

 Peace, mercy and blessings of God

 On the blessing of God we complete the important events in the Hijri dates:

 We stopped at the end of the year 11 AH when the death of the infallible, our master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and the nation did not suffer a greater injury than the one who lost the Messenger of God because his life was safe for the nation because God Almighty said:

 {And God would not torture them, and you will be in them}

 [Surat Al-Anfal: 33]

 And he said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him

 Our master Hassan bin Thabet, may God be pleased with him:

                        And lost the past like Muhammad

  And what is like him until the resurrection is lost

  Year 12 AH:

  After moving the infallible next to his Lord Almighty, the matter turned against our master Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him,

 It is people who claimed prophethood and followed them, I raise them,

 And from the people who prevent zakat and from them, from the apostate,

 It was not from Abu Bakr, but he said his famous saying:

 Or religion decreases while I am alive,

 And God Almighty and his companions, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, established him, and thanks to God and his help, they were able to bring all of them back to Islam once again, and these were the fiercest wars and battles.

                Al-Yamamah Battle was the year 12 AH

 Because it was a war with the Muslimah of the liar. Thousands of his people and those around him had followed him, and there were a large number of Holy Quran memorizers in the army of Muslims, and God Almighty gave them martyrdom. After victory and the elimination of Muslim liar

 Our master Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, proposed to our master Abi Bakr, may God be pleased with him, to collect the Holy Qur’an for fear that the rest of the memorandum will die in other meetings with the polytheists. Indeed, our master Abu Bakr assigned our master Zaid bin Thabet.  The face and collection of the Qur’an in newspapers, which he called Sadiqiyah newspapers. May God preserve them all, and reward them for us and for Islam for good.

  Year 13 AH:

 This year, other major events occurred, including:

 1- Ajnadeen site:

 It was in twelve nights that remained from Jumada Al-Awwal (July 634 AD). This was the first major defeat for the Romans at the hands of Muslims, and the two soldiers were a site known to the Levant from the sides of Palestine. One hundred thousand Romans witnessed them, so they fought Muslims with great fighting.

  Moreover, God Almighty defeated them and dispersed them, and the Muslims killed them a lot, and a group of Muslims were martyred among them, Abdullah bin Al-Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib, Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl, Al-Harith bin Hisham, Amr and Khaled and Aban sons of Saeed bin Al-Aas

  2- Yarmouk is a battle that took place between the Muslims and the Romans, and this name was named in relation to the valley in which it occurred, and it is a valley (Yarmouk), and Yarmouk: “A river that originates from the mountains of Hawran

 The friend, may God be pleased with him, had sent four armies, the strength of each army approximately eight thousand led by Abu Ubaidah Amer bin Jarrah, Yazid bin Abi Sufyan, and Sharbeel bin Hasna, and Amr bin Al-As, may God be pleased with them all, but when they arrived, they found the Romans combined and their strength exceeded  Two hundred thousand fighters were sent to Abu Bakr, who immediately ordered Khalid bin Al-Walid to take half of his army from Iraq and rush to join his brothers in the Levant.

 Upon his arrival, they became five leaders. Khalid bin Al-Walid suggested that they unite under one leadership and choose every day a prince, so they welcomed the idea and made him the first prince. When he did the best thing, he allowed him to complete the battle and achieve victory, and it was thanks to God,

 In the hour of victory, the friend, may God be pleased with him, passed away, and Al-Faruq, may God be pleased with him, assumed t

he caliphate. Khaled bin Al-Walid and Abu Ubaidah, the general command, dismissed the general leadership, and Khalid did not mourn Abu Ubaidah, may God be pleased with them all.

 3- The death of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, after a life full of giving, whether while he was next to the infallible, may God bless him and grant him peace, or in his succession, may God be pleased with him, it is sufficient for him to say

 God :

 {And should prevent Alotqy (17), which brought his money Atzky (18) and the one he has grace rewarded (19) However, in order to face Rabbo top (20) and will be pleased with (21)}

 [Surat Al-Layl: 17 to 21]

 The truth is that Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq does not know his ability except God Almighty, because the Holy Prophet said:

  (There is no one with whom we have a hand, but we will reward him with it, but I will have the earliest for him. We have a hand that we have not rewarded with God.)

 And with the permission of God Almighty, we will devote a special search for a friend and his actions later.

 Then came the year 15 AH:

 Other important events occurred in it, including:

 Al-Qadisiyah website:

 Al-Qadissiya Battle: It is a battle that took place on 15 AH / 636AD between Muslims led by Saad bin Abi Waqas and Al-Faras led by Rustam Farkhzad in Qadisiyah that ended with the victory of the Muslims and the killing of Rustam.

 Year 23 AH:

 The martyrdom of Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him

 The period of the succession of Commander of the Faithful 'Umar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him most flourishing periods of Islamic history, justice and the policy of an adult, if we exclude the period of the Prophet peace be upon him, has reached the Islamic conquests in the custody of Khorasan and Sajestan east, and west until it reached Libya.


 Those victories and conquests brought joy to the hearts of Muslims who saw achievements in favor of strengthening the Islamic state, raising the banner of religion and increasing the prestige of Muslims in the soul of their enemies.

 As a result, a number of them entered Islam with hypocrisy,

 In order to achieve its purposes in the Nile of the symbols of Islam and its leaders, have carried out their plot malignant vindictive when the oldest man Zoroastrianism hypocrite named Abu Lu'lu'ah on the killing of Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him in the twenty-sixth day of Dhu al-Hijjah in twenty-three of the Hijra year six hundred and forty-four  For Christmas,

 While he was performing Fajr prayer in the mosque, Abu Lu'luat al-Majusi stabbed him several times in the back, which led to his martyrdom, may God be pleased with him,

 Umar's martyrdom was one of the greatest calamities that afflicted the nation after the death of the infallible, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the death of the friend, may God be pleased with him.

  Year 35 AH:

 The martyrdom of Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him (the third caliphs of the Righteous)

 In Shawwal in the year (35), conspirators trapped the traitors, the criminals, our master Osman in his house (twenty or forty days) and prevented him from praying in the mosque and even from the water and then broke into his house from behind and attacked him while he was reading the Qur’an and his wife Na’la put on him to protect him herself but they struck her with the sword and cut her fingers, and they managed  From him - may God be pleased with him - he asked his blood on the Koran and died as a martyr on the morning of Eid al-Adha,

 With his death, may God be pleased with him, there became a division between Muslims that was caused by conspiracy criminals against the Islamic nation and took time until God Almighty gathered them later.

 Hijri year 40 AH:

 The martyrdom of Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him

 Circumstances after the martyrdom of our master Othman, may God be pleased with him, I resorted to our master Ali bin Abi Talib to fight and because things are unstable and criminals are spread in the country hidden among people inciting

and plotting and fights took place for a long time behind them so the Muslims fought each other,

 The Kharijites agreed with each other after he was fought by Ali, may God be pleased with him, they agreed to kill Ali and identified that Abd al-Rahman bin Maljam, as he was able to stab Ali - may God be pleased with him - with a sword while he was out for Fajr prayer from Friday the eighteenth of Ramadan in the year of forty AH, and when he attacked  Muslims are against Ibn Maljam, to kill him, forbidding me, saying that I live, for I will pay with his blood for retribution or pardon, and if I die then they will join him with me, I will quarrel with the Lord of the worlds, and do not kill me except him, because God does not love the aggressors.

 Year 41 AH:

 Community year:

 The people of Iraq pledged allegiance to al-Hasan - may God be pleased with him - by the caliphate after the killing of his father in the year (40 AH), and they advised him to march to the Levant to fight Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, so he crawled with those with him, and the two armies converged in a place called (a residence) in Anbar district, and al-Hassan would kill Muslims  And their blood was flowing, so he wrote to Muawiyah, stipulating conditions for reconciliation, and Muawiyah satisfied, so Hassan himself disavowed the caliphate and handed the matter over to Muawiyah in Jerusalem (41 AH) and this year was called (the year of the community) for the meeting of the word of Muslims in it

 God has imposed on our master Hassan bin Ali, and it is true to him the words of our noble Messenger:

 (My son is a master, and God will inject blood into him with two great groups of Muslims)

 It was, thanks to God Almighty, that God rewarded us on our behalf and on Islam.

 Dr/ Ahmed Zaid.


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