
It is noticed that people either admit the existence and perfection of the Creator or they deny them. To rebut the latter allegation, it suffices to know that they themselves originated from nothingness, without God, they would have remained so, and that He is more worthy of the attributes of perfection than they are, [as we shall explain]:

First, those who admit the existence and perfection of God either recognise their extreme need for Him or they do not. Denying their need for the Creator is the foulest of all allegations; as admitting His existence is based upon the need of all creatures for Him. Their very existence is an indicator of their need to the Creator as they were preceded by nothing but aught!

Second, this allegation equalizes the created with the Creator. To clarify this matter, one could say that attributing one creature to another creature does not necessarily imply that the existence of one depends on the existence of the other. They falsely claim that this is the relation between  the created and the Creator, thus implying the equalization between the created and the Creator [in existence and perfection].

Third, the members of group who deny their need for the Creator are dishonest; for they know that their lives depend on other [substances] created  by the Creator, such as water, air, food, and the likes.

Those who admit their total dependence on the Creator, either show their need through what they choose to say and do (which is the core of worship), or deny and conceal their need. The latter is infidelity and arrogance. It is a denial of what they actually believe and a reflection of their mean natures!

Those whose inner true selves match their revealed selves have either allocated  this need solely to the Creator, or have associated others with Him in what should be rightfully His only. The latter is a true representation of a dreadful ugly polytheism. While a nonbeliever equalizes the created to the Creator through considering both to be independent and in no need for the other, a polytheist equalizes the created to the Creator through considering both to be  dependent on others. Both stands are untruthful!

Monotheists recognize the attribute of God’s perfection either through considering [the paths of] the  Creator  or the created. The former, not the latter, is the correct path we are obliged to follow, for several reasons:

First: considering the created [to be the standard for realization of God’s perfection] is actually a mere invention of a human religion. The wise realize that a divine religion is far holier than a human one.

Second: We, as human beings cannot really tell which actions or sayings would please the Creator, nor can we specify each and every action or utterance that He approves. Those who are in dire need seek to please the ones who can satisfy their needs, and there is no greater need than that of man for his Creator. The safest way to please the Creator is through the method ordained by the Creator Himself, and no other. How would that not be so when man sometimes fails to please other created humans?

Third: Man is affected by internal factors such as tendencies and inclinations, as well as external factors such as lifestyles, social norms, methods of parental upbringing, etc. Thus, how can man avoid being affected by either internal or external factors when designing his own way of submission to the Creator?

Knowing this, it becomes clear that human perfection is achieved when man’s belief matches the reality of his creation, and when what he chooses to say or do agrees with his nature; that is, reflecting his need for his Creator in a manner that pleases the Creator. This way man avoids infidelity, which is levelling the created with the Creator and thus denying the Creator His rightful status. Clearly, levelling the created with the creator is a greater injustice and dishonesty than levelling the honest with the liar, the hard working with the lazy, the loyal with the traitor or the good with the evil. When someone is knowingly unjust, he definitely deserves punishment. The punishment should equate the severity of the injustice. It is unthinkable that the Creator would treat those who are unjust and dishonest in the same way He would treat those who are not, as this would be an unjust act in itself. The Creator is undoubtedly far from injustice, more than any of the just creatures. Therefore, there should definitely be a consequence [for actions and beliefs], by either paradise or hellfire. You choose for yourself.

 “So, whoever will see does so for [the benefit of] his soul, and whoever is blind [does harm] against it.” Al Anaam 104

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