11 Tips On How To Tell Your Non-Muslim Friend About Islam!
QI'm learning about Islam my best friend is a Christian who probably doesn't really know much about Islam or probably wasn't raised to know much about. I'm reverting to Islam but I'm not sure if she ever will I cannot force it upon her. I care about her a lot. Do you have any advice?
Short Answer:
We cannot force anyone to accept Islam, even the people we love and care about the most.
We can only help and show them the message, but we do not guide whom we love, Allah guides whom He wills based on His knowledge.
Certainly, Allah will not let a sincere soul remain unguided. Even the people, who are most unlikely to accept Islam, can embrace it with the Will of Allah.
Focus on your Islam and growing in faith, and knowing good companions to help and support you on your path.
Take the means to help your best friend as much as you can within your capacity, and then leave the rest to Allah Almighty.
Thank you for trusting us and sending your question. May Allah reward you beyond accounts for your sincere pursuits to find the Truth, embrace it and show the way to others as well.
New Muslims - Welcome to Islam
Before we respond to your question, we would like to congratulate you on the incomparably beautiful, courageous and powerful decision to embrace Islam and accept the message of the One & Only Creator of all mankind.
This is an unmatched decision as this literally opens the doors of eternal Paradise for you near the Most Beloved, Most Beautiful Creator of the Heavens the earth.
We definitely would like to advise you not to delay your reversion.
It is best to utter your Shahadah [testimony of faith] even alone on your own right away because Allah is The Ultimate Witness wherever and whenever we may be.
We never know if we delay whether we will live until the next day, or whether Satanic whispers, societal pressures or inner fears will weaken us or make us change our minds.
So, one should hasten to do the right thing as soon as possible.
“And hasten towards forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those mindful [of Allah]”. (Quran 3:133)
On this note as well, we’d like to remind you of the major rewards of accepting Islam. When you accept Islam, all your past sins will be forgiven and you start with a clean slate.
Then, Allah Almighty the Most Merciful shows you unmatched generosity in rewarding your new deeds.
Narrated Abu Sa‘îd Al-Khudri Allah’s Messenger said,
“If a person embraces (converts to) Islam sincerely, then Allah shall forgive all his past sins, and after that starts the settlement of accounts: the reward of his good deeds will be ten times to seven hundred times for each good deed, and an evil deed will be recorded as it is unless Allah forgives it.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
Remembering some Facts
Islam Is Easy - Don’t Make It Difficult
We understand your deep concerns for your best friend. But we’d like to remember together a few things.
Allah Almighty is the Most Merciful. He is more Merciful than you can ever imagine. He knows your friend and He is more Merciful towards her than you can ever be even.
So let this fact assure your heart.
Allah is Al-Hady (The Ultimate Guide) and He brings the message of Islam to all people at the right time and place. He continues to show them the message and the signs, and it’s upon them to reject or accept.
Allah knows very well the hearts of people and how they really think deep down. He is closer to them than their own consciousness and their own jugular vein.
So Allah knows whether someone is good or not and open or not to the Truth. We cannot force anyone to accept Islam, even the people we love and care about the most.
We can only help and show them the message, but we do not guide whom we love, Allah guides whom He wills based on His knowledge.
“You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided.” (Quran 28: 56)
Know that even some prophets were not able to guide some of their own direct family members, athough they really cared for them and explained the message perfectly. But Allah knew what was in the hearts of those people.
So, do not be too saddened, worried or weakened.
Certainly, Allah will not let a sincere soul remain unguided. Even the people, who are most unlikely to accept Islam, can embrace it with the Will of Allah.
Focus on your Islam and growing in faith, and knowing good companions to help and support you on your path. Take the means to help your best friend as much as you can within your capacity, and then leave the rest to Allah Almighty.
Tips on how to approach your friend
The Beauty of Islam Changed My Life
The Beauty of Islam Changed My Life
Here are a few tips on what you can do to approach your friend.
Let her see the positive impact of Islam on your own character.
Share with her new, beneficial things you learned that are helping make you a better person.
Let her know what attracted you to Islam and how it makes you feel.
Share with her what you learned about the Names of Allah and & His Uniquely Powerful and Beautiful Attributes
Give her a copy of the Quran and encourage her to read it objectively with sincerity, open heart and mind.
Send her recitations of the Quran.
Invite her to gatherings where she can meet nice Muslim friends if possible whether in the Islamic center or something like that.
Share with her Introduction to Islam series
Be patient
Trust Allah
Make a lot of dua and don’t give up hope — unless you get clear signs that you shouldn’t continue [Like if she strictly asked you never to talk to her about Islam again, or showcased harm/ridicule/insult or made clear attempts to weaken your own faith].
The most powerful thing you can do is make dua (sincere supplication to Allah The Most Powerful, The Near, The All-Knowing) to help you and open the heart of your friend.
Know that Allah can take care of you and He is the Best Companion of the believer wherever he/she may be, even if the whole world became against them, Allah is always near and helping.
So, have hope and do not fear or be sad.
Hope this helps.
And Allah knows best.
I hope this helps.
Salam and please keep in touch.