All praise be to Allaah alone. May Allaah extol and [shower] blessings of
peace upon him, after whom there will be no other Prophet; and upon his
Family and Companions.
To continue:
I was presented with this concise and valuable [treatise] concerning the
tenets of faith ('aqeedah), compiled by our brother, the erudite scholar, the
noble shaykh - Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen. I listened to it all
and found that it encompassed an explanation of the creed of Ahlus-
Sunnah wal-Jamadah in the issues of the tawheed of Allaah and His Names
and Attributes, as well as in the Angels; the Books; the Messengers; the Last
Day; and Divine Decree, both the good and the evil [consequences]
thereof. Indeed he has done well in compiling it and has brought benefit by
mentioning in it that which the seeker of knowledge and every Muslim is
in need of, regarding belief in Allaah; His Angels; His Books; His
Messengers; the Last Day; and Divine Decree, both the good and evil
[consequences] thereof. He has included in it points of benefit connected
to the actual creed, which are not to be found in many of the books that are
authored on this topic.
So may Allaah reward him with goodness; increase him in knowledge and
guidance; cause this, and his other writings, to be of benefit; and make us
and him and all our brothers rightly-guided and guiding, and those who
invite to Allaah upon sure knowledge. Indeed He is the One Who hears and
the One Who is near.
Dictated by one in dire need of Allaah the Exalted: 'Abdul-'Azeez bin
'Abdullaah bin Baaz; may Allaah grant him forgiveness. May Allaah extol
and send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad; and upon his
Family, Companions and followers.
All praise be to Allaah, Lord of the worlds, Who made the end [best] for the
god-fearing, and Who shows no enmity except to the transgressors. I bear
witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah alone,
having no partner and possessing true and evident sovereignty. I bear
witness that Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger; the seal of the
Prophets and the leader of the god-fearing. May Allaah extol and send
blessings and peace upon him, his Family, Companions, and all those who
follow them upon goodness, until the Day of Resurrection.
To continue:
Allaah the Exalted sent His Messenger Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam with the guidance and the Religion of truth, as a mercy to the
creation, an example for the doers of good, and a proof upon the whole of
mankind. Through him, and what was revealed to him - namely the Book
and the Wisdom - Allaah explained to mankind everything which
contained betterment and firmness for the worshippers with regards to
their religious and worldly affairs; such as sound beliefs, righteous
conduct, virtuous morals and sublime ethics. Indeed the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam left his nation upon:
"A dear path, its night is like its day; no one deviates from it
except that he is destroyed"'1
This [path] was traversed upon by the nation (ummah) that responded to
Allaah and His Messenger - they being the best of creation - the
Companions, their Followers and those who followed them in goodness.
They established His Sacred Law (shareeah) and clung firmly to His
guidance, in beliefs, manners and morals, thereby becoming that party
that will never cease to be victorious upon the truth, not being harmed by
those who seek to harm or oppose them, until the Command of Allaah
comes and they are like that.
So we - and all praise is for Allaah - are following in their footsteps and,
supported by the Book and the Sunnah, are guided by their examples. We
state this only by way of proclaiming the bounty of Allaah the Exalted and
by way of clarifying what every Muslim should be upon. We ask Allaah the
Exalted to strengthen us and our Muslim brothers with a firm statement,
in both this world and in the Hereafter, and that He grants us mercy from
Himself; for indeed He is the Bestower.
It is due to the importance of this topic and the fact that people have
differed about it, that I desired to write a summary of our creed - the creed
of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah - which is: To believe in Allaah, His Angels,
His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and Divine Decree; both the good
and the evil [consequences] thereof. We ask Allaah the Exalted that He
makes it exclusively for His Countenance, agreeing to His good pleasure,
and of benefit to His servants.
1. Reported by Ibn Maajah (no.43) and others. It was declared to be authentic (saheeh)
by the hadeeth specialist (muhaddith) of our age, Shaykh Muhammad Naasirud-Deen
al-Albaanee, in as-Saheehah (no.937).
The Foundation
As for the foundation of the Islaamic 'aqeedah, it is to believe in Allaah;
His Angels; His Books; His Messengers; the Last Day; and Pre-Decree, both
its good and evil [consequences]. The proofs for these foundations are
mentioned in the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger
sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. In His Book, Allaah the Exalted said:
"It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the east or
the west. Rather, righteousness is the righteousness of those
who believe in Allaah; the Last Day; the Angels; the Books; and
the Prophets." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:177]
Allaah said concerning Pre-Decree:
"We have created everything in accordance with a pre -decreed
measure. And Our Command is but one, as the twinkling of an
eye." [Soorah al-Qamar 54:49-50]
2. This chapter has been added by the translator, from the Shaykh's collection of legal
verdicts and treatises, entitled: Majmoo' Fataawaa wa Rasaa'il (5/106).
In the Sunnah of Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, the
Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said in response to [the angel]
Gabriel (Jibreel), when he asked him about faith:
"It is to believe in Allaah; His Angels; His Books; His
Messengers; the Last Day; and it is to believe in Pre -Decree;
both the good and the evil consequences thereof."
Reported by Muslim (no.8).
Belief in Allaah
Our 'aqeedah is: To believe in Allaah, His Angels, His Books, His
Messengers, the Last Day, and Divine Decree; both the good and the evil
[consequences] thereof.
* We believe in the Lordship (ruboobiyyah) of Allaah the Exalted; meaning
that He alone is the Lord, the Creator, the Sovereign -Master, and the
Manager of all affairs.
* We believe in the Worship and Divinity (uloohiyyah) of Allaah the
Exalted; meaning that He is the only Deity (ilaah) deserving of worship,
and that whatever else is worshipped besides Him is false.
* We believe in His Names and Attributes (al-asmaa was-sifaat); meaning
that to Him alone belong the most beautiful Names and the Attributes of
completeness and perfection.
* We believe in His Oneness (wahdaaniyyah) in all of this; meaning that
He has no partner or equal in His Lordship, nor in His Worship, nor in His
Names and Attributes. Allaah states [about these three points]:
"Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them,
so worship Him and patiently persevere in the worship of Him;
do you know of any equal to Him." [Soorah Maryam 19:65]
We believe that He is:
"Allaah, none deserves to be worshipped except Him; the Ever-
Living, Ever-Sustaining. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes
Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth.
Who is there that can intercede with Him, except by His
permission? He knows what is before them and what will be
after them and they do not encompass anything of His
knowledge, except for what He Wills. His Footstool (fcwrsee)3
extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation
tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great." [Soorah
al-Baqarah 2:255]
3. Ibn 'Abbaas, radiallaahu 'anhu, stated: "The tersee is the place of the Feet." This was
reported by at -Tabaree in his To/seer (3/110) and al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak (2/282),
who graded it saheeh. Consult: Mukhtasar al-'Uluww (no.45) of al-Albaanee.
The statement ascribed to Ibn 'Abbaas in which he states that the kursee refers to
Allaah's knowledge, is an inauthentic (da'eef) report from him - as the scholar and
hadeeth master (haafidh), Ibn Taymiyyah, stated in Majmoo'Fataawaa (6/584); and as
Shaykh al-Albaanee showed in as-Saheehah (no.109).
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"He is Allaah, none has the right to he worshipped except Him;
the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Most-Merciful, the
Bestower of Mercy. He is Allaah, besides Whom none has the
right to be worshipped, the Sovereign, the Perfectly-Pure, the
Source of Peace, the Keeper of Faith, the Guardian, the Exalted
in Might, the Subduer, the Sublime. Glory be to Allaah above
what they ascribe to Him. He is Allaah, the Creator, the Maker,
the Fashioner, to Him belong the most beautiful Names.
Whatever is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. He is the
Exalted in Might, the Wise." [al-Hashr 59:22-24]
We believe that His is the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth:
"He creates whatever He Wills, bestows female children upon
whom He Wills and male children upon whom He Wills. Or He
makes them both male and female, and renders barren whom He
Wills. Indeed He is the All-Knowing, the All-Able." [ash-Shooraa
We believe that:
"There is nothing like Him, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth, He enlarges
or restricts provisions to whosoever He Wills. Indeed, over
everything, He is All-Knowing." [ash-Shooraa 42:11-12]
We believe that:
"There is no creature that moves upon the Earth, except that its
sustenance depends upon Allaah. He knows its dwelling and its
resting place. All of this is in a clear Book." [Hood 11:6]
We believe that:
"With Him are the keys to the Unseen, none knows them except
Him. He knows what is on the land and in the sea; and not a leaf
falls, except that He knows it. Nor is there a grain in the darkest
depths of the Earth, nor a thing moist or dry, except that it is
[recorded] in a clear Book." [al-An'aam 6:59].
We believe that:
We believe that:
"Indeed Allaah [alone] has knowledge of the Hour, sends
down the rain, and knows what is in the wombs. And no soul
knows what it will earn tomorrow, nor does it know in what
land it shall die. Indeed Allaah is All-Knowing, All-Aware."
[Soorah Luqmaan 31:34]
We believe that Allaah speaks whatever He Wills, whenever He Wills,
however He wills:
"And to Moses Allaah spoke directly." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:164]
"And when Moses came to Our appointed place, and his Lord
spoke to Him." [Soorah al-A'raaf 7:143]
"And We called him from the right side of the Mountain and
drew him near, confiding with him." [Soorah Maryam 19:52]
4. This not only includes knowing the sex of the child, but also whether it will be happy
or sad; rich or poor; etc. - as the Shaykh, hafidhahullaah, explained in Majmoo
Fataawaa wa Rasaa'il (5/273-274).
We believe that:
"If the ocean were ink for [writing] the Words of my Lord, the
ocean would be exhausted before my Lord's Words come to an
end." [Soorah al -Kahf 18:109]
"And if all the trees upon the Earth were pens, and the ocean
[were ink], replenished thereafter with seven [more] oceans,
the Words of Allaah would [still] not be exhausted. Indeed
Allaah is the Exalted in Might, the Wise." [Luqmaan 31:27]
We believe that His Words are the most perfect of words; the most
truthful in informing, most just in rulings, and best in narrating:
"And the Word of your Lord has been fulfiled in truth and
justice." [Soorah al-An'aam 6:1 15]
"And who is truer in speech than Allaah." [an-Nisaa 4:87]
We believe that the Noble Qur'aan is the Word of Allaah the Exalted,
which He truly spoke and communicated to Jibreel, who then descended
with it upon the heart of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam:
"Say: the Holy Spirit [Jibreel] has descended with it from your
Lord, in truth." [Soorah an-Nahl 16:102]
"It is the Revelation from the Lord of the worlds, brought down
upon your heart by the Faithful Spirit, that you may be of the
warners, in a clear Arabic tongue." [ash-Shu araa 26:192-195]
We believe that Allaah the Mighty and Majestic is high above His
creation by His Divine Essence (dhaat) and by His Attributes (sifaat),
because Allaah the Exalted states :
"And He is the Supreme, above His servants; He is All-Wise, All-
Aware." [Soorah al-Anaam 6:18]
We believe that He:
"Created the heavens and the earth in six days, then ascended
over the Throne; managing the affairs." [Soorah Yoonus 10:3]
His ascending (istawaa) over the Throne means that He is above it by His
dhaat; it is a particular ascending that befits His majesty and greatness. No
one knows how Allaah ascends, except Him.5
5. Imaam Maalik, rahimahullaah, was asked: How does istawaa occur? So he replied:
"Istawaa is not unknown; how is not comprehendable; belief in it is obligatory; and
asking about it is an innovation," Reported by al-Bayhaqee in al-Asmaa was-Sifaat
(p.516); its chain is excellent as haafidhfon Hajr stated in Fathul-Baaree (13/406).
"And He is the Most High, the Great." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:255]
We believe that Allaah the Exalted is with His creation and He is over
His Throne. He knows their condition, hears their speech, sees their
actions, manages their affairs, sustains the poor and grants relief to the
devastated. He grants dominion to whoever He Wills, removes it from
whoever He Wills, honours whom He Wills and debases whom He Wills.
In His Hand is all good and He has power over all things. So when His
affair is like this, then he truly is with His creation; even though He - in
reality - is above them over His Throne:
"There is nothing like unto Him; He is the All-Hearing, the All-
Seeing." [Soorah ash-Shooraa 42: II].6
We do not say as the Incarnationists (hulooliyyah) from thejahmiyyah and
others say: 'That He is with His creation upon the Earth.' We believe that
whoever says this is an unbeliever (kaafir), or a deviant, because he has
described Allaah with what is unbefitting to Him of defects.7
6. Imaam Maalik, rahimahullaah, said: "Allaah is above the heavens and His knowledge
is everywhere; nothing is hidden from Him." Reported by Aboo Daawood in his
Masaa'il (p.263) and its chain of narration is saheeh.
Ibn al-Mubaarak, rahimahullaah, was asked: How do we know our Lord? So he
replied: "Above the seven heavens, over His Throne. We do not say as the Jahmiyyah
say: That He is here upon the Earth." Reported by ad-Daarimee in ar-Radd 'alal-
Jahmiyyah (p.50), and the narration is saheeh.
Consult: Mukhtasar al-'Uluww (nos.130,150) of Shaykh al-Albaanee.
7. The Shaykh said in Majmoo'Fatawa a wa Rasaa'il (1/133): "As for the one who says:
Allaah is everywhere.' If he means [that He is everywhere] by His Essence (dhaat),
then this is disbelief (kufr)\ For it is denying what is proven by the textual proofs, as
well as the intellectual and natural proofs, which is that Allaah the Exalted is high
above everything, and that He is above the Heavens, above His Throne."
We believe in what His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam
informed about Him that each and every night, when only the last third of
the night remains, He descends to the sky and says:
'"Whoever is supplicating to Me, I shall respond to him;
whoever is asking Me, I shall answer; and whoever is seeking
forgiveness from Me, I shall forgive him.'
We believe that Allaah, the Most Perfect, Most High, will come on the Day
of Judgement to judge between His servants, as Allaah said:
Nay indeed! When the earth has been levelled; pounded and
crushed. And your Lord comes; and the angels, rank upon rank.
Brought within view that Day, will be Hell. That Day will man
then remember; but what good to him will be the
remembrance." [Soorah al-Fajr 89:21-23]
We believe that He the Exalted:
"Does whatever He Wills." [Soorah Hood 11:107]
We believe that Allaah's Will (iraadah) is of two types:- Universal
8. Reported by al-Bukhaaree (no.1145) and Muslim (no.758).
(kawniyyah): So whatever occurs, happens only by His Will. It is not
necessary that what occurs is actually liked by Allaah. Thus, it is similar in
meaning to volition (mashee'ah); as in Allaah's statement:
"And if Allaah had so wished, they would not have fought each
other, but Allaah does whatever He Wills." [al-Baqarah 2:253]
"If Allaah Wills to lead you astray, He is your Lord." [Soorah
Legislated (shar'iyyah): It is not necessary that this Will should occur.
This Will does not happen, except in what He loves and desires; such as in
Allaah the Exalted's statement:
"Allaah desires to forgive you." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:27] 10
9. Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez bin Baaz, mhimahullaah, stated it in his annotations to
Tanbeehaatul-Lateefah of Imaam as-Sa'dee (p.41): "As for this Will, then nothing fails
to fall under it. Thus, both the Muslim and the kaafir fall under this Universal Will;
as do acts of obedience and disobedience, provisions and life-spans. They all occur
by the Will of Allaah and what He determines."
10. Shaykh Ibn Baaz, rahimahullaah, said about the Legislated Will (p.41): "This covers
what the Lord loves and is pleased with. This Will does not necessarily mean that
what He Wills must occur, rather, it may or may not occur. So, for instance, Allaah the
Exalted Wills that He should be worshipped and obeyed. Yet some worship and obey
Him, whilst others do not. This should demonstrate that the two Wills are combined
together in the obedient person, but in the sinner it is only the Universal Will, since
Allaah did not desire for Him to sin, rather He forbade him from it... Thus, whoever
understands the difference between these two types of Wills should be safe from the
doubts that have caused feet to slip and intellects to stray."
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We believe that both His Universal and Legislated Will follow on from
His Divine Wisdom (hikmah). So all that He decrees to occurs, or legislates
as an act of worship for His servants, is done for a wise purpose and
accords with His Divine Wisdom; whether we comprehend it or not:
"Isn't Allaah the most just of Judges?" [Soorah at -Teen 95:8]
"And who is better in Judgement than Allaah, for a people who
have certainty of faith." [Soorah al -Maa'idah 5:50]
We believe that Allaah loves His devout servants (awliyaa) and they love
"Say: If you do love Allaah, follow me [i.e. the Prophet] and
Allaah will love you." [Soorah Aal-'Imraan 3:31]
"Allaah will bring a people whom He will love and who love
Him." [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:54[
"Allaah loves the patiently-persevering." [Aal-'Imraan 3:146]
"And act with justice; for indeed Allaah loves theose who act
justly." [al -Hujuraat 49:9]
"And do good; for indeed Allaah loves those who do good."
[Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:93[
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We believe that Allaah is pleased with those actions and statements
that He has legislated and detests those that He has prohibited:
"If you disbelieve, surely Allaah is in no need of you; yet He is
not pleased with disbelief for His servants. If you are thankful,
this pleases Him." [Soorah az-Zumar 39:7]
"But Allaah disliked their going forth. So He kept them back,
and it was said to them: Remain with those who remain
behind." [Soorah at -Tawbah 9:46]
We believe that Allaah is pleased with those who have faith (eemaan)
and do righteous actions ('amalus-saalih):
"Allaah is well-pleased with them, and they are well-pleased
with Him. This is for whoever fears his Lord." [al-Bayyinah 98:8]
» We believe that Allaah is angry with those who deserve His anger and
wrath, such as the unbelievers and others:
"Those who assume about Allaah evil-natured assumptions,
upon them is a misfortune of evil nature; and Allaah has
become angry with them." [Soorah al-Fath 48:6]
"But whoever opens his heart to disbelief, on them is Allaah's
anger and for them is an tremendous torment." [an-Nahl 16:106]
We believe that Allaah the Exalted has a noble and majestic Face:
"And there will remain the Face of your Lord, possessing
majesty and honour." [Soorah ar-Rahmaan 55:27]
11. Imaam at-Tirmidhee, rahimahullaah, stated in his famous Sunan (3/266-268);
after quoting a hadeeth mentioning Allaah's Hand:
"It has been stated by more than one person from the people of knowledge about
this hadeeth and other similar ahaadeeth concerning the Divine Attributes - such
as the Lord, the Blessed and Exalted, descending to the lowest heaven of the world
each and every night - they said: Affirm the narrations concerning them, have
faith in them, do not imagine them, nor ask how they are. The likes of this has
been reported from Maalik ibn Anas, Sufyaan ibn 'Uyaynah and 'Abdullaah ibn
al-Mubaarak. They said concerning these ahaadeeth: 'Leave them as they came,
without asking how.' This is the saying of the people of knowledge from Ahlws-
Sunnoh wal-}amaa'ah. As for the Jahmiyyah, they reject these narrations and say
that this is resemblance (tashbeeh). However, Allaah the Exalted mentioned in
various places in His Book [His Attribute of] Hand; Hearing and Seeing, but the
Jahmiyyah give a figurative interpretation (tawed) to these verses and explain
them in a manner other than how they are explained by the people of knowledge.
They say: Indeed, Allaah did not create Aadam with His Hand. They say: The
Hand [of Allaah] actually means His Power! Ishaaq ibn Ibraaheem said:
Resemblance is when someone says: Allaah's Hand is like my hand, or His
Hearing is like my hearing. So if someone says this, then this is resemblance. But
if someone says what Allaah says: Hand, Hearing, Seeing; and he does not ask
how they are, nor does he say that Allaah's Hearing is like my hearing, then this is
not resemblance."
We believe that Allaah the Exalted has two generous and great Hands:
Nay both His Hands are wide open; He spends how He pleases."
[Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:64]
"They have not made a just estimate of Allaah. The entire earth
will be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the
Heavens will be rolled up in His right Hand." [az-Zumar 39:67]
We believe that Allaah has two real Eyes; due to Allaah the Exalted's
"Build the ark under Our Eyes as We reveal." [Hood 11:37] The
Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
"His veil is light; if He were to uncover it, the splendour from
His Face would annihilate the creation as far as His vision
There is a scholarly consensus (ijmaa') from Ahlus-Sunnah that Allaah has
two Eyes, and this is supported by the statement of the Prophet sallallaahu
'alayhi wa sallam in which he said about the Dajjaal:
12. Reported by Muslim (no.175) and Ibn Maajah (no.195).
"He is one-eyed, whereas your Lord is not one-eyed.
We believe about Allaah the Exalted that:
"Sight cannot perceive Him, but He perceives [all] sight. And He is
the Sub tie, the All-Perceptive." [Soorah al -An'aam 6:103]
We believe that the believers will see their Lord on the Day of
"On that Day some faces shall be radiant, gazing upon their
Lord." [Soorah al-Qiyaamah 75:22-23]
We believe that there is nothing similar to Allaah the Exalted because of
His Attributes of complete perfection:
"There is no similitude to Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the
All-Seeing" [Soorah ash-Shooraa 42:11]
We believe that due to the perfection of His Life and Self-Subsistence:
"Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him." [al-Baqarah 2:255]
13. Reported by al-Bukhaaree (13/91) and Muslim (no.2193). The consensus referred to
was recorded by Abul-Hasan al-Ash'aree in al-Ibaanah (p.9) where he stated: "He has
two Eyes, without [inquiring] how."
We believe that due to His perfect justice, He oppresses no one.
And that he is never heedless of His servants' actions, because of His
perfect watchfulness and omniscience.
We believe that He is capable of doing anything in the Heavens and the
Earth, because of His perfect knowledge and power:
"His command, when He intends a thing , He says to it: 'Be,' and
it is." [Soorah Yaa Seen 36:82].14
We believe that He never becomes weary or weak, because He possesses
perfect strength:
14. Ibn Abil-'Izz, rahimahullaah, said in Sharhul-'Aqeedatit-Tahaawiyyah (p.137), in
the course of his discussion about the following verse:
"And Allaah, over each thing, is omnipotent; all-powerful." [al-
Baqarah 2:284]
"This includes all that is possible. As for what is in intrinsically impossible - such as
there being a thing that exists and does not exist at one and the same time - then,
this has no reality, nor is its existence conceivable, nor is it termed 'a thing,' by
agreement of the intelligent ones. Included in this category is: [Allaah] creating the
likes of Himself, making Himself non-existent, and other impossibilities."
This also serves as a reply to the question posed by some: 'Can Allaah create a stone
that He is unable to lift?' The argument being that if If Allaah cannot create such a
stone, He is not all-powerful; but if He can, then likewise He in not all-powerful.
The fallacy of this argument lies in the fact that such an affair is, in itself,
impossible and exists only in the minds of certain people. And not all that the mind
conjures-up has an existence that is possible, nor is it always termed 'a thing.'
Also consult: Majmoo' Fataawaa (8/8-10) of Ibn Taymiyyah.
"Indeed We created the heavens and the earth and all that is
between them, in six days, and no weariness touched Us."
[Soorah Qaaf 50:38]
We affirm those Names and Attributes that Allaah affirmed for Himself,
or which His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam affirmed for Him.
But we absolve ourselves from two great dangers:-
1. Resemblance (tamtheel): Which is to believe with the heart or state with
the tongue that Allaah's Attributes are like the attributes of His creation;15
and 2. Inquiring How (takyeef): It is to believe in the heart or state with the
tongue that such and such is how the Attributes of Allaah actually are.
We believe in negating whatever Allaah negated from Himself, or
whatever was negated from Him by His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam; and [we believe] that this negation encompasses an affirmation of
its complete and perfect opposite.16
15. Nu'aym ibn Hammaad - the shaykh of Imaam al -Bukhaaree - stated: "Whoever
resembles Allaah to His creation, has disbelieved; and whoever rejects what Allaah
has described Himself with, has disbelieved. There is no resemblance in what Allaah
has described Himself with, or what His Messenger has described Him with."
Reported by adh -Dhahabee in al-'Uhiww lil-'Aliyyil-Ghaffaar (p.97). Its chain was
declared to be saheeh in Mukhtasar al-'Uluww (p.184).
16. The Shaykh, hafidhahullaah, gave an example of this in Fathu Rabbul -Bariyyah
(p.37), saying: "From that which Allaah negates from Himself is oppression. What is
meant by this is a denial that Allaah oppresses, whilst affirming its perfect opposite;
which is Allaah's complete and perfect justice. Likewise, He negates from Himself
weariness. So what is intended is a denial of fatigue, along with affirming its perfect
opposite; which is complete and perfect strength and ability."
We hold that traversing this path is a necessary obligation. This is
because whatever Allaah affirms for Himself, or negates from Himself,
then it is information (khabar) that Allaah has informed [us] of about
Himself. And He - the Most Perfect - is the most knowledgeable about
Himself, the most truthful in speech and the best in relating; whereas the
servants do not encompass knowledge of Him.
[Furthermore] whatever His Messenger affirms for Him or negates from
Him, then it [too] is information about Allaah. And the Prophet sallallaahu
'alayhi wa sallam is the most knowledgeable of mankind about his Lord,
the sincerest of the creation, the most truthful of them and the most
eloquent of them. So the speech of Allaah the Exalted and His Messenger
sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam begets perfect knowledge, truthfulness and
clarification. So there should be no excuse for rejecting it nor any
hesitation in accepting it.17
17. Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa'dee, rahimahullaah, said in Tanbeehaatul-Lateefah
"Speech will fall short in clarity of meaning for [any one of] three reasons: Either
the speaker is ignorant and lacks knowledge; or he lacks eloquence and expression;
or he lies and distorts. However, the texts of the Book and the Sunnah are, from
every angle, free from such deficiencies. The Speech of Allaah and His Messenger
are the height of clarity and expression and are the pinnacle of truthfulness."
The Sources
All that we have mentioned about Allaah's Attributes - whether in brief
or in detail, or by way of affirmation or negation - then we have in doing
so relied upon the Book of our Lord, the Sunnah of our Prophet, and what
the Pious Predecessors (Salaf) of this nation and the scholars of guidance
after them, traversed upon.
We hold that it is obligatory to leave the texts of the Book and the
Sunnah, concerning this [matter], upon their literal and real meaning, in a
manner befitting to Allaah the Mighty and Majestic.
We absolve ourselves from the path of those who distort [the texts] from
what Allaah or His Messenger intended; from the path of those who divest
the meanings intended by Allaah and His Messenger; and from the path of
the extremists who resemble [Allaah to His creation] or who burden
themselves by seeking to ascertain how the Divine Attributes are.
We know for certain that whatever is in the Book of Allaah the Exalted
or the Sunnah of His Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam is the truth and
contains no contradictions. Allaah the Exalted said:
"Do they not deliberate over the Qur'aan? If it had been from
other than Allaah, they would have found in it many
discrepancies." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:82]
This is because contradictory statements imply that some statements
falsify others; and this is an impossibility with regards to what Allaah or
His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam have informed [us] of.
Whoever claims that there are contradictions in the Book of Allaah, or
the Sunnah of His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, or between
them both, [does so] due to having an evil intention and a deviant heart. He
should therefore repent to Allaah the Exalted and desist from this.
Whoever mistakenly thinks there to be contradictions in the Book of
Allaah or the Sunnah of His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, or
between them both, then this is due to his deficient knowledge, or lack of
understanding, or poor reflection. Therefore he should seek knowledge
and strive in reflecting, until the truth becomes clear to him. If the truth is
[still] not clear he should refer the affair to someone who knows, and he
should cease entertaining [such contradictions], saying what those firmly
grounded in knowledge say:
"We believe in it; all of it is from our Lord." [Aal -'Imraan 3:7]
He should know that there is no contradiction, nor any discrepancies, in
the Book or the Sunnah, nor between them both.
Belief in the Angels
We believe in the angels (malaa'ikah) of Allaah and that they are:
"Honoured servants; they do not speak before He does and
they act only by His command." [Soorah al-Anbiyaa 21:26-7]
Allaah the Exalted created them; they are steadfast in worshipping Him
and in obeying Him:
"They are not too proud to worship Him, nor do they grow
weary of doing so.." [Soorah al-Anbiyaa 21:19]
Allaah has concealed them from us so we cannot see them, but
sometimes He discloses them to certain people. Thus, the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam saw Gabriel (Jibreel) in his true form, he had
six-hundred wings and filled the horizon.18 [Once] Jibreel took the form a
man who met and conversed with Mary. He [once] came to the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, whilst he was amongst his Companions, in
the form of a man whom none recognised and who did not show any traces
18. Reported by al-Bukhaaree (nos.3232-3233).
of journeying; his clothes were extremely white and his hair was jet black.
He sat facing the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhl wa sallam; his knees touching
the Prophet's knees and his palms on the Prophet's thighs - sallallaahu
'alayhi wa sallam. He conversed with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhl wa
sallam, who informed his Companions that this man was Jibreel.19
We believe that the angels are assigned certain duties:-
From them is Jibreel who is entrusted with the Revelation. He descends
with it to whosoever Allaah selects from His Prophets and Messengers.
From them is Meekaa'eel who is entrusted with the rainfall and the
[growth of] plants and vegetation.
From them is Israafeel who is entrusted with blowing the horn (as-soor)
for the Fainting and for the Resurrection.
From them is the Angel of Death who is entrusted with taking the souls
at the time of death.20
From them is the Angel of the Mountains, who is entrusted with them.
From them is Maalik, guardian of the Hellfire.
19. Reported by Muslim (no.8).
20. Some reports mention that his name is 'Izraa'eel; as at-Tabaree related in his Tafseer
(20/175) from Qataadah and others. However, this name neither occurs in the
Qur'aan, nor in any authentic hadeeth; therefore it is safer not to use it.
Consult: al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah (1/50) of Ibn Katheer and Sharhul-'Aqeedatil-
Waasitiyyah (1/60) of Shaykh Ibn al-'Uthaymeen.
From them are angels who are entrusted with the embryos in the wombs.
There are some who are responsible for safeguarding people, and others
who write down people's actions; two angels for each individual:
"One sitting on his right and the other on his left. Not a word
does he utter, except that there is an observer ready to record
it." [Soorah Qaaf 50:17-18]
There are others responsible for questioning the dead in his grave. Two
angels come to him asking him about his Lord, Religion and Prophet:21
"Allaah will keep firm those who believe, with a word that is
firm in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allaah will cause
to deviate those who are wrongdoers; for Allaah does
whatever He Wills." [Soorah Ibraaheem 14:27]
21. Reported by at -Tirmidhee (no.737), in which the names of the two angels are given
as Munkir and Nakeer. The hadeeth was declared to be sound (hasari) by Shaykh al -
Albaanee in as-Saheehah (no.1391).
Point to Note: The texts of the Book and the Sunnah clearly prove that the Angels
are physical entities and not mere abstract forces. Abo ut this the Shaykh said in
Sharh Thalaathatil-Usool (p.93): "There are some misguided people who deny that
the angels are physical beings, claiming instead that they are merely an expression
referring to the power of good inherent in created beings. This v iew is a rejection of
the Book of Allaah the Exalted, the Sunnah of the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam and the scholarly consensus (ijmaa) of the Muslims."
"They enter upon them from every gate, saying: Peace be upon
you for that you patiently persevered. How excellent is your
final abode." [Soorah ar-Ra'd 13:23-24]
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam informed [us] about the Most
Frequented House (al-baytul-ma'moor}, which is in the Heavens:
"Every day seventy -thousand angels enter it [and in a
narration: pray in it] never returning there again."22
22. Reported by al-Bukhaaree (no.2207) and Muslim (no. 162).
Imaam at -Tabaree reports in his Tafseer (11/27) that 'Alee radiallaahu 'anhu said
about al-baytul-ma'moor: "It is a house in the heavens which is directly above the
Ka'bah. It is sanctified in the heavens, just as the House [i.e. the Ka'bah] is sanctified
upon the earth."
Consult: as-Saheehah (no.477) of Shaykh al-Albaanee.
From them are angels that are entrusted with the inhabitants of Paradise:
Belief in the Books
We believe that Allaah the Exalted revealed Books to His Messengers as
a proof upon mankind and as a directive to the workers of good; by it they
are taught wisdom and are purified.
We believe that Allaah the Exalted sent down with every Messenger a
Book (kitaab). He the Exalted said:
"Indeed We sent Our Messengers with the clear signs and We
sent down with them the Book and the Balance so that people
may uphold justice." [Soorah al-Hadeed 57:25]
From these Books, we know of:-
1. The Torah (tawraat) which Allaah revealed to Moses 'alayhis-salaam; it
was the greatest Book to be revealed to the Children of Israa'eel:
"In it was guidance and light which the Prophets who
submitted themselves to Allaah, judged the jews with; as did the
rabbis and the priests. To them was entrusted the preservation
of the Book, and they were witnesses to it." [Soorah al -Maa'idah
2. The Gospel (injeel) which Allaah the Exalted revealed to Jesus 'alayhissalaam;
it was a confirmation of the Torah and a complement to it:
"And We gave him the Gospel in which there was guidance and
light; confirming the Torah that had come before it; a guidance
and an admonition for the God-fearing." [al -Maa'idah 5:46]
"And to make lawful to you [i.e. the jews] certain things that
were previously forbidden to you." [Soorah Aal -'Imraan 3:50]
3. The Psalms (zaboor) which Allaah the Exalted gave to David 'alayhissalaam.
4. The Scriptures (suhoof) of Abraham and Moses, peace be upon them
5.The Glorious Qur'aan which Allaah revealed to His Prophet Muhammad
sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam; the last of the Prophets. It is:
"A guidance to the people and a clear sign for the guidance, and a
criterion between right and wrong." [al-Baqarah 2:185]
The Qur'aan:
"Confirms the Books that were before it and stands as a judge
(ar. muhaymin) over them." [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:48].23
Through it Allaah abrogated all the previously Revealed Books and has
guaranteed that He will protect it from any tampering or distortion:
"Indeed it is We who sent down the Message and indeed We
shall safeguard it." [Soorah al-Hijr 15:9]
As for the previous Books, they were only meant for a limited period of
time which ceased with the revelation of that which abrogated it and which
explained what it contained of distortions and alterations. This is why they
were not protected from corruption and underwent distortions, additions
and deletions:
"Amongst those who are Je ws, there are some who distort
words from their correct place." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:46]
23. The Shaykh, hafidhahullaah, said in Majmoo' Fataawaa wa Rasaa'il (5/120): "The
meaning is that it is a judge over them. Consequently, it is not permitted to act upon
any ruling contained in the previous Books, except what is correct from them and is
approved of by the Qur'aan."
Also consult: Tafieer Qur'aanul-'Adheem (1/68) of Ibn Katheer.
"So woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and
then say: 'This is from Allaah,' in order that they may sell it for a
miserable price. So woe to them for what their hands have
written and woe to them for their earnings." [al-Baqarah 2:79]
"Say: Who then sent down the book that Moses brought; a light
and a guidance to mankind, which you [i.e. the jews] have made
into separate sheets, disclosing parts of it but concealing much
of it." [Soorah al-An'aam 6:91]
"Indeed, amongst them is a party that distort the Book with
their tongues as they read it, so that you may think that it is part
of the Book whereas it is not from the Book. And they say: 'This
is from Allaah,' but it is not from Allaah; and they forge a lie
against Allaah knowingly." [Soorah Aal-'Imraan 3:78-79]
"0 people of the Book! Now there has come to you Our
Messenger; explaining to you much of that which you used to
conceal of the Book and overlooking much. Indeed there has
come to you a light (ar. noor) from Allaah and a perspicuous
Book, with which Allaah guides those who who seek His good
pleasure to ways of peace; hringing them out of darkness into
the light, by His permission, and guiding them to a straight
path." [Soorah al -Maa'idah 5:15-16]
24. Imaam at -Tabaree rahimahullaah, states in his Tafseer (6/161), whilst discussing the
intended meaning of Allaah's statement:
"Indeed, there has come to you a light from Allaah."
"By light Allaah means Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, through whom
Allaah illuminated the truth, manifested Islaam and effaced polytheism (shirk). So he
is a light for whoever seeks illumination from him, by which the truth is made
evident. From his illuminating the truth is his clarifying to the Jews a great deal of
what they used to hide in the Book."
Point to Note: That the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam is a guiding 'light' in no
way entails that he possesses qualities of Divinity, or contradicts the fact that he is a
human being; as is discussed later (p.44).
As for the hadeeth which allegedly states that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam - on being asked as to what was the first thing created - said: "The light of your
Prophet, 0 Jaabir! Allaah created it and then created everything else..." This report is
a fabrication. Indeed, haafidh as-Suyootee, rahimahullaah, stated in al-Haawee lil-
Fataawee (1/500): "It has no chain which establishes it at all!"
The Messengers
We believe that Allaah the Exalted sent to the people Messengers:
"Bringing good tidings and warning, that mankind may have
no excuse against Allaah after the sending of the Me ssengers.
And Allaah is All-Mighty, All-Wise." [an-Nisaa 4:165]
We believe that the first of the Messengers was Noah and the last of them
was Muhammad; may Allaah send blessings and peace upon them all:
"Indeed We revealed to you, as We revealed to Noah and the
Prophets after him." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:163].25
25. That Noah 'alayhis-salaam was the first Messenger is clearly stated in the hadeeth
concerning the Intercession, which is reported by al-Bukhaaree (no. 7440) and
Muslim (no. 194). As for Adam alayhis-salaam, he was a Prophet, not a Messenger.
Consult: Sharhul-'Aqeedatil-Waasitiyyah (1/66) of Ibn 'Uthaymeen.