The Fall of the False Gods
Indeed, God will perfect His light, but the disbelievers will still dislike it:
One day in Africa at the language center, I was frustrated about the situation our world had reached, which is avoiding God’s religion and turning to other religions by asking and obeying an object that wouldn’t benefit them nor harm them. I was engrossed in my thoughts. Suddenly, a Muslim French language teacher interrupted me by asking about the reason behind my deep thinking.
I answered him: What bothers me and causes me to overthink is that people are ignorant about God’s religion, and I feel that I have a responsibility towards that. I want the phrase “There is no god but One God (Allah)” to reach far and globally.
He then told me: Do not worry, my sister, for God has promised to preserve his religion, and God will not break his promise.
After that, I noticed how strong his faith was, and observed his certainty in God too; I then remembered the noble verse: Indeed, God will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.[59] I was ultimately relieved.
The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children:
Today during the Coronavirus crisis, we see dead people whom no one knows about, along with elderly homes filled with lifeless, anonymous bodies. Nobody knows anything about people who die on the street. Others have money and are waiting for treatments; they began to sacrifice the elderly for the sake of the young one. Patients race for hospital beds. This situation presents a scene that is similar to specific scenes from the Day of Resurrection.
The corona crisis caused some people to drop symbols from their hearts; they used to pin their illusions on these symbols. These symbols resulted in fake deities that they used to worship instead of worshipping God The Almighty. Indeed, whoever used to worship money ended up not benefitting from it. Whoever used to think that his physical science could save him was wrong because it did not save him. Whoever used to plead through stones and idols eventually kept a distance from them because he was scared, they might inflect him. We often hear about priests who urge their followers to take refuge in God directly and avoid coming to them. The light of “There is no God except Allah the One true God” is seen all over the world.
Undoubtedly, such situations push human beings to take refuge in God and turn to Him.
Below are the words of the Prophet Muhammad in its best meaning:
If you ask, then ask God [alone]; and if you seek help, then seek help from God [alone].[60]
I remember what a Spanish elderly told me one time; he said: “In the West, we worship neither God nor Jesus. We worship women and money.” Although he said it jokingly, what he said was true.
Indeed, I can remember what he said now, while the Westerns say: O God, Myself.
Have you seen he who has taken as his god his own desire:
I read once [61] that atheists traced their source of randomness and chance by using the terms design, fine-tuning, coded language, intelligence, intent, complex systems, and interconnected laws, etc. Although they never admit it, scholars refer to the Creator by other names such as Mother Nature, Laws of the Universe, Natural Selection, Darwin’s Theory, etc. They do that in a miserable attempt to escape religion’s logic and believing in the Creator’s existence.
They are not but [mere] names you have named them - you and your forefathers - for which God has sent down no authority. They follow not except assumption and what [their] souls desire, and there has already come to them from their Lord guidance.[62]
Using any name other than “God” robs some of His absolute qualities and raises more questions. For example, avoiding to mention God is attributed to random nature and the creation of universal laws and complex interconnected systems. Man’s eyesight and intelligence are traced back to a blind and foolish origin.
I read that some of Darwin’s followers consider natural selection (an irrational physical process) a unique, creative force that solves all complicated evolutionary problems without any real experimental basis. Later they discovered the complexity of the design, structure, and function of bacterial cells. So, they started using expressions such as “smart bacteria”, “microbial intelligence”, “decision-making” and “problem-solving bacteria”; thus, the bacteria turned into their new god.
Man, in Islam is God’s representative, and in the West is an advanced animal:
I had a conversation with a French visitor, and he discussed the issue of the origin of Man’s existence on earth.
He said: The West adopts Charles Darwin’s theory; we are human beings developed from Apes.
I asked: Why didn’t the rest of the Apes evolve to become the rest of humanity?
I added: The theory is a set of hypotheses. These hypotheses come by observing a phenomenon, and they require successful experiments to prove them, or an observation that verifies the validity of the idea. If either experience or statement cannot prove one of the ideas that belong to the theory, the whole approach is reconsidered. Please give me an example of a living thing that evolved from another living thing.
He said: I will give you an example that happened more than 60,000 years ago.
I told him: If you haven’t seen or noticed it personally, then there is no way to accept your argument.
He said: No, it was recently observed that birds’ beaks might change shape in some species.
I told him: But they remained birds and based on your theory, birds must evolve into another species. Thus, the theory has no meaning.
He said: No, no, I believe in science. I read many books in this field, and I believe them.
I asked: What is the difference between you, a believer in God, and a believer of the Book of God then? You consider the person who believes in the Creator’s existence as a backward person because he believed in something he did not see. Plus, the believer believes in something that raises and exalts his status, while you believe in what disgusts and condemns you!
The idea that human was evolved from apes was not part of Darwin’s views at all. He said that humans and monkeys go back to one standard and unknown origin called (the missing link). It had unique development, and it turned into a human being. Although we as Muslims reject entirely Darwin’s words, he never said what others think he said, which is that the monkey is the ancestor of humans.
It has been proven that Darwin believed in the existence of a deity, but this idea (evolving the human being from an ape ancestor) eventually came from Darwin’s followers after they added it to his theory; they were initially atheists. Of course, we as Muslims realize that God honored Adam and took him as a successor. To be evolved from an animal or something similar doesn’t fit the successor.
The era of madness:
I had an interesting conversation with an American who went far in convincing me of Darwin’s theory.
I asked him: Is the biological evolution a scientific or theoretical fact? Does the concept of evolution necessarily deny God's existence, or is it possible to combine the two perspectives?
He answered me: If you do not believe in modern Darwinism, you are a backward, ignorant or insane person.
He continued: Of course, modern Darwinism has no place for acceptance of the universe creator.
I told him: I don’t know who is the crazy one! Darwin, the founder of this theory, said himself: “Let’s assume that the eye, with its comprehensive structures, adjusts the focal length of different distances and allows various quantities of light to pass through it. Saying that the eye is formed by natural selection seems to be something that highly contradicts common sense, and I admit that.” [63]
I added: Darwin believed that a great Creator is behind the first living cell, then nature handled its development, reaching to what we see from biological diversity today. Look at what you and his followers did, considering him a symbol of atheism.
I added: Darwin's theory that says we came to this world as a result of random mutations is just a theory that has not been approved. Darwin himself, the founder of this theory, admitted that he had several suspicions where he wrote several letters to his colleagues expressing his doubts and sorrow.
Darwin said: “It’s extremely difficult or even impossible to imagine that a massive universe like our planet where a human with enormous humane capabilities came into existence by a sudden coincidence, or because necessity is the mother of invention. Whenever I look around me to find out the prime reason for this existence, I find myself propelled to saying that a brilliant mind exists. Hence, I believe in the presence of God.” [64]
Chaos Theory had proven that coincidence does not exist, but instead, all incidents in this universe, no matter how small, result from extremely accurate rules that we do not acknowledge.
Darwin’s theory is a system made up of three elements:
Ø Mutual origin: It means that all living things, plants, and animals developed from one source, which is the unicellular organism. After that, they are in trouble with the lack of transitional organisms. Transitional organisms are rings that are supposed to exist as a result of transitioning from an organism to another. Darwin didn’t involve a development series that contained sufficient transitional organisms in the fossil record. Darwin set a supposition representing the first cell that had a mutual origin. His “tree trunk” was where its branches represented the organisms that developed from this cell; he named it “Life Tree”. But James Valentine did another study about this theory or the supposition set by Darwin, which says: “Many of the Life Tree’s branches that Darwin adopted are obstructed, which means that finding ancestors for those organisms is impossible.”
Ø Random mutations: It means the progression from one organism to another in a more complex way that occurred due to unexpected changes in the genetic code of the organism, and that it should’ve been prolonged, but Darwin added that without this trait, his theory becomes unacceptable. Evolutionary scientist Stephen Gould surprised Darwin’s followers with his extensive research results.
The results showed that the fossil record does not reveal prolonged evolution, but has two primary characteristics which have undermined the theory:
- Sudden completed appearance.
- Stability and recession.
Ø Natural selection: It is a mechanism that passes from beneficial, random mutations to the second generations, and then it is preserved. This hypothesis lacks evidence, as science cannot prove the randomness of conversions, and hence the statement of randomness becomes a philosophical rather than a scientific concept.
Science provides convincing evidence for the concept of evolution from a common origin, which was mentioned in the Holy Quran.
…And made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe? [65]
God Almighty created living creatures that are intelligent and innate to suit the surrounding environment. They can develop in size, shape, or length. For example, sheep in cold countries have specific conditions and skins that protect them from the cold, and wool increases or decreases depending on the weather; it is different in other countries. Forms and types differ according to the environment. Humans differ in their colors, characteristics, tongues, and shapes, as no human being is like the other. They only remain human beings who do not change into a type of animal.
The Almighty said:
And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed, in that are signs for those of knowledge. [66]
God has created every [living] creature from water. And of them are those that move on their bellies, and of them are those that walk on two legs, and of them are those that walk on four. God creates what He wills. Indeed, God is over all things competent. [67]
The theory of evolution, which intends to deny the Creator’s existence, states the common ancestry in the genesis of all living and plant organisms and that it has developed from a single origin, a single-celled organism. It also says that the first cell’s formation resulted from amino acids gathering in water, which formed the first structure, DNA, which carries an organism's genetic traits. By combining these amino acids, the living cell’s first structure was created. As a result of various environmental and external factors, these cells proliferated, which formed the first sperm, developed into a leech, and developed into an embryo. As we notice, these stages are very similar to human creation steps in the mother’s womb. However, living organisms stop growth, and the organism is formed according to their DNA carried genetic characteristics. For example, frogs complete their growth and remain frogs. Likewise, every living organism completes its development according to its genetic features.
Even if we include the subject of genetic mutations and their effect on genetic characteristics in the emergence of new living creatures, this does not contradict the Creator's Ability and Will. However, atheists say: This is done randomly. In contrast, we see that the theory confirms that these developmental stages cannot take place and proceed except with the intent and management of an expert. Thus, it is possible to adopt guided evolution, or divine development, which agrees with biological evolution and rejects randomness. Also, it is possible to accept that there must be a wise and capable expert behind evolution. We can accept evolution, but we reject Darwinism entirely.
Here, the great paleontologist and biologist Stephen Gull expresses the dilemma of Darwin’s henchmen sarcastically. He says: “Either one of my fellow halves are stupid, or Darwinism is full of concepts that go along with religion.”
The Holy Qur’an corrects the concept of evolution by narrating the story of Adam’s creation:
Has there [not] come upon man a period of time when he was not a thing [even] mentioned? [68]
The creation of Adam was from clay:
And certainly, did We create man from an extract of clay. [69]
Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay. [70]
Indeed, the example of Jesus to God is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, Be, and he was.[71]
Honoring Adam, the father of human beings:
[Allah] said, O Iblees (Lucifer), what prevented you from prostrating to that which I created with My hands? Were you arrogant [then], or were you [already] among the haughty? [72]
Honoring Adam, the father of humankind, was not only for being created independently from clay, but he was created by the Lord of the World’s hands, as indicated in the noble verse. Also, honoring Adam was about God requesting the angels to prostrate to him as obedience.
And [mention] when We said to the angels, prostrate before Adam; so, they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers. [73]
Creating Adam’s offspring:
Then He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained.[74]
Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is God, the best of creators.[75]
And it is He who has created from water a human being and made him [a relative by] lineage and marriage. And ever is your Lord competent [concerning creation]. [76]
Honoring Adam’s offspring:
And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference. [77]
Here we notice the similarity in the emergence stages of Adam’s offspring (degrading water, sperm, leeches, embryos, etc.) with what was mentioned in the evolution theory in the emergence of living organisms and the methods of their reproduction.
[He is] Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing. [78]
God made the descendants of Adam start from degrading water to signify the unity of the source of creation, along with the Creator’s Oneness. He also distinguished Adam from other creatures by creating him independently to honor the human being and to achieve the Lord of the World’s wisdom in making him a successor on earth. Also, the creation of Adam without a father or mother is also to indicate the ability to create Jesus, peace be upon him to be a miracle of ability and a sign for people.
Surely, in the sight of God, the similitude of the creation of Jesus is as the creation of Adam whom He created out of dust, and then said: 'Be', and he was. [79]
That’s what atheists try to deny by adopting the theory of evolution is evidence against them.
Survival of the fittest:
I had a conversation with an atheist and a supporter of Darwin’s theory; he defended it staunchly. He was also one of the most vigorous defenders of homosexuality.
I told him: You are one of the advocates of homosexuality and a supporter of Darwin’s theory. Darwin’s theory talks about natural selection. Natural selection is a mechanism in which beneficial random mutations are passed on to the following generations, and later they are preserved. But organisms that contain unbeneficial fungi die, perish and extinct. Darwin’s theory says that survival is for the fittest of life. Of course, we also know that male and female marriage is one of the beneficial things because they produce future generations that can rebuild the earth. You say that the existence of homosexuals on the planet is a natural thing. You say that they are just natural desires and inclinations which are not odd.
I added: Isn’t that against Darwin’s theory? Darwin’s theory states that natural selection helps with the survival of what’s beneficial and fit from random mutations. So, what is useful in homosexuals’ behavior?!
Of course, he had no answer!
Instinctive religion:
There is a beautiful story about my meeting with two visitors from Mexico. They had frightening looks, along with tattoos on their bodies and hands. Also, they had piercings all over their ears and other parts of their faces. I was hesitated to talk to them about Islam, but I accepted to be their company because they did not speak English. Some of my colleagues also accompanied me, so I intended to finish that tour quickly.
I started talking about how Muslims believe in One God who is the Creator, God of Moses, Jesus, and Abraham. I knew previously that they were from Mexico, so I assumed that most Mexicans are Christians who know about Moses, Jesus and Abraham, peace be upon them.
I told them: The Creator God is one. He has no son, and nothing is like him. God created Adam without a father or mother and created the Prophet Jesus without a father. He sent one message with the prophets; the one message says that there is one Creator that we should worship as the prophets worshipped this Creator. For example, Noah’s people worshipped idols, and those idols were symbols of righteous people. Still, they elevated the status of these symbols to the point that they worshipped them. The nation of Jesus worshipped Jesus and raised his status to the level of divinity.
For this reason, God Almighty used to send the prophets from time to time to remind people to worship God alone and return to righteousness. For example, in Abraham's time, Abraham’s followers always had to worship God alone and testify that there is no god but One God and that Abraham is the Messenger of God. God also sent Moses to confirm Abraham’s message. Abraham’s followers had to accept the new Prophet and testify that there is no god but One God and that Moses and Abraham are messengers of God. After that, when Jesus came to confirm the Moses’ message, Moses’ followers had to believe in Jesus. They then had to accept his message, testify that there is no god but One God and that Jesus, Moses and Abraham are God’s messengers. Eventually, Muhammad came to confirm the prophets’ messages, the ones that came before him. Both Jesus and Moses’ followers had to accept the new Prophet. They also had to testify that there is no god but One God and that Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, and Abraham are messengers of God, peace be upon them all.
I was surprised that the two visitors started crying heavily! The two men of great size, muscles, and length, whom I was terrified from, suddenly showed me a terrible scene of crying! So, I asked them the reason for their crying, and they answered me. They were talking at the same time as children out of their passion and enthusiasm.
With bitterness, they complained to me: We were very certain from a young age that the Creator is One and Only, and that He has no son, and we did not accept that Jesus Christ was God or a son of a God, and the Trinity was for us meaningless, aimless and with no explanation. They added that they had rejected it and left all atheism theories and random biological evolution. They also mentioned that they wandered around the earth and resorted to drugs and atrocious behaviors despite their deep inner belief in God The Almighty's existence.
They added: We thought that there is no religion on the earth that says that there is no god but One God. We believed that Muslims worship Muhammad, Christians worship Jesus, and Buddhists worship Buddha. We thought that we were crazy and unnatural, as what we find in the religions on earth does not match what we had in our hearts, so we resorted to nightclubs.
They said that they lived a very miserable life and that they never enjoyed that empty life.
I said to them: Of course, this religion exists, which is the origin of religions; this is the true religion, and it is the one religion for all, that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. I told them that every Muslim must bear witness that there is no god but One God (Allah) and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and that Jesus is the Messenger of God. Then, the time for noon prayer came, and the mosque’s prayer caller started calling to prayer with a beautiful voice, so they wept even more and cried more with the prayer call sound. I stopped talking to listen to the prayer call. After the prayer caller finished, I asked them: Did you understand what the caller has just said?
They said: No.
I said to them: The caller said: I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. We always say that Muhammad is the last messenger of God, so with it, we accept Jesus, Moses, and all of God’s prophets.
They said: Can we say as he said?
I told them: If you say it, it will be the first step in accepting this religion.
They said: Yes, we accept. Then the two Mexicans uttered the testimony of faith in a beautiful atmosphere of tears and joy. I even cried.
That was the proof of common sense that God installed in people.
We can get the conclusion in these amazing words:
Scholar Ibn-Taymia said: “The essence of monotheism is to worship God alone, not anyone but Him, fear not anyone but Him, trust not anyone but Him, and religion is for Him only, not for anyone of the creatures.”
They Denied What is Beyond Their Knowledge
He is with you wherever you are:
I had a conversation once with my driver in Nigeria, who was a religious catholic. He said that even though he believes that Jesus is the son of God, he refuges only to God never to Jesus. He told me about an incident that had happened to him in the past. One day he was weeping and praying to God: Oh God! I never ask and pray to anyone except you! You know that I’m willing to marry and marriage is a huge responsibility. My future wife will be pregnant one day and will need me to drive her to the hospital to give birth to my child. I will need a car then, so God, please give me a car of my own. He said he was desperate and cried abundantly. He then said that a few weeks later, a wealthy man in his neighborhood to whom he used to do some paid errands told him that he had bought a small car to his wife as a present but refused it because it was small. So, the rich man wanted to give my driver that car, because he was furious with his wife.
My driver said: You would never imagine how happy I was, but my happiness with the fact that God had responded to my prayers was more than my satisfaction with the car.
I remembered the verse: He is with you wherever you are,[80] and I said to myself: how great you are Allah! If this is your action with whom claims a son to you, then how would your action be with whom says: He begets not, nor was He born. There is none like unto Him. I was delighted indeed.
They remained happy over the worldly knowledge:
I recall the boredom I used to feel while travelling with my husband and his efforts in helping me accommodate to living in these different countries. I remember that he one day invited his Armenian friend and his wife for dinner in a beautiful restaurant. He hoped I would get to know his wife and maybe that would decrease my homesickness.
The modesty and angelic features of the wife attracted my attention so much. I felt innocence and faith glowing out of her.
I was happy to know her, especially after telling me that she is a Spanish teacher and wants to learn Arabic. We agreed that I’d daily teach her Arabic for an hour and she would speak Spanish with me for an hour in return, because I didn’t want to forget that language.
We used to meet in a small restaurant in the compound we both lived in. Everything was going on smoothly till one day she surprised me by asking about the meaning of the term “Ahamdu Allah” that Muslims say. I answered: Muslims thank their Creator for the good and bad. They know that whatever good happens to them is from God, and whatever bad is from themselves, meaning that they need to repent and ask for forgiveness.
So - much to my surprise - she said: God does not exist. You are fooling yourselves. Life will perish, and we will all be nothing.
I was shocked, not because this was my first time to encounter an atheist. I have had many debates with atheists, but I never expected such modesty and innocence to behold such a black heart that doesn’t know the Creator (Allah).
She added: I have postgraduate studies in physics and my father is a physician. He has always warned me of such nonsense. I can almost hear his voice saying: Take care because they will try to fool you!
I told her: Then who do you turn to when even your father can’t help you?
She said: I don’t need anyone. I depend on myself, and I don’t need any claimed god to help me.
So, I told her: I’m astonished by your thoughts. How could your way of thinking be right? Let's say you are sick with influenza; you might not even be able to reach a glass of water! What did physics tell you?!
Physics told you that there are sound waves that you must believe in even if you can’t see them. It told you that there are ultraviolet waves that again, you must believe in even if you can’t see them.
It told you that light is out of time and that the connected particles, when separated over great distances, continue to interact instantaneously. Physics convinced you that there are other worlds and you believed all this even without seeing it.
The materialistic world told you to believe in things that do not exist like the mirage. You believed in all this and then at the time of death neither physics nor chemistry will help you because they promised you nothingness.
You accept to believe that light is out of time, yet you refuse to believe that the Creator doesn’t abide by the laws of time or space. He is before everything and after everything, and none of His creations can encompass His knowledge.
You believe that the connected particles when separated over great distances, continue to interact instantaneously. Yet, you refuse the idea that The Creator is continuously with His creations with His knowledge. God can be omnipresent; present with everyone simultaneously.
You believe you have sense without seeing it, but won’t believe in God unless you see Him.
You refuse to believe in Paradise and Hell yet believe in multiple universes you have never seen.
Then I continued: Some believers also have postgraduate studies in physics and chemistry, yet believe that a Great Creator has created these universal laws. The science that your father believes in has discovered laws that have been created by God. Science hasn’t made these laws. Scientists won’t find anything to study without these laws created by God. On the other hand, believers will benefit from their faith in life and the Hereafter. Inform your father what I have told in your next visit to him and ask him: Who believes in nonsense now?!
She responded: This isn’t nonsense. Science says that we came here as a result of some irrational, blind, and random events. According to science, this universe is moving towards destruction and will suffer from “Thermal Death”. Human life will be destroyed before thermal death. The sun will finally purify the earth, then death and nothingness will come.
I told her: Then, according to your theory, if this life is a ship that will inevitably drown with its passengers, what is the point of having a means of comfort on this ship?
Where is the way?
I continued my conversation with this Armenian lady saying: You claim that everything doesn’t have a definite meaning, which means we are free to find a purpose for ourselves to acquire a good life. Denying our existence's objective is a way of fooling ourselves because it’s as if we are saying: Let’s pretend that we have an objective in this life. We would become like children who play games pretending to be doctors, nurses, or parents. We will not achieve true happiness unless we realize the objective of our existence in this life.
She replied: I’m happy just the way I am.
I told her: What’s the definition of true, purposeful happiness? Imagine you found yourself on a train without your will, but in the first-class section with the most luxurious means of comfort. Would you be satisfied on this trip if you had no answers to questions like: How did I come aboard on this train? What is the purpose of the trip? Where am I going? If these questions remained unanswered, how could you feel delighted? Even if you enjoyed the means of comfort available, you still wouldn’t achieve true, meaningful happiness. Would the appetizing meal be enough to make you forget about these questions?
This kind of happiness will be fake and temporary and will only be achieved by deliberately ignoring these questions. It’s like the fake pleasure of consuming alcohol which leads to destruction.
It was only then that I surprisingly found a change in the tone of her voice. She said: Very well! Whether God truly exists or not makes no difference because I’m a good wife, I treat everyone with respect, and I hurt no one. So why would He punish me?!
At this point, I remembered the verse:
And they attribute to Allah (God) that which they dislike [i.e., daughters], and their tongues assert the lie that they will have the best [from Him]. Assuredly, they will have the Fire, and they will be [therein] neglected. [81]
And I do not believe that the Hour of Resurrection will ever come. Anyhow if ever I am returned to my Lord, I will get even a grander place than this. [82]
So, I told her: What’s the point of your relationship with everything around you when you have no connection with the Creator from the first place? Would you accept your relationship with your father whom you consider your role model to be the worst relationship in your life? Would your father accept that and reward you for it?!
Is it not the heaven with horoscopes and the earth with broad passes evidence of the Omniscient the All- Aware?!
The Islamic scholar Ibn-Taymia says: “How could we ask for evidence of whom is the evidence of everything?”
He frequently used this saying: “If daylight needed proof, nothing would be valid in the minds!”
The Qur’an lists evidences on the existence of Allah (the Creator).
Evidence of creation:
The creation of the universe from nothing is evidence on the existence of the Creator.
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. [83]
Evidence of obligation:
If we say that everything has a source, and this source has a source and if we keep up this pattern, each source is causatively coming from a previous source, then the pattern will perpetually carry on. Therefore, logically this pattern must come to an end or instead to a beginning. It must reach a source that has no basis. That's what we call the ' Primary Source.' The primary source must have existed before the beginning of time, because if it came into existence after the start of time, then that source itself must have had a start, there must be something that preceded its existence. The primary source must have preceded time and space. Without the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars, there would be no night or day; there would be no hours, days or months. Therefore, time and space must have come into existence simultaneously, and that is what science has proven.
An atheist asked me one day a question. He wondered: If Allah is the Creator, then who created Allah?
I replied: I'll ask you a simple question. If you answer it, you will find the answer to your question.
He said: Fine.
I said: What is the smell of red?
He answered: There is no answer to this question because red isn’t classified as one that could be smelled.
So, I said: Thank you. So yes, everything has a reason for its existence, but the Creator does not have that reason simply because the Creator is not classified as one of the things that could be created. God is before everything else.
For Example:
The manufacturing company of a television set or refrigerator puts rules and instructions for using these devices in a manual explaining how to use these devices. The user must follow these instructions to use these devices successfully. On the other hand, the company is not subjected to these instructions.
God has created Causality Law, but we cannot consider Him subjected to this law He has created. He made time, yet He isn’t subjected to it. He does not undergo the stages of time that we do. He does not get tired. He does not need to set Himself in a material form or to come down on earth. That is why we could never see Him in this life. We are trapped in time and space. For example, a person who is sitting in a room cannot see beyond that room unless he/she leaves it.
So, he asked me: Why doesn’t He come down to earth in any form?
I said: I’ll give you an example just to make the idea understandable, otherwise to Him belongs the highest attribute. When you use an electronic device, you control it from outside, yet you do not enter it by any means. He laughed and said that’s correct.
Evidence of perfection and order:
This means that the astonishingly accurate construction of this universe and its laws are evidence of God’s existence.
[And] who created seven heavens in layers. You do not see in the creation of the Most Merciful any inconsistency. So, return [your] vision [to the sky]; do you see any breaks? [84]
Indeed, all things We created with predestination. [85]
Evidence of care:
This universe has been very precisely created to suit human life, resulting from the most beautiful and merciful godly attributes.
It is Allah (God) who created the heavens and the earth and sent down rain from the sky and produced thereby some fruits as provision for you and subjected for you, the ships to sail through the sea by His command and subjected for you the rivers. [86]
Evidence of harness:
This is related to the godly attributes of Majesty and Ability.
And the grazing livestock He has created for you; in them is warmth and [numerous] benefits, and from them you eat, and for you in them is [the enjoyment of] beauty when you bring them in [for the evening] and when you send them out [to pasture], And they carry your loads to a land you could not have reached except with difficulty to yourselves. Indeed, your Lord is Kind and Merciful, and [He created] the horses, mules, and donkeys for you to ride and [as] adornment. And He creates that which you do not know. [87]
Evidence of customization:
All that we see in this universe could have been in many forms, but God Almighty chose the best.
And have you seen the water that you drink? Is it you who brought it down from the clouds, or is it We who bring it down? If We willed, We could make it bitter, so why are you not grateful? [88]
Have you not considered your Lord - how He extends the shadow, and if He willed, He could have made it stationary? Then We made the sun for it an indication. [89]
Where have we come from?
The Qur’an mentions several prospects of how the universe might have been created.
Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain, or have they the depositories [containing the provision] of your Lord? Or are they the controllers [of them]? [90]
Or were they created by nothing:
This contradicts many of the laws of nature we observe around us. As a simple example, to say that Egypt's pyramids have been created by nothing, is enough to abolish this prospect.
Or were they the creators [of themselves]?
Was the universe able to create itself? The term “creation” indicates something that didn’t exist then came into existence. Subjectivism Creation is totally logically impossible because this means that something existed and didn’t exist at the same time. This is impossible! To say that the human being created himself means that he existed before he was created!
If people are asked who created you, they would reply by saying: My parents are the reason for my existence in this life. It’s evident from this reply that it’s just an attempt to find a way out of this dilemma. People by nature do not want to think deeply into matters or strive hard. They know that their parents will die, then generations will come after them and give the same reply while they know that they had no role in the creation of their children. So, the actual question is: Who brought the humankind into existence?
An atheist replied to this issue once that subjectivism creation could be found in single-celled organisms, known in biology as a sexual reproduction. As usual, my reply to such ideas is: We must first assume that the first cell already existed, and if we considered this then this is not subjectivism creation, it is a way of reproduction. The product will be the offspring of one living organism, and it will inherit that parent's genetic material alone.
Or did they create the heavens and the earth?
No living being ever claimed to have created the heavens and earth except the owner of the creation and matters alone. It is only Him (God) who has revealed this truth when He sent His messengers to humanity. The truth is that it is Him who is the Creator, Innovator, and Owner of the heavens and earth and what is in between with no partner or son.
Say, [O Muhammad], “Invoke those you claim [as deities] besides God (Allah).” They do not possess an atom's weight [of ability] in the heavens or on the earth, and they do not have therein any partnership [with Him], nor is there for Him from among them any assistant. [91]
We could give an example: If a bag was found with no owner, only one person would come and claim to be the bag's owner and provide evidence by stating its contents. So according to human civil laws, this person alone is the owner of the bag until someone else comes to claim it.
The existence of a creator:
All this leads us to an inevitable conclusion that there is a creator without denial. The strange thing is that the human being always tries to assume possibilities other than this one. It is as if this possibility is unbelievably imaginary or unverifiable. If we stand a sincere pause that is fair and with scientific insight, we will reach the fact that we can never fully comprehend the Creator. For it is He who has created the whole universe, so definitely He is beyond human perception. As a result, it’s logical to assume that it is not easy to be sure about the existence of this invisible metaphysical power. This power must reveal itself in a way it sees comprehensive to human cognition. The human being must reach the conviction that this metaphysical power is an existing reality and that this last possibility is the only explanation left to this universe's existence.
So, flee to God. Indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner.[92]
If we are looking for eternal bliss and happiness, we must believe and submit to the existence of God, the Creator and Innovator.
Why Are We Here?
I recall meeting an English lady in Nigeria. She asked me: Why did God create us?
I replied: Imagine yourself a wealthy and generous person, what would you have done?
She said: I would have invited my friends to food and drink.
So, I told her: Such human attributes are just a tiny part of God's characteristics. God has the most Majestic and Beautiful attributes, and is the most Merciful and Compassionate. He is the Provider and the Generous. He has created us to have mercy on us and to give us happiness. All human attributes are derived from His attributes.
He created us and gave us the ability to choose. So, either we choose the path of submission and obedience or select the way of rebellious disobedience.
She asked: Why didn’t He force us to worship Him?
I answered: He could have forced us to worship and obey Him, but compulsion will not achieve the objective of creating the human being.
Divine wisdom is that Adam peace be upon him was created and distinguished with knowledge.
And He taught Adam the names of all things; then He asked the angels: Tell me the names of these if ye are right. [93]
Then gave Adam the ability to choose.
We said: “O Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden; and eat of the bountiful things therein as (where and when) ye will; but approach not this tree, or ye run into harm and transgression.” [94]
Then opened the door of repentance for him because the ability to choose must lead to slipping into mistakes and error.
Then learnt Adam from his Lord words of inspiration, and his Lord Turned towards him; for He is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.[95]
All of this is to make him ready to be an inheritor of the earth (ruling on earth).
And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" God said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know. [96]
Having a will and ability to choose is a blessing if it was used correctly. Yet it will be a curse if it was falsely manipulated and directed towards corrupt goals.
Dangers, sedition, and self-struggle undoubtedly surround the ability to choose. This, without doubt, is much more honorable and magnifying to Man than despicable submission leading to fake happiness.
Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of God with their wealth and their lives. God has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home). Unto each, God has promised good (Paradise), but God has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward. [97]
Otherwise, what is the benefit of having reward and punishment if there was no free choice that deserves judgement?
But with all this, the actual space of choice given to human in this life is limited. God will judge us only on the matters that He gave us the freedom of choice in. We have no choice in the community we have been brought up in, nor in our parents, look and color.
The honor of worship rather than the humility of sin:
Worshipping God isn’t limited only to praying and fasting. Worshipping also includes loving, obeying, and knowing Him. Worshipping God must be our ultimate objective. It frees us from being enslaved to the society.
Full submission to God alone maintains the person’s dignity and keeps him/her from humiliations to others. Whoever desires glory will find it in approaching The Lord of the Worlds by right words and doing good deeds.
Whoever desires honor [through power] - then to God belongs all honor. To Him ascends good speech, and righteous work raises it. But they who plot evil deeds will have a severe punishment, and the plotting of those - it will perish. [98]
The more a person approaches his Lord with humility, the more highness he will achieve.
I recall now words that I frequently say: “Oh my Lord! How glorious it is for me to be your slave! How proud I am that You are my Lord!”
The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said:
And know that if the nation were to gather to benefit you with anything, they would not benefit you except with what Allah had already prescribed for you. And if they were to gather to harm you with anything, they would not harm you except with what Allah had already prescribed against you. The pens have been lifted, and the pages have dried. [99]
It is untrue what some think that the believer is enchained with the acts of worship. A person’s heart needs to be attached to an objective he/she is seeking.
Indeed, if we don’t worship our Creator, we will end up worshipping something else. The human heart will either be attached to an earthly materialistic matter that he/she is striving to reach or attached to the Creator. Hence, our desires might enslave us without realizing it. On the other hand, being attached to God Almighty and the hereafter frees us from being enslaved to others. Our Creator and has the right to be resorted and refuged to.
Many people get attracted to fame and fashion. Also, social media attracts people excessively and exaggeratedly. It has a significant role in broadcasting concepts that call for focusing on inferior matters and distracting people away from priorities. All this leads to a troubled, unhappy life filled with suffering.
Also, some social standards and family pressures force us to considerate inherited traditions that drive us away from our role in this life and our duty towards religion.
For example, a mother will feed her children in all cases whether she is a believer or a non-believer. But only the believer renews her intentions and gives away the good deeds she is doing to God. She awaits the reward only from Him. In this way, she will never get disappointed if she didn’t find gratitude from her children. She awaits her reward from her Creator. As a result, we see a woman who will never be disappointed by being let down and will never fear her boss or fear from being bullied. This is because she said with a loud voice: My whole life is for God!
When I said these words to a Portuguese atheist with the PhD in philosophy, she said: You are lucky with this faith and way of thinking. I have not found this beauty in philosophy books, but I have found it with you Muslims.
We conclude that we do not have an option in this life other than accepting God’s call with faith and submission. In this way, we win the best of this life and the Hereafter. Or we could be satisfied just by this life, and then it will destroy us, and we will be doomed to Hell.