In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful
Scienti ic Miracles
in the Qur’an
Allah says:
“Indeed, in the creation of the heavens
and earth, and the alternation of the
night and the day, and the [great]
ships which sail through the sea with
that which benefits people, and what
Allah has sent down from the heavens
of rain, giving life thereby to the earth
after its lifelessness and dispersing
therein every [kind of] moving creature,
and [His] directing of the winds and the
clouds controlled between the heaven
and the earth are signs for a people
who use reason.” (2:164)
The Quran was revealed to Muhammad
who was unlettered; he could صلى الله عليه وسلم
neither read nor write. His people were
generally unlettered as well. Therefore,
how can a man bring forth a Scripture
which stunned the most eloquent of
Allah says:
“Say, ‘If mankind and the jinn were
to be gathered in order to produce
the like of this Qur’an, they could not
produce the like of it, even if they were
to each other assistants.’” (17:88)
and many of his صلى الله عليه وسلم The Prophet
companions were destitute, and he
would recite to them verses from the
Quran which have mention of scientific
facts. Over 1400 years after the Quran
was revealed, modern science is still
dising these very facts with
advanced equipment and technology!
Thomas Carlyle said:
“A false man found a religion? Why, a
false man cannot build a brick house!
If he does not know and follow truly
the properties of mortar, burnt clay and
what else he works in, it is no house
that he makes, but a rubbish-heap. It
will not stand for twelve centuries, to
lodge a hundred and eighty million; it
will fall straightway.”
The Qur’an and the
Beginning of the World
Allah says:
“Allah (alone) originates the creation,
then He will repeat it, then to Him you
will be returned.” (30:11)
Allah clearly states in this verse
that He is the One Who created and
brought into existence everything in
this universe from nothing. In fact,
Allah describes the beginning of the
universe saying:
“The Originator of the heavens and the
earth. When He decrees a matter, He
only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.” (2:117)
Allah informs us once more in this
verse that the universe was created
from nothing. All that took place before
its creation is from the knowledge of
the unseen world, which only Allah
knows. Human intellect is incapable
of realizing and grasping what the
substance matter of the first creation
was, for Allah did not inform us
about it. Humans can only produce
hypotheses and theories concerning
the world with which they interact.
Allah says:
“I did not make them witnesses of the
creation of the heavens and the earth,
nor of the creation of their own selves;
and I would not have taken those who
mislead others as assistants.” (18:51)
Allah says:
“Have those who disbelieved not
considered that the heavens and the
earth were once a joined entity, and
We separated them and made from
water every living thing? Then will they
not believe?” (21:30)
This verse makes unmistakable
reference to the fact that Allah created
the universe from a single entity, and
He is All-Capable over all things.
Allah then ordered this “single entity”
to split, which it did, and turned into
a cloud of smoke. From this cloud of
smoke Allah created the heavens and
earth. This is mentioned in the words
of Allah:
“Say, ‘Do you indeed disbelieve in He
who created the earth in two days and
attribute to Him equals? That is the
Lord of the worlds.’ And He placed
on the earth firmly set mountains
over its surface, and He blessed it
and determined therein its [creatures’]
sustenance in four days without
distinction - for [the information] of
those who ask. Then He directed
Himself to the heaven while it was
smoke and said to it and to the earth,
‘Come [into being], willingly or by
compulsion.’ They said, ‘We have
come willingly.’ And He completed
them as seven heavens within two
days and inspired in each heaven
its command. And We adorned the
nearest heaven with lamps and as
protection. That is the determination
of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.”
Modern astrophysicists assert that
the entire universe originated from
one entity, the result of what is known
today as the “Big Bang”.
Allah says:
“Then He (rose over) the heavens while
it was something like smoke, and said
to it and to the earth, ‘Come both of
you willingly or unwillingly.’ They said,
‘We come willingly.’” (41:11)
This verse affirms that the sky, during
its early stages was like smoke, a point
affirmed by modern science.
James H. Jeans said: “We have found
that, as Newton first conjectured, a
chaotic mass of gas of approximately
uniform density and of very great
extent would be dynamically unstable;
nuclei would tend to form in it, around
which the whole of matter would
ultimately condense.”
The Qur›an on the
Expansion of the Universe
Allah says:
“And We have built the heavens with
Our own Hands; and, verily, it is We
who are steadily expanding it.” (51:47)
Allah says:
“The Day when We will fold the
heaven like the folding of a scroll for
the records. As We began the first
creation, We will repeat it. [That is] a
promise binding upon Us. Indeed, We
will do it.” (21:104)
Allah says:
“On the Day the earth will be replaced
by another earth, and the heavens [as
well], and all creatures will come out
before Allah, the One, the Prevailing.”
These verses confirm that the universe
we live in is continuously expanding in
space. If we go back in time, we would
find that the entire universe emerged
from a primeval atom or cosmic egg.
It then exploded by Allah’s command
and transformed into a cloud of smoke
from which the earth and heavens were
formed. The universe is continuously
expanding in space and will finally
stop expanding by Allah’s command.
Thereafter the universe will collapse
upon itself and fuse once more into
a primeval atom. The explosion and
formation will once more occur, and
a heaven, unlike our heaven, and an
earth, unlike our earth, will be formed.
At this stage, worldly life will come to
an end, and life of the Hereafter will
All these stages are mentioned in the
Qur’an. One finds that this topic which
was dised through modern
science has been mentioned in the
Qur’an which was revealed over 1400
years ago! This alone affirms the fact
that the Qur’an can only be the Words
of Allah and that Muhammad received
divine revelation and taught people
these facts at a time when no one
knew these facts. In fact, these facts
were not known to man except after
many centuries.
Astronomers have dised that
the universe is in continuous motion,
and that it is expanding. This was
dised by studying the galaxies
and distant celestial bodies. The
American astronomer, Vesto M.
Slipher, who studied the spectra of
galaxies, noticed that the spectral lines
of a few nearby systems were shifted
toward longer wavelengths. This shift
in wavelength showed that most
galaxies were receding from the Milky
Way at several hundred kilometers per
The American astronomer Edwin
Hubble confirmed that the universe
was expanding, and that the more
remote the galaxy, the higher was its
recession velocity; that its recession
velocity was proportional to its
By this, we see that scholars in
astronomy have affirmed that the
universe is ever expanding. This
expansion will continue until gravity
loses its pull and the planets will
spread out in the universe, which will
result in the end of the world.
Allah says:
“When the sky breaks apart, and when
the stars are scattered.” (82:1-2)
The Qur›an on Celestial
Allah says:
“Allah is He Who raised the heavens
without any pillars that you can see.”
Modern day studies of the universe
affirm that there is great energy in
matter, its components and celestial
bodies. Allah can destroy it and
recreate it. Scientists have dised
different forms of powerful energy
which flow in the heavens and earth.
These energies are:
Strong nuclear energy: This
energy holds subatomic particles
together; which includes protons,
electrons and neutrons.
Weak nuclear energy: This
nuclear energy causes certain
forms of radioactive decay.
Electromagnetic energy: This is
the energy which ties the atoms
together within matter, and which
also gives each its respective
Gravity: It is the weakest form
of energy known to us, but in
the long run, is a focal form of
energy, since it keeps all the
celestial bodies in their respective
Allah says:
“And it is He who created the night and
the day and the sun and the moon; all
in an orbit, swimming.” (21:33)
Allah says:
“And the sun runs in a fixed course for
a term (appointed). That is the Decree
of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.
And the moon, for which We have
determined phases [which it must
traverse] till it becomes like an old dried
curved date stalk. It is not allowable for
the sun to reach the moon, nor does
the night overtake the day, but each, in
an orbit, is swimming.” (36:38-40)
In these verses, Allah states that the
sun is traveling towards a certain
direction. Previously, it was perceived
that the sun was motionless. Modern
day astronomers have affirmed that
the sun moves in a certain direction.
All planets in this solar system move,
like satellites. The Earth’s orbit is
concentric to the orbits of the planets.
Allah says:
“By the heaven full of starry paths.”
In Arabic, the word “Hubuk” (starry
paths) has more than one meaning:
Perfection in creation:
Astronomers calculate that there
are two hundred billion galaxies
in the known universe and about
seventy billion trillion stars. Each
galaxy varies in its size, shape,
density, speed at which it is
traveling on its axis, its distance
from us, and the distance each is
from the other, the stages it went
through, its number of stars, and
the life of each of their stars.
It also refers to a thing which
is perfectly combined and
integrated. These awesome
numbers of galaxies and stars in
the known portion of the universe
is only 10% of the entire universe.
There must be a power which
keeps it all together, otherwise
it would collapse and fall into
chaos. Far removed is Allah from
every imperfection, Who said:
“Indeed, Allah holds the heavens and
the earth, lest they deviate from their
orbits. And if they should ever deviate
from their orbits, no one could hold
them [in place] after Him. Indeed, He
is Forbearing and forgiving.” (35:41)
It also refers to the orbits each
celestial body floats within.
Among the amazing things which
has baffled scientists is the
vast number of galaxies in the
known portion of the universe.
This proves that this universe is
running in a perfect system.
Allah says:
“It is He who made the sun a [source]
of radiant light and the moon a light
[reflected], and has determined for
it phases so that you may know the
number of years and to measure time.
Allah has not created this except in
truth. He details the signs for a people
who know.” (10:5)
The perfect distinction made between
light given off by a luminous, fiery body
and light reflected from the sun by a
dark, cold body (the moon), which is
then reflected in a constant and steady
manner (upon the earth) has been
mentioned in the Qur’an over fourteen
hundred years ago! This is among the
many proofs that the Qur’an is Divine
Revelation from Allah, Who is the Best
Knower of that which He, Alone, has
The Qur›an on Air Pressure
Allah says:
“So whoever Allah wants to guide - He
expands his breast to [contain] Islam.
And whoever He allows to stray - He
makes his breast tight and constricted
as though he were climbing into the
sky. Thus does Allah place defilement
upon those who do not believe.” (6:125)
It can be concluded from this verse
that the more one ascends into the
atmosphere the harder it is for him to
breathe. This is due to the reduction in
pressure and low oxygen levels. This
matter cannot be proven by anyone
unless the person ascends up into
the sky! This fact was dised only
after humans learned how to fly and
reach heights.
When a person ascends into the sky
beyond eight kilometers above sea
level they would encounter breathing
problems due to the lack of oxygen and
low air pressure. A problem frequently
encountered is hypoxia, which is a
low amount of oxygen reaching body
Another problem one may encounter
is dysbarism, which is a complex of
symptoms resulting from exposure to
excessively low or rapidly changing air
pressure.These two problems would
interfere with normal body functions.
Therefore, the difficulty in breathing
at high elevations can be explained
simply as steps taken by the body to
protect itself.
The Qur›an on the Darkness
and upper Levels of Space
Allah says: “And [even] if We opened
to them a gate from the heaven and
they continued therein to ascend.
They would say, ‘Our eyes have only
been dazzled. Rather, we are a people
affected by magic!’” (15:14-15)
This similitude is amazing since
it presents a universal fact which
humans previously were ignorant of,
and only dised during the age of
space exploration in the sixties. The
entire universe is engulfed in darkness.
Light visible on earth is observed for
two hundred kilometers, beyond that,
darkness is to be witnessed in every
direction, due to the rarity of water
vapor and dust particles. Far removed
is Allah from every imperfection. It is
He Who informed us of this reality.
The Qur›an on the Atom
Allah says:
“… And not absent from your Lord is
any [part] of an atom’s weight within
the earth or within the heaven or
[anything] smaller than that or greater,
but that it is in a clear register.” (10:61)
In this beautiful verse, Allah clarifies
that nothing is hidden from Him in
this universe, no matter how minute it
may be. It was believed that the atom
was the smallest entity in the universe.
After it was split, smaller entities were
dised having positive electrical
properties, such as protons, and
negative electrical properties, such as
In 1939, the German scholars Hahn
and Strassmann at the University
of Berlin split a uranium atom. With
further research, particles which are
even more minute, like the quark, have
been dised.
Modern sciences have reached a
high level of technical development
and scientific advancement in various
fields of life. The future still awaits
further development. This process will
continue until the day of Resurrection.
The collective efforts of all humankind
in fields of knowledge will never
measure up to, or even come close to,
Allah’s Knowledge and Ability.
Allah the Exalted says:
“And they ask you, [O Muhammad],
about the soul. Say, ‘The soul is of the
affair of my Lord. And mankind have
not been given of knowledge except a
little.’” (17:85)
The knowledge of Allah and his abilities
are boundless and unmatchable. Allah,
in this Qur’anic verse, has laid out a
simple explanation for us so that our
minds will be able to recognize and
absorb the huge difference between
his knowledge and ours. Glory be to
The Qur›an on Human
Embryonic Phases
Allah says regarding the stages the
fetus goes through:
“And indeed We created man out of
an extract of clay. Thereafter We made
him as mixed drops (of the male and
female sexual discharge) and lodged
it in a safe lodging. Then We made the
mixed drops of fluid into a clot, then
We made the clot into a little lump of
flesh, then We made out of that lump
of flesh bones, then We clothed the
bones with flesh, and then We brought
it forth as another creation. So blessed
be Allah, the Best of creators. After
that, surely, you will die. Then [again],
surely, you will be resurrected on the
Day of Resurrection.” (23:12-14)
The stages a human passes through
Extract of Clay: Adam, the father
of human-kind, was created from
clay. This indicates that humans
are a distinct creation. Humankind
did not evolve from other species.
Mixed sperm: In this stage, male
and female discharge mix in the
womb, the result of which the
egg may become fertilized or
die by the will of Allah. If the egg
becomes fertilized, the first stages
of creation would commence.
Allah says:
“Indeed, we created man from a fluid
mixture that We may try him, and We
made him hearing and seeing.” (76:2)
If the sperm fails to fertilize the ovum,
it is cast out of the womb along with it.
But if it fertilizes the egg and creates
a zygote, it clings to the side of the
womb in the form of a blastula. If
Allah wills that it clings to the womb,
it moves onto the Alaqah stage (i.e. a
leech like, suspending thing).
Allah says:
“O people, if you should be in doubt
about the Resurrection, then [consider
that] indeed, We created you from dust,
then from mixed drops of fluid, then
from a clinging clot, and then from a
lump of flesh, formed and unformed
– that We may show you. And We
settle in the wombs whom We will for
a specified term, then We bring you
out as a child, and then [We develop
you] that you may reach your [time of]
maturity. And among you is he who
is taken in [early] death, and among
you is he who is returned to the most
decrepit [old] age so that he knows,
after [once having] knowledge, nothing.
And you see the earth barren, but when
We send down upon it rain, it quivers
and swells and grows [something] of
every beautiful kind.” (22:5)
Clot/Clinging Thing: It is
described as such, since it clings
to the womb, in a manner similar
to a leech which feeds off the
blood of other creatures.
Chewed substance: It is
described as such since the
embryo is similar in appearance
to a chewed substance.
Formation of bones.
ing of bones with flesh.
Development of the embryo
into a different form, wherein the
proportioning of the body takes
place and life is breathed into it.
The human embryo goes through a
number of stages within three layers
of darkness, as Allah says:
“He created you from one soul. Then
He made from it its mate, and He
produced for you from the grazing
livestock eight pairs. He creates
you in the wombs of your mothers,
creation after creation, within three
darknesses. That is Allah, your Lord;
to Him belongs dominion. There is
no deity except Him, so how are you
averted?” (39:6)
This verse states that the embryo is
ed in three ings or layers,
referred to as “darknesses” in this
verse. Water, air, light and heat cannot
penetrate these ings. Nor can
they be seen with the naked eye.
Dr. Maurice Bucaille said: “Modern
interpreters of the Qur’an see in this
verse the three anatomical layers that
protect the infant during gestation:
the abdominal wall, the uterus itself,
and the surroundings of the fetus
(placenta, embryonic membranes,
amniotic fluid).”
The embryo is also placed in a safe
place. Allah says:
“Did We not create you from a liquid
disdained? And We placed it in a firm
lodging for a known extent. And We
determined it, and excellent are We to
determine.” (77:20-23)
Dr. Gary Miller tells us, “A reporter
asked Professor Keith Moore: ‘Don’t
you think that maybe the Arabs might
have known about these things -
the description of the embryo, its
appearance and how it changes
and grows? Maybe they were not
scientists, but maybe they did some
crude dissections on their own -
carved up people and examined these
The professor immediately pointed
out to him that he (the reporter) had
missed a very important point. All
of the slides of the embryo that had
been shown and had been projected
in the film had come from pictures
taken through a microscope. He said,
‘It does not matter if someone had
tried to dis embryology fourteen
centuries ago, they could not have
seen it!’”
All of the descriptions in the Qur’an of
the appearance of the embryo are of
the organism when it is still too small to
see with the naked eye. Therefore, one
needs a microscope to see it. Since
such a device had only been around
for little more than two hundred years.
Dr. Moore taunted, “Maybe fourteen
centuries ago someone secretly had
a microscope and did this research,
making no mistakes anywhere. Then
he somehow taught Muhammad and
convinced him to put this information
in his book. Then he destroyed his
equipment and kept it a secret forever.
Do you believe that? You really should
not unless you bring some proof
because it is such a ridiculous theory.”
When he was asked, “How do you
explain this information in the Qur’an?”
Dr. Moore’s reply was, “It could only
have been divinely revealed!”
Dr. Gerald C. Goeringer said: “This
description antedates by many
centuries the recording of the various
stages of human embryonic and
fetal development recorded in the
traditional scientific literature.”
What is mentioned in the
Qur’an about the Oceans
The Qur›an on the Barrier
Between the Seas
Allah says:
“And it is He who has released
[simultaneously] the two seas, one
fresh and sweet and one salty and
bitter, and He placed between them
a barrier and prohibiting partition.”
Allah says:
“And it is He who has released
[simultaneously] the two seas, one
fresh and sweet and one salty and
bitter, and He placed between them
a barrier and prohibiting partition.”
The fact that the waters of the oceans do
not mix with each other has only been
dised lately by oceanographers.
This is due to the physical force called
“surface tension,” wherein waters of
neighboring seas do not mix. It is caused
by the difference in the density of their
waters. Surface tension prevents them
from mingling with one another, just as
if a thin wall were between them. The
Amazon River’s water pours into the
Atlantic Ocean and yet preserves its
traits even after it goes out 200 meters
into the ocean.
The Qur›an on Darkness
in the Seas and Internal
Allah says:
“Or [they are] like layers of darkness
within an unfathomable sea which is
ed by waves, upon which are
waves, over which are clouds – layers
of darkness, some of them upon others.
When one puts out his hand [therein], he
can hardly see it. And he to whom Allah
has not granted light - for him there is no
light.” (24:40)
It is well-known and affirmed scientifically
that at extreme depths of the ocean
there is no light, only darkness. The
cause for this is that sunrays cannot
reach it, for oceans range from being
a few hundred meters deep to being
10994 meters deep. The darkness in
the deep seas and oceans is found to
begin at around a depth of 200 meters
and below. At this depth, there is almost
no light. Below a depth of 1000 meters
there is absolutely no light penetration.
Therefore, most of the sun’s rays are
absorbed by the water at 100 meters.
This portion of the sea is known as the
luminous portion. Thereafter 1% of the
sun’s rays are visible at 150 meters, and
0.01% of the rays at 200 meters.
The ozone layer in the atmosphere
reflects most of the ultra-violet rays,
whereas the clouds reflect 30% and
absorb 19% of these rays. Only 51%
of these rays reach the sea. Between
3% and 30 % of the sunlight is
reflected at the sea surface. Then
almost all of the seven colors of the
light spectrum are absorbed one
after another in the first 200 meters,
except the blue wavelength.
The Qur›an on Internal
Scientists have also recently
dised that there are internal
waves which “occur on density
interfaces between layers of
different densities.” The internal
waves the deep waters of
seas and oceans because the deep
waters have a higher density than
the waters above them. Internal
waves act like surface waves. They
can also break, just like surface
waves. Internal waves cannot
be seen by the human eye, but
they can be detected by studying
temperature or salinity changes at
a given location.
For example, the Mediterranean
Sea’s water is warm, saline, and
less dense, compared to the Atlantic
Ocean’s water. When Mediterranean
water enters the Atlantic over the
Gibraltar sill, it moves several hundred
kilometers into the Atlantic at a
depth of about 1000 meters with its
own warm, saline, and less dense
characteristics. The Mediterranean
water stabilizes at this depth. Although
there are large waves, strong currents,
and tides in these seas, they do not
mix or transgress this barrier.
This information has only been known
to us in this age, with the advanced
technology and equipment available to
lived صلى الله عليه وسلم detect these events. The Prophet
in a desert climate far from the ocean,
and he did not travel across any oceans.
The fact that the Quran mentions this
phenomenon indicates the veracity of
the Quran.
The Qur›an on Formation of
Clouds and Rain
Allah says:
“And it is He who sends the winds
as good tidings before His mercy
until, when they have carried heavy
rainclouds, We drive them to a dead
land and We send down rain therein
and bring forth thereby [some] of all
the fruits. Thus will We bring forth the
dead; perhaps you may be reminded.”
Allah also says:
“And We have sent the fertilizing winds
and sent down water from the sky and
given you drink from it. And you are
not its stockers.” (15:22)
Modern science has affirmed the
scientific points mentioned in these
verses of the Qur’an. The winds carry
water particles which are rich in salt up
into the atmosphere. These particles
which are called “aerosols”, function
as water traps and form cloud drops
by collecting around the water vapor
themselves. The clouds are formed
from water vapor that condenses
around the salt crystals or dust particles
in the air. Because the water droplets
in these clouds are very small (with a
diameter between 0.01 and 0.02 mm),
the clouds are suspended in the air,
and spread across the sky.
Thus, the sky is ed in clouds.
The water particles that surround salt
crystals and dust particles thicken and
form raindrops, so drops that become
heavier than the air leave the clouds
and start to fall to the ground as rain.
Allah says:
“Do you not see that Allah drives
clouds? Then He brings them together,
then He makes them into a mass, and
you see the rain emerge from within
it. And He sends down from the sky,
mountains [of clouds] within which is
hail, and He strikes with it whom He
wills and averts it from whom He wills.
The flash of its lightening almost takes
away the eyesight.” (24:43)
Rain clouds are formed and shaped
according to definite systems and
stages. The formation stages of
cumulonimbus, a type of rain cloud,
1nd stage: Being Driven Along: Clouds
are carried along, that is, they are
driven along, by the wind.
2nd stage: Joining: Then, small clouds
(cumulus clouds) driven along by the
wind join together, forming a larger
3nd stage: Stacking: When the small
clouds join together, updrafts within
the larger cloud increase. The updrafts
near the center of the cloud are stronger
than those near the edges. These
updrafts cause the cloud body to grow
vertically so the cloud is stacked up.
This vertical growth causes the cloud
body to stretch into cooler regions of
the atmosphere, where drops of water
and hail formulate and begin to grow
larger and larger. When these drops
of water and hail become too heavy
for the updrafts to support them, they
begin to fall from the cloud as rain,
hail, etc.
A cloud becomes electrified as hail
falls through a region in the cloud
of super-cooled droplets and ice
crystals. As liquid droplets collide
with a hailstone, they freeze on
contact and release latent heat. This
keeps the surface of the hailstone
warmer than that of the surrounding
ice crystals.
When the hailstone comes in contact
with an ice crystal, an important
phenomenon occurs. Electrons flow
from the colder object toward the
warmer object. Hence, the hailstone
becomes negatively charged. The
same effect occurs when supercooled
droplets come in contact
with a hailstone and tiny splinters
of positively charged ice break off.
These lighter positively charged
particles are then carried to the
upper part of the cloud by updrafts.
The hail falls towards the bottom of
the cloud, thus the lower part of the
cloud becomes negatively charged.
These negative charges are then
discharged as lightning. We conclude
from this that hail is the major factor
in producing lightning.
Allah says:
“And the thunder exalts [Allah] with
praise of Him – and the angels [as
well] from fear of Him – and He sends
thunderbolts and strikes therewith
whom He wills while they dispute
about Allah; and He is severe in
assault.” (13:13)
The Qur›an on Animals
Allah says:
“And indeed, for you in grazing
livestock is a lesson. We give you drink
from what is in their bellies – between
excretion and blood – pure milk,
palatable to drinkers.” (16:66)
Maurice Bucaille said:
“From a scientific point of view,
physiological notions must be called
upon to grasp the meaning of this
verse. The substances that ensure
the general nutrition of the body come
from chemical transformations which
occur along the length of the digestive
tract. These substances come from
the contents of the intestine. On arrival
in the intestine at the appropriate
stage of chemical transformation, they
pass through its wall and towards the
systemic circulation. This passage is
effected in two ways: either directly, by
what are called the ‘lymphatic vessels,’
or indirectly, by the portal circulation.
This conducts them first to the liver,
where they undergo alterations,
and from here they then emerge to
join the systemic circulation. In this
way, everything passes through the
The constituents of milk are secreted
by the mammary glands. These are
nourished, as it were, by the product
of food digestion brought to them via
the bloodstream. Blood therefore plays
the role of collector and conductor of
what has been extracted from food,
and it brings nutrition to the mammary
glands, the producers of milk, as it
does to any other organ.
Here the initial process which sets
everything else in motion is the bringing
together of the contents of the intestine
and blood at the level of the intestinal
wall itself. This very precise concept
is the result of the disies made
in the chemistry and physiology of the
digestive system. It was totally unknown
at the time of Prophet Muhammad and
has been understood only in recent
times. I consider that the existence
in the Qur’an of the verse referring to
these concepts can have no human
explanation on account of the period in
which they were formulated.”
The Qur›an on Mountains
Allah says:
“Have We not made the earth as a bed,
and the mountains as pegs?” (78:6-7)
Scientists explain the importance
of mountains as being pegs which
stabilize the earth saying:
“Mountains have underlying roots.
These roots are deeply embedded
in the ground, thus, mountains have
a shape like a peg. The earth’s crust
is thirty to sixty kilometers deep, this
being known due to the seismograph.
Also, it is known due to this machine
that every mountain has an underlying
root, which stabilizes the crust of
the earth with the underlying layers,
and prevents the earth from shaking.
Therefore, the mountain is similar to
a nail, which holds different pieces of
wood together.”
Allah says:
“And He has affixed into the earth,
mountains standing firm, lest it should
shake with you; and rivers and roads,
that you may guide yourselves.” (16:15)
Modern science attests to the fact
that mountains are distributed evenly
and perfectly on earth, which also
stabilize the earth, especially those
mountains which the geologists
call “Asymmetrical Mountain
Ranges” which are to be found in
every continent. How then could an
unlettered man, whose nation was
mostly unlettered, know these facts?
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This is an excerpt
of a larger book titled
“The Key To Understanding Islam”
by Abd Ar-Rahman
bin Abd Al-Kareem Ash-Sheha.
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