
27 Back to Topics

be recompensed according to his evil,

no wrong shall be done unto them.

Say, ‘Truly, my Lord has guided me to a

Way that is straight, a correct religion,

the Path of Abraham, the true in faith,

and he did not associate other gods

with Allah.’ Say, ‘Truly, my prayer and

my service of sacrifice, my life and my

death, are all for Allah, the Lord and

Sustainer of the Worlds; He has no

partner. Thus, am I commanded, and

I am the first of those who submit to

Allah [in Islam].’” (6:159-163)

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Islam also urges its followers to respect

the feelings of those who differ with

them in religion, and it condemns

offensive language against those who

differ with Muslims in faith, as Allah


“Do not insult those they invoke other

than Allah, lest they insult Allah in

enmity without knowledge. Thus, We

have made pleasing to every community

their deeds. Then to their Lord is their

return, and He will inform them about

what they used to do.” (6:108)

Islam, therefore, commands Muslims

to attract the non-Muslims towards

their Faith with the beauty of its

precepts, by the guidance of comely

examples and behavior, as opposed to

the Guidance that only Allah bestows

on whom He will. The Almighty said

in the Qur’an: “Say, ‘The truth is from

your Lord, so whoever wills - let him

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believe; and whoever wills - let him

disbelieve.’ Indeed, We have prepared

for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls

will surround them. And if they call for

relief, they will be relieved with water

like murky oil, which scalds [their]

faces. Wretched is the drink, and evil is

the resting place.” (18:29)

Islam enunciates justice and dispenses

it even to those who do not believe.

Allah, the Almighty, states in the


“So to that [religion of Allah] invite,

[O Muhammad], and remain on a

right course as you are commanded

and do not follow their inclinations

but say, ‘I have believed in what Allah

has revealed of the Qur’an, and I have

been commanded to do justice among

you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord.

For us are our deeds, and for you your

deeds. There is no [need for] argument

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between us and you. Allah will bring

us together, and to Him is the [final]

destination.’” (42:15)

Islam gave man the full freedom of

choice in terms of faith. They may

accept or reject any faith or belief.

Islam gave freedom to the People of

the Book and previous Scriptures to

maintain their faith and practices. Islam

forbids the dismantling of churches

and synagogues. Islam prohibits the

breaking and destruction of the cross

of the Christians. Allah’s Messenger 

is reported to have said concerning the

people of the previous Scriptures:

“Leave them alone in terms of faith”.


Islam gave the people of the previous

Scriptures the rights as their law

dictates, and to eat, drink and wear

what their religion permits them to

31 Back to Topics

do. Islam also entitles the people of

the previous Scriptures to practice

the rituals of their religion insofar as

marriage, marital relationship, divorce

and other relations are concerned.

To demonstrate a practical example,

Omar bin al-Khattab, the second

Caliph, applied such provisions when

he came to the Resurrection Church

in Jerusalem when the Muslim prayer

was due. Omar left the Church, went

outside, and offered the prayer outside

the Church, and informed the priest of

the church, “Had I offered my prayer

inside the Church, some Muslims could

have claimed in the future that this

Church is a place where Omar offered

his prayer and used that as an excuse

to destroy the Church, and build a

Mosque, in its place.”

[Reported from the History of Imam

ibn Jareer at-Tabari]

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Similarly, Omar offered a pledge of

trust as follows, “This is a pledge

of security offered by Omar bin al-

Khattab, the Leader of the Believers, to

the inhabitants of Jerusalem, in terms

of Peace. Omar gives them his pledge

of security and peace as regards their

lives, wealth, churches, crosses and all

their denominations. Their churches

are not to be occupied, destroyed,

reduced in size, nor to limit the Christian

owned properties surrounding the

churches. Their crosses are not to be

abused. The wealth of the Christians

should not be encroached upon or

possessed unlawfully, and Christians

will not be forced or compelled against

their own will [to accept Islam].”

[Reported from the History of Imam

ibn Jareer at-Tabari]

33 Back to Topics






Cooperation should always be based

on mutual interest and respect, and

oriented to serve the best interests of

society at large. Allah, the Wise, the

Almighty, states as a general rule:

34 Back to Topics

“Aid one another in righteousness and

piety, and do not aid one another in

sin and aggression. And fear Allah, for

indeed Allah is strict in punishment.”


Islam exhorts upon its followers to have

a meaningful and sincere dialogue with

those who differ with their religion, as

Allah, Most Wise, orders:

“And do not argue with the People

of the Scripture except in a way that

is best, except for those who commit

injustice among them, and say, ‘We

believe in that which has been revealed

to us and revealed to you. And our

God and your God is one; and we are

Muslims [in submission] to Him.’”


In fact, the approach that Islam

pursued to call people of other

Faiths is a constructive and objective

35 Back to Topics

dialogue that brings people together

to the Word of Allah and to His Divine

Message and Teachings, as He said:

“Say, “O People of the Scripture, come

to a word that is equitable between

us and you - that we will not worship

except Allah and not associate anything

with Him and not take one another as

lords instead of Allah.’ But if they turn

away, then say, ‘Bear witness that we

are Muslims [submitting to Him].’”


36 Back to Topics



All of the Messengers of Allah gave

sincere advice to their communities,

and sincere advice and purity of

intentions are the distinguishing

features of Islam. The Prophet, peace

and blessings of Allah be upon him,

said, as narrated by Abu Hurairah:

“Allah’s Messenger, peace and

blessings of Allah be upon him, once

inquired, ‘Who, amongst you, would

37 Back to Topics

carry the following words of wisdom,

act upon them, and teach them to

others who would also act upon

them?’ Abu Hurairah, may Allah be

pleased with him, volunteered. Upon

that Allah’s Messenger, peace and

blessings of Allah be upon him, held

the hand of Abu Hurairah, may Allah

be pleased with him, and counted

five items, as follows: 1) Avoid all that

is declared by Allah prohibited, thus

you become the best worshipper

of Allah; 2) Accept what had been

predestined for you by Allah, thus you

would be the richest man; 3) Be good

to your neighbor, thus you would be

characterized as a Believer; 4) Like

for others what you like for yourself,

thus you would be characterized as a

Muslim; 5) Lessen your laughter, since

too much laughter would cause the

heart to die.” (Tirmidthi)

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Islam calls upon all Muslims to tender

meaningful and sincere advice to all


This point is based on a statement of

Allah’s Messenger 

“Islam is the religion of sincerity and

advice.” The people inquired, “O

Prophet of Allah! To whom should

this be offered?” Allah’s Messenger,

peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him, said, “To Allah, to His Book, to His

Prophet, to the leaders of the Muslims,

and to the general body of Muslims”.


In explanation of this tradition, we

can say:

Sincerity to Allah is to worship Him

Alone, wholeheartedly; to reject

and discard any rival set up to Allah,

in idolatry; to commemorate the

39 Back to Topics

remembrance of Allah by His Beautiful

Attributes and Blessed Names; to

accept fully that Allah alone is in

charge of all the affairs of all creatures;

to believe that whatever Allah wills,

would happen and whatever He does

not, would never take place; and to

follow the Commandments of Allah,

and cease all actions that He forbade.

Sincerity to Allah’s Book is to firmly

believe in the Divine Scripture revealed

to His Messenger, Muhammad , and

to accept all the laws therein. Sincerity

to Allah’s Prophet is to obey what he

enjoined, shun away from what he

refrained, believe his statements, love

and respect him, and respond to his

call, practices and instructions, and

propagate them amongst people.

Sincerity and advice to the leaders is

to obey the leaders as long as they do

not call for, or impose, any rules that

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disobey the commands of Allah and His

Prophet ; to assist them by guiding

them to all good things; not to rebel

and fight against them so long as they

enjoin the prayer and do not restrict

the practice of Islam throughout their

government agencies; and to offer

them mature and pure advice kindly

and gently. Sincere advice for the

general populace is to guide them

to the best in both their religious

and worldly affairs; to assist them to

achieve their goals; to prevent any

inconvenience to them; and to like for

them what one likes for himself, and to

hate to cause them any harm as one

would hate to cause harm to his own


41 Back to Topics



Muslims are commanded to pursue

all appropriate means that lead to

enjoining good and forbidding evil,

based on one’s ability, knowledge,

and position of authority. The ultimate

goal is to secure peace, tranquility and

stability in the society and to counter

oppression, corruption and the spread

of the “Law of the Jungle.”

42 Back to Topics

Allah states:

“Aid one another in righteousness and

piety, and do not aid one another in

sin and aggression. And fear Allah, for

indeed Allah is strict in punishment.”


Allah’s Messenger  said, “Whoever of

you sees an evil must [try to] change

it with his hand. If he is not able to do

so, then [he must try to change it] with

his tongue. And if he is not able to do

so, then [he must change it] with his

heart. And that is the slightest [effect

of] faith.” (Muslim)

The Messenger  made a simile about

those who do wrong and harm others

by their sins: “The example of those

who observe the boundaries of Allah

and those who do not is like a group

of people who traveled in a ship. The

sailors of the ship decided to split

43 Back to Topics

the riders so a portion of them rode

on the upper deck, while the other

portion rode the lower deck. When

the people of the lower deck wanted

to get water from the river, they had

to go to the upper deck and ask them.

The occupants of the lower deck of

the ship decided that it would be

less hassle if they drill a hole in the

wall of their portion of the ship so as

to get water without disturbing the

others. If the people of the upper deck

permitted them to execute their plan,

they would all sink and drown in the

water. But if the people of the upper

deck refused to let them drill a hole

and restricted them, they would all be

saved.” (Bukhari)

44 Back to Topics

Allah, the Omnipotent and Omniscient,

informs us that His Wrath descended

upon previous nations as a result of

their negligence to enjoin good and

forbid evil:

“Nor did they forbid one another the

inequities which they used to commit.

Evil indeed were the deeds which they

did.” (5:79)

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All forms of worship in Islam are

egalitarian in nature and promote

brotherhood and peace. The shahadah

(testimony of faith), salah (prayer),

zakat (alms and charity), fasting, hajj

(pilgrimage), commanding the good

and prohibiting the evil, and jihad

(exertion and struggle) are equally

obligatory upon all Muslims; those who

are able to fulfill their requirements.

To become a Muslim, the simple rite

is to declare the testimony of faith:


RASULULLAH (there is nothing

worthy of worship except Allah and

Muhammad is the messenger of Allah).

In congregational prayer Muslims stand

next to each other in rows without

46 Back to Topics

any distinctions between them.

Zakah promotes generosity and social

cohesiveness between the richer and

poorer segments of society. Fasting

promotes realization of the basic needs

of all humans, and control of these most

basic physical desires. Hajj is the grand

equalizer since all clothe themselves

in simple white cloth and perform the

same rituals in remembrance of the

Prophet Abraham, and glorification

of the sacred precincts of Makkah.

Commanding good, prohibiting evil

and “Jihad” are for the promotion

and preservation of all that is good,

wholesome and decent, and for the

combating of that which is evil and

morally corrupt.

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Allah states:

“Is one who worships devoutly during

the hours of the night prostrating

himself or standing [in prayer], who

takes heed of the Hereafter, and who

places his hope in the Mercy of his

Lord, [like one who does not]? Say,

‘Are those equal, those who know and

those who do not know?’ It is those

who are endured with understanding

that receive admonition.” (39:9)

48 Back to Topics

Allah’s Messenger  said:

“Seeking knowledge is obligatory for

every Muslim.” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah,

& Baihaqi)




Islam commands Muslims to protect

and preserve the environment and

warns against wanton destruction and


The general rule is as Allah says:

“Do not commit mischief on the earth

after it has been set in order and call on

Him [in prayer] with fear and longing.

Indeed, the Mercy of Allah is always

near to those who do good.” (7:56)

49 Back to Topics

Also, Allah, the Almighty, states:

“And of the people is he whose speech

pleases you in worldly life, and he

calls Allah to witness as to what is

in his heart, yet he is the fiercest of

opponents. When he turns his back, his

aim is to spread mischief everywhere

through the earth and destroy crops

and cattle. But Allah does not love

mischief.” (2:204-205)

The most precious natural resources

of pure water, air and fertile land are

protected for the general good and

utility. For instance, the Prophet

 commanded for water conservation

by asking Muslims not to waste water

during washing and ablution even when

one is utilizing running river water, and

he forbade washing of the parts of the

body while making ablutions more

than three times saying:

50 Back to Topics

“Whoever increases on that (more

than three) does injustice and wrong.”


And Allah’s Messenger  forbade

people to urinate in stagnant water.


Islam also forbids people to place any

excrement, refuge, or garbage in the

middle of the public passages, or in

shady places which people use for rest

and recreation.

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Allah, the Exalted and Almighty, said:

“So as for the orphan, do not oppress

[him]. And as for the petitioner, do not

repel [him].” (93:9-10)

The Messenger of Allah  said:

“The orphan’s sponsor and I are in

Paradise like these (and he held his

two fingers, the index and the middle

fingers, together, indicating how close

they are).” (Tirmidthi)

The Messenger of Allah  said:

“By Allah! One would not become a

Believer until he likes for his brother

what he likes for his own self”. (Muslim)

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Endowments in Islam are of two


Private Endowment: This type is

dedicated to the progeny of the

person who offers such endowment.

The progeny and family members

of the grantor would be well off, and

they would not need to ask others

to donate to them. This type has a

stipulation, however, that the funds of

the endowment would be given to the

53 Back to Topics

public interest as a charity upon the

death of the last person of the progeny

of the donor.

Public and General Endowment: This

type is dedicated to charitable works,

such as building hospitals, schools,

roads, public libraries, mosques,

community centers, orphanages,

elderly homes and other beneficial

projects of general public interest for

the community and the society at


54 Back to Topics

To download and read the complete book,

click on the cover picture here.

This is an excerpt

of a larger book titled

“Islam is the Religion of Peace”

by Abd Ar- Rahman

bin Abd Al-Kareem Ash-Sheha.

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