
A Glimpse

at Some Islamic


In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious,

the Most Merciful

The Religion of Islam has introduced

various manners which Muslims are

encouraged to abide by in order to

form a complete Islamic personality.

Some of these excellent manners are

explained below.

A Glimpse at Some

Islamic Etiquette

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01 Dining Etiquette

1 One should begin their meal by

mentioning the name of Allah, saying:

“Bismillaah” (I begin with the Name of

Allah) and conclude by praising and

thanking Him by saying “Al-hamdu

lillaah” (All praise and thanks are due

to Allah). One should eat from the

nearest side of the dish to him and

use his right hand, for the left hand is

generally used for cleaning unpleasant

things. ‘Umar bin Abi Salamah said:

“When I was a young boy, I was eating

in the room of the Messenger of Allah

and my hands were reaching all صلى الله عليه وسلم

over the plate to eat. The Messenger

said to me: “O young boy, صلى الله عليه وسلم of Allah

mention the name of Allah, eat with

your right hand, and eat from what is

in front of you.” [Bukhari]

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2 One should never complain or

criticize the food however distasteful

it may be. Abu Hurairah said:

never صلى الله عليه وسلم “The Messenger of Allah

criticized any food. If he liked it he

would eat it, if not he would leave it.”


3 One should avoid eating or drinking

in excess. Allah says:

“…and eat and drink, but waste

not by extravagance. Certainly

Allah likes not those who waste by

extravagance.” [7:31]

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said: صلى الله عليه وسلم The Prophet

“Man does not fill a container worse

than his stomach. It is enough that a

human eats a few morsels by which

he can straighten his back, and if he

must eat more, then let him keep a

third for his food, a third for his drink,

and a third for his breath.” [Tirmidhi]

4 One should not breathe or blow

into vessels. Ibn ‘Abbas said that:

forbade breathing صلى الله عليه وسلم “The Prophet

into vessels or blowing into them.”

[Abu Dawood & at-Tirmidhi]

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5 One should not soil food or

beverage for others.

6 One should eat with others and

not individually. A man said to the

:صلى الله عليه وسلم Messenger of Allah

“Indeed, we eat, but our hunger

is not satiated.” He said: “Do you

gather to eat or eat individually?” He

said, “Individually.” He said, “Gather

and eat together and mention the

Name of Allah, and your food will be

blessed.” [Abu Dawood & ibn Maajah]

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7 One must seek permission to take

others to an invitation. A person from

the Ansar named Abu Shu‘aib invited

five people from which the Prophet

was one of them. Another person صلى الله عليه وسلم

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم came with them. The Prophet

“This man has come with back, allow,

he will come in, but if not, he will go

back.” The host said, “No, rather, I

give him my permission.” [Bukhari]

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02 Manners of Relieving


1 When one enters the toilet, they

should supplicate. Anas said that the

upon entering the area صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

where he would relieve himself would


“Bismillah Allahumma inni a‘oodhu

bika min al-kubthi wal-khabaa`ith.”

(“I begin with the Name of Allah, O

Allah, Indeed, I seek refuge in you from

the male and female Jinn.”) [Bukhari]

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A’ishah said:

صلى الله عليه وسلم “When the Messenger of Allah

would leave the place where he

relieved himself, he would say:


(“I seek your forgiveness O’ Allah.”)

[Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi & ibn Maajah]

2 One should not face the Qiblah

(direction of Mecca), nor give it his

back, while relieving himself. Abu

Hurairah said:

“Indeed, I am only like a father is

to his son. You should not face the

Qiblah, nor give it your backs when

one of you goes to relieve himself,

nor should they wipe themselves

with less than three rocks, and do not

use a piece of dung or a bone.” [Abu

Dawood & ibn Maajah]

3 One should conceal himself when

he answers the call of nature. Jaabir


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“Whenever the Prophet wanted to

relieve himself, he would retreat to a

place where no one could see him.”

[Abu Dawood]

4 One should not use his right hand

صلى الله عليه وسلم in order to clean filth. The Prophet


“When one of you drinks, they should

not breathe in the vessel. When he

goes to relieve himself, he should not

touch his private part with his right

hand, and he should not wipe himself

with his right hand.” [Bukhari]

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03 Manners of Seeking


1 A person is outside a house and

seeks permission to enter. Allah


“O you who have believed, do not

enter houses other than your own

houses until you ascertain welcome

and greet their inhabitants. That is

best for you. Perhaps you will be

reminded.” [24:27]

2 A person is inside a house and

seeks permission to enter a room.

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Allah says:

“And when the children among you

come to puberty, then let them also

ask for permission, as those senior to

them.” [24:59]

This is intended to safeguard the

households and protect the privacy of

homes, as indicated in the Prophet’s

words: صلى الله عليه وسلم

A man was looking into the room of

from a hole in the door, صلى الله عليه وسلم the Prophet

had a tooth of a صلى الله عليه وسلم and the Prophet

comb with which he was scratching

his head. He said to him, “If I had

known you were looking, I would

have poked your eye with it. Indeed,

seeking permission was legislated

so that one would not see [the private

affairs of another’s house].” [Bukhari &


One should not be persistent in seeking

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم permission. The Prophet

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“One should seek permission thrice.

If you are granted permission, then

enter, and if not, go back.” [Muslim]

The person seeking permission should

make himself known. Jaabir said:

in regards صلى الله عليه وسلم “I came to the Prophet

to a loan of my father. I knocked on

the door and he said, ‘Who is there?’ I

said, ‘I am.’ He replied, ‘I am, I am?’ It

was as if he did not like [what I said].”


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04 Manners of Greeting

Islam has encouraged that members

of society greet each other with

the greeting of peace (Salaam) on

account of the love and friendship

صلى الله عليه وسلم which it produces. The Prophet


“You will never enter Paradise until

you believe, and you will never

believe fully until you love each other.

Shall I not lead you to something

that if you do it, you will love each

other? Spread the greetings of peace

amongst yourselves.” [Muslim]

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It is obligatory that one replies if

he is greeted with peace (Salaam).

Allah says:

“When you are greeted with a

greeting, greet in return with what

is better than it, or return it equally.”


Islam has also clarified who must

صلى الله عليه وسلم initiate the greeting. The Prophet


“A rider should greet a pedestrian,

a pedestrian should greet one who

is seated, and a smaller group of

people should greet a larger.” [Bukhari

& Muslim]

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05 Manners that Relate to

the Sitting Place

One should greet those who are

present in the gathering, upon

entering as well as exiting. The

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

“If one of you comes to a gathering,

let him greet them with peace. If it

seems to him that he should sit, then

let him sit. When he stands [to leave],

then let him greet them [again] with

peace, for indeed, the first one is no

more important than the other.” [Abu

Dawood & Tirmidhi]

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People should make room for

others. Allah says:

“O you who have believed, when you

are told, ‘Spread out’ in assemblies,

then make room [for others], for

Allah will make room for you. And

when you are told, ‘Arise,’ then arise,

and Allah will raise those who have

believed among you and those who

were given knowledge, by degrees.

And Allah is Acquainted with what

you do.” [58:11]

One should not ask others to stand

so that they can sit in their place.

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم The Prophet

“A person should not cause another

to stand from his place and then sit in

it, but rather, you should spread out

and make room.” [Muslim]

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If a person stands and leaves from

his seat, he has more right over it if

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم he returns. The Prophet

“If a person stands from his seat and

returns to it, he has more right to it.”


One should not part two people

sitting together, except after

seeking permission from both. The

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

“It is not permissible for a person

to separate two people (by sitting

between them), unless they give

permission.” [Abu Dawood & Tirmidhi]

One should not talk to someone

privately in the presence of a third

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم person. The Prophet

“If you are three, two people should

not privately speak without the third

until you mix with other people, for

that will grieve him.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

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One should not sit in the middle of a

circle or group of people. Hudhaifah

reported that the Messenger of

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم Allah

“He who sits in the center of

gatherings is cursed.” [Abu Dawood &


People in a gathering should not

busy themselves with nonsense

or speech that is devoid of the

remembrance of Allah, or useful

discussions of worldly and religious

صلى الله عليه وسلم affairs. The Messenger of Allah


“No people rise from an assembly

in which the name of Allah was not

mentioned, except that they are

like those who rise from around a

donkey’s carcass, and the assembly

will be a source of sorrow for them.”

[Abu Dawood]

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A person should not do anything

which his companions in the

gathering dislike.

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06 Manners of Gathering

Islam gives consideration to the

general feeling of people who gather

at any place, so people would desire

to gather. Therefore, Islam instructs

its followers to be clean. They should

not come with a bad odor that bothers

others, and they should come welldressed.

Islam also instructs people

to pay attention to the speaker without

interrupting him, and to sit where they

find room without crossing people or

causing them any inconvenience. The

said about the gathering of صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

the Friday Prayer (Jumu‘ah):

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“Whoever takes a bath on Friday,

applies some perfume, wears the best

of his clothes, then attends Friday

prayer without crossing over people’s

necks and performs whatever

rak‘ahs(1) he is able, and then keeps

quiet when the Imam rises to the

pulpit until he concludes prayer, his

prayer will be an atonement for the

whole week preceding that prayer.”

[Abu Dawood & Ibn Maajah]

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If someone sneezes, he should say,

“Alhamdulillaah.” (All praise is due

to Allah)

Those who hear him should say,

“Yarhamuk-Allah.” (May Allah have

mercy on you)

The one who sneezes should again reply

to them by saying, “Yahdeekumullaah

wa yuslihu baalakum.” (May Allah guide

you and improve your affairs)

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم The Prophet

“When one of you sneezes, let him

say, ‘Alhamdulillaah,’ and then let

his brother or companion say to him,

‘Yarhamuk-Allahu,’ and then let him

(the one who sneezed) say, ‘Yahdee

kum-ullaah wa yuslihu baalakum.’”


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From its manners is what Abu Hurairah

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم related, that the Prophet

“When one of you sneezes, let him

place his hands on his face and lower

his voice.” [Haakim]

When someone feels like yawning,

they should try to stop it as much

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم as possible. The Prophet

“Indeed, Allah loves sneezes, but

dislikes yawns. When one of you

sneezes and then thanks and praises

Allah, it is his right that every Muslim

that hears him says, “Yarhamuk-

Allah”. As for yawning, it is from

Satan, so let a person try to suppress

it as much as possible. And if one of

you sighs, “Aahh!” [while yawning],

Shaytaan laughs.” [Bukhari]

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One should not belch in public. Ibn

‘Umar said:

“A man belched while in the company

and so ,صلى الله عليه وسلم of the Messenger of Allah

he said to him, ‘Save us from your

belching, for the most satiated in this

life will be hungry for the longest time

on the Day of Resurrection.’” [Tirmidhi

& Ibn Maajah]

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07 Manners of


The person should always be

attentive to the speaker, without

interrupting him or starting a side

conversation, until he finishes.

started صلى الله عليه وسلم The Messenger of Allah

his speech during the Farewell

Pilgrimage by saying to one of his


“Ask the people to keep quiet.”

[Bukhari & Muslim]

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One should speak clearly, and

adequately explain his intent so

that the listener may understand.

‘A’ishah, the Prophet’s wife, said:

“The Prophet’s words were clear so

that anyone who heard him could

understand him.” [Abu Dawood]

The speaker as well as the listener

should be cheerful and pleasant in

their expressions and speech. The

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

“Do not underestimate any good

deed, even meeting your brother with

a cheerful face.” [Muslim]

also said: صلى الله عليه وسلم The Prophet

“There is a charity to be given for

every small bone of the human

body (as a sign of gratitude to Allah)

everyday the sun rises. To judge

justly between two persons is

regarded as charity, and to help a

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man with his riding animal by helping

him to ride it or by lifting his luggage

on to it, is also regarded as charity.

Saying a good word is charity, every

step taken on one’s way to offer the

compulsory prayer is a charity and to

remove a harmful thing from the road

is also a charity.” [Bukhari]

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08 Manners of Joking

Life in Islam should not, as some

erroneously believe, be devoid of any

entertainment. A companion of the

named Handalah al-Usaidi صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet


“Abu Bakr met me and asked, ‘How

are you, O Handalah?’ He replied,

‘Handalah has become a hypocrite!’

He replied, ‘Far removed is Allah

from every imperfection! What are

you saying?’ Handalah said, ‘When

we are with the Messenger of Allah

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he reminds us about the Hellfire ,صلى الله عليه وسلم

and Paradise, and it is as if it is

before our eyes. But when we leave

the company of the Messenger of

we become involved with ,صلى الله عليه وسلم Allah

our wives, children and property and

we forget much.’ Abu Bakr said, ‘By

Allah, the same happens to me.’ So

Abu Bakr and I left until we entered

I said, .صلى الله عليه وسلم upon the Messenger of Allah

‘Handalah has become a hypocrite,

The ’!صلى الله عليه وسلم O Messenger of Allah

replied, ‘And صلى الله عليه وسلم Messenger of Allah

how is that?’ I said, ‘O Messenger

when we are with you, ,صلى الله عليه وسلم of Allah

you remind us about the Hellfire and

Paradise as if it is before our eyes,

but when we leave your company,

we become involved with our wives,

children and property and forget

much.’ To that, the Messenger of Allah

commented, ‘By Him in Whose صلى الله عليه وسلم

Hand is my soul, if you were to remain

in that state you are when you are

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with me, the angels would descend

and shake your hands in your beds

and when you walk in the roads, but

rather, O Handalah, there is a time for

this and a time for that (and he said

this three times).’” [Muslim]

Here the Prophet explained that

permissible enjoyment and selfrefreshment

is something desirable

so that man would regain his activity

taught صلى الله عليه وسلم and liveliness. The Prophet

his companions the manners of joking

when they asked him:

you joke ,صلى الله عليه وسلم “O Messenger of Allah

with us?” He said, “Yes, but I do not

speak except that which is correct

and true.” [Tirmidhi]

One may joke with his actions as

well as with his speech. Anas bin

Malik reported that a Bedouin

called Zaahir used to bring presents

,صلى الله عليه وسلم from the desert to the Prophet

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used to supply صلى الله عليه وسلم and the Prophet

him with provisions upon leaving.

said, “Indeed, صلى الله عليه وسلم The Prophet

Zaahir is our ‘desert’ and we are

his ‘city.’” One day, the Prophet

came to him (unsuspectingly) صلى الله عليه وسلم

while he was selling his goods and

grasped him from behind. Zaahir

exclaimed, “Release me!” Then he

looked behind him and recognized

so he pressed ,صلى الله عليه وسلم the Prophet

his back against his chest. The

called out, “Who will صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

purchase this slave?” Zaahir said,

“O Messenger of Allah, you will

find me worthless!” The Prophet

answered, “But with Allah, you صلى الله عليه وسلم

are not worthless.” (Or he said),

“Rather you are valuable in Allah’s

estimation.” [Ibn Hibbaan]

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One should not joke in a way to

harm or ill-treat another person.

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم The Prophet

“It is not permissible for a Muslim to

scare another Muslim.” [Abu Dawood]

also said: صلى الله عليه وسلم He

“Let not anyone take his brother’s

things (to anger him), seriously or

jokingly.” [Abu Dawood & Tirmidhi]

A person should never lie while

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم joking. The Prophet

“Woe to the one who lies in his speech

to make people laugh. Woe to him!

Woe to him!” [Ahmad & Abu Dawood]

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09 Etiquettes of Visiting

the Ill

Islam strongly encourages that one

visits the ill, and it has deemed it a

right a Muslim owes to his brother. The

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

“The rights of a Muslim over another

are five: returning his greetings of

peace (Salaam), visiting him when

he is sick, following his funeral

ceremony, answering his invitation

and saying yarhamuk Allah to him

when he sneezes.” [Bukhari]

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As for the reward a Muslim receives

for visiting his sick brother, the

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

“Whoever visits a sick person, he

would receive continuous reward

until he returns.” [Muslim]

One should show love and

sympathy when he visits the ill.

A’ishah bint Sa’d said that her

father said:

“I was sick in Makkah, so the Prophet

came to visit me, and he put his hand

on my forehead and wiped over my

chest and stomach, and supplicated

Allah saying, ‘O Allah, heal Sa’d….’”

[Abu Dawood]

One should supplicate for the sick.

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم The Prophet

“Whoever visits the sick for whom

death has not yet been decreed,

and says seven times: As’alullaah

al-‘Adheem, Rubb al-‘Arsh il-

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‘Adheem an yashfiyak. (‘I beseech

Allah, the Magnificent, the Lord of the

Magnificent Throne, that He cures

you’). Allah will cure him of that

sickness.” [Abu Dawood & Tirmidhi]

10 Etiquettes of


Condolences have been prescribed

to console the deceased’s family and

lighten their pain and distress. The

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم Messenger of Allah

“No believer consoles his brother at

a time of distress except that Allah

will clothe him with ornaments of

honor on the Day of Judgment.” [ibn


One should supplicate for the family

of the deceased and encourage

them to have patience and think

of the reward they will receive from

Allah for doing so in this time of

distress. Usaamah bin Zaid said:

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when صلى الله عليه وسلم “We were with the Prophet

a message was sent by one of his

daughters saying that she is calling

him and that a child of hers was

dying. He said to the messenger, ‘Go

back to her and say that what Allah

took back was His (to begin with), and

His is what he gave, and everything

with Allah is for a prescribed time.

Order her to have patience and seek

reward from Allah.’ The messenger

and said, ‘She صلى الله عليه وسلم came to the Prophet

has sworn an oath that you come to

stood along with صلى الله عليه وسلم her.’ The Prophet

Sa’d bin ‘Ubaadah and Mu‘aadh bin

Jabal. I set off with them, and (when

we arrived) he lifted up the young

boy and his soul was leaving his

body (known by his shaking) like the

sound made when pouring water into

an empty leather waterskin. His (the

eyes were wet, and Sa’d (صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet’s

exclaimed, ‘What is this O Messenger

He replied, ‘This is mercy ’?صلى الله عليه وسلم of Allah

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which Allah instilled in the hearts of

his servants. Indeed, the only people

who Allah shows mercy to from his

servants are those who also show

mercy.’” [Bukhari & Muslim]

One should supplicate to Allah that

He shows mercy to the deceased.

Imam Ash-Shaafi‘i liked that one

say to the family of the deceased:

“May Allah give you a great reward,

grant you patience, and forgive your


It is desirable to prepare food for the

family of the deceased. The Messenger

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم of Allah

“Prepare food for the family of Ja’far,

for Indeed, a matter has come which

has preoccupied them.” [Abu Dawood &


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11 The Etiquettes of


When one wishes to sleep, he should

mention the Name of Allah and lie

down on his right side, making sure

that there is nothing present which

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم might harm him. The Prophet

“When one of your retreats to his bed,

let him take the side of his garment

and dust off his bed with it and

mention Allah’s Name, for he does not

know what entered it after he left. If he

wishes to lie down, let him lie down on

his right side and say:

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‘Subhaanak-Allahumma Rabbi bika

wada’tu janbi, wa bika arfa‘uhu. In

amsakta nafsi, faghfir lahaa. Wa

in arsaltahaa, fahfadh-haa bimaa

tahfadhu bihi ‘ibaadak as-saaliheen.’

(‘How perfect You are O Allah. My

Lord, by Your name I lie down and

with Your name I rise, so if You should

take my soul then have mercy upon it,

and if You should return my soul then

protect it in the manner You by which

you protect Your righteous slaves’.)”

[Bukhari & Muslim]

Upon rising, one should recite the

supplications made by the Messenger

Hudhaifah said: .صلى الله عليه وسلم of Allah

would go to his صلى الله عليه وسلم “When the Prophet

bed, he would say: ‘Bismika amootu

wa ahyaa.’ (‘By Your Name, I die and

I live.’) Upon rising, he would say:

‘Alhamdulillaah-illadhi ahyaanaa

ba’da maa amaatanaa wa ilayh-innushoor.’”

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(All praise and thanks be to the One

who brought us to life after having

caused us to die, and to Him will we

be resurrected) [Bukhari]

One should try to retire to bed

early at night, except in cases of


hated to sleep صلى الله عليه وسلم “The Prophet

before the Night (“Ishaa”) Prayer and

to speak after it.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

It is disliked to sleep on one’s

stomach. Abu Hurairah said that

passed صلى الله عليه وسلم the Messenger of Allah

by a person lying on his stomach

and said to him:

“Indeed, Allah dislikes this position.”


One should be careful and take

precautions from things which

صلى الله عليه وسلم might bring harm. The Prophet


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“Indeed, this fire is an enemy to you,

so when you sleep, extinguish it.”

[Bukhari & Muslim]

12 Manner of Approaching

One’s Spouse

Before having intimate relations with

his spouse, one should mention

the Name of Allah in the manner the

described. He said: صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

“If someone says (before sexual

intercourse) when he approaches his

wife, ‘In the Name of Allah. O Allah,

keep Satan away from us, and keep

Satan away from what you grant us

[from offspring],’ then, if Allah grants

them a child, Satan will not harm

him.” [Bukhari]

One should play with his spouse.

said to Anas: صلى الله عليه وسلم The Prophet

“None of you should fall upon his

wife like an animal, but let there first

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be a messenger between you.” They

asked, “And what is that messenger?”

He replied, “Kisses and words.”


And Imam Ibn Qudama, the famous

Hanbali Jurist, narrates a hadith

صلى الله عليه وسلم wherein the Messenger of Allah


“Do not begin intercourse until she

has experienced desire, like the

desire you experience, lest you fulfill

your desires before she does.” (Al-

Mughni 8:136)

A’ishah said:

would صلى الله عليه وسلم “The Messenger of Allah

kiss me while he was fasting.” [Bukhari

& Muslim]

They may enjoy each other in any

way they like, with the condition

explained to ‘Umar صلى الله عليه وسلم the Prophet

when he came to him saying:

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I am صلى الله عليه وسلم “O Messenger of Allah

destroyed!” He said, “And what

has destroyed you?” He replied,

“I changed the position of my wife

[during intercourse] in the night!” The

did not answer صلى الله عليه وسلم Messenger of Allah

him. He (‘Umar) said, “Then this verse

was revealed to the Messenger of

:صلى الله عليه وسلم Allah

‘Your wives are a place of sowing of

seed for you, so come to your place

of cultivation however you wish.’


Go to them from the front or behind,

but avoid the anus and menstruation.”

[Tirmidhi & ibn Maajah ]

One should not withdraw after

ejaculation until she has fulfilled her

desire. One should keep whatever

takes place between him and his

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم spouse private. The Prophet

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“Indeed, from the worst stations of

people on the Day of Resurrection

is one who has marital relations with

his wife and then spreads her private

matters.” [Muslim]

13 Etiquettes of Traveling

Before one sets out on a journey,

he should make sure that he returns

all trusts to their owners, settles any

debts, and leaves his family sufficient

provisions. He should also return

anything he has taken unjustly to its

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم rightful owner. The Prophet

“Whoever has something which he

took unjustly from his brother, let him

free himself from it, for there is no

Dinar nor Dirham [that someone takes

without right], except that it will be

taken from his good deeds and given

to his brother. And if he had no good

deeds, bad deeds will be taken from

his brother and thrown upon him.”


46 .


It is disliked that one travels alone,

except in cases of necessity in

which he cannot find anyone to

صلى الله عليه وسلم accompany him. The Prophet

said to a person who arrived from

a journey:

“Who accompanied you?” He replied,

“No one accompanied me.” Upon

said, صلى الله عليه وسلم that, the Messenger of Allah

“A lone traveler is a devil, two are

two devils, and three is a traveling

group.” [Haakim]

One should choose good company

and there should be one person as

صلى الله عليه وسلم leader among them. The Prophet


“If three people set out on a journey,

one of them should be made a

leader.” [Abu Dawood]

Before returning from a journey,

one should inform his spouse of his

expected arrival to allow her time to

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would say صلى الله عليه وسلم prepare. The Prophet

this, and he would enter upon them

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم in the morning. The Prophet

“When one of you stays away (from

his family) for a long period of time,

let him not surprise his family by

night.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

One should bid his friends and

family farewell. One should not

delay returning to his family after

he has finished his business. The

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

“Travel is a portion of punishment

because a person would be prevented

from eating, drinking, and sleeping. If

one of you finishes his business, let

him hurry back to his family.” [Bukhari

& Muslim]

48 .


14 The Manners of Dealing

with Public Property

There are certain manners which

should be observed when one deals

صلى الله عليه وسلم with public property. The Prophet

stated the way one should act when

traversing roads or walkways. He said:

“Be careful and stay away from

sitting on the roads.” They said, “O

Messenger of God, we have no other

place to gather and talk.” So he replied,

“If you must do so, then give the road

its right.” They said, “And what is

49 .


replied, صلى الله عليه وسلم the right of the road?” He

“Lowering one’s gaze (not looking at

members of the opposite gender), not

bringing harm to others, replying to

salutations, and enjoining good and

forbidding evil.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

In another narration he said:

“…that you help those in need and

guide the lost.” [Abu Dawood]

One should take care of the roads

and not vandalize public property.

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم The Prophet

“Fear the two things for which people

curse others.” [His Companions]

asked, “What are the two things for

which people will curse others, O

Messenger of Allah?” He replied,

“That he relieves himself in places

where people walk or seek shade.”


50 .


One should not carry with him

things which may be harmful to

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم others. The Prophet

“When one of you passes through

our Masjid or marketplace and he

has an arrow, let him hold its (metal)

head (or he said: let him grasp it with

his hand) so that no Muslim would be

harmed by it.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

51 .


15 Manners of Trade

In general, trade is lawful and

permissible in Islam, for it is an

exchange of products between the

buyer and seller. But when harm may

be incurred to either of the two parties,

the trade is deemed unlawful and

prohibited. Allah says:

“O you who have believed, do not

consume one another’s wealth

unjustly, but only [in lawful] business

by mutual consent.” [4:29]

52 .


Islam considers the profits made

from trade to be of the purest and

best means of earning a living. The

was asked about which صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

earning was best and most pure,

and he replied:

“Work done by a person using his

own hands and every truthful and

sincere trade.” [Ahmad]

Islam has enjoined that the individual

be truthful while conducting

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم business. The Prophet

“A Muslim merchant who is truthful

and trustworthy will be with the

martyrs on the Day of Judgment.”


One should explain any faults

which may not be apparent in the

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم product. The Prophet

“It is impermissible for anyone to

sell anything except if he clarifies

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any fault that may be found in it, and

anyone who knows of it should also

clarify it.” [Ahmad]

One should not cheat. Abu Hurairah

passed صلى الله عليه وسلم narrated that the Prophet

by a pile of food. He put his hands

inside it and felt water on his fingers

(from spoiling food). He said:

“What is this, O seller of this food?”

He said, “It was left out in the rain, O

Messenger of Allah.” He said, “Could

you not have put it on top of the food

so that people could see it? Whoever

deceives us is not from us.” [Muslim]

A person should be truthful in his

dealings and not lie. The Prophet

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم

“The two parties (involved in the trade)

have an option (to cancel the trade) as

long as they have not parted. If they

have both told the truth and clarified

all aspects, their trade will be

blessed for them. But if they conceal

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(faults and other aspects) and lie, the

blessings of the trade will be wiped

out.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

One should be easygoing while

buying and selling, for it is a means

to form and strengthen relations

between the buyer and seller and

does away with the causes of

materialism which destroy human

and brotherly relationships. The

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophet

“May Allah have mercy on a person

who is easygoing when he buys,

sells, or asks the repayment of a

loan.” [Bukhari]

One should not swear oaths when

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم he trades. The Prophet

“Be careful and stay away from

swearing many oaths when trading,

for [if he does so falsely] the buyer

will buy, but then its blessing will be

wiped out.” [Muslim]

55 .


It encourages that one take back

the sale if a person is regretful of

said: صلى الله عليه وسلم the purchase. The Prophet

“Whoever takes back the sale of

his brother, Allah will take back [the

punishment] of his mistakes on the

Day of Resurrection.” [Abu Dawood & ibn


These are only some of the manners

and etiquettes which Islam has

prescribed. There are many others,

but as this book was meant only to

be a summary, we will not mention

them here. It is sufficient to know that

there is no matter in life, except that

the Qur’an, or a Prophetic tradition,

addresses it in some manner. The

reason for this is that a Muslim’s entire

life would become an act of worship,

and a means to increase his good


56 .


To download and read the complete book,

click on the . picture here.

This is an excerpt

of a larger book titled

“The Message of Islam”

by Abd Ar-Rahman

bin Abd Al-Kareem Ash-Sheha.

57 .




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