
The Russian priest Vladimir Ugryumov converts to Islam After spending 15 years as a priest in the Orthodox Church, an event happened to him that radically changed his whole life. Vladimir Ugryumov is a priest in the Orthodox Church. His story began when a Christian girl converted to Islam. this  girl used to live not far away from where the priest lived. And he as a priest, this subject caught his attention, so Reverend Vladimir began to study Islam, to find out the reasons that drive many people to leave Christianity and convert to Islam. and when he began studying Islam, he found that there are many commonalities between Christianity and Islam. Muslims, like Christians, love and respect Jesus Christ and his mother Mary (peace be upon them), and believe in all the miracles that Jesus performed, believing that he healed the sick, uplifted the distressed, cured lepers, and revived the dead. All these things he did with the permission of Almighty God, and they believe that God raised him to heaven, and that he will return to earth, as well as Christians, Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was miraculously born from Mary without any male interference, and believe that Mary, the mother of Christ, is the best of the women of the worlds, and she is the only woman named  Complete chapter in the Qur'an in her name.  Likewise, Muslims believe in many important personalities known in the Bible as prophets and messengers from God Almighty, such as: Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Noah, Lot, Zechariah, Jonah, Job, and John the Baptist, in addition to  to their belief that Muhammad and Jesus are also prophets and messengers from God Almighty. Also, Muslims believe, according to the Holy Qur’an, that Jesus is the Messiah(Christ).  But the most important thing that drew the attention of Reverend Vladimir when studying Islam, and attracted him strongly, is the ease of the concept of monotheism in Islam compared to the concept of the Holy Trinity in Christianity.   (The Holy Trinity is a Christian doctrine, Christians believe that the Father is God, Jesus is God [ and the Son of God at the same time!!! ], and the Holy Spirit is God, but they are not three gods but only one God. The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Spirit, the Spirit, is not the Father.) This concept of the Trinity is very complex and many Christians have difficulty understanding it, yet Reverend Vladimir was not thinking of changing his religion;  Because he did not believe that there is another religion that is more valid or acceptable than Christianity.  But when he began to study Islam, he found that the concept of God in Islam is very clear, Muslims believe in only one God, This God is the God and creator of Jesus and his mother, and He is the same God that Jesus Christ was referring to in the Gospel of John,20:17, by saying “My God and your God.” He is the same God that Jesus Christ worshiped and prayed to on the mountain in the Gospel of Luke 6:12: "and He(Jesus) spent the whole night in prayer to God" . and if anyone reads the Holy Qur’an (which is the holy book of Muslims) he will find in it that Christ was calling people to worship one God.  And he says to them: "worship God, my Lord and your Lord"(Qur'an, 5:72).   This God is the God of these people, and he is the God of Christ as well. Muslims do not believe that Jesus Christ is God, but rather believe that he is the Messenger of God and the Prophet of God.   Reverend Vladimir said: This is what I have always felt that God is one, that Jesus is the Prophet of God and the Messenger of God, but he is not God.   Reverend Vladimir mentioned his feelings when he heard the call to prayer for the first time in Turkey before his conversion to Islam. He said:  “I felt a special feeling when I heard the call to prayer, it was as if my soul was withdrawing into the mosque, but I have been a priest for the past fifteen years, and have served in different churches, so I did not follow my soul at that time, but today I go to the mosque  I decided to go to Mecca on foot.”    One of the members of the church to which the priest belonged said that everyone respected him and loved him very much, but something happened to him that made him leave the church and convert to Islam.  For his part, Reverend Vladimir said: That he loves his former church members very much, respects them, and thanks them for their good treatment of him, and says: Some real friends don't understand me, but this is a decision I've been moving towards for a while, and I made after a deep study.   After completing the 48-year-old Reverend Vladimir studying Islam, he knew That this religion is the religion of pure monotheism, and it is the religion of all the prophets, so he left his service in the church completely, converted to Islam and decided immediately after that to go to Hajj on foot. After converting to Islam, priest Vladimir Ugryumov changed his name to Said Muhammad.  

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