
Former British chaplain Russell Ogston

In his first "public interview" after converting to Islam, he said in the text:

 (I can't live this lie anymore)

Anywhere in the world I can enter any mosque, and I know how I will pray, and that the prayer will be as it is. But if you are a “Christian” anywhere in the world:

 I have to ask myself the questions before I go to church:

Do I want to go Catholic, Anglo-Catholic, Pentecostal, Methodist, Baptist, Anglican, or Charismatic?

There is purity and sweetness to Islam.

 I discovered it through worship in Islam.

 Islam: purification and cleaning of rust from our hearts

I found in Islam this monotheism, the great simplicity of worship, and the direct relationship with God.

Islam: It made me discover who Jesus is to me and that he is one of God's revered prophets.

As I began to explore the absolute monotheism of God's oneness, my belief in the Oneness of God began to crystallize, and I felt Christ begin to transform in my heart and take his rightful place.

The depth of God's oneness was so clear, it was like opening a door.

And I began to see monotheism, bowing, prostration, submission to God.

I was a priest of great integrity. And the decision of Islam is a decision that fails the followers, and you leave your church that you were a loyal servant to, it required great courage, there are matters related to the world that are taken into consideration, you have a family and you have a house and you have your church and your monthly salary, when you become a Muslim everything is taken away from you, and that is why Huge, but in the end: (I can't live this lie anymore)

I was on the brink...

 I don't know if I'm going to fly or fall, but it's a decision I had to make, thank God.

Alhamdulillah _ after Islam _ blessings came, and I received a lot of support from Muslim brothers from all over the world, God knows the deepest part of our hearts, God is close to us like the jugular vein.

This is some of what came yesterday from the tongue of the former priest "Russell Auguston" or Joseph Auguston after Islam, and the interview with him was conducted by the British researcher "Paul Williams", who was also a Christian and converted to Islam.

Everyone can watch the full interview, translated into Arabic, on the Blogging Theology channel on YouTube, which is Paul Williams' channel that he dedicated to preaching and defending Islam and debating pastors and calling them to the truth, and it is followed by a very large number of priests and pastors in the Western world, and some of them asked to communicate with the former priest Youssef Auguston after Islam to learn about Islam.

Joseph Auguston

He remained a priest for 12 years before converting to Islam 13 years ago, and just yesterday, he decided to appear for the first time to talk about his journey from Christianity to Islam, in an interview worth watching, on a channel worth supporting, with a researcher who has become influential in the pastors of the world.

May Allah protect them and make them firm on the truth and benefit them from Islam.

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