Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Here are some important events for some dates
Hijri we mentioned to you before:
Year 53 before the emigration:
The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born on Monday in the month of Rabi 'al-Awwal (571 CE), which is known as the year of the elephant, in the year fifty-three before the Prophet’s migration.
Year 13 before migration:
On Monday of the month of Ramadan (August 611 AD), Gabriel descended upon the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - worshiping in the cave of Hira and the revelation and prophecy began.
Year 2 AH:
Badr’s Great Battle The battle started with a duel on Friday in the seventeenth of Ramadan, when the Muslims wrestled with their polytheists from the polytheists, then the two armies gathered throughout the day, and the angels participated in the fighting by order of God,
The battle ended with the victory of the Muslims thanks to God Almighty.
And also 2 Hijri:
إج (Evacuation of the Jews of the Banu Qinaqa)
The Banu Qinqa’a were the first Jews to break their covenant with the Muslims, as they assaulted a Muslim woman while standing in the Medina’s market, and a Muslim rose and killed the Jew. Then the Qinqa’a met the Muslim and killed him, so the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - besieged them for fifteen days, and forced them to evacuate For the city as punishment for them.
Year 3 AH:
Battle of Uhud:
In the battle of Uhud, a strong battle took place between the Muslims and the polytheists, the victory of the Muslims would have been almost without the exposure of their back, when the archers were busy collecting the spoils, and the enemy surprised them with a quick attack.
Year 5 AH:
Battle of Trench:
The armies of unbelief came to the city fighting under the leadership of Abu Sufyan, and the Muslims saw themselves in a difficult situation, and the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - gathered his companions to consult them on the matter, so Salman al-Farisi came from the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - and suggested that a trench be covered covering all The open area around the city. Indeed, the Muslims began building this trench, which stunned Quraish when it saw it on the first of the month of Shawwal, and it was unable to storm the city, and God sent them a strong wind of the cockroach with which they could only leave and return to their homes disappointed.
There was also in it (the Battle of Banu Qurayza):
The sons of Quraysh incited the polytheists against the Muslims in the battle of the ditch, so Gabriel, peace be upon him, came to the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - with the command of God Almighty for him to walk the Muslims to the children of Quraysh, and the Muslims besieged them for more than two weeks until they surrendered, and orders were issued, and the neck of their men was struck, and their money became Women and their offspring booty for Muslims.
Year 6 AH:
1- Battle of Dhikr
Uyaynah ibn Husn in a horse from Ghafan attacked a vaccine for the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - with the forest, and in it a man from Bani Ghaffar and a woman for him, so they killed the man and endured the woman in the vaccine, and he was the first to warn of them our master Salamah bin Al Akwa, may God be pleased with him, tomorrow wants the forest He wished his bow and nobility, and with him a boy to Talhah bin Ubayd Allah, with him a horse leading him, even if the farewell pagan came to look at some of their horses, then he supervised in the direction of goods and then he cried and made his morning!) Then he went out and intensified the effects of the people until they followed them, so he made them return with nobility and he said to them: Oekaa us is the beginning of the day) and our master remained peaceful until the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - realized it in a multitude of companions.
2- The Battle of3312:54
Bani Al-Mutlaq:
In Sha`ban six years.
3- Hadith Al-Ifak.
4- The pledge of allegiance, when the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and his companions left Madinah, the first of Dhu al-Qi'dah, six years of immigration, intending to visit the Sacred House, and Quraysh prohibited them. Quraysh was killed by the polytheists, so the Messenger Companions - may God bless him and grant him peace - pledged allegiance to death for the sake of God and perseverance in the face of Quraysh.
5- Al-Hudaybiyah Peace:
Quraish feared the pledge of allegiance to Radwan and entered into negotiations with the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - and ended in an agreement on the peace of Al-Hudaybiyah.
Year 8 AH:
1- The Battle of Mu'tah (in Jumada Al-Awwal) the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, resolved to discipline Shurhabil bin Amr Al-Ghassani for killing his messenger, so the Muslims went out with an army of three thousand led by Zaid bin Haritha, Jaafar bin Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Rawahah, and the army met with the Romans in The first military meeting between the two parties, the fighting intensified and the three leaders were martyred, and the army led Khalid bin Al-Walid, who saved the rest of the army to Medina.
2- Opening Makkah:
The Quraish Sulaiman al-Hudaybiyyah violated its aggression and its allies from Bani Bakr against the Khuza’a tribe that was an ally of the Muslims, so the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - ended the truce, and came out with an army of ten thousand on the tenth of Ramadan in the year (8 AH) and Muslims entered Mecca from three sides without significant resistance Idols were destroyed, the noble Kaaba cleansed, and the Holy Prophet pardoned the people of Mecca and fulfilled the promise of God Almighty
And also ,
3- Battle of Hanin (on the tenth of Shawwal).
4- The Battle of Taif (in Shawwal).
Year 9 AH:
Battle of Tabuk:
The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - knew that the Emir of Tabuk
He had massed a large army to attack the Muslims, so the messenger went out
The Great with the Muslims at a time when the heat was severe with the intention of Tabuk, but did not find a trace of the Roman army, so the Muslims stayed twenty nights in which there was no fighting, and these were the last forays of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace -
Hijri year 11:
The death of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his transfer to the Supreme Companion.
Dr/ Ahmed Zaid.