
IX. How Islam Affected My Life

Undoubtedly, changes involve certain adjustments and

case was exception. Once embraced Islam, promised Allah would much possible about this While relatively Oklahoma Stillwater, Oklahoma, the Islamic Center assigned

my Allah bless what dedicated a time to teach me the

other of l~lam, the faith, about death, the Resurrection and can still impact discussion of after death. Christian, no taught me anything similar and such detail. Death was always a mystery to me.

I did would body had been in ground. In Islelm, I detailed answers. When person dies, he she must buried according to instructions Muhammad. The body of person is vvashed completely

and perfumed. Then it wrapped in two pieces of white

cloth and the buried in the ground without a and facing Makkah. The dead person vvill hear the steps of

the living as they walk away from the grave and will aware that he or she is being left Shortly thereafter,

two angels come the grave and the deceased the

following questions:

I) Who Lord?

2) What your (3) Who

I n/|yc reat LoveF orJ esusL edM eT o lsl6m

ProphetM uhammadd isclosedth at believerw ould

questions Furthermored, ependingo n deedst he personh ad wor"rldf eel perfumed

winds from the

T he deadp ersonw ill rernaini n this stateu ntil the


provided Brother Faiz clarified

people who cornrnit crimes and

aren ot punishedd uringt heiru 'orldly lives. I t alsoe xplains

givese veryh utnanb eingm any opporlunitiesto

while lte or she is still alive; a

poftrayalo f tttmostj Lrsticeto his creaturesI.

deepty understood tl-re concepts of

life. While in the Catholic Church, I

had died to save us; in Islam I

learnedt hat personi s responsiblefo r his own acts

rewardedo r punisheda ccorclinglyT, his

soundeds o logicala ndm y'soLtul 'asr eassurebdy it.


nervk rrorvledgue' asg raduallyt ranslbrrninga ll of

previousi nfbrmationa s r'vella s lry senseo f priorities.

begant o devotet noret itue to str-rdoyf the religion.W hen

monting training at thc gynl began to conflict

rnorning prayers, I delayed the training to give

priority to nly pra) crs.

severalv ears beforee tttbracingI sltlnt, I rvas an

aspirirrgm usicianr vho had pafticipatedit t severanl rusic

concertsp layingt he guitara nd singingI ny hearto ut. But,

I accepted LslcTmI abartdoncdt hern both and

dedicatectli ute to learuingt o recitet hc Qar'cin in Arabic;

the originall anguageo f its revclatiorTl.h e responsibilities

of beinga marriedr nana nd rtt1e" ngincrei rlgs tudiesa t the

\@ My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam

Prophet Muhammad disclosed that the believer would

have no difficulty answering these correctly,

while the unbeliever would not be able to answer them.

Furthermore, depending on the deeds the person had done

in this life, he or she would feel either cool breezes from Paradise or scorching Hellfire. The dead person will remain in state until Day of Resurrection.

This information by some of my doubts about commit are not punished during their worldly It also explains

why Allah gives every human being many opportunities to

repent and start a new life he clear portrayal of God's utmost justice to creatures. I

once thought I had deeply the temporary and eternal was taught that Jesus learned that every person is responsible for and will be rewarded or punished accordingly. This

sounded so logical and my soul was reassured by This new knowledge was gradually transforming all my previous information as well as my sense of I began to devote more time study of reI igion. When

my early morning the gym with morning give

my prayers.

For several years before embracing Islam, was aspiring musician who p<uiicipated in several music

concerts playing the guitar and singing my heart out. But,

once Islam I abandoned them and

dedicated time learning to recite the QUI' '(In the original language of revelation. The of being a married man and my engineering studies at the

lslAm @

ageo f 2l arryo thera ctivities.B ut

throught he guidanceo f attachmentto religion grew staft When I returnedto Venezuelarn y farnilyd id about Islarn. without criticizingo r condemningr ny in for vears, joy reunionw ith my parentsb, rothersa nds istersp revaileda nd

they acceptedm e as rvas.

On my job in VenezuelaI, askedp errnissionfi 'om to pray for rninutes rny practicallyt he only VenezuelanM uslirni n in 1982. I asked Allcth help me persevere steadfast, since temptations appeared everywhere more arrd rnore ofterr. By the grace and nrercy Alloh, rnanagetdo rcrnainu ncornrpted.

Today, a fter almostt hirty'y 'earss inceI llrst ernbraced

Isltlttt,l f'eeli ncreasinglyh appyt hat I dccidedt o becomea

Muslim. I f'eele venr norec ontentedu 'hen I seeh ow many

peoplea roundr ne afe embracingI sldnt dailn.P raiseb e to

Allalr,t he Lord of allthat exists. I ha'n'feb undt hatI slclmi s

the f-astesgtr orvingr eligioni n the u'orld.I t hasa ctuallyt he

greatesnt urnbero f practicingf crllow'ersin' spite of the

rnodestr reansa vailablet o its preachersin cornparison

rvith otherr eligionse, specialllC, hristianityW'. hile 1slazr

spreadrsv ithe asea ndb y simplen reansC. lrristianitrvv ould

I l 'hcn urnbcro 1'pract icinIVe lusl inrcsr ccct lsth ct otuln ur r rbcori 'pcople

pract icinga l l other rcl igionsp ut toget l rcf... \ccordingto thc Sundal


inrcs.t hc nunt t rcor l t t tosquc- t tocinls I lntaino l tct i lnca scck wasa t

lcast9 10.000p eoplcc ornparetdo 916. ( ) (Xc)h Lr rch-gocrIs h.i s is taking

placci n a supposcdlCy l r r ist iacno untD.r vhcrc\ , lusl inrs. r lrc nt r r tor i t r ' .

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islcim W

age of 21 left me with no time for any other activities. But

through the guidance of Allah, my attachment to my new

to the extent that I wanted to start teaching

what little I knew.

returned to Venezuela my family did not know

anything about Islam. They used to watch how I prayed

criticizing or condemning my actions. I had been

abroad the USA more than four years, so the of a

reunion with parents, brothers and sisters prevailed and

accepted me I was.

Venezuela, I asked permission from my

supervisor five minutes in my office. I was

practically the Venezuelan Muslim in the oil industry

1 asked Allah to and be


and more often. mercy of Allah, I

managed to remain uncorrupted.

after almost thirty years since I first embraced

Islelm, I feel increasingly happy that decided to become a

feel even more contented when see how people around me are embracing Is/am daily. Praise be Allah, the all that have found that h/am is

fastest growing religion in world. It has actually the

greatest number of practicing followers I in modest means available to preachers in comparison

with other religions, especially Christianity. While Is/am

spreads with ease and by simple means. Christianity would

I The number of practicing Muslims e'.ceeds the total number of people

practicing all religions put together. i\eeording to the Sunday

Times. the number of mosque-gol'rs in Britain one time a lIed: Ivas at

least 930.000 people compared to 916.000 church-goers This place in supposcdly Christian cOllntry. Ilherc 'Vluslims arc a minority.

I tt To lsldm

enormousr esourcesb ehindt heir missionarya ctivities.Islam and

rnajor with followers all

whose followers are

ttations), clearly that

means. They are

poverty and need as the

rnaterial great. What supporls this

f'act churches and what they

representa re abandonedin tlreir own wealthy home

countriesw hile exportedt o poor countries. O n the

hand.r ve thoser vho embraceI slc1ma re from

untouchablesa nd the poor, the rich and the

famousa nd frorn scientistsa nd scholarsE. ven thosew ho

in terms of worldly gain as soon as they

conveftt o like memberso f the Christianc lergyh ave

Consequentlym, y faith keeps getting strongera s I

prornise of Allah is being fulfilled

"They the light of Allah

Atlah will perfect His light

dislike it. It is He who sent

guidance and the religion of truth

religion, although those who

associateo thersw ith Allnh dislikc it-" (Qur'rin 6l:8-9)

Anyone wlto reads the Bible rnay well notice that

some frorrr the Bible itsclf are only being

implernentebdy Muslims. A ccorclirttgo the Bible, J esus

and the Prophetsb efbre hirn prostratedr vhen prayingt o

God (Genesisl7 :3 andM attlrew2 6:36),y et only Muslims

do so in their prayers today. Likervise. only Muslim

women wear the headc overitrgr lentionccilr l the Biblc,

~ My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam

have been no match for Islam had it not been for the

enormous resources behind their missionary activities. A

simple comparison between the converts to Christianity, the two major religions over the world (unlike other religions mostly confined to specific nations), shows Christianity attracts people of limited drawn to the Church due to material temptations it offers are supports argument is the fact that the represent are being abandoned in their countries while being expOlied to On other hand, we find that those who embraceblam are among the untouchables and famous and from scientists and scholars. Even those who

stand to lose much convert to Islam members of Christian clergy have

done so.

Consequently, my stronger as witness that the promise gradually: "They want to extinguish with their mouths, but Allah although the disbelievers His Messenger with to manifest it over all associate others with Allah dislike it." (QlIr 'lin 61 :8-9)

Anyone who may some teachings from itself implemented by According to Jesus

and the Prophets before him prostrated when praying to

God (Genesis 17:3 and Matthew 26:36), yet do so in their Likewise, only Muslim

women wear the head covering mentioned in the Bible,

MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol slam@

while the vast majority of Christian wornen tend to

disregardt his teachingi n spiteo f the fact that Mary used

to wear veil over her head.( Songo f Solorr-ro4n: 9 and I

CorinthiansI I :5)

greetingr -rsebdy Jesus", Peaceb e unto you"

(Luke 24:36), is used by Muslirns while rnost Christians

greet with "Hello". There are rnany other religious rites

rvhich Muslirns practice today, such as wudhu'

(ablutionb efbre prayer), c ircuurcisiona, bstainingf rom

eating pig flesh and the nreat o1' dead animals, etc.

Therefbre,it is crystalc leart hatt he tnre follor.verosf Jesus

and prophetso f God belbreI titn aret he Muslims, w ho

follow what they all taught.

X. Affccted Others'Lives

I'lavingr eceivedth isg reatg ilt frornA lldlt (nay He be

praiseda ndg lorified),I l'elta strot'rdge siret o conveyH is

final messageto thosew ho hacln ot ltcarcilt . I rvasn ot very

successfual t the outset. S orre peoplet ook it as a joke,

rvhile advisedm e to take the ntcssaget o tlte

childrens incc older peopler .verea lleady'l ixcd in their

ways. lorrgt itne,I r.ryo nll' sttpltol'wt as rtt)'u 'ife, who

sharedm y beliefi n Islum.

Irr returnectol thc []nitedS tateso l'AInericat o

master'sd egreein safbtyc ngineerirtagt Te.rasA &M

Univcrsi tvA. nd i t rvasd r . r l intgh is t r ip that lclecidedt o

irrcreascr nv efJbrtst o pfopagateI sldnr. I fblloucd arl

Islamict rairtin-puf ograrnu 'hichI createdfb r rrtvselfl 'om

rnateriala railablea t Bry'artC ollegc StatiortI slan-ric

l,ibrarl. l usedt o lvritct o n'tl fa rnilf itt Vcncztrela bout

rvhatcr .cIsr larnitco picsI st t rdiccIlJ. appi l lu l tct tI returned

Vcrrezuelain a ltcr only'a l-etrb ricf cliscttssions,

rn)'p arentsa ndo nc o1n- t\ olderb rothcrsc tttbritccLcls ldrn.

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~

women disregard this teaching in spite of a head. (Song of Solomon 4:1

Corinthians 11 Even the greeting used by Jesus, "Peace be 36), Muslims most many which only Muslims ablution before circumcision, abstaining from

meat of Therefore, crystal clear that the true followers of the prophets of before him are the who

x. How My Conversion Affected Others' Lives

I-laving received this great gift from Allah may praised and glorified), felt a strong desire to convey His

message to those who had not heard it. was not successful at Some people took joke,

while others advised me message to the

children since people were already fixed For a long time, my only support was my wife, shared my belief in Islam.

In 1990, I returned to the United States of America to

do a master's degree in safety engineering at Texas A&University. And it was during this trip I decided to

increase my efforts to propagate Ishlm. followed an

Islamic training program which I created for myself from

material available at the Bryan College Station Islamic

Library. I used to write to my family in Venezuela about

whatever Islamic topics I studied. Happily \\ hen I returned

to Venezuela in 1992. after only a few brief discussions,

my parents and one of my older brothers embraced hie/ill.

I fufy lslAm

Latero n, sistersa, notherb rother,a nd alsoe mbracedIs lam.

directoro f recentlyo penedl nosquei n approvedm y proposafl br Sundayp rograrxt o inviten on-

Muslims largestl .nosquein I

volurrteeredto coordinatet his prograrnw ith of

praise our initial effort was a

completes uccessA. bout peoplea ttendedw hat wast he

lectureI given Venezuelanas bout

Isldm.P erhapsfo r tirnei n Vcnezuelaa, mixtureo f

Jervs, attended a lecture

aboutI slc1ntT. he prograrnw as sucha greats uccessth at by

Allcih. rnatryV enezuclattse mbracedI slam.

Sundayo r.rt-reacphro grarnis still ongoinga nda nyone

irrterestedin aboutI slail can attetrd.

Wherr irr places, I noticc that many

Islum. Many people have

embracedt his r nanyo thct'st ake the available

literaturea nd go throughi t gradtrally-,iu sta s I did ahnost

others are tttorc resisttrnt oward

Islan. that thcy have too Inany viccs that tltey

cannotg etr id ol'.A t thisp oiltt.I \\'altt o tcllthe readerthat

wlren persone rnbraccsL sltlnr.h is or her lif'e may not

changed ranraticallya ll of a sttdden.I t rtray,b ut not

O fien this is a ltrocessth at dcvclclpsa s the person

and gradually gets closer and closer lo Allah, to his

brothersa ncls istersi n faith artctl o the lirndatnental

tcachingso f the laith. Many of tltoser vho har"ea ttended

rly lectureslt avca skectlh c lbllorvingc lltestiorts:

L Do I ltavet o speakA rabici tto rdert o bea Mtrslirn?

Is it necessartyo ben n Arab i1'Iu ,atrtto be a Muslim?

3. Shoulclls top bel icvingin . lcst tsa t tdr e- icctth e Vi rgin

Mary to bc a MLrslint?

~ My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam

Later on, two of my sisters, another brother, and a nephew

also embraced Islam.

The director of the recently opened mosque in Caracas

approved my proposal for a Sunday program to invite nonMuslims

to visit the largest mosque in Latin America. volunteered to coordinate this program with the imam the mosque and, be to Allah, complete success. About 250 people attended what was the

first public lecture I had ever to Venezuelans about

Islam. Perhaps for the first time in Venezuela, a mixture of

Jews, Christians, atheists and others about Islam. The program was such a great success that the grace of Allah, many Venezuelans embraced Islam.

The Sunday out-reach program is ongoing and anyone

interested in knowing about Islalll attend.

When I lecture in different notice people are interested in Islam. embraced this religion; many others take literature and through it gradually, just as almost

thirty years ago. Still more resistant toward

Islalll; they say they many vices they

cannot get rid of. At this point, want to tell the reader that

when a person embraces Is hllll, his life change dramatically all sudden. It may, but always. Often process that develops as learns to or her brothers and sisters in and to fundamental

teachings of faith. those who have attended

my lectures have asked the following questions:

I. have to speak Arabic in order to be a Muslim?

2. necessary to be an if I want to 3. Should I stop believing in Jesus and reject the Virgin

Mary be Muslim?

MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol sl6m @

Islam necessartyo believei n Jesusa s oneo f

simplea nd easyo ne.T herea ren o con-rplexitieosr ucha s specialc eremonieso,r cefiain an),thing requirementto embraceI slam believes incerely


beautifuln ames,a ndm ostg loriousa ttributest,h e associatec, hild, rrother father, a nd nothing is

comparableto Hirn. forrnso f paganisrnr nusta lso none has the right to be

worslrippedi n Allah and that Muharnmadi s the

Alluh, every,thing else can be learned

patience lf anyone dies

acceptingt his belief,h e or she is consideredto

MLrslima nd t:y Alluh's Inercy.e nterP aradisea t

the end of this world.

a person testifies that Muhamtrad is the

Messengeor f A//clh,t his doesn ot meant hat he is the only

propheto f Al/ah, but that he is the lastr ressengeor f Allah

andt he lasti n the lineo f prophetgs oingb ackt o Adam.

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam W

The answers to all of the above questions are in the

negative. Islfim is a universal religion, and Muslims are in

every country around the world. Language is not a barrier.

To be a Muslim it is necessary to believe in Jesus as one of

the greatest prophets of Allah, and in Mary as Jesus'

mother, whom Allah favored over all other women.

The first step to become a Muslim is indeed a very

simple and easy one. There are no complexities or difficult

requirements such as special ceremonies, or the mediation

of certain agents, or anything beyond one's means. The

only requirement to embrace Islam is to believe sincerely

in and obey the one and only true God, to accept God as

the Creator, the Sustainer of the universe, the One in

whose hands is life and death, the Controller of all things,

the only One worthy of worship, the One who has the beautiful names, and most glorious attributes, the One who

has no associate, child, mother or and comparable to Him. All forms of paganism must also be


After testifying that worshipped in truth but AINih Muhammad is Messenger of Allah, everything gradually with and dedication. If after accepting this firm beliet~ he considered to

be a Muslim and may, by Allah's mercy, enter Paradise at

When Muhammad Messenger of Allah, this does not mean that prophet of Allah, last messenger of and the last in line of prophets going back to

\Z wtV lsldm

XI. When Religion Is Inculcated By Compulsion

Almighty "There [acceptance

ofl Qur'dn2:And "And "The disbelieve...'o Qur'dn 29).

"Invite good trest.o(' Qur'dn 16:125)

position horrendousb loodshedo f millions of

astonishedw hen I learnedt hat in

Netherlandsa lone,t hreem illion peoplew ere executed

accept the doctrines of the

"Upon L6th 1568, a sentence of the

inhabitants of the


few persons, especially named; were

of the dated ten days later,

confirrned and ordered it to

without regard lo age,

probobly the most concise deathwarrant

f amed. Three millions of people,

n1en,w omen, were senlencedt o the scaffold

in: three lines... new decree, the executions

certainly did not slacken. Men in the highest and the

~ My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam

XI. When Religion Is Inculcated By Compulsion

Allah Almighty has revealed that no one can be forced

to embrace Islam. This is a fundamental tenet of His

teachings. "There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance

of) the religion. The right course has become clear

from the wrong." (Qur 'an 2:256)

And Allah has said: "And say, "The truth is from

your Lord, so whoever wills let him believe; and

whoever wills let him disbelieve..." (Qur 'an 18:29).

Islam also calls for establishing dialogue with the others

and inviting them with wisdom and beautiful exhortation

to embrace this true religion. "Invite to the way of your

Lord with wisdom and instruction, and argue

with them in a way that is best." (Qur'an 125)

The Catholic Church attained the it has today

as a result of the horrendous bloodshed of innocent people. I was astonished when learned that the Netherlands alone, three million people were when they did not abide by, and Catholic Church.

the 16th February, 1568, Holy Office condemned all the Netherlands to death as heretics. From this doom only a few excepted. A proclamation ofthe King, confirmed this decree of the inquisition, be carried into instant execution, to sex, or condition. This is probably deathwarrant

that was ever framed. men, women, and children, sentenced to in: three lines ... And under this certainly

MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM er o lslam Q2

humblest stake. in a number of executions "at hundred heads."'

offenset o possessa n unauthorizedG ospel.A s Christiansw erek illed yearsf ollowing

genuine perpetrating horrendousc rimes stemsd irectly verse, It

thesei ndividualsw ere implementings omet exts "And spake unto Moses,

male the

that hath known

the women children,

rvith him, keep

yourselves( Nr-rmber3s1 : 17-18).A nd the Lord

"Go and smite: let not your eye

pity. Slay utterly old and

yorrlg, little and women..."

Ezekiel 5-6). people of Israel, "The

the Canaanites)'.. all

silver, and vessels of brass and iron, are

the Lord: The)' shall come into the

Lord... The people utterly destroyed

' "The Riseo f the DutchR epublic."b y JohnL othropM otley

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~

humblest positions were daily and hourly dragged to the

stake. Alva, in a single letter to Philip, coolly estimated the

number of executions which were to take place

immediately after the expiration of holy week, eight

hundred heads. ,,1

After the Nicean Council was held it became a capital

offense to possess an unauthorized Gospel. As a result,

over a million Christians were killed in the years following

the Council's decision. This was the methodology used by

Athanasius to unify the Christians. It may seem to most of

us that the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity

were bloodthirsty individuals with no motives; but

I was shocked to find out that the call to these

horrendous crimes stems directly from Biblical verse. may seem obvious to anyone who reads the Bible that

these individuals were implementing some texts of some

verses of the Bible. the LORD saying .... Now therefore kill every among little ones, and kill every woman man by lying with him... But all that have not known a man by lying with alive for yourselves (Numbers 31: 18). And said, through the city, spare, neither have you young, both maids and children, (Ezekiel 9:5-6). Joshua said to the "The

Lord has given you the city (of Canaanites)... silver, and gold, consecrated unto They treasury of the I "The Rise of the Dutch Republic," by John Lothrop Motley



Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslim

woman. old. sheep. ass. sword'. 1 6-- "Now suckling. sheep. 1 3).

- "Their pieces lsaiah 16).

- child' l6).


Since sonre Church rcccntly bcen allack [slam

and accuse it of spread "srvord", ri,ofth mcntioning

that the mcntioned thc not being evcn it thc Qur'in. rvhioh to havo by, thc 2 Isldm allored dclend rvcak women and thcrn. "And rvhat [the

matterl the cause Alltrh lforl oppressed womcn, .,,1" (Qur'dn 4 : 7 5 ) . i s

also ofsel fdef 'ensen ot ofaggrcssi txr . . , l / /Jis a1's": Fight way Alllh those rvho 1,ou transgrcss. Indecd. transgressors." (Qur'dn 190). prescribcd insurc freedonr ol- othcrs nirl Allclh ofl'ering cmbrace i t if'thc1'l'ish u'ithout compulsion.

"-I'here lacceptance ofl religion.'I'he becomc (Our'dn

256). ,llklh sa1's: "And "-l'he truth fronr vour rvhoever belicvc; whoevcr n'ills lct (Our'tin 29\

\W My Islam

all that was in the city, man and woman, young and

old, and ox and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the

sword!. (Joshua 6: 16-21)

The Lord allegedly said:

go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all

that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man

and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel

and ass." (1 Samuel 15:3).

'children also shall be dashed to before

their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their

wives ravished." (Isaiah 13: 16).

"Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath

rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword:

their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their

women with child" shall be ripped up." (Hosea 13: 16).

I Since some Church officials have recently been so bold as to attack Islam

and accuse it of having been spread by the sword"', it is worth mentioning

that the word "sword" is actually mentioned 406 times in the Bible while

not being mentioned even once in the QUI' 'an, So which religion was likely

to have been spread by the sword?

2 Islam allowed Jihad as a means to defend and protect the weak such as

women and children, and not killing or dashing them, "And what is [the

matter] with you that you fight not in lhe causc of Allah and [for] the

oppressed among men, women, and children ... !" QUI' 'an 4:75), Jihad is

also an act of self defense nol an act of aggression, AINih says: "Fight in the

way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress, Indeed. Allah

docs not like transgressor's." QUI' 'an 2: 190), Jihad is also prescribed as a

means to insure the freedom of calling others to the way of Allah and

offering them the choice to embrace it if they so wish without compulsion,

Allah says: "There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the

religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong..." QUI' 'an

2:256), Alliih also says: "And say, "The tl'Uth is from YOU!' Lord, so

whoever wills let him believe; and whoever wills let him disbelieve."

Qur'an 18:29)

MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol slAmQ y'

sanctionsth e t he name.' Allah Qur'dn: "So "scripture" 'This Allnh,' small (2:19\

Compulsioni s incompatiblew ith religionb ecausere ligion

meaninglesisf inducedb y M en mustb e

whatever religion they

believei n, alternativesm ust be presentedw ithout

compulsionG. uillotines,s aws,a xesa nd


Owing to the that the tcxts othors embarassment to the ofthe havc intcrfering

in what allegedly the Word of 'l'hey

treatcd book rwitten tlierefore delcted fiorn they examplc lSarnuel hc thc

men ofBcthshemcsh, thel'had thc ofthc even f i f t y Holever, English, French. Gcrman decided that act Merci{ul Lorcl. thel the text to only (sevent1,m en). 1'he1'believcd rnerc ''looking" into

the ark of the I-ord genociclc. Lven prcsentt in. rc.s ' i th thc exposurct o t ranslatorsa nd pr int ing tools. i t is

st i l l being al tered.O nc s'ondersh orv si t t rat ionr vas thc ancicnt t imes

rvheno nl l the pr iestsh ad accesst o Biblc.

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~

It appears that the Bible is the only religious book in

the world that sanctions the killing of children, the dashing

of infants and the ripping open of the bellies of pregnant

women. The presence of such verses in the Bible and

ascribing them to God is a clear proof that the Bible was

subject to corruption by human hands that invented lies in

God's name. l A/Nih says in the noble Qur'an: "So woe to

those who write the "scripture" with their own hands,

then say, 'This is from Allah,' in order to exchange it

for a smalJ price. Woe to them for what their hands

have written and woe to them for what they earn."


Compulsion is incompatible with religion because religion

depends upon faith and resolution, and these would be

meaningless if induced by force. Men and women must be

given the opportunity to choose believe in, but the alternatives must presented without

bias and without compulsion. Guillotines, saws, axes and

lOwing to the fact that the presence of such texts and others is a cause of

great embarrassment to the "editors" of the Bible, they have been interfering

in what allegedly is the Word of God.

They treated the text like any other

book written by humans; and therefore added to and deleted from it, what

they deemed unfit. For example ISamuel 6: 19 reads: "And he smote the

men of Bethshemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the Lord,

even he smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten

men." However, the English. French, German and Arabic translations

decided that such an act does not befit the Merei ful Lord, so they changed

the text to only (seventy men), They believed that the mere "looking" the ark of the Lord is not a crime punishable by genocide. Even at the

present time, with the Bible's exposure to translators and printing tools, it still being altered, One wonders how the situation was in the ancient times

when only the priests had access to the 13ible.

I fvrvG reatL oveF orJ esusL edM eT o tslAm

optionsr AllAh messageto o 'Theres hall [acceptance (Qur'dn someo f consequenceosf imposinga religiono n people

successF. or reasonI alcoholics. r.rnite families ' The Bible attributes genocidc he is totally innocent. Sarnucl 29-31we fincl: ''And all the together, rvent llabbah, took i t . And he took thcir whereof was a talent *'ith thc i t David's head. And brought thc abundance. And he thcrcin, put

them under saws, harro*'s and madc them antl cities of thc people unto Jcrusalem." Chroniclcs 3" i t out thc people that i t , rvith harrows of iron, and axes, [ven dcalt rvith thc the children of ,{mmon. nll returned Jerusalem," It rnakes rvonder hou *'orld cver livc peace

when such inhumane callcd irr callcd Ho'ly

Book. and arc ascribed nrophets'l

W My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam

fire should not have been the optionsl given to those who

did not want to accept doctrines being enforced by the

Catholic Church. Allah had already revealed in His last

message to humankind: "There shall be no compulsion

in [acceptance ofJ the religion. The right course has

become clear from the wrong" Qur 'an 2:256).

Today, we are witnessing the results of compulsion in

religion in various countries. Drug addiction, murder,

theft, prostitution, corruption, rapes and homosexuality are

some of the consequences of imposing a religion on that is not carried in the heart.

Sticking to ancestral traditions will not necessarily

take a nation to success. For this reason I would like to

offer at least one alternative that can save lives,

rehabilitate alcoholics, as well as unite and


I The Bible attributes heinous acts of genocide to Prophet David, of which

he is totally innocent. In 2 Samuel 12:29-31 we find: "And David gathered

all the people together, and went to Rabbah, and fought against it, and

took it. And he took their king's crown from off his head, the weight

whereof was a talent of gold with the precious stones: and it was set on

David's head. And he brought forth the spoil of the city in great

abundance. And he brought forth the people that were therein, and them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron,

and made them pass through the brick kiln: and thus did he unto all the

cities of the children of Ammon. So David and all the returned

unto Jerusalem." Also, in I Chronicles 20:3, it is said: "And he brought

out the people that were in it, and cut them with saws, and with

harrows of iron, and with axes. Even so dealt David with all the cities of

the children of Ammon. And David and all the people to

Jerusalem." It makes one wonder how the world can ever live in when such inhumane acts of genocide arc called upon in a so-called Holy

Book, and are ascribed to God and His prophets?

MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol slAmQ 2

breaking regarding sexual abuse children. the victims. it

priests the

USA perpetratorso f sexualc hild H owever, it

took several news in


thousandp riestsi n haveb eeni nvolvedi n abuseT. hat astonishings tatisticto sayt he least,

T he undoubtedt ruth is that if

any one it should be the Bible

impoftant the reader knows that

just out by pervefts. The

encouragesim morality as stated in Ezekiel

1. just of the evil acts

falselya ttributedto somep rophetsO. f course, a s Muslims,

any prophet of Allah was

involvedi n suchd espicablea cts.

havea skedt he questionto someC hristians

colrlmunities rvhere the Bible is

generallya ccepteda s Scripture." Wl]y are the rates

of rnurder, alcoholism,' prostittttion,

r One of thc rnajora busesa nd fnlsc accusationds irccteda gainstt he

pcrson of Jesus at thc hands of those rvho corruptcd the Bible' and

n'hichn o Muslim '"r'ouldto leratei,s his descriptiona sa "rrincbibber"a s

is mentioned in Luke 7:34 "Son of man is courc eating ancl

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam \ij)

The latest heart-breaking news of the year 2002

regarding the Catholic Church in the USA relates to the

sexual abuse that some priests committed against innocent

children. Astonishingly, the top ranks in the Vatican did

not respond as though such acts were atrocious crimes, but

instead tried to cover them up by offering money to silence

the victims. I kept a report from several years ago where was stated that more than five percent of in USA were perpetrators of sexual child abuse. However, took several years for this news to become headlines on

the main TV stations worldwide.

The whole world was shocked when the latest 2004 stated that in the past 50 years, more than thousand priests in the USA have been involved in sexual

child abuse. That is an astonishing statistic to say the but not at all surprising. The undoubted truth there is anyone factor to blame, then itself. It is extremely important that these evil acts are not carried perverts. Bible itself encourages immorality 23: 1. Adultery and incest are two falsely attributed to some prophets. Of as we wholly reject the idea that involved in such despicable acts.

I have asked the following question to some Christians

in those countries or communities where generally accepted as Holy Scripture, "Why of murder, rape, theft, alcoholism,] prostitution,

lOne of the major abuses and false accusations directed against the

person of Jesus at the hands of those who corrupted Bible. and

which no Muslim would tolerate, is his description as a '"winebibber" as

is mentioned in Luke 7:34 "The Son of man is come eating and



Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lsldm

Qur'dn comparisons.

penalty consequenceo f ofthousands ofother effectivenesso f applicationo f Isldm, imarn Islarn proud

tobe nrarr, ofpublicans sinrrers!."'fhc rvhen

1 "Wine rnocker, hurnankind if it werc belicvc greatespt rophetso fGod, JesusC hrist.r vasa n ~ My Islam

homosexuality, incest and widespread corruption

extremely high compared to those countries where the

Qur 'an is the scripture of reference though with some

variation?" Many of them have been shocked by this

question since they have never thought about making such


For example, in a dialogue that I had with a US

citizen, I cited a case where the death was imposed

in Saudi Arabia on seven criminals who, while under the

influence of alcohol, raped a woman. I told him that as a

consequence of the application of the full weight of the

law hundreds of thousands of other women had been saved

from other potential criminals. He disagreed and felt that

the law was too severe and that it could not be

implemented in his country. Based on official statistics, I

told him that in his country in the last eight months more

than half a million women were raped; an average of two

thousand women raped every day! He was shocked and

admitted to the effectiveness of the application of the

Islamic Law. If I could talk to him again, I would tell him

that in Islam, even if an imam were to rape a child, as the

priests have done in the church, he would be executed

without delay, in order to save the rest of the children.

How happy I am to have embraced 1\1am and I am to be a Muslim.

drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber,

a friend of publicans and sinners!." The irony is also apparent when

one finds Proverbs 20:1 saying: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is

raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." One can

only imagine the state of humankind ifit were to believe that one of the

greatest prophets of God, like Jesus Christ, was an alcoholic.

To lslam Q/

XII. Merciful. correct of over millions religiotts, etnbrace Islam. Isldm punishment Allah



Islam'. person

(a (embraces Isllm) will

have a double reward."'

i f rejectt his y ou rvill be held

accountablefo r thoseu ndery our influencea nd all those

atrd the world

over, rne rvith the responsibility of

conveyingt his messageto humanityt o the besto f my

"Say, O of the Scripture,

between us and you -

that Alllh and not associate

I T'hep eopleo f the Book (Jeu'sa nd Christiansa) re granteda .s pecial

status in ihe Qur'dn as to inviting them to Isldnt ancl establishing^

dialoguer vitht hem.l llah says": do not argue with tlre People-of

the S"cripture except in a'way that is best"t (Qttr'an 29:46).


Our'dn alsos tatestl tatt he Christiansa rc nearcsitn lovc to the Muslims:

;... tne nearest ofthem in affection to the believers those who say,

"We Are Christians." That is becausea mong them are priests and

qonks and becauseth ey are not arrogant." (Qttr'an5 :82)

' Narratedb v Muslim. 3,12.

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam W

XII. An Open Invitation to the Pope and Other

World Leaders

I begin in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the

Most Merciful. May Allah bless all those who follow the

correct path.

I hereby extend this invitation to the Pope and all the

leaders of the world, especially those who govern and rule

over millions of people of other religions, sects and

ideologies; I invite all of you to embrace Isliim. Come to

Islam and you will be saved from the of and earn His reward in Paradise. If you are a Jew or Christian, Allah will give you a double reward once embrace Islaml

. Prophet Muhammad said: "A from the people of the Scripture Jew or Christian)

who believes in his prophet (Jesus or Moses) and then

believes in Prophet Muhammad Islam) have a double reward.,,2

However, if you reject this invitation, you will accountable for all those under your influence and who follow you.

Like all my Muslim brothers and sisters over, Allah has charged me with conveying this message to all humanity to best of ability. He has said: "Say, 0 People come to a word that is equitable that

we will not worship except Allah 1 The people of the Book (Jews and Christians) are granted a special

status in the QUI' 'an as to inviting [sfiim and establishing

dialogue with them. Allah says: "And do the People of

the Scripture except in a way best." (QUI' 'an 46). The

QUI' 'an also states that the Christians are nearest in lovc " ... the nearest of them in affection to the believers who say,

"We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and

J,ll0nks and because they are not arrogant." (QUI' 'an 5:82)

• Narrated hy Muslim. 342.

I nAVG reatL oveF orJ esusL edM eT o lsl6m


[submitting Qur'dn 64).


understandth em, junction give AIIAh themselvesc ompletelyt o Allcth,t he of the position, power Muslim entranceto gardenso f Paradisein world.l poorest rOnly personw ho f'ulllllsh is purposei n lil-e,i .e..t he rvorshipo f

Allah may to happiness internal peace.

Al[ah says:" Whoever does righteousnessw, hether male female,

he is a believer - We will him live good life,

We will surely give their reward lin Hereafterl

accordingt o besto f usedt o (Qur'dn 97).A llAh

rememtrrance assured." (Qur'dn l3:ln

Chapter 20, Verses 123-124, wc rcad: "... whoever follows My

guidance will neither go astray [in the worldl nor suffer [in the

Hereafterl. And whoever turns away from My remembrance

indeed, h e lvill havea depressedIi .e.,d ifficultl life..."


latter verse

explainst he causef or many psychologicaill lnessesa nd u4ry some very

rvealthyp' coplea tternpst uicide.

~ My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam

anything with Him and not take one another as lords

instead of Allah. But if they turn away, then say, "Bear

witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]."

(Qur'an 3:64).

Having presented the previous proofs in this book so

that whoever has eyes can see them and whoever has

intellect can understand them, a has been reached

where Allah, the Exalted, calls on all people to embrace

the truth. Once again I affirm that it is my duty and

responsibility as a human being, one who submitted by

free will to the law and commands of Allah, the one and

only God, the Beneficent, the Merciful, to invite all

mankind to up the worship of false deities, whether

animate and inanimate objects or any other thing created

by Allah or fashioned by man. After repenting, they must

submit themselves completely to the will of Allah, the only

true God, Creator ofthe universe.

It is worthy to note that as much money, prestige,

and that a non-Muslim might have in this

life, he or she will never have enough to buy his or her

entrance to the gardens of Paradise in the next world.! The

inhabitant of the earth who has testified that none

1 Only the person who fulfllls his purpose in life, i.e., the worship of

alone, be able achieve true and Al{says: "Whoever righteousness, whether or while - surely cause to a and them lin the Hereafter)

according to the best of what they used to do." (Qur 'an 16:97). Allah

also says: "Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured

by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the

remembrance of Allah hearts are (Qur 'an J3:28). In

124, we read: " ... lin world I lin Hereafter]. he will have a depressed li.e., difficult] life... " This explains the cause for psychological illnesses and why wealthy people attempt suicide.

MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT dt stamQ z

has Muhammad is (the happier more richest person who Allah guide Allah Qur'dn 85) "And Islem wilt from him, 36-37 "Indeed,

from for is painful s peaka nd consciouso f h e

Allah, Allah Allah Jannah (the Allah Allnh (25:70). "But lvill gardens [It [which isl

(4: promise Allah My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam \ijI

the right to be worshipped but Allah and that

His Messenger testimony of faith) will

be and dignified in the next world than the

did not accept the last message sent by

to humankind.

says in the Qur'an (3:85) "And whoever

desires other than Islam as religion never will it be

accepted and he, in the Hereafter, will be

among the losers." And in 5:36-37 it says: "Indeed,

those who disbelieve if they should have all that is in

the earth and the like of it with it by which to ransom

themselves the punishment of the Day of

Resurrection, it will not be accepted from them, and

them a punishment. They will wish to get

out of the Fire, but never are they to emerge therefrom,

and for them is an enduring punishment."

So while one's soul is still within his body and he

can still breathe, speak and is conscious of his actions, he

can always repent to the Exalted. If repentance is

sincere and one testifies that none has the right to be

worshipped but and that Muhammad is His

Messenger, while avoiding all forms of paganism, Allah

will forgive him, even if he should be but a minute

distance away from the Hellfire. will then change the

person's bad deeds into good deeds and allow him or her

entrance into garden of Paradise) eternally.

has said: "Except for those who repent, believe

and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace

their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving

and Merciful." 70). And He has said: "But the ones

who believe and do righteous deeds We will admit them

to beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will

abide forever. [It is] the promise of Allah, [which is]

truth, and who is more truthful than Allah in

statement?" 122) It is the of for anyone

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslAm

wants to repent sincerely and start a new life. I close

invitation citing the verses from the Qur'dn,

re Allah, the Almighty gives the opportunity to all

an invites sinners to

nt, their sins, and He

forgive lnthe Qur'dn 54),A llah "Say, "O against

themselves [by of the mercy of

Alteh. Alleh Indeed, it is He

who And return [in

repentance] to Him before the

you will not be


Here A llah for repentanceis

of arrives it is no

lon-gFeinrp aolfsys, ibleto obtainf orgiveness.

extends promise of forgiveness and

mercy steadlast in faith and does

deeds, 82):

"But Forgiver of

whoever righteousness

and then I supplicate all that exists, the

true Guide, path all those seekers of

truth analysis. I ask

Atlahto guidea llthosew ho makes inceres elf-assessments

and to improve to what is

pleasingt o Him.

W My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam

who wants to repent sincerely and start a new life. I close

this invitation citing the following verses from the Qur 'an,

where Allah, the Almighty gives the opportunity to human beings to repent sincerely. He repent, regardless of the magnitude of will forgive them.

In the Qur 'an (39:53-54), Allah revealed:

"Say, "0 My slaves who have transgressed themselves [by sinning], do not despair Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. who is the Forgiving, the Merciful. [in

repentance] to your Lord and submit punishment comes upon you; then helped."

Here also, Allah informs us that time repentance is

of limited duration and that when death longer possible to obtain forgiveness.

Finally, Allah extends His mercy to the believer who is steadfast good deeds, saying (20:82):

"But indeed, I am the Perpetual whoever repents and believes and does and then continues in guidance."

I supplicate to Allah, the Creator of true Guide, to guide to the right truth whose minds are open to objective Allah to guide all those who make sincere self-assessments

and to improve their conditions according pleasing to Him.

My Great Love ForJesus Led Me To lstam (d2

To you (0 Muhammad) We sent down the Book in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it and

as a criterion over it. (Q. 5:48). The Qur'an is the Criterion by which the contents of all other sacred books

may be jud2ed.

The Bible The Our'lIn

On God

"for in six days the Lord made heaven and "And We did certainly create the heavens

earth, and on the seventh day he rested." and earth and what is between them in six

(Exodus 3 I: 17) days, and there touched Us 00 weariness."


"Then the LORD awaked as one out of sleep, "Allah there is no deity except Him, the

and like a mighty man that shouteth by reason Ever-Living, the Sustaioer of {all] existence.

of wine." (Psalms 78:65) Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor

sleep." (Q. 2:255)

Jacob wrestles with God and defeats Him as in "They have not appraised Allah with true

Genesis 32:30 appraisal. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and

"And the Lord was with Judah; and he drave Exalted in Might." (Q . 22:74)

out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could "But Allah is not to be caused failure by

not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, anything in the heavens or on the earth.

because they had chariots of iron." (Judges I: 19) Indeed, He is ever Knowing and Competent."

(Q. 35:44)

"I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. 2 ....

"Indeed, Allah does not wrong the people at

all, but it is the people who are wronging

shew me wherefore thou contendest with me. ~. themselves." (Q. 10:44)

Is it good unto thee that thou shouldest

oppress." (.Job 10:1-3) "My Lord neither errs nor forgets." (Q.

"How long wilt thou forget me, ° Lord?" 20:52)

(Psalms 13: I) "Indeed, my Lord is the Hearer of 1<

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslam

"[It is] the promise of Allah. Allah does not ~

"0 Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt

not hear!" (Habakuk 1:2)

The Lord is alleged to have said: "... and to break

my covenant with them: .. ." (Leviticus 26:44)

God was ignorant of Adam's whereabouts and of

his eating from the tree according to Genesis 3:9;

"And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said

unto him, Where art thou?" The Lord needs a

mark to distinguish the houses ofthe Israelites from

the houses of the Egyptians. (Exodus 12: 13). God

does not know what goes on on the earth, so He

needs to go down to find out, "And the Lord said,

Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is

great, and because their sin is very grievous; "I

will go down now, and see whether they have

done altogether according to the cry of it,

which is come unto me; and if not, I will know."

(Genesis 18:20). In Corinthians 1 1:25, Paul says:

"Because the foolishness of God is wiser than

men; and the weakness of God is stronger than


fail in His promise, but most of the people do

not know." (Q . 30: 6).

Allah is All-Knowing; therefore when Adam

and his wife ate from the tree He addressed

them in a way that clearly indicated His

knowledge of what they had done.

"And their Lord called to them, "Did I not

forbid you from that tree and tell you that

Satan is to you a clear enemy?" (Q. 7: 22)

"[Allah is] the Knower of the unseen." Not

absent from Him is an atom's weight within

the heavens or within the earth or [what is]

smaller than that or greater, except that it is

in a clear register" (Q. 34:3)

"[He is] Knower of the unseen and the

witnessed, the Grand, the Exalted. It is the

same [to Him] concerning you whether one

conceals [his] speech or one publicizes it and

whether one is hidden by night or conspicuous

[among others] by day." (Q. 13:9-10)

"And with Him are the keys of the unseen;

none knows them except Him. And He knows

what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf

falls but that He knows it. And no grain is

there within the darknesses of the earth and

The Bible unfittingly depicts God as being so poor

that lie has to hire a razor in Isaiah 7:20; "In the

same day shall the Lord shave with a razor that

is hired, namely, by them beyond the river, by

the king of Assyria, the head, and the hair of

the feet: and it shall also consume the beard."

And that God has a nose and a mouth from which

smoke comes out in Psalms 18:8 "There went up a

smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his

mouth devoured." The Lord cries and sheds tears;

my soul shall weep ... and mine eye shall

weep sore, and run down with tears." (Jeremiah

13: I 7). God wails, howls and walks naked in Micah

I :8; "Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go

stripped and naked: I wiII make a wailing like

the dragons, and mourning as the owls." (KJV)

And He hisses (whistles) for the fly and bee as in;

"the Lord shall hiss for the fly ... and for the

bee." (Isaiah 7: 18) and He claps with his hands; "I

will also smite mine hands together." (Ezekiel

21: I 7)

no moist or dry [thing) but that it is [written]

in a clear record." (Q. 6:59)

" ... Allah is Knowing of all things." (Q. 5:97)

"0 mankind, you are those in need of Allah,

while Allah is the Free of need, the

Praiseworthy." (Q. 35:15)

"Allah has certainly heard the statement of

those [Jews] who said, "Indeed, Allah is poor,

while we are rich." We wiII record what they

said and their killing of the prophets without

right... " (Q. 3:181) ~

"Exalted is your Lord, the Lord of might, ~

above what they describe." (Q . 37: I80) m.

"There is nothing like unto Him,. and He is b

the Hearing, the Seeing." (Q. 42:1 I) ;;

" ... for Allah is the highest attribute. And He ~

is Exalted in Might, the Wise." (Q. 16:60) ~

"He is Allah, other than whom there is no ~

deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, ~

the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the :;

Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the ~

Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever ~

they associate with Him. He is Allah, the ~

Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him iii;

belong the best names. Whatever is in the 3

heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He is 0

the Exalted in Mi~ht, the Wise." (Q. 59:23-24)

F/ "V

Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslam

On Jesus It

Jesus is accused of misbehavior towards his mother: The Qur 'an defends Jesus against these false

"Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to accusations, stating that he is neither tyrannic

do with thee?" (John 2:4) nor cruel.

Jesus is accused of being tyrannic and cruel: "And [made me] dutiful to my mother, and

"Think not that I am come to send peace on He has not made me a wretched tyrant." (Q.

earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." 19:32)

(Matthew 10:34)

The first miracle performed by Jesus in the Bible is The first miracle of the Prophet Jesus was

his turning water to wine at a wedding in Cana of speaking immediately after his birth, defending

Galilee (John 2:9) his mother against the false accusations leveled

at her by her people. (Q. 19:30-33)

On Mary

"Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they The Qur 'an defends Mary, describing what was

to him, We be not born of fornication." (John said about her as a grave false charge. "And

8:41 ) [We cursed them) for their disbelief and

"And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, their saying against Mary a great slander,"

of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ." (Q.4:156)

(Matthew 1: 16) The Qur'an also mentions God favoring her

"And Jesus ... being (as was supposed) the son over all the women of the world. " ...when the

of Joseph, which was the son of Heli." angels said, "0 Mary, indeed Allah has

(Luke 3:23) chosen you and purified you and chosen you

above the women of the worlds." (Q. 3:42)

My creat Love For Jesus Led Me To lsliam 6ii


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