

Dear Reader,

Islam is a complete and integral Divine religion and

way of life. It has a complete code of ethics for a happy

life, as well as a peaceful and tranquil life after death.

Islam is free from all imperfections and defects.

Any deviant or abnormal behavior observed in a Muslim

should have no bearing on Islam, none whatsoever.

The reason for such deviant behavior is generally a

poor understanding of the faith, and in other cases,

weak faith that leads to the person going astray from

what is proper and noble.

It is unjust and unreasonable for Islam to be assessed

or evaluated based on any individuals’ behavior or

attitudes, with the exception of the Prophet Muhammad,

who is the best example and role model for all humans.



1. Introduction

2. True Happiness

3. Benefits of the Islamic Way of Life.

4. How to attain True Happiness

6. Final Thoughts


This book has been conceived, prepared and

designed by the Osoul Centre. All photos used in the

book belong to the Osoul Centre. The Centre hereby

permits all Sunni Muslims to reprint and publish the

book in any method and format on condition that 1)

acknowledgement of the Osoul Centre is clearly stated

on all editions; and 2) no alteration or amendment of

the text is introduced without reference to the Osoul

Centre. In the case of reprinting this book, the Centre

strongly recommends maintaining high quality.

(1) “The Future of the Global Muslim Population”, Pew Research Center, 27 January 2011, Available at

All praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds, the Creator of the

heavens and earth and all creatures living in them. May God grant

peace and blessings to Prophet Muhammad, God’s final Messenger,

whose message brought mercy to all mankind. May He also

give His blessings to all the prophets and messengers whom He sent to guide mankind out of

darkness and into light.

At the Osoul Centre for Islamic Advocacy, every new release that we produce gives us

a great opportunity to interact with our readers. All our releases have the same overall

objective; to present Islam to mankind, as it truly is. We aim to make people aware of

Islam’s fine aspects and profound teachings and to show clearly that it is the only faith

that provides practical and effective solutions to all the problems faced by humanity.

Islam gives clear and solid answers to all of the questions that have troubled people

over many generations, such as: How did we come into existence and why do we exist?

Where do we go from here? Furthermore, Islam is the only religion that requires its

followers to love and respect all the prophets God sent, particularly Moses and Jesus

(peace be upon them both).

We take great care to provide solid and rational proofs for our arguments, so as to give our

readers the reassurance they need, and our releases also refute the accusations levelled

against Islam and provide clarification to people’s misunderstandings of Islamic teachings.

By God’s grace, Islam is the fastest growing religion in our time, as confirmed by a study

undertaken by the Pew Research Center,(1) and our motive is to make this great divine

faith known to all people.

This book, The Path to Happiness, explains that the way of life provided by Islam for its followers

is divine, intended to ensure that people enjoy real happiness in this present life and

in the life to come. Whatever the Islamic way of life includes of obligations and prohibitions

meets human needs and ensures man’s happiness. Islam gives its followers a clear concept

of man’s status and his relationship with the universe around him. Islamic obligations and

prohibitions neither restrict people’s freedom, nor impose a burden on them.

Islam establishes the concept of true and everlasting happiness, which is the happy

future life in heaven. This makes Muslims aspire to the sublime through the obedience of

God and earning His pleasure.

We hope that readers will find this book useful in adding to their knowledge and understanding

of Islam.

Basil ibn Abdullah al-Fawzan

Executive Director


1. Dinar & Dirham: Silver and gold coins used in the past.

2. Hadeeth: Recorded reports regarding what the Prophet said,

did, approved, and disapproved of, explicitly or implicitly.

3. I’tikaaf: In general, it refers to seclusion. I’tikaaf is an act of

worship whereby the person secludes himself in the Masjid

and worships Allah.

4. Iman: Belief.

5. Jannah: This is the Heavenly Abode or Heavenly Gardens

which Allah grants His pious servants in the Hereafter.

6. Shaitan: Satan.

7. Shari’ah: Islamic Jurisprudential Law.

8. Sunnah: Has more than one meaning. It may refer to:

a. Prophetic Traditions.

b. A class of ruling which denotes that an act is recommended

but not obligatory.

Introduction 01


The Path To Happiness

All praise is due to Allah alone, and may Allah exalt the

mention of our Prophet and render him, his household and his

companions safe from every evil.

You may very well find the key to your happiness by spending

a few minutes reading through this booklet, so put aside any

preconceived notions till you completely read through it.

Dear reader, I think you will agree with me that we live in a

beautiful world that is worthy of contemplation. The creatures

that dwell within it, the intricate correlation of planets, heavenly

bodies and galaxies that can be witnessed are proof enough

that if there were no Creator everything would fall into chaos!

God, the Exalted, says:

“It is not possible for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the

night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming.” (36:40)

These heavenly bodies will continue in their orbits until the

Creator ordains that they are to stop, at which point chaos

would spread; marking the end of this life as we know it. God,

the Exalted, says:

“When the sky breaks apart and when the stars fall, scattering

and when the seas erupt and when the [contents of] graves are

scattered.” ( 82:1-4)

Before we continue, a question must be asked...What is the

purpose behind the creation of all of this? Was it created without

purpose? How about the amazing human being regarding which

God, the Exalted, says:

“O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the

Generous, Who created you, proportioned you, and balanced

you? In whatever form He willed has He assembled you.” (82:6-8)

Throughout the course of our lives, much of what we do is done

with purpose and intention so that we can achieve our goals.

Similarly, nothing God does is without a divine wisdom and

purpose. He, the Exalted, says:

“Then did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you

would not be returned? So exalted is Allah, the Sovereign, the Truth;

there is no deity except Him, Lord of the Noble Throne.” (23:115-116)

The world around us and the heavens above us are ample

(1) The actual word

used in the Qur›an

is Rubb. There is no

proper equivalent for

Rubb in the English

language. It means the

Creator, the Fashioner,

the Provider, the

One upon Whom all

creatures depend

for their means of

subsistence, and the

One Who gives life and

causes death.



enough to compel us to ask the logical question, who created

and perfected all of this? The untainted human nature and sane

intellect will lead one to recognize his Lord as the Supreme

Creator. God, the Exalted, says:

“Those who remember Allah while standing or sitting or lying on

their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and

the earth, [saying], ‘Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly,

exalted are You [above such a thing]. Hence, protect us from

the punishment of the fire.’” (3:191)

The One Who created this universe from nothing will bring it to

an end so that the eternal life may begin. Allah, the Exalted, says:

“The Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a scroll

for the [keeping of] records. As We began the first creation, we

will repeat it. That is a promise binding upon Us. Indeed, we will

do it.” (21:104)

You, a human being, are subject to the rules of this universe,

where everything has an end. You will depart this life, but in your

case, the story doesn’t end there as you shall be resurrected

and held accountable for your deeds. After the judgment, you

will go forth to everlasting bliss or end up in an abyss of endless

torment. Indeed, the One Who created you from nothing can

easily recreate you. Allah, the Exalted, says:

“And it is He who begins creation, then He repeats it, and that

is even easier for Him. To Him belongs the paramount attribute

in the heavens and earth. And He is the Exalted in Might, the

Wise.” (30:27)

Some may think this an improbability, but look around you.

Look at the desert wastelands that do not receive a single

drop of water, not a single sign of life can be seen, but behold!

When rain falls and the earth is quenched, vegetation shoots

forth, dismissing any wrong notions one might have had that

vegetation could not be sustained in that area. This is a sure

sign that resurrection is inevitable. Allah, the Exalted, says:

“And of His signs is that you see the earth stilled, but when We

send down upon it rain, it quivers and grows. Indeed, He who

has given it life is the Giver of Life to the dead. Indeed, He is

over all things competent.” (41:39)

The world

around us and the

heavens above us

are ample enough

to compel us to ask

the logical question,

who created and

perfected all of this?

True Happiness 02


The Path To Happiness

True Happiness

Do you know what is happiness? It has been defined as an

agreeable feeling or condition of the soul arising from good

fortune of any kind that is built on firm belief.

Every person must have a goal they wish to attain. The more

success they have toward accomplishing this goal, the greater

their sense of happiness.

Psychologists define happiness as a continuous feeling of enjoyment,

satisfaction, generosity and delight, arising from contentment

in one’s self and life, as well as the belief that they will

have a blissful destiny.

Types of Happiness

From this definition, we can categorize happiness into three


First Category: False happiness, which lasts only for a

short period of time. This form of happiness is the result of a

sudden, but often short-lived, “high”. Many believe that happiness

can be attained through substance abuse and, on account

of this, they consume drugs and alcohol to avoid the problems

of everyday life. They believe happiness is achieved initially by

forgetting about the problems of life. Drug abuse gives one an

illusion of happiness, which quickly dissipates along with the

amount of drug in the bloodstream, plunging that individual into

a state of complete misery. This would then drive that person

to seek out more drugs, and ultimately become addicted and

vulnerable. Furthermore, this individual is at risk for contracting

a number of psychological and physical diseases.

Second Category: Happiness experienced when

achieving goals. It is similar to the previous form of happiness


define happiness

as a continuous

feeling of enjoyment,


generosity and

delight, arising from

contentment in one’s

self and life, as well as

the belief that they will

have a blissful destiny


True Happiness

in that it is short-lived, although it is less harmful than the previous

form of happiness. Great efforts are exerted in attaining a

goal, and when it is finally achieved, one would wonder, what’s

next? The emptiness one would experience after the climax

and initial bout of happiness is somewhat similar to the emptiness

experienced in the first category.

Third Category: True happiness. This form of happiness

will remain with an individual under all circumstances;

through delight and anguish, poverty and prosperity, sickness

and health and whether or not one would attain of this world

what they wish for or not. This happiness is the result of one’s


Do you want true Happiness?

This question may seem odd, since the answer is obvious.

I believe any sane individual would reply in the affirmative. So

how can one achieve happiness? Every individual has their

own opinion as regards how they can attain happiness. Some

believe that happiness is attained by making money, while

others see it in holding positions of power. It is sometimes

seen through having many friends or having the power to influence

others. If we were to ask anyone who has strived to

achieve a goal, if they have actually attained true happiness,

the answer would most often be in the negative. The reason

is simple; true happiness is a continuous feeling of bliss and

comfort. One will not be able to experience this even if they

had an earth-load of gold, for as it has been said in an Arabic

proverb, “One may be able to purchase a bed, but certainly

cannot purchase sleep.”

Many times, one’s faith will distance one from true happiness

because it may require of a person to believe in the illogical or

unreasonable. The spiritual vacuum that leads one to misery

True happiness.

This form of

happiness will

remain with an

individual under

all circumstances;

through delight and

anguish, poverty and

prosperity, sickness

and health.


The Path To Happiness

cannot be removed unless one accepts the true faith, which

will contribute to his individuality and define for him a worthy

goal in life.

Attaining true happiness is actually easy and well within anyone’s

reach, but the source from which it can be acquired remains

a puzzle to many. If one is truly searching for happiness, they

should be willing to sacrifice in order to attain it. True happiness

can only be acquired by accepting Islam; by submitting yourself

to the Creator. Some may view this statement with skepticism,

but it is the truth. Once a person accepts Islam wholeheartedly

and begins to apply it as they should and upholds its commandments

as per its two sources, the Qur’an and Sunnah(1), they will

experience true happiness.

Some people may ask, “Why?” Before answering, an examination

of the definition of happiness is required. Psychologists

state that happiness is a continuous feeling of enjoyment, satisfaction,

generosity and delight arising from contentment in

one’s self, life and ultimate destiny. An individual will achieve all

of this through Islam. God, Almighty, says:

“Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men

and believing women, the obedient men and obedient women,

the truthful men and the truthful women, the patient men and

the patient women, the humble men and the humble women,

the fasting men and the fasting women, the men who guard

their private parts and the women who do so, and the men who

remember Allah often and the women who do so - for them Allah

has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.” (33:35)

Satisfaction in life is also guaranteed by Almighty God:

“You are the best nation produced for mankind. You enjoin

what is right, forbid what is wrong, and believe in Allah. If only

the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been

better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them

are defiantly disobedient.” (3:110)

(1) The Sunnah

is the Prophetic

Traditions. They

include the

Prophet’s actions,

statements and

tacit approvals.

Attaining true

happiness is easy,

within anyone’s

reach, but the

source from which

it can be acquired

may remain a puzzle

to many.


True Happiness

Satisfaction is also promised to us by Almighty God in the next

life, He says:

“Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - they

will have the Gardens of Paradise(1) as their home. Therein they

shall abide forever. They will never desire to leave it.” (18:107-108)

In essence, true happiness is the result of a number of factors

and cannot be achieved except when one accepts a faith that

balances between the material and spiritual aspects of life.

Worldly “man-made” systems, new-age faiths and cults that are

marketed to the masses; all are adopted as a reaction to Islam.

Yet, these systems offer no long-term solutions to the problems

we face today. Consider for a moment the collapsed Soviet

Union, and the currently reigning capitalist systems that are on

the brink of collapse. The reason that these systems have not

succeeded is simple; they are built upon false doctrines and are

based on opinions that are short-sighted.

For the most part, “man-made” systems typically favor one

group of people over others. They promote one of two extremes,

the individual over the community or community over

the individual. What is worse than this, is that many “manmade”

systems will favor the material aspect of life over the

spiritual one. Islam, on the other hand, presents mankind with

a perfect equilibrium. God, the Exalted, says:

“And thus we have made you a moderate community such that

you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will

be a witness over you.” (2:143)

Prophet Muhammad 2)صلى الله عليه وسلم ) told his companion Abdullah b. Umar,

may Allah be pleased with him:

(1) This is the Heavenly

Abode or Heavenly

Gardens, which

Allah grants His

pious servants in the


(2) This symbol means,

“may Allah exalt his

mention, and render

him and his household

safe and secure from

every derogatory


• You are the best nation produced (3:110)


The Path To Happiness


tend to disregard

the soul and view

life as nothing

but a means

through which

they can satisfy

their desires.

They absolutely

disregard the

spiritual side of life.

“O Abdullah I have been informed that you continuously fast

throughout the days and perform prayers throughout the night.’

He said: ‘Yes, I do that.’ The Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) said to him: ‘Do not

do that, fast a day and do not fast the next, perform prayers for

a period of time during the night and then get some sleep. For

indeed, your body has a right over you, your eyes have a right

over you and your wife has a right over you.” (Bukhari)

Materialists tend to disregard the soul and view life as nothing

but a means through which they can satisfy their various appetites.

They absolutely disregard the spiritual side of life. This

is the common trend in the West, for many have abandoned religion.

The question that should be asked then is, will this bring

about happiness? Any logical, sane individual will find the answer

to this to be in the negative. If material comforts were the

key to happiness, affluent individuals wouldn’t commit suicide

as happens in many of the richest and most developed societies

in the world today. Whereas, the opposite is not true - those

living in the poorest societies in the world often display a deep

happiness and contentment with their life.

Sadness thus comes directly as a result of the emptiness of

the soul; a spiritual disease. The cure, quite simple and free of

charge, is to believe in God Almighty and to accept the faith

that He has approved for mankind. This spiritual disease, if

left unattended, will have disastrous consequences, as can be

seen in many shattered lives around the world.

In Scandinavia, a first world nation, which is considered by

some to be amongst the wealthiest of countries in the world,

both on the individual basis and governmental level, one would

think people would be living blissful lives. Strangely enough,

it has the highest suicide rate in the world. Muslim countries,

many of which are considered of the “third-world” block, have

such a small percentage of suicides that they number less than

one case per month in many cases.


True Happiness

F. Filweas(1) said: “The West is suffering from a vast spiritual

void, which no principle or faith could fill to bring about

happiness. Despite the affluence there, and the so-called

economic prosperity, besides the satisfaction of physical

needs of people, the Western man still has a sense of worthlessness

in his life. He wonders why he is living, where he is

going, and why. But no one so far has given him a satisfactory

response. Unfortunately, he has no idea that his remedy

is in the right religion about which he knows nothing more

than doubts. However, the beginning of a light has started

to breakthrough after a few groups of Westerners embraced

Islam and Western man began to see men and women put

Islam into practice and live up to its teachings with his own

eyes. Everyday some people there embrace the true religion.

It is just the beginning.”

The soul should be fed as should the body. If this is not

done properly, one will have unnecessary anxiety, feelings of

discontent and general unhappiness. The soul is nourished

with the true belief in the Oneness of God, and the belief that

He will resurrect us and hold us accountable for what we have

done. One must also excel in doing the good and avoiding the

evil. God, Almighty, says:

“Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the

remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of

Allah hearts are assured.” (13:28)

Contentment, happiness, and feelings of bliss, are some of the

great feelings a sincere Muslim experiences on a regular basis.

The scholar, Ibn Taymiyyah, may God have mercy on him, after

being tortured, banished and imprisoned said: “What can my

enemies do to me? My paradise and orchard are in my heart

and they never part with me. If my captors imprison me, I see it

as a religious retreat, if they kill me it is martyrdom, and if they

banish me from my land it is like tourism.”

The West is

suffering from a

vast spiritual void,

which no principle

or faith could fill

to bring about


(1) A British

Naval officer who

participated in both

world wars and

embraced Islam in

1924 after he had

read the Holy Qur’an

and some books on



The Path To Happiness

These words are simply amazing. He was imprisoned and mistreated

and still, this is what he felt. A person true in his faith will

be happy at all times. Islam will give a person complete spiritual

happiness and contentment regardless of their financial or

social condition in life. A true Muslim will be content in almost

all circumstances, whether sick or healthy, rich or poor, or in a

state of security or chaos. God, the Exalted, says:

“When disaster strikes them, they say, ‘Indeed we belong to Allah,

and indeed to Him we will return.’ Those are the ones upon

whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy, and it is those

who are the rightly guided.” (2:156-157)

The Messenger of God صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

“Amazing indeed is the attitude of the believer, everything is

ultimately good for him and this is only for a believer. When he

is graced with a blessing, he would be thankful and grateful

to God and it would be good for him, and when he is afflicted

with a calamity, he would be patient and it would be good for

him.” (Muslim)

The teachings of Islam will most certainly cause you to forget

your worries and will make you patient. It will move you from

the sphere of discontentment to one of contentment.

It is also important to remember that Islam does not order its

followers to become monks or to distance themselves from

worldly pleasures. On the contrary, it requires of a believer to

utilize whatever worldly possessions they have to acquire true


Whoever has a position of power should use his power to

spread the justice found in the religion of God and to take care

of the needs of his fellow brothers and sisters. God says:

“Whoever intercedes for a good cause will have a reward therefrom,

and whoever intercedes for an evil cause will have a burden

therefrom. And ever is Allah, over all things, a Keeper.” (4:85)



of Islam will most

certainly cause

you to forget your

worries and will

make you patient.

It will move you

from the sphere of

discontentment to

one of contentment.


True Happiness

Whoever has wealth should use that wealth in the path of God

and to help alleviate the problems of his fellow brothers. God


“And those who know that as regards their wealth, both the

petitioner and the deprived have rights.” (70:24-5)

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم clarified what will happen with one’s wealth.

He said:

“The [person] will say, ‘My wealth, my wealth.’ It will be said,

‘Your wealth is none other than that which you consumed and

it turned to waste, or that which you wore and wore it out, or

that which you gave in charity and stored it away for yourself

[in the Hereafter].’” (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم is the example for all Muslims and

every Muslim tries hard to emulate him. Abu Dharr, one of

the Companions of the Prophet, said, “I was walking with the

Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in Madinah till we

reached Mount Uhud.” The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

“O Abu Dharr!’ I replied, ‘Yes O Messenger of Allah.’

He said, ‘If I had a mountain of gold the size

of Mount Uhud, I would distribute it all

within three days, and would only take

from it enough to pay off a debt.’ The

Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) then said, ‘Those who

are the richest in this world will be

the poorest on the Day of Resurrection,

except if they give out in

charity and indeed very few are

they.’” (Bukhari)

• “Those who have

believed and whose

hearts are assured by the

remembrance of Allah.”




of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم is the

example for all

Muslims and every

Muslim tries hard to

emulate him.

Benefits of the 03

Islamic Way of



The Path To Happiness

The Islamic way of life is indeed one that will achieve for its follower’s

true happiness, on the condition that one follows its

commandments and refrains from its prohibitions. One is not deprived

by the commandments of Islam. On the contrary, it is a

divine system of law given to us by the Creator of man. He knows

best what will benefit us in this world. Let us view some of these

commandments and see whether or not they are beneficial.

Usury: God, Almighty, says:

“O you who have believed, fear Allah and give

up what remains [due to you] of interest, if you

are sincerely believers.” (2:278)

Almost everyone knows that interest is a form

of injustice through which the rich consume

the wealth of the poor. In short, it is a disgusting

form of greed that exploits the weaknesses

of people. From an economical perspective,

it places wealth in the hands of a few.

Many non-Muslims have spoken out against

this system and have confirmed its flaws.

Fornication and Adultery: Whoever lives in

Western society will know full well the grave dangers that pertain

to sexual freedom. The dangers include a number of sexually

transmitted diseases that have sadly become quite widespread.

God, the Exalted, says:

“And do not approach fornication and adultery. Indeed, it is

ever an immorality and is evil as a way.” (17:32)

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

“If fornication and adultery become widespread among a people,

diseases will spread amongst them that were not known in

previous generations.” (Ibn Majah)

Any aware

individual will know

that interest is a

form of injustice

through which the

wealthy consume

the wealth of the

less fortunate.

Benefits of the Islamic Way of Life


There are a

number of medical

reasons for the

prohibition of the

consumption of

alcohol. Millions of

people die every

year as a result of it.

Drinking Alcohol: The dangers of alcohol have

been affirmed by modern medicine. God, Almighty, says:

“O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling,

[sacrificing on] stone alters, and divining arrows are but defilement

from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be

successful. Satan only wants to cause between you animosity

and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you

from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you

not desist?” (5:90-91)

There are a number of medical reasons for the prohibition of

the consumption of alcohol. Millions of people die every year

as a result of it. Some alcohol related illnesses include:

• Liver failure.

• Various forms of cancer.

• Esophagitis, gastritis, pancreatitis and


• Cardiomyopathy.

• Seizures.

• Brain damage and dementia.

• Anemia, jaundice and blood abnormalities.

• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Castigatory laws: God, Almighty,


“And there is for you, in legal retribution, [the

saving of] life, O people of understanding, that

you may become righteous.” (2:179)

Benefits of the Islamic Way of Life


God, Almighty, has most certainly told the truth. When castigatory

punishments are implemented, it would save people’s lives

and protect society at large. It would also protect people’s wealth

and honor.

In order for any system to be successful, there must be an influential

power to support it. People would freely go through

red lights if no system were in place to punish those who do so.

People would steal if no deterrent was present. In short, there

must be a significant deterrent in place. If no such deterrent is

present, chaos will become widespread.

Applying castigatory law is nothing new. It was common amongst

previous divine systems of law. God, the All-Wise, says:

“And We ordained for them therein a life for a life, an eye for

an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth,

and for wounds, legal retribution. But whoever gives [up his

right as] charity, it is an expiation for him. And whoever does

not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are

the wrongdoers.” (5:45)

The question arises of which form of castigatory punishment

is more effective in alleviating crime in society. Are the divine

castigatory laws handed down by the Creator above those

found within man-made systems of law? Man-made laws give

more priority to the oppressor than to the oppressed. They

can often be worked around, and one can be saved from the

punishment. No system of law in this age has proven to be as

effective as Islam.

• And there is for you in legal retribution [saving of] life (2:179)

Man-made laws

give more priority to

the oppressor than

to the oppressed.

They can often be

worked around

and one can be

saved from the

punishment. No

system of law in this

age has proven to

be as effective as


How to Attain 04

True Happiness?

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