveller for the one who is staying home 👇
✅ Astawdi‘ukal Allah ul alladhi laa tadee‘u wadaa’i‘uhu
👉🏻Meaning: I leave you in the care of Allah, in Whose care nothing is lost
🔺Supplication that one who is staying home should offer for the one who is travelling👇
✅ “Astawdi‘ Ul Allah a deenaka wa amaanataka wa khawaateema a malika
👉🏻Meaning: I leave your religious commitment in the care of Allah, as well as what you leave behind [of family and wealth], and the last of your deeds.
🔟 *When Death message is received* 😢:
✅Inna-Lill Allah-i-Wa-Inna-ilayhi-Raji un.
👉🏻Meaning: To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.