First published on: Islamic Pilgrimage: Unify Your Destination
The main target of the Islamic pilgrimage (Hajj) is to prepare the Muslim for unifying his destination towards His Creator only (Tawheed), starting from his inner feelings and reaching his outer behavior. Thus, there is no wonder if you know that the reward of the accepted Hajj is forgiving all past sins.
Do you want to know more about the relation between Tawheed and Hajj? Or do you want to win the same reward without going to Hajj at least this year?
Tawheed: Core of Islamic Creed
To begin with, Islam is basically built on the belief in only One True God (Tawheed). This implies that all your deeds shall be for God’s sake to be accepted. You can’t be a Muslim without accepting this truth.
Indeed, all the five Islamic pillars target this goal: to unify your destination. It’s to believe in Allah (the Only One God) and His Messenger, Muhammad, to pray for Allah five times daily, to pay poor dues (Zakah) for the sake of Allah, to fast in Ramadan, and finally to perform Hajj to Allah’s House in Makkah.
Tawheed: No God But Allah
Before you know more about Islamic pilgrimage, you need to know first about the concept of Tawheed. It’s worth mentioning that to become a Muslim you need to say Shahada. Tawheed means to witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger.
It’s transilitration is:
Ash hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ash hadu ana Muhammadan Rasoolu Allah
The significant Arabic word that you need to reflect on in our context here is the word Ilah (God). The root of this Arabic word mainly refers to sincere love, majesty, hope and fear. Thus, a true Muslim frees his destination from his self desires as well as that of others.
Hajj Is Reflection for Tawheed
In light of the previous meaning of Tawheed, you can see it highly illustrated in Hajj. Hajj (Islamic pilgrimage) is one of Islam’s most publicized obligations, the last between them to be ordained, and it is to be obligatorily performed once in a lifetime by each capable Muslim, but they can still perform it optionally afterward whenever they want. The word Hajj means to “intend to journey to”, so, Hajj is both a physical and spiritual journey aiming to purify, alter and better a Muslim’s life and the afterlife.
Moreover, one of the significant words that the pilgrims say is:
Labbayk-Allāhumma labbayk, labbayka lā sharīka laka labbayk, inna ‘l-ḥamda, wanni`mata, laka wa ‘l-mulk, lā sharīka lak.
I am here at Your service, O Allah, I am here at Your service. I am here at Your service, You have no partner, I am here at Your service. Surely the praise, and blessings are Yours, and the dominion. You have no partner." [Hadith by Bukhari & Muslim] (1)
The Arabic words Labbayk-Allāhumma labbayk here implies those meaning:
1- I submit and submit again,
2- I am persisting in obeying You,
3- I confirm my love of Allah,
4- It implies sincerity,
5- It implies drawing close to Allah.
6. It is a symbol of tawhid. (2)
Fruits of Accepted Hajj
After stating the cornerstone for Hajj, what are the fruits for a pilgrim? Ok, Muslims perform Hajj to seek forgiveness of Allah for their sins, rewards for their efforts and obedience, and for Allah’s pleasure. In other words, Hajj is for remembrance of Allah, achieving Taqwa (Piety). That is what a pilgrim comes back to bear.
Also, there is no problem with achieving some worldly profits during this journey. Whatever profit of business he has done, rewards for the obedience he fulfilled, and piety in his heart after his records have been cleared of all previous sins.
Allah the Almighty says:
There is no blame on you for seeking the bounty of your Lord ˹during this journey˺. When you return from ’Arafât, praise Allah near the sacred place and praise Him for having guided you, for surely before this ˹guidance˺ you were astray." [Qur'an, 2: 198] (3)
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
Indeed, piety is to be as a shield against straying away from the righteous way. In short, Hajj is a sign of total submission and obedience to Allah, and a turning point in a Muslim’s life.
Want to know more about Hajj: what, when, where, how and why?
It's Your Turn
To conclude, do you want to bear the same fruits that the pilgrims achieve. We have good news for you!
nowadays we are in the best ten days of the year when Allah loves the righteous deeds the most. You have a golden chance to say the word of Tawheed and become a Muslim in those preferable days. yes, Tawheed is accepted at any time of life, but nowadays is not to be wasted.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) says:
There is no virtue more to the liking of Allah in any day than in these days, that is, the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah. They (the Companions) asked: Messenger of Allah, not even the struggle in the path of Allah (Jihad) ? He said: (Yes), not even the struggle in the path of Allah, except a man who goes out (in the path of Allah) with his life and property, and does not return with any of them." [Hadith by Abu Dawud] (4)
By becoming a Muslim, your sins are forgiven, you come closer to your Creator, and reach the straight way of guidance to go through; the same fruits that the pilgrim bears. Wait for what? Our team can help you. Become a Muslim now. Life is too short!
(1) Prophet's Saying (Hadith) Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim
(2) Meaning of Talbiyah
(3) Verse [2: 198] of Qur'an (English Interpretation of Meaning)
(4) Prophet's Saying (Hadith) by Abu Dawud