Islamic Principles that Promote
In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful
For peace to be true and
comprehensive, it must encompass
all spheres of human activity fulfilling
the needs of life in a balanced and just
manner. Islamic laws and teachings
include the following principles, legal
precepts and guidance - presented
as examples only - all of which aim at
promoting universal and just peace.
Islamic Principles
that Pro-mote Peace
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Islam values all human life, and for
its protection imposes the death
penalty [Qisaas] for premeditated and
intentional murder of an innocent soul.
Accidental and unintentional killing
has a different penalty, which is called
“Diyyah” (blood-money or retribution),
defined as a pre-determined sum of
money, given to the heirs of the person
killed. This blood-money is by no means
an equal for the loss of the person killed,
but it is rather a financial compensation
for the harm they suffer as a result of
the loss of their loved one.
Atonement (kaffarah) is to be performed
by the killer by emancipation of a slave,
or observation of a continuous fast for
two consecutive months to expiate
the sin of his mistake. If the murderer
cannot observe this fast for a legitimate
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reason, he is obliged to feed sixty poor
people a reasonably sufficient meal.
This atonement is an act of worship
by which the sinner seeks pardon and
forgiveness from Allah, Most Merciful,
for his unintentional sin of killing a
human. All this is done to demonstrate
the sacredness of human life.
Islam prescribes the ultimate penalty
for taking a human life intentionally
since, if a potential killer realizes that
he or she will be killed in retaliation
for the crime, perhaps they will
reconsider before committing murder.
If the penalty were anything less
than strict retribution, the criminals
would continue boldly in their crimes.
The same applies to all capital and
corporal punishments, called Hudood
(castigatory) punishments in Islam.
Castigatory punishments in Islam are
efficient, just penalties and successful
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deterrents for the noble reason
of preserving and maintaining the
security of human life, as Allah, the
Most wise, states in His Qur’an:
“And there is for you in legal retribution
[saving of] life, O you [people] of
understanding, that you may become
righteous.” (2:179)
And Allah, Most Beneficent, said:
“Thus, We decreed upon the Children
of Israel that whoever kills a soul
unless for a soul or for corruption
[done] in the land - it is as if he had
slain mankind entirely. And whoever
saves one - it is as if he had saved
mankind entirely. And our messengers
had certainly come to them with clear
proofs. Then indeed many of them,
[even] after that, throughout the land,
were transgressors.” (5:32)
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Furthermore, the hardened
unrepentant criminal is threatened
with the everlasting penalty in the
Hellfire, a permanent abode of
humiliation and endless torture, under
the Wrath of Allah, the Almighty, in
the Hereafter. Allah, the Wise and
Almighty, states:
“But whoever kills a believer
intentionally - his recompense is Hell,
wherein he will abide eternally, and
Allah has become angry with him and
has cursed him and has prepared for
him a great punishment.” (4:93)
Abu Bakrah narrated: “I heard Allah’s
Messenger saying:
‘When two Muslims fight each other
with their swords, both the murderer
as well as the murdered will go to
Hell-fire.’ I said, ‘O Allah’s Messenger!
I understand for the murderer, but
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what about the murdered one?’ Allah’s
Messenger replied, ‘He surely had
the intention to kill his companion.’”
Of course, if one sincerely repents,
then Allah’s Mercy and Forgiveness
encompasses all sinners.
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All humans are innately equal, and this
applies to both male and female alike.
When Allah, the Almighty, created
the first human, Adam, peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him, - our
great grandfather and the father of
all humanity - he also created our
grandmother Eve. Thus, humanity is
essentially one family and of one race
from this honorable couple. Humans
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became distinguished thereafter by
their belief and obedience, or their
disbelief and disobedience. Allah, the
Almighty, states in the Qur’an:
“O Mankind! Reverence your Lord,
who created you from a single Person
and created its mate, and from the two
of them scattered countless men and
women. Fear Allah, through Whom
you demand your mutual rights, and
reverence the wombs [that bore you],
for Allah is ever watchful over you.”
The Messenger of Allah said:
“All people are the children of Adam
and Adam was created from earth.”
Since earth is of different colors
and traits, man also developed into
different colors and traits.
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The Prophet Muhammad said:
“Allah has relieved you from the burden
of ignorance with its pride in fathers
and ancestors. You are all from Adam,
and Adam is from the earth. There is
no difference between an Arab and a
non-Arab, nor between a black man
and a red man, except in piety.” (Abu
All humans initially believed in the
common faith of Islamic monotheism
as revealed to Adam and spoke the
same common language. As Allah, the
Almighty, states in His Magnificent
“Mankind was not but one community
[united in religion], but [then] they
differed. And if not for a word that
preceded from your Lord, it would
have been judged between them
[immediately] concerning that over
which they differ.” (10:19)
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Consequently, man began to differ,
and the reasons for their differences
include multiplication of their numbers;
emigrations to various areas of the
earth; divergence of colors and other
features of the human subgroups;
development of local languages and
dialects and so forth.
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Since Islam regards each human being,
regardless of race, color, language,
creed, religion, or country on an equal
footing with other human beings in
the trait of humanity, all human beings
are equal before the Laws of Allah, the
“O mankind, indeed, We have created
you from male and female and made
you peoples and tribes that you may
know one another. Indeed, the most
noble of you in the sight of Allah is the
most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is
Knowing and Acquainted.” (49:13)
And in the traditions, we read that
Aishah, Allah be pleased with her,
reported: “The Quraish were very
worried about the case of a woman
who had committed theft, and they
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wondered who should intercede on
her behalf with the Messenger of
Allah . Some said Usamah bin Zaid
was his beloved and thus he may dare
do so. So Usamah spoke to him about
that matter, and the Prophet said to
‘Are you interceding when one of the
penal codes ordained by Allah has been
violated?’ Then he got up and addressed
the people saying, ‘The people before
you were ruined because when a noble
person amongst them committed
theft, they would leave him, but if a
weak person amongst them committed
theft, they would execute the legal
punishment on him. By Allah, were
Fatimah1, the daughter of Muhammad,
to commit the theft, I would have cut
off her hand.’” (Bukhari & Muslim)
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All human beings are also equal
in terms of basic freedom and
responsibilities. Omar bin al-Khattab
made an eloquent statement on this
fact some fourteen centuries ago when
he declared to a sinning Muslim who
arrogantly had wronged a non-Muslim,
“Have you enslaved the people though
their own mothers gave birth to them
free?” Therefore, every human being,
in the sight of Islam, is entitled to the
following types of freedom, mentioned
in brief examples as follows:
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Freedom of thought and opinion.
Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him, commanded the
Muslims to declare the truth, express
their honest opinion, and refrain from
intimidating others as he is reported to
have said:
“A person who knows the truth and
does not declare it, is a mute devil”
Freedom of access to benefit from the
wealth, minerals, and natural resources
of the earth. The Almighty states:
“It is He who made the earth tame
for you - so walk among its slopes and
eat of His provision - and to Him is the
resurrection.” (67:15)
Freedom of access to lawful income
and ownership. Islam encourages all
to work in beneficial trades so as to
have free access to lawful income. The
Messenger of Allah said:
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“By him in whose hand is my soul, if
one of you were to carry a bundle of
firewood on his back and sell it, that
would be better for him than begging
a man who may or may not give him
anything.” (Bukhari)
Freedom of learning and teaching.
Islam advocates the freedom of
learning for every member in the
society. The Messenger of Allah said:
“Seeking knowledge is an obligatory
duty upon every Muslim.” (Baihaqi)
In fact, Islam classifies the act of
monopolizing essential, useful and
Islamic knowledge, concealing it from
others, and not sharing it with them,
an unforgivable act that leads to the
Wrath of Allah, the Almighty, and
His Penalty. Allah’s Messenger is
reported to have said:
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“A knowledgeable person who is
asked to share his knowledge with
others but refuses to do so and hides
his information would have a harness
of fire put on him on the Day of
Judgment.” (Abu Dawood & Tirmidthi)
Freedom of access to leadership
positions in the society, if he possesses
the necessary qualifications. Ability and
understanding are the main criteria
required for holding a leadership
position in the Islamic society, as
opposed to color, lineage and race,
for instance. Allah’s Messenger is
reported to have said:
“If a person is assigned the charge of
the Muslim affairs, then appoints a
person on favoritism, irrespective of
his qualifications, he would deserve
the Wrath and Curse of Allah. Allah,
the Almighty, would not accept any of
his actions and such a person would be
in the Hellfire.” (Hakim)
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Freedom is often a misused word.
Real freedom cannot be achieved if a
man is a slave to his base desires - or
a servant to the desires of others - and
seeks to fulfill them by any immoral
and unlawful means. The man is
allured to this false freedom by the
enticement of Satan, the avowed
enemy of all mankind, who, in his
jealous rage, hates the human race
and has given his committed oath to
Allah to wait with his troops in ambush
to strike with their arsenal of weapons
whenever, and wherever, possible.
Allah, the Almighty, said:
“O children of Adam, let not Satan
tempt you as he removed your parents
from Paradise, stripping them of their
clothing to show them their private
parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his
tribe, from where you do not see them.
Indeed, We have made the devils allies
to those who do not believe.” (7:27)
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As the universal and eternal religion
of Allah for all humanity, Islam aims
at eliminating all aspects of tribalism,
nationalism, racism and party spirit
leading to conflict. Islam is the religion
of Allah that was taught to all men
in its essentials of monotheism,
even though particulars of the law
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and guidance may vary according to
man’s circumstances. The same basic
message was given from the Prophet
Adam all the way through to the final
Messenger, Muhammad .
Allah, the Almighty, states in the
Glorious Qur’an:
“[Allah] has ordained for you of religion
what He enjoined upon Noah and that
which We have revealed to you, [O
Muhammad], and what We enjoined
upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus
- to establish the religion and not be
divided therein. Difficult for those who
associate others with Allah is that to
which you invite them. Allah chooses
for Himself whom He wills and guides
to Himself whoever turns back [to
Him].” (42:13)
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Allah, the Almighty, also states:
“We have sent revelation to you as We
sent it to Noah and the Messengers
after him. We sent revelation to
Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and
the Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron,
and Solomon, and to David We gave
the Psalms. Of some Messengers We
have already told you the story, and of
others, We have not, and to Moses did
Allah speak directly. The Messengers
gave good news as well as warning, so
that mankind - after the coming of the
Messengers - should have no argument
against Allah, for Allah is Exalted in
Might and Wise.” (4:163-165)
And Allah says:
“That was Our [conclusive] argument
which We gave Abraham against his
people. We raise by degrees whom
We will. Indeed, your Lord is Wise and
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Knowing. We gave him Isaac and Jacob;
all We guided. And before him We
guided Noah, and among his progeny:
David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses
and Aaron. Thus, do We reward those
who do good. And Zachariah and John,
and Jesus and Elias; all are in the ranks
of the Righteous.” (6:83-86)
The Lord of Man, Allah, sent them all
with the same call:
“O my people, worship Allah. You have
no other god but Him.” (11:50)
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Allah, the Almighty also says:
“Say [O believers], ‘We have believed
in Allah and what has been revealed
to us and what has been revealed to
Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and
Jacob and the Tribes and what was
given to Moses and Jesus and what
was given to the prophets from their
Lord. We make no distinction between
any of them, and we are Muslims [in
submission] to Him.’” (2:136)
As such, all Muslims are obligated by
faith and creed to believe in all the
Prophets and Messengers; to believe
in the Divine Books and Scriptures
revealed and sent down to them; to
respect and honor every Divine Law
revealed by Allah, the Almighty, to
any previous people; and to believe
in the brotherhood of the previous
followers of the Book who welcomed
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the Mission of Muhammad . The
Message of Islam, which was brought
by Muhammad , is the Final Divine
Message to mankind, as Allah said:
“Muhammad is not the father of any
of your men, but he is the Messenger
of Allah, and the Last of the Prophets.
And Allah has full knowledge of all
things.” (33:40)
Thus, the final Divine Message of
Islam as revealed to the Prophet
Muhammad, peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him, abrogates all
previous messages. Abrogation by
no means is a denial of the previous
messages, but only signifies that they
are no longer in effect. Henceforth,
Islam is the only religion acceptable to
Allah, the Supreme Lord, as He said:
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“If anyone desires a religion other than
Islam, never will it be accepted of him;
and in the Hereafter he will be in the
ranks of those who have lost.” (3:85)
Islam urges the followers of previous
Divine Messages to believe in the
Message of Islam, as revealed to
Muhammad, peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him, as Allah, the
Almighty, said:
“So, if they believe in the same as
you believe in, then they have been
[rightly] guided. But, if they turn away,
they are only in dissension, and Allah
will be sufficient for you against them.
And He is the Hearing, the Knowing.”
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And Allah, Most Great and Majestic,
“Those who disbelieve in Allah and His
messengers and wish to discriminate
between Allah and His messengers and
say, ‘We believe in some and disbelieve
in others,’ and wish to adopt a way in
between - those are the disbelievers,
truly. And We have prepared for the
disbelievers a humiliating punishment.”
All forms of disbelief are categorically
castigated by Allah:
“As for those who divide their religion
and break up into sects, you should
have no part in them in the least; their
affair is with Allah. He will in the end
tell them the truth of all that they
did. He that does good shall have [the
reward thereof] ten times as much to
his credit. He that does evil shall only