
 Peace, mercy and blessings of God

 God willing, we will complete the answer we started

 To the question:

 * When did the Bible and the Bible turn into the Old and New Testaments?

 * First: We like to show that their conversion into old and new covenants did not take place overnight, but it took hundreds of years, and this is what we will stir up, God willing.

 The subject may be long, and it will be in parts, God willing.

 * Secondly: The life of Moses, peace be upon him, is divided into three phases, as the age of peace be upon him was a hundred and twenty years. It is divided into three phases, each stage is forty years, and most probably, peace be upon him, was born in 1526 BC.

  The first forty: of which thirty are in the palace of Pharaoh and ten years are in the people of the city

 This transition has its causes and wisdom from God Almighty and among the reasons:

 * Because Pharaoh was cursed by God, he was claiming that they are their supreme Lord. It is well known that Musa, peace be upon him, was in the palace of Pharaoh, and people treat him like princes, so how does Moses become overnight so that he announces that he is the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds. Then the matter will be mixed with people. Who is the god that Moses, peace be upon him, call for?

 * And among them also: that Moses, peace be upon him, was a luxury and Pharaoh was the guardian of his grace, as he was brought up and brought up in his palace, so how can he at one moment become hostile to him and his interlocutor and a threat and invite him to believe in God, and it is known that Pharaoh was a tyrant, so Moses, peace be upon him, could not bear this confrontation.

 * Therefore, it was from God Almighty’s appreciation that Moses, peace be upon him, come out of Egypt and live these ten years in the hearts of a righteous man, in most of the sayings that he is the Prophet of God, the people of God, peace be upon him, so a distraction between living in the treasures of a prophet and living under a tyrant

 At the Prophet, he will learn to trust in God and absolute faith and how to confront criminals.

 * But how does he get out of Egypt while he treats the treatment of princes, the only crime that causes him to come out quickly is the crime of murder because in the old Egyptian law the punishment for the murderer was retribution or the punishment was dropped after ten years,

 * Therefore, when Musa returned after ten years, Pharaoh wanted to change the constitution and increase the period in order to enable him to kill Musa, peace be upon him.

 He said, as the Holy Qur’an recounts:

 {Pharaoh said, “I will kill Moses.”

 [Surah Ghafer: 26]

 * But the loyal people of Pharaoh refused to change the laws in his favor, perhaps one day

 The important thing is that the fate was arranged by Moses, peace be upon him, two men, one of whom was an Egyptian and the other of the people of Moses, peace be upon him, and they were quarreling.

 {And it would not be for a soul to die except with the permission of God a deferred book.}

 [Surat Al-Imran: 145]

 * But Moses, peace be upon him, was considered to be the one who caused it, and because he was from the arrangement of destiny, as soon as Moses repented and repented, God forgave him and said:

 “My Lord said that I have wronged my soul, so forgive me and forgive him.” He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

 [Surat al-Qasas: 16]

 * A believer man came from Pharaoh's Palace informing Musa, peace be upon him, that the news of his killing of the Egyptian spread in the country, especially after the man who was from the people of Moses spread the news.

 * This believer man advised him to escape quickly, and Moses, peace be upon him, quickly rushed out, and his journey lasted for eight days and nights until he left the Egyptian borders completely and reached a debtor.

 * And there he married the righteous man's daughter, worked with them, and lived in their knees, and it was clear that it was a wonderful period in which there was nothing wrong with living as

evidenced by the statement of God Almighty:

 So when Moses spent the term

 [Surat al-Qasas: 29]

 * In the sense that the Almighty Truth mentioned ten years in these four words only,

 During his return, peace be upon him, the age of Moses, peace be upon him, was forty years old.

  The second forty: The time was night, the darkness was complete, and the cold was severe, so Musa, peace be upon him, was in need of those who guided him on the right path to Egypt and also in urgent need of warmth, especially since he was with his wife and children.

 * Therefore, God Almighty prepared this fire for him, so when he approached her to borrow from it and to ask its owner on the way, the Lord of the worlds called to him:

 {When Otyha advocated Emusy (11) I am your Lord Fajla sandals you Holy Ballowad rolled up (12) and I chosen you listen to what is revealed (13) that I am no god but I Vaabdni and establish the Prayer to the memory of (14) [Al-Taha: 11 to  14]

 * Here is an important question that Christians ask us to get the matter out of us:

 They say that just as God incarnated in the tree to speak to Moses, what is the reason why God is incarnate in the person of Christ?

 This is false talk for reasons:

 * Including: that God Almighty does not get biased, that is, there is no space or place that God Almighty has preserved. Almighty God for that has a great height.

 But what happened is that God Almighty draws the attention of Moses, peace be upon him, to this holy place. There is no way in the darkness but fire, it is the means of attention of travelers at night.

 * So God made fire in the tree and it did not burn, and this is not difficult for God because everything is with God we know under the title:

 He also said, “Your Lord said it is easy.”

 [Surat Maryam: 9]

 * Just as he made the knife not to cut off the neck of Ishmael and just as he made the fire not to burn Abraham, so also he made the fire not to burn the blackness.

 * As for the call from the magicians, God’s words are heard by the whole universe if he wants to glory be to Him, but God:

 {ۚ Verily, Allah listens to whomever He desires ۖ}

 [Surat Fatir: 22]

 * So God Almighty grabbed the entire universe from his call to God Almighty and opened up and heard Moses, peace be upon him only

 Consequently, there is no problem with what happened and what was heard or heard by our master Moses, peace be upon him.

 * And there, Moses, peace be upon him, became a messenger, and a blessing upon his family called upon God Almighty to grant his brother Aaron the prophecy to strengthen his support, so the brother’s blessing on his brother and the strange thing is that he praised his brother and said:

 {And Aaron’s brother is more eloquent than me to a tongue, so I will send him with me a bad man who can believe me ٓ} [Surat al-Qasas: 34]

 * The second forty years: It was a struggle with Pharaoh. Whenever Moses invited them to refuse, God would cause them to do something so that they could wake up, but they became more and more distant and distant.

 *for example :

 Moses used to invite them to believe in God, so they refused, so God would wear the Egyptians into the flood or locusts, destroying the plowing and sowing, so people would cry to Pharaoh to find them, but he knows that he is helpless so he turns to Moses, peace be upon him, and says:

 {And when the law fell upon them, they said, Moses, “Pray to us, your Lord, to us with what He has promised to you.”) While the Lord revealed to us that God

 [Surat al-A'raf: 134]

 * Indeed, Moses, peace be upon him, calls his Lord, and the affliction will be revealed to them, but once the affliction is revealed, Pharaoh and his people will return as they were.

 * In light of this conflict, Musa, peace be upon him, waited for the support of his people, but slavery was rooted in them. The Almighty said:

 {So what is safe for Moses, except for the offspring of his people, for fear of Pharaoh, and to whom are they to be afflicted by them? And if not,

 [Surat Yunus: 83]

 * Because their numbers are simple and not suitable for

the resistance of Pharaoh and those with him, God Almighty instructed them to worship God hidden in their homes:

 {And we inspired us to Moses and his brother to tell about your people in Egypt houses of houses, and make your homes a kiss and raise the sins

 [Surat Yunus: 87]

 * They were praying in their homes, and they asked Moses, peace be upon him, to pray to his Lord, and he would come down on them a book that organizes their lives instead of the books of the Egyptian priests, so Moses, peace be upon him, told them that once God Almighty delivered them from Pharaoh, he would ask for this.

 Indeed, after forty years of conflict with Pharaoh and his people, God Almighty instructed Moses, peace be upon him, to prepare to leave Egypt at night because Pharaoh had prepared for the eradication of Moses and those with him, and he said:

 {There are few of them for fragmentation (54), and we have anger (55)}

 [Surat Al-Shuara: 54 to 55]

 And God Almighty enabled Moses, peace be upon him, and those with him to go out in safety after Pharaoh and his companions were drowned in the sea so that everyone knows that God Almighty waits and does not neglect, and also gives the person a chance instead of ten before his destruction and that God Almighty does not take people from the first mistake or sin.

 * But, God Almighty willed to expel the body of Pharaoh on the shore to be a sign of God’s ability and that He Almighty, if he took it, would take it very painful.

 * And to take any tyrant a lesson from the destruction of Pharaoh, for he who is not a tyrant will not reach the tyranny and tyranny of Pharaoh, and with this God took him, took dear Almighty.

 The third forty:

 And here begins the third stage of the life of Moses, peace be upon him, in which Moses became with his people without external pressure,

 How did they deal with Musa, peace be upon him?

 How did they receive the Book of God?

 And what did Moses say to them?

 And when without the Torah?

 👈 This is what we will explain, God willing, in

 Next lesson, wait for us .👉

 Dr/ Ahmed Zaid.

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