#Why_do_we_have_to_worship_Allah #Why_do_we_have_to_love_Allah #لماذا_علينا_أن_نعبد_الله #لماذا_علينا_أن_نحب_الله
Let me ask you a question, if you are in a fire and you were about to die and I came and saved your life ,will you thank me ? Will you always remember me ? How come we are not grateful and remember Allah who gave us life for free ? Allah gave you life without asking Him . He created you from nothingness and saved you in the womb of your mother .He gave you hearing, sight, mind , heart, and honored you over all other creatures. The oxygen that we breathe in and out , if you go to the hospital , you get charged for it. We get it free from The Creator who wants for us to worship and serve him. That's why Allah said in Quran : if you try to count Allah's blessings on you , you will never be able to do so. Would you be grateful to Him or not ? And to thank Allah we have to do things that he loves. If you want to give me a present , will you choose something that I love or something that you love ? Likewise , if you want to thank Allah and worship him , we should worship him in the way he loves . He wants us to pray 5 times a day , and to be good to our parents and do good to people . And Allah will grant us paradise.
#لماذا_علينا_أن_نصلي_خمس_صلوات #why_should_we_pray_five_times_aday
Let me ask you a question, if you are in a fire and you were about to die and I came and saved your life ,will you thank me ? Will you always remember me ? How come we are not grateful and remember Allah who gave us life for free ? Allah gave you life without asking Him . He created you from nothingness and saved you in the womb of your mother .He gave you hearing, sight, mind , heart, and honored you over all other creatures. The oxygen that we breathe in and out , if you go to the hospital , you get charged for it. We get it free from The Creator who wants for us to worship and serve him. That's why Allah said in Quran : if you try to count Allah's blessings on you , you will never be able to do so. Would you be grateful to Him or not ? And to thank Allah we have to do things that he loves. If you want to give me a present , will you choose something that I love or something that you love ? Likewise , if you want to thank Allah and worship him , we should worship him in the way he loves . He wants us to pray 5 times a day , and to be good to our parents and do good to people . And Allah will grant us paradise. Even if praying is hard for you now , it will be easier by practice. Ask Allah to make it easy for you and to love prayers . I ask Allah to soften your heart