

 Peace, mercy and blessings of God

 This is an update of the most important events in dates

 That we have sent to you before,

 There may be other important events that have occurred

 In the same years, whoever finds it does not obey us,

 And he said,

 ,, All is taken from him and he responds to it except the Prophet Muhammad

 Peace be upon him ,,

 And he believed those who said, “Knowledge has mercy on his family.”

 May God forbid us of you. ,,And God reward you with good,,

 1615 AD:

 * After Muhammad Al-Ayashi became famous among the people for his jihad and victories against the Portuguese, Sultan Zaidan feared for his throne and he isolated him and sent those who killed him, so he took refuge in the city of Salé, from which he began his intense jihadist operation against the Spanish in Al Mamoura, Larache and others.


 1616 AD:

  Galileo before the Inquisition,

 When Galileo began to emphasize that

 The earth actually revolves around the sun.

 1770 AD:

 The defeat of the Ottoman leader Awadzadeh Khalil Pasha by the Russian leader Rumatrov at the Battle of Kartal, where fifty thousand Muslims were killed.

 1798 A.D.

 The French campaign against Egypt is a military campaign launched by General Napoleon Bonaparte on the Ottoman states of Egypt and the Levant (1798-1801 AD) with the aim of defending French interests, preventing England from being able to reach India, and the campaign also had scientific goals.

 The beginning of the campaign was the Mediterranean Campaign in 1798, a series of naval battles that included control of Malta.

 1801 A.D.

 As I mentioned above the French forces exit from

 Egypt at the end of the French campaign against Egypt.

 1811 AD:

 ((The Castle Massacre)) in which Muhammad Ali Pasha, then ruler of Egypt, spent the remains of the Mamluks in a terrible massacre.

 1819 AD:

 ((The end of the Ottoman Saudi war)) The war ended with the victory of the Ottomans, the end of the first Saudi state, the destruction of its shield capital, and the families of Imam Abdullah bin Saud.

 1856 AD:

 ((Treaty of Paris)) during the era of Abdul Majeed I

 1856 was held in Paris to make peace yet

 Nearly three years into the Crimean War,

 The conference was held between representatives of the major countries in Europe that were at the time: France, Great Britain, the Ottoman Empire, the Kingdom of Sardinia, Russia, the Austrian Empire, and the Kingdom of Prussia.

 These powers met shortly after February 1, 1856, when Russia accepted the first set of conditions for peace after Austria threatened to enter the war alongside the Allies.

 باريس The Paris conference reached the final terms from February 25 to March 30.

  The Treaty of Paris was signed on March 30, 1856 with Russia on the one hand, France, Great Britain and Ottoman Turkey and Sardinia Piedmont on the other.

 1865 AD:

 The death of Imam Faisal bin Turki ((the ruler of Saudi Arabia)), the handing over of power to his son Abdullah, and the start of the quarrel between the brothers Abdullah and Saud.

 1882 A.D.

 September 13 Ahmed Orabi defeats the Battle of the Great Hill and the beginning of the 72-year-old English occupation of Egypt.

 1898 AD:

 The Spanish American War:

 It was a war the United States fought alongside the Cuban revolutionaries against Spain in 1898, to liberate Cuba from Spanish control,

  The revolution began in Cuba in 1895, and American investment institutions incurred heavy losses. The United States has demonstrated the strategic importance of Cuba with regard to the project of digging a canal in Central America between the two oceans, and the hostile feeling in the United States raised the speech of the Spanish Minister Plenipotentiary in Washington that he had received from President McKinley, as was raised by the dumping of the American armored vehicle Maine. The United States asked Spain to evacuate.

 1901 A.D.

 December 2 - The Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland, decides to establish the Jewish National Fund for the purchase of land in Palestine from its Arab own3217:56

ers, making it public ownership of the Jews, and employing Jewish workers until the Holy Land is Judaized.

 1914 AD:

 The outbreak of the First World War.

 1924 AD:

 The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the declaration of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to abolish the Islamic caliphate and the establishment of a secular republic.

 Important: 👇👇

 We also sent you a number of dates

 Gregorian and the most important events that occurred,

 We also saw it wise to send you a number

 From the Hijri dates,

 Do you remember the important events on those Hijri dates in 53 before Hijrah and 13 years before Hijrah

  2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 24, 35

 40; 41. --- 50- ---60- ---61----73--- -99--- -122-132--

 Wait for us next lesson, God willing.

 Sheikh Dr/ Ahmed Zaid.

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