
 Advices To Islamic Centers In Non-Arab countries

👉 Here are some of the most important matters that an Islamic Centers needs to provide to Muslims living in non-muslim countries and especially Latin America :

🔹1) Creative islamic teaching throughout the year and not only during Ramadan or special occasions and giving out motivative prizes for the hardworking participants .

It's just sad to find a fifty years old  born Muslim or a Muslim whom has reverted from ten years whom is unable to preform a correct ablution or prayer .

🔷 2) Ensuring correct islmic burial. It's sadening that frequently muslims pass away without anyone realizing it and  get buried in non Muslim cemeteries . So it's essential for new Muslims or born Muslims whom are far from the Muslim community to leave the numbers of the islmic center with their relatives or neighbors .

🔷3) Any Muslim whom faces any financial crisis shouldn't go begging for help from other Muslims. There must be a secured mechanism to study such cases and ensure financial help to those whom deserve it .

🔷4) The Islamic center must show concern and care to Muslims ( new and born ) whom have been noticed to be absent from the islmic center by visiting them and encouraging them to rejoin the center whatever  the reason for their absence was known or not .

🔷5) Holding entertaining and sportive social events is very important . It's essential to give the Muslims a chance to express their thoughts and suggestions in how to develop the Islamic center.

🔷6) Solving social problems between the Muslims with the help of wise responsible sheikhs.

🔷7) Any Sheikh whom comes to a country to teach Islam might have great energy to help the Muslim community , but without the correct guidance of the islmic center this energy might be in vain . It's a waste that a good sheikh would come and leave without anything changing as if it's a routine job .   That's why the following is essential : 

1. Thorough and detailed information about the Muslim community in the 

country must be given to the sheikh through explaining the hardships that  the Muslims face and the most spread sins . After all , whom has lived in a country for 30 years is definitely more aware about the situation in the Muslim community than whom has been there for just one week . It's a waste to leave the sheikh alone to descover the community then by the time he succeeds , he has to leave.

2. Communication with the previous sheikh will be definitely very helpful .

3. He must learn the language of the country very well before and after arrival .

4. Giving him the support,  encouragement, and freedom in dealing with the various situations through preaching and social visits .

5. Detailed feedback about results and achievements after putting a well managed working strategy .

🔹8) Now Islam is the true religion that is distinguished by its mercy and compassion , but giving our random unjust financial assistance turns some people to materialistic personalities or hypocrites whom are present only as long as there is something to give out and if there isn’t they disappear as if they have cut their relation with Islam . 

Unfortunately , this random unstudied financial support drives them away from the goal of gaining correct religious knowledge to the goal of gaining food and drink and hypocrisy.

The problem doesn’t stop there , this materialistic attitude of those Muslims gives a bad reputation about the whole new Muslim community causing a devastating crack between Arab Muslims and New Muslims .

So there is a big difference between a good Muslim whom is seen throughout the year trying to learn and follow and a Muslim whom doesn’t know about Islam except Zakat Al-Fitr and feeding the fasting people in Ramadan . The first could be given as an encouragement while the other should be advised and treated with wisdom not naivety .

So the Islamic Center should be a source for guidance, light , and knowledge, preserving the Islamic identity and supporting the Muslims. No problem for regular financial assistance if needed but it should be fair and studied so that it will reach those whom truly deserve it . It shouldn’t be a way of luring the people to enter Islam then abandoning them by leaving them ignorant about the religion showing up only during times of Zakat or feeding .

The rule should be : Do Not Leave Them ! Do Not Neglect Them ! Do Not Misguide Them Then Lose Them !

🔹9) Any Islamic Center or Institution must be regularly renewed hiring a new managers and employees . Keeping those in charge for maybe tens of years makes the atmosphere monotonous . So changing those in charge creates an active atmosphere of enthusiasm . It’s recommended to use young well knowledged men .

🔹10) Some Islamic centers suffer from mangers whom are following astray parties and deal with the Islamic center as a for-profit institution collecting charity and dealing with it according to their personal whims away from Islamic teachings . This is a catastrophic situation that could make any Muslim community suffer greatly .

🔹11) The masjid isn’t a place for only praying , it’s a place for worship, knowledge, and guidance. It’s a place to spread Islam and have non Muslims come and introduce Islam to them . It’s a place to teach the Quran. It’s a lose to shut all those doors and just keep one .

♦️These points might be useful to whom wants to develop Islamic dawa in non Muslim countries. This is written for whomever s interested . As for those whom aren’t interspersed , this isn’t for you . I have written this after 17 years of living and calling for Islam in non Muslim countries .

🔶 Our days in this world are countable and the judgment before our Creator is great on the Day Of Judgment ! Allah might replace us by others any moment ! So Beware ! For Allah are our efforts !

✒️ Dr. Ahmed Abdo

The Muslim Caller in Latin America 

The manager of the International Center for Civilized Communication in Venezuela 


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