5. Fulfilment of prophecies which he foretold
Proof 21: One may ask what criterion should be used to distinguish a genuine prophet from a false prophet (who might also presume to speak in the name of Allah)?
The answer to this question is clearly given in the concluding verses of Chapter 18 of the Book of Deuteronomy:
And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the LORD has not spoken?’—when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him. (Deuteronomy 18:21-22)
Jesus (pbuh) is reported to have said about his successor, “He will declare to you the things that are to come.” (John 16:13)
It is a fact that not a single prophecy made by the Quran or by Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) has proved to be inaccurate in the least.
32 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
Every prophecy made about the near future during his time did come to pass. Examples of these are:
▪ The prophecy that Muslims would conquer the two ‘superpowers’ of their time,21 the Persian and Byzantine empires. This prophecy was made when Muslims were few and weak, when to prophesy their mere physical survival would have sounded too hopeful!
▪ Another prophecy was that Suraqah, a man who at one time was about to kill Prophet Muhammad (bpuh), would become a Muslim. Not only that he would become Muslim, but also that he would help the Muslim army conquer the Persian Empire and that he would have access to the Emperor’s crown, which would be placed on his head! Not only did this prophecy appear to be a virtual impossibility when it was made, but it was as if the Prophet (bpuh) was looking distinctly at a scene that took place years after his death. The facts that Suraqah did become a Muslim and lived long enough to participate in the conquest of Persia, that the Muslims came out victorious, and that Suraqah had access to the Emperor’s crown and actually wore it, can hardly be regarded as coincidence or a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Surely, it is no mere coincidence that so many of the prophecies that were described by the Prophet (bpuh) have actually happened, down to the last detail. (Some of the events that he foretold have not occurred yet.) Nor could such accuracy in each and every prophecy emanate from any individual other than a true and genuine prophet, according to the criterion stipulated in Deuteronomy 18:21-22.
Proof 22: Test of prophethood.
21 Found in the chapter titled “The Romans” (Quran 30: 2-5).
The main attributes of Prophet Muhammad’s profile in the Bible 33
Jesus (pbuh) himself provided a sort of ‘test’, if you will, for those claiming prophethood:
You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit... Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:16-20)
Anyone who applies this test to the teachings of Muhammad (bpuh) will find in the last testament of Allah―the noble Quran―the teachings which will bring to the world much-needed peace and happiness.22
“The ultimate criterion of a true prophet is the moral character of his teaching.”23
George Bernard Shaw said of Muhammad (bpuh):
I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems, and that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness.24
6. The time when he was to appear
Proof 23: God’s promise to make Ishmael (pbuh) a great nation.
It is well-known that from the descendants of Ishmael (pbuh) came the last great prophet of monotheism, Prophet Muhammad (bpuh), whose followers constitute a great nation that makes up nearly one-fifth of the total world population in all corners of the earth today.
“And I will make a nation of the son of the slave woman also, because he is your offspring.” (Genesis 21:13)
22 See al-Rassi, The Beautiful Teachings of Islam.
23 Dummelow, Commentary on the Holy Bible.
24 Shaw, The Genuine Islam, 1:8.
34 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
Genesis 21:18 says about Ishmael (pbuh), “I will make him into a great nation.”
In Matthew 21:19-21, Jesus (pbuh) cursed a fruitless fig tree (a biblical symbol of the prophets’ heritage), which immediately withered and died. In a later verse in the same chapter, Jesus (pbuh) said, “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.” (Matthew 21:43) That nation is made up of Ishmael’s descendants (the rejected stone in Matthew 21:42).25 It was victorious against all the superpowers of its time, as prophesied by Jesus (pbuh) when he said, “And the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him.” (Matthew 21:44)
Moreover, in the Old Testament, Genesis 12:1-3, it can be found that God Almighty promised to create “a great nation” from Ishmael (pbuh), Abraham’s first son and the forefather of the Muslims:
Now the LORD said to Abram [Abraham], “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3)
The quote “go... to the land that I will show you” is referring to the city of Paran (Makkah). The quote “I will make of you a great nation” is quite interesting; it describes perfectly the followers of Prophet Muhammad (bpuh), namely the Muslims.
As you probably know, Muslims worship Allah Almighty by prostrating to Him. Every time they pray and prostrate, they end their prayer by sitting on their knees and saying the following exact quote
25 “...The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone...” (Matthew 21:42)
The main attributes of Prophet Muhammad’s profile in the Bible 35
(translated from Arabic), “...and bless Prophet Muhammad and the family of Prophet Muhammad, as You have blessed Prophet Abraham and the family of Prophet Abraham...”
As can be clearly seen, Muslims bless Prophet Abraham (pbuh) every single day of their lives when praying to Allah Almighty. They also say, “peace be upon him” or “peace and blessings be upon him” when they mention his name or any other prophet’s name.
Yes, the Muslims are the “great nation” that Allah Almighty has talked about; they are blessed by Him because they worship none but Him, and they bless Abraham (pbuh) every day (no fewer than nine times) in their prayers.
Proof 24: According to the Gospel of John, the Jews were waiting for the fulfilment of three distinct prophecies.
The first was the coming of Christ. The second was the coming of Elijah. The third was the coming of the prophet. This is obvious from the three questions that were posed to John the Baptist.
And this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?” He confessed, and did not deny, but confessed, “I am not the Christ.” And they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” And he answered, “No.” (John 1:19-21)
If one looks in a Bible with cross-references,26 he or she will find, in the marginal notes where the words “the Prophet” occur in John 1:21, that these words refer to the prophecy of Deuteronomy 18:15 and 18:18 (about raising up a prophet from their brothers). It can be concluded from this that Muhammad (bpuh) is the prophet mentioned there, because he is the only prophet who came after Prophet Jesus (pbuh), and he is the one who is “like unto him.” Furthermore, it is
26 Nowadays, we can do this easily online.
36 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
obvious that the Jews and John knew that “the Prophet” and the Christ were two different persons, since each was referred to by a separate question.
Proof 25: John 16:7
Jesus (pbuh) is reported to have said:
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. (John 16:7)
Some Bible commentaries explain that the term ‘Helper’ (which is sometimes translated as ‘Comforter’ or ‘Advocate’) refers to the Holy Spirit. This would not make sense because—according to the Gospels—the Holy Spirit was already present in the world, prior to Jesus’ birth as well as during his ministry. Luke 3:22 has mentioned that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus (pbuh) in the shape of a dove. However, this verse (John 16:7) implies that the “Helper” is yet to come and cannot come until Jesus leaves the earth.
7. The unique proof
Proof 26: One of the proofs that Muhammad (bpuh) was the prophet mentioned in the Bible is that the message he came with has reached across the East and the West, and his community now extends all over the world, something which would not have occurred if he had not been a prophet.
8. The lack of warnings from previous prophets
Proof 27: Had Muhammad (bpuh) not been the mentioned prophet, then the prophets who came before him, especially Moses (pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh), would have done two things: first, they would have mentioned whom they referred to exactly, and second, they would have warned their peoples vehemently about Muhammad (bpuh) ̶ and
The main attributes of Prophet Muhammad’s profile in the Bible 37
we would have seen this in their scriptures. All the prophets warned about false prophets and cautioned their people about following them and being guided by them. For example, the previous prophets mentioned the Antichrist by name, and even Noah (pbuh), who was the first messenger, warned his people about him. However, none of the prophets warned about Muhammad (bpuh). In fact, quite the contrary; Jesus gave good tidings of Muhammad (bpuh), praised him, ordered people to follow him, and forbade them from opposing or disobeying him.
9. The consistency between Muhammad’s and Jesus’ teachings
Proof 28: One important proof that Muhammad (bpuh) is the prophet foretold in the Biblical references is the absolute consistency between the original (undistorted) teaching with which Jesus and other prophets were sent and those with which Muhammad (bpuh) came. To clarify, these are: calling to monotheism, glorifying Allah in His supreme attributes, believing in the Oneness of Allah in His essence, forbidding people from ascribing any of Allah’s attributes to him, and many others.27 This is not a surprise, because every prophet revived the basic beliefs that had been distorted over time after the departure of the preceding prophet. Islam, being the final message, revived the basic beliefs and practices of all the previous messages, including the message of Jesus (pbuh). It clarified it and removed the misconceptions which had become attached to the pure creed with which Jesus was sent, so that people would find it clear and straightforward to follow.
As the well-known scholar and commentator on the Quran, Abdur-Rahman ibn Nasir as-Sadi, wrote:
27 See al-Rassi, Islam’s Revival of Jesus’ Teachings.
38 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
If Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) was not a true prophet, then his message would have contradicted the common message of Jesus and other prophets before him. Instead, it revived it and re-instated it.
It should now be clear that the Biblical prophecies speak of none other than Muhammad (bpuh). Many thanks to Allah, Who made the path clear for us. It is interesting to note that in the year 571 CE, Jesus’ prophecy was fulfilled. Muhammad (bpuh) was born into a community of Ishmaelite Arabs who had become polytheists and idolaters; when he reached maturity and was given revelation, Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) started preaching his message of the worship of Allah alone.
In the year 632 CE, he died and left this world; however, his bright message will remain with people until the end of this world.
Being a true follower of Jesus (pbuh) must involve more than lip service, wherein one merely says that he or she follows or loves Jesus (pbuh) in order to attain paradise and be saved from hellfire, and that is it. True followers of Christ should accept his prophecy about Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) and follow his teachings of ‘Islam’, meaning complete and devoted submission to the One and Only God: Allah.
Note: Not only did Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) vouch for Jesus’ and Moses’ prophethood, but he also testified to the prophethood of all the true prophets who had been sent before him. He neither denied any of them nor fabricated anything about them. This was unlike what the reigning kings usually do against the kings who have reigned before them. Had Muhammad (bpuh) been a liar or a fabricator of his message (Islam), he would have not spoken of their truthfulness or praised them the way he actually did. He would have lied about them, as was the practice of the enemies of God’s messengers throughout history!
The main attributes of Prophet Muhammad’s profile in the Bible 39
Indeed, God Almighty has mentioned this very fact about Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) in the Quran:
{Rather, the Prophet has come with the truth and confirmed the [previous] messengers.} (Quran 37: 37)
n this book, you have been shown the right path, and Allah has given you the ability to distinguish right from wrong. He has also given you the freedom of choice as to whether or not to accept the message of Islam. If you accept His call, you will be warmly welcomed into paradise. If you reject it, you will end up with the biggest loss ever imagined: the loss of paradise and the guarantee of dwelling in hellfire for all eternity. Take a moment to comprehend what eternity really means. It is a very frightening realization.
To those who have been faithful Christians, you are warmly welcome to embrace Islam because:
❖ Jesus asked his followers to follow Muhammad (bpuh) whenever he appeared.
❖ When Jesus comes back before the end of this world, he will follow Muhammad (bpuh) and abide by his teachings.28
Yes, since Jesus called his true followers to follow it while he was on the earth, and he will follow Islam when he comes back, all faithful Christians should follow Islam as well.
To those who have been believing Jews, remember that Abraham and Moses surrendered themselves completely to their Lord, whether they called Him Elohenu, God, or Allah. All pride in ethnicity or ancestry is vain; what will matter in the end is your individual relationship with your Creator. This means total submission: Islam.
To those of other faiths or those who, until now, did not feel that they had any faith at all, consider this message now, without any reluctance or hesitation, before it is too late―before death overtakes you. It could be soon. Who knows?
28 See al-Rassi, Eleven Facts about Jesus and His Mother (Mary) in Islamic Teachings.
ome people are not able to find the truth because of their blind commitment to their beliefs. Their tenacious adherence is usually not based on an intellectual understanding of the teachings but on powerful cultural and emotional influences. Because they were brought up in a particular family or society, they firmly cling to the beliefs of that group, believing that they are upholding the truth.
There are others who are convinced about the religion of Islam and are mentally ready to embrace it. However, when they contemplate the drastic changes it will bring to their lives, changes that might not please their families and communities, they hesitate, and even after taking the decision, they sometimes go back and change their minds later.
It is whispered in their ears that no matter how much money, prestige, status, and power an unbeliever may have possessed in this life, he or she will never have enough to buy entrance into paradise. In the hereafter, the poorest inhabitant of Earth who has testified to the truth of Islam will be far happier and more dignified than the richest person who did not accept the message of Islam.
Rejecting Allah’s message is the biggest sin that one can commit. For this reason, while the soul is still in his or her body, the wise individual should take this opportunity; he or she is still alive to accept Allah’s message before it is too late. The time for repentance is limited because once death arrives, it is no longer possible to obtain forgiveness.29 Allah has mentioned:
{[For such is the state of the disbelievers] until, when death comes to one of them, he says: My Lord, send me back that I might do
29 Compiled from Caraballo, My Great Love for Jesus Led Me to Islam.
42 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
righteousness in that which I left behind. No! It is only a word he is saying…}30 (Quran 23: 99-100)
Religion is, without question, the most important aspect of a person’s life, for it determines whether or not a person is rightly guided. It follows, therefore, that choosing the true faith is the most important personal decision one must make, and this decision needs to be based on clarity and total conviction. When it comes to matters of religion and creed, nothing must be left to chance because the one who is truly guided—as opposed to the one who is not—will surely find eternal happiness in the hereafter!
Having been presented with the previous proofs, we should use our intellect to analyse and reason. A crossroad has been reached, and Allah (Glorified is He) calls on all people to follow the clear, straight road and avoid all the murky, dubious ones. The right path has now become distinct from the wrong path, as Allah has mentioned:
{There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in taghoot31 and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.}
(Quran 2: 256)
It is my duty and responsibility, as a resident of this great planet, and as one who has submitted my free will to the law and commandments of the Supreme Being, to urge all human beings to stay away from the worship of false deities—to stop putting their faith in statues, sphinxes, figures, amulets, talismans, horseshoes, and any other objects that have been manufactured by humans or created by
30 The unbelievers will ask for a ‘second chance’ when they see the angels ready to punish them, but it will be too late; they were given the time, the intellect and the guidance, but they neglected it for years until time ran out.
31 taghoot: idols; everything evil that is worshipped.
A whisper 43
God. After first repenting, a person should submit completely to the will of Allah, the Only God of the universe.
very religion has its own requirements for conversion.
Someone who wants to become Jewish must pledge all of the following:
1) To enter the ‘eternal covenant’ between God and the people of Israel and to become a Jew of his or her own free
2) To accept Judaism to the exclusion of all other religious faiths and practices, which means to deny the prophethood of Jesus and Muhammad (bpuh) and to deny the revelations that God sent to humankind through them;
3) An undivided loyalty to Judaism and to the Jewish people under all circumstances;
4) To commit to learning the Torah and other Jewish knowledge; and
5) To raise his or her children as Jews.
To be a Christian, one must:
1) Believe that God (Allah) has a partner, a mother, and a son;
2) Believe that every new-born baby is born sinful;
3) Believe that God became a man and descended to Earth to die for the sins of the people;
4) Deny the prophethood of Muhammad (bpuh) publicly; and
5) Deny that the Quran is a revelation from Allah, the Exalted.
However, to become a Muslim is simple. One must:
1) Bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah (in other words, disown all false gods),
2) Bear witness that Muhammad (bpuh) is His messenger,
3) Believe in all the six articles of faith, and
How to become a Muslim 45
4) Worship Allah as taught by Prophet Muhammad (bpuh).
Hence, becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process. If anyone has a real desire to be a Muslim and has full belief that Islam is the true religion of God, all he or she needs to do is to pronounce the shahadah, the testimony of faith.32 Pronunciation of this testimony with a sincere heart brings the person into the fold of Islam. It is the main gateway to Islam.
Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) said:
«Whoever testifies that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, Who has no partner; that Muhammad is His slave and messenger; that Jesus is the slave of Allah, His prophet, and His word33 which He bestowed in Mary and a spirit created from Him; that paradise (heaven) is true; and that the hellfire is true—Allah will eventually admit him into paradise, according to his deeds.»
(Recorded by Bukhari)
The first part of the testimony consists of the most important words of truth that Allah has ever revealed to His noble prophets, “There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.” He has stated:
{And We sent not before you any messenger except that We revealed to him that: There is no deity except Me, so worship Me.}
(Quran 21: 25)
Bearing this testimony implies that all forms of worship—whether praying, fasting, supplicating, seeking refuge, or offering an animal as sacrifice—must be directed to Allah and to Him alone. Directing any
32 The words of the shahadah are: Ash-hadu al-la ilahailla Allah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasooluhu. (I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger.)
33 It means that Jesus was created when Allah said the word “Be”; when He said it, Jesus was created in the womb of his mother, Mary.
46 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
form of worship to other than Allah (whether to an angel, a prophet, Jesus, Muhammad [bpuh], a saint, an idol, a statue, the sun, the moon, a tree, a cross, or anything else) contradicts the fundamental message not only of Islam but of all the prophets; it is an unforgivable sin in the hereafter, so one must repent before death.
The second part of the testimony means that Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) is the slave and the chosen messenger of Allah.34 This implies that a true Muslim obeys and follows the commands of the Prophet (bpuh) as mentioned in the collections of his hadiths. One must believe in what he has said, practice his teachings, and avoid what he has forbidden because the hadiths were, in fact, revelations and inspiration conveyed to him by Allah.
As mentioned earlier, Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) was sent in order to implement the Quran in a practical way through his sayings, deeds, and legislation, as well as all other facets of his life. When his wife Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) was asked about his character, she replied:
«His character was that of the Quran.»
(Recorded by Muslim and Abu Dawood)
Hence, to truly adhere to the second part of the shahadah is to follow his example in all walks of life. Allah has mentioned:
{Say [O Muhammad]: If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.} (Quran 3: 31)
A true Muslim must strive to mould his or her life and character to emulate the Prophet (bpuh), for he was a living example for human beings to follow. Allah has said to His Prophet (bpuh):
34 The meaning of worship is, simply, total submission and complete obedience to Allah’s commandments in belief, intentions, statements, and actions. This is what is meant by ‘slavery to Allah’ in Islam.
How to become a Muslim 47
{And indeed, you are of a great moral character.} (Quran 68: 4)
Allah has also said to all people:
{There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often.} (Quran 33: 21)
When one enters the fold of Islam, all previous sins are forgiven; one starts a new life of piety and righteousness since he or she, in essence, has repented from the ways and beliefs of the previous life. One man told the Prophet (bpuh) that he would accept Islam only under the condition that Allah would forgive his sins; the Prophet (bpuh) asked him:
«Do you not know that accepting Islam destroys all sins that came before it?» (Recorded by Muslim)
As soon as a person accepts Islam, he or she is free of all previous sins. The person’s record is wiped clean, as if he or she was born that very day. One should try as much as possible to keep his or her records clean and strive to do as many good deeds as possible; the more good deeds, the more he or she will be elevated in paradise.
It should be emphasized again that accepting Islam does not mean turning your back on the messages of previous prophets (peace be upon them all). Indeed, it is a fulfilment of those messages. Therefore, if you are a Jew or a Christian, accepting Islam and following Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) is a fulfilment of the messages which Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them) brought, as has been clearly described and proven in this book.
On the other hand, rejecting Islam means turning your back not only on Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) but also on Prophets Moses and Jesus. Doing so is actually a clear violation of their messages, and it diminishes your hope of paradise in the hereafter.
48 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
It is now up to you to decide where your own future home will be. I wish you all the best!
slam is often called the fastest growing religion, and each person who embraces Islam has a unique story and unique reasons. Despite widespread misconceptions about women in Islam, a growing number of women are finding that Islam is the true religion and the best way of life. Ann Ronayne’s story is below; she welcomes emails from readers and can be reached at ann.ronayne1@gmail.com.
“Me? Go live in Kuwait? No way!” That was my reaction when my manager tried to persuade me to take a position in Kuwait. But I was to learn that {...the command of Allah is a decree of predestiny that is ever fulfilled.} (Quran 33: 38)35
I was born and raised in suburban Washington, D.C. in a Catholic family, and I attended Catholic schools. In the 1960s, the Catholic Church made major changes in its teachings in an attempt to be more modern; it tried to focus more on positive aspects and de-emphasize what was considered negative: punishment, regulations, abstinence from certain foods at certain times, etc. (Even so, Catholics in the West routinely ignored many of the rules that still existed, such as the prohibitions on contraceptives.) The Mass, which had always been said in Latin, was said in English instead. The nuns who taught us replaced their habits (modest dress) with modern clothes. Our religion classes had never involved reading the Bible, but now, instead of focusing on religious beliefs, they involved discussion of social issues and singing a lot of contemporary folk songs, as did the new Masses. It seemed strange that so much of what we had been taught as the truth was now completely changed. Still, when we prepared for our first Holy Communion, we were taught that the bread that the
35 This translation is taken from Hammad, The Gracious Quran.
50 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
priest was putting in our mouths was the actual body of Jesus (which would bleed if we were to bite it). For these and many other reasons, I doubted my religion and rejected it from a young age.
My decision was only confirmed as I learned more. If the trinity was such an important concept, why hadn’t Jesus explained that clearly (and repeated it over and over again)? If God wanted to forgive us, He could have done that without coming to Earth Himself and being crucified to atone for our sins. Was it Jesus the man or Jesus the God who died on the cross, and how can God – Who has no beginning or end – die? If God did send His son (who was also God?) down to Earth to guide us, why would He neglect to give us the message during his thirty-three years, so that the truth had to be discovered and given to us later by Paul, who never even met Jesus?! If Christianity were the true religion, why didn’t Jesus himself live and teach it?
For many years, I considered myself an atheist or an agnostic, but I was never concerned with choosing a label. I thought it was enough that I tried to be a good person, and I felt that nonbelievers actually did more good works because they didn’t depend on any supernatural being for help. I never felt that I was searching for answers about the purpose of life or about religious beliefs.
After the Gulf War, I was working as a computer consultant when my company was offered a position in Kuwait which was perfect for me. My initial reaction was that I had no desire to go and work in a place where I thought women were treated as second-class citizens; after all, I had the usual stereotypes about women in a place like Kuwait. The manager on location assured me that the working environment was professional and that there were many bright women in the organization, including those who would be my supervisor and manager. I was eventually persuaded
Best decision they ever made 51
to take the contract for one year, thinking that it would be an adventure.
I soon learned that all of the stereotypes I had brought with me were wrong.
My colleagues were always friendly and respectful, and it occurred to me that it was almost the only environment I’d ever worked in where I saw no evidence of sexual harassment―not even any off-colour jokes or racy calendars hanging in cubicles. (It was certainly different from the atmosphere I’d experienced in the US military.) The women working with me were university graduates and were not shy about speaking out, and most chose to wear Islamic dress. Advertisements did not use women’s bodies to sell products.
I was impressed to see the bonds among families and members of the society in general. When one colleague lost his pay check, all of the men quickly pitched in until they had collected the same amount of money for him. People also gave generously to the needy, both locally and globally.
When someone’s mother called and said she needed something, the person would leave work to take her to the doctor or get what she needed. If a man’s uncle died, all the men attended the funeral prayer; if a woman’s aunt died, all the women went to visit her to give their condolences. When someone married or had a baby or recovered from an operation, an extensive network of family members, friends and colleagues shared that experience. Hospital rooms were large and even furnished with sofas and chairs to accommodate all the visitors.
The attitude towards the elderly was different from what I was used to, since extended families lived together, with several generations in one house; the children who didn’t live in the same house came to visit often, if not daily. Grandparents had children
52 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
and grandchildren living with them and were not left to live and die alone, or sent to nursing homes (which don’t even exist). Older women were highly respected; they did not feel the need to make themselves look young and beautiful in order to gain self-esteem. Taking care of one’s elderly parents was seen as a blessing and an opportunity for doing good deeds, rather than a burden, and care of one’s parents is emphasized in the moral system of Islam. (This is not to say that non-Muslims in the West don’t care about their parents, but there are different priorities and expectations. There is usually more of an emphasis on nuclear families and independence, with the elderly themselves not wishing to be a burden on their families.) In general, dealing with difficult situations was seen as a test and not a cause for despair. Taking one’s own life was rare and also forbidden because only Allah has that right.
When the month of Ramadan came around, I was amazed by the idea that one billion Muslims around the world were fasting together―abstaining from food and drink every day from long before sunrise until the sun set. I joined them in fasting the entire month, although I had no intention of becoming Muslim and didn’t experience the spiritual recharge that I would feel later as a Muslim.
At the time, I knew little about Islam, and I’m embarrassed to say now that I considered it a backwards religion which would only appeal to the ignorant masses. As I slowly realized that the stereotypes I had brought with me were all wrong, I became curious about the religion. As I learned more, I discovered that Islam was the reason for the moral system I had witnessed, and that these positive social aspects had been part of Islamic societies throughout the centuries. Even small things that had struck me―such as greetings given among strangers when one entered an elevator or an office―had their basis in Islamic teachings.
Best decision they ever made 53
I got a Quran translation and some other books and began reading. Over and over again, I was surprised at what I found―and perhaps more by what I didn’t find. I found a belief system which was rational and uncluttered, and I didn’t find the oppression of women or terrorism that I had expected. I was attracted by the emphasis on social justice and standing up against oppression.
Obviously, the key question about religion is deciding whether or not it is true. Since this decision must rely on faith to some extent, how can we really know? One factor is the credibility of the sources; in the case of Islam, the most important source is the Quran.
I was struck by its scientific accuracy, demonstrated by statements which describe scientific phenomena that were not discovered until recently. I learned that the Islamic world had made major contributions to scientific knowledge and was the seat of civilization and learning while Europe was in the Dark Ages. Logically, I knew that an illiterate seventh century Arab could not have written this book himself. I began to question my idea that there was no Creator―that the intricate systems that made up the universe and its life forms could have developed randomly or that we were born, lived, and died with no purpose.
I was impressed that the Quran had never been changed over the years, so that the Quran we read today (in its original Arabic) is exactly the same as that revealed to Muhammad (bpuh) and passed on to his followers 1400 years ago. All Muslims memorize parts of it, and there are millions of people around the world who have memorized it in its entirety, so even if every copy disappeared today from the face of the earth, it would be easily recorded again. I couldn’t help but to contrast that with the Bible, a collection of books written by various people over time; different Christian sects do not even agree on which books are included, and in some cases,
54 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
scholars do not even know who wrote the books. We do not have the original sources, and there are different versions of the later sources. There are many contradictions, and the New Testament actually rejects many of the teachings of the Old Testament.
I was surprised to find out that Islam had the same roots as Judaism and Christianity, and that Muslims believed in the same prophets, including Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all).
I began to understand why Muslims loved Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) so much, and I wondered why I never knew anything about him... never even knew that he was a historical figure about whom so much was known, and whose gravesite is known and visited. Authentic narrations from those who were closest to him describe him as a modest, truthful man who stood up for justice and against oppression.
I used to walk along the beach at night, looking up at the moon and stars and reflecting on Allah’s creation, as the Quran recommended. I became convinced that the Quran must have been a message from God, but it took me a while to actually accept Islam… yet it was so rational and simple in its essence: one God, one Creator of the universe and everything in it, Who offered us guidance to make the best of our lives in this life and the next. Obviously, there are more details, but this sums up the Islamic beliefs, and one who accepts this is essentially a Muslim.
The concept seemed so pure and logical, especially when compared to the concept of the trinity, which cannot be explained rationally. There are three Gods, but they are one God? Jesus is both fully divine and fully human, so that he is all powerful yet experiences hunger and thirst and other physical needs? Moreover, this uncomplicated main principle of Islam – that there is one God – is repeated over and over again in the Quran, in the sayings of
Best decision they ever made 55
Prophet Muhammad (bpuh), and in the prayers of ordinary Muslims. If the trinity were the true essence of God, wouldn’t it have been clearly explained and mentioned over and over again?
In Islam, God is just; He does not hold any of us accountable for the sins of another, which we had nothing to do with. There is no concept of original sin or of a crucifixion required to redeem all of us from that original sin perpetrated by someone else.
Of course, there were aspects that made me reluctant to make such a momentous change in my life. For example, although I understood the purpose and the benefits of Islamic dress, I couldn’t imagine wearing it myself until I attended a Ramadan dinner at an organization for English-speaking Muslim women and met dozens of Western women who had converted to Islam, and who felt proud to dress this way.
For all the reasons mentioned above, and under no pressure from anyone, I came to the conclusion that the Quran was the word of God, and that Islam was the true religion.
On the day that I decided I was ready to officially declare my Islamic faith, I asked a co-worker to help me do so officially. There is actually no requirement to say this publicly or to get any kind of certificate; the declaration of faith is simply a matter of testifying that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad (bpuh) is his Messenger. It was a very moving experience, since I was essentially starting life over again, with a clean slate. It was undoubtedly the best decision I’ve ever made.
When we returned to the office, I went back to my desk and resumed work. It didn’t occur to me that this was anything but a personal decision, and no one even knew that I was considering it… but my friend informed everyone, and to my surprise, I received congratulations from well-wishers for the rest of the day.
56 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
That evening, she invited me to her aunt’s house, and with only a few hours’ notice, her mother, sisters, aunts, and cousins (most of whom I’d never met before) had a party for me, complete with gifts of Qurans, prayer dresses, gold, etc. Over the next days and weeks, I received dozens of gifts from co-workers (some of whom I had never met), friends, and acquaintances. I was very blessed, for I know that others who embrace Islam sometimes encounter many hardships.
In my feminist years, we spoke of ‘sisterhood’, but this was my introduction to true sisterhood. Muslim women considered me their sister, simply for the sake of Allah (God). Over the years, I’ve met so many amazing Muslim women of all nationalities and classes and educational backgrounds, and in our gatherings, we often talk about how blessed we are and how different our lives are from what many people think. It’s hard to describe the feeling of standing in prayer, shoulder to shoulder with so many different women, knowing that we are sisters in Islam whether or not we even know each other.
It took me several weeks to build up the courage to wear the hijab (Islamic headscarf), but I found it liberating in a way that I hadn’t expected. I was worried when I travelled to the U.S. wearing the hijab soon after becoming Muslim, but I needn’t have been. Everywhere I went, I was greeted by other Muslims with the Islamic greeting Assalamu alaykum (Peace be upon you). I felt welcomed as a part of the worldwide Muslim community, and the hijab was what made that possible; if I wasn’t wearing it, other Muslims would not have recognized that I was also Muslim and would not have offered those greetings.
I don’t mean to claim that the Muslim community is some sort of utopia. Certainly, there are problems, but the problems are not from Islam; on the contrary, they are due to ignorance and
Best decision they ever made 57
rejection of Islamic beliefs and practices. The reality is that Islam does not need a reformation; Muslims do.
Other Muslims who were formerly Christians
There are many Christian women and men from all backgrounds who have embraced Islam. The following is just a small sample of well-known contemporary Muslims who sincerely studied Christianity before rejecting it in favour of Islam. They were chosen because their stories (as well as their books, articles, and videos) are easily accessible online in English.
Dr Jerald Dirks is an American former Methodist deacon (minister) with a Master's in Divinity from Harvard University and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Denver. The more he studied the Bible, the more he realized that he could not accept Christian teachings, and the more he dreaded going back to preaching what he knew was not true. When he took his questions to other ministers whom he respected, some of them admitted (behind closed doors) that they agreed with him, but they could not abandon their religion without breaking up their families and cutting off their livelihoods. Dr Dirks, along with his wife Debra, realized that Islam was the religion that actually followed the message brought by Jesus (pbuh) and other Prophets of God. Read more about them at http://www.jeralddirksanddebradirks.com/.
Yusha (Joshua) Evans was attending a Bible College in the southern United States, learning to read the Bible in Hebrew and Greek and intending to become a Christian missionary or minister. After reading the Bible cover-to-cover six or seven times, he was left wondering at the inaccuracies and inconsistencies he noticed. He left Christianity and began searching for the truth, but no religion satisfied
58 The amazing prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible
him until he found Islam. See more about him at https://yushaevans.com/.
Aminah Assilmi (d. 2010, may Allah have mercy on her) was an American Baptist who found herself in a class with some Arab Muslims and decided to try to convert them to Christianity. When her attempts failed, she asked for a copy of their Quran so that she could read it and show them the error of their ways. After one and a half years of research, she ended up embracing Islam instead.
Dr David Liepert is a Canadian anaesthesiologist who started studying Islam with the intention of showing his Muslim colleagues that they were wrong and that Christianity was the truth. He sought to prove this by studying the Bible and trying to answer his own questions... yet he couldn't find the evidence to support his beliefs. His story is narrated in Choosing Faith: Rediscovering the Commonalities Between Christianity & Islam, which is available online at http://www.choosingfaith.com/.
Idris Tawfiq (d. 2016, may Allah have mercy on him) was a British writer and broadcaster who touched the hearts of many. He had a degree in English Language and Literature and taught in both the UK and Egypt. He also had a degree in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome; before embracing Islam, Idris was a Roman Catholic priest.
Badawi, Dr Jamal. Muhammad in the Bible. Halifax, Canada: Islamic Information Foundation (IIF).
Caraballo, Simon (Muhammad bin Abdullah Caraballo). My Great Love for Jesus Led Me to Islam. Jubail, KSA: Dawah & Guidance Centre.
Deedat, Ahmed. What the Bible Says About Muhammad.
Dummelow, John R. Commentary on the Holy Bible. UK: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1970.
Ibrahim, I. A. A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam. Houston, TX: Darussalam, 1997.
Liepert, David. Choosing Faith. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House, 2011. (Available online at http://www.choosingfaith.com/.)
Parrinder, Geoffrey. World Religions: From Ancient History to the Present. New York: Checkmark Books, 1985.
al-Rassi, Majed. Eleven Facts about Jesus and His Mother (Mary) in the Islamic Teachings. http://www.saaid.net/The-clear-religion/04.pdf.
______. Is Original Sin a Fact? http://www.saaid.net/The-clear-religion/030.pdf.
______. Islam’s Revival of Jesus’ Teachings. http://www.saaid.net/The-clear-religion/05.pdf.
______. The Beautiful Teachings of Islam. http://www.saaid.net/The-clear-religion/029.pdf.
______. Who Deserves to Be Worshipped? http://www.saaid.net/The-clear-religion/017.pdf.
Saheeh International. The Quran: Arabic Text with Corresponding English Meanings. Jeddah: Abul Qasim Publishing House, 1997.
Shaw, George Bernard. The Genuine Islam. Singapore, 1936.
For Further Information about Islam
❖ Ata ur-Rahim, Muhammad and Ahmad Thomson. Jesus: Prophet of Islam. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House, 2008.
❖ Baagil, M. Christian-Muslim Dialogue. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House.
❖ Bucaille, Maurice. The Quran and Modern Science. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House, 2001.
❖ Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin. God Arises. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House, 2005.
❖ Khan, Abdul Waheed. The Personality of Allah’s Last Messenger, 2nd ed. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House, 2007.
❖ LeBlanc, Abdul-Malik. The Bible Led Me to Islam. Toronto: Al-Attique Publisher.
❖ Philips, Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal. The Purpose of Creation. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House.
❖ Philips, Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal. The True Message of Jesus Christ. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House, 2006.
❖ al-Uthaymeen, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih. Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles of Islaam. UK: Al-Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution, 1997.
Appendix 61
Online Information about Islam
❖ islam-guide.com
❖ iera.org
❖ islamtomorrow.com
❖ discoveritsbeauty.com
❖ edialogue.org (live chat)
❖ islamhouse.com/en/ (thousands of free books)
❖ iera.org/shop/ (free downloads)
❖ iiph.com
abu (or abi)
father (of)
Allahu akbar
Allah is the Greatest
Arafah (or Arafat)
the plain outside of Makkah where pilgrims gather at the climax of the Hajj; Mount Arafah falls inside that plain. It is the mountain beside which Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) stood when he made his Hajj.
a statement or action of Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) that was remembered and recorded by his Companions and followers
the major pilgrimage to the Sacred Mosque, site of the Kaaba in Makkah, to be undertaken by every able Muslim once in his or her lifetime
the House of Allah in Makkah, originally built by Prophets Abraham and Ishmael
the ninth month in the Islamic calendar; the month of obligatory fasting
shahadah الشهادة testimony, esp. the Islamic testimony of faith: Lâ ilâha the Islamic testimony of faith: Ash-hadu al-la ilaha illa Allah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasooluhu. (I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger.)
idols; everything evil that is worshipped
36 If a word has become part of the English language (i.e., is found in a dictionary of Standard English), that spelling is used in this book.