
(Q) Non-Muslim: What is the concept of Islam?

(A) The Muslim: Islam means surrender and complete submission with

mind, heart, and soul to Almighty God. Therefore, God's slave should

comply with his mind and believe in the Creator God's existence,

uniqueness in His divinity, and absolute power.

He should only believe in Him what befits His greatness without

the slightest slander, deficiency, or diminution and comply with His heart

and soul out of love, glorification, and reverence for Him. Also, he should

abide by his body by obeying His orders and avoiding His prohibitions.

This compliance should be out of love for his God and Creator, desire

for His satisfaction, and the hope of winning His Paradise, including

its great spiritual, physical perpetual, and everlasting bliss for all who

believe in Him and obey Him. His compliance should be out of fear of

His wrath and in the hope of escaping His fire, including its severe painful

torment for those who disbelieve in Him and disobey Him

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