
The Original Sin

According to the explanation of this dogma, Adam

sinned when he disobeyed Allah by eating from the

forbidden tree (the tree of knowing good from evil as in

Genesis 2: 1i). As a result, and according to Christian

theology, all descendants of Adam inherit the sin of Adam,

which means that all human beings are born with this

original sin. And according to Christianity, for God's

to be satisfied, a price must be paid for every sin

that has been committed.

In other words, God will not let any sin go unrequited

and cannot even forgive a simple sin! Accordingly, the

only thing that can wipe out sins is the shedding of blood.

According to Paul, the shedding of blood

there is no remission." Hebrews 9:22)? But this blood

must be perfect, sinless, and incorruptible. Therefore,

Jesus, alleged to be the son of God, shed his sinless blood,

suffered indescribable agony and died to for the sins of men. Because he was the God, alone could pay the infinite price of sin. Therefore, no one

can be saved unless he accepts Jesus savior3

. Moreover, everyone is condemned to suffer

eternally in Hellfire because of his or her sinful

] It is therefore fitting to ask: How will he for if he did 2 This very same text is with other Biblical texts which

state that atonement could be through offering Leviticus 5: 11, money as in Exodus 30: "of jewels of gold,

chains, and bracelets, 31 50.

3 Isaiah 43: 11 reads, 001, 1, am the beside me This verse clearly states that God the only savior

I tt Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslAm

parls: (1)

(2) justice requires

that.paid (3)

price men


thosew ho believei n vicariouss acrifice.'

nart, De Groot

CatholicT eaching,p . 1a0) Scripturet eachesu s

(our lady

"Therefore, as


just." (Romans 19)." These



'InheritedS in' suppofti n wordso f Jesuso r of


accountablefo r c hildrenw ould

punishedfo r oftheir parents.

humanb eingi s J esush imselfr egarded

childrena s innocenta nd n ot lt is clear

"Suffer children

Lrnto me. is the



(Mark l0:14-15).

t bclief thc crucifixiono f Jesusis thc rvayt o salvationf or

those rvho bclieve what

case lbr sinners r.r'ho died bcfbre and had the

chanceto knorvh im or believei n crucifixion?

~ My Islam

nature unless he or she accepts atonement for his or her

sins made by Jesus with his blood.

This dogma can be divided into three distinct parts: the original sin, the belief that God's that the penalty for sin must be for by blood, and the belief that Jesus has paid the for the sins of by his death on the cross and that salvation is only those who believe in his vicarious sacrifice. I

Regarding the first part, the Reverend (Catholic Teaching, p. 140) writes: "Scripture teaches us

that Adam's sin passed unto all men Blessed exempted). For in the words of St. Paul: by the offence of one (Adam) all men were taken condemnation; so also by the Justice of one (Christ)

many shall be made 5: 18-19)." words make it plain that all men inherited Adam's Like many other Christian beliefs, the doctrine of 'Inherited Sin' finds no support in the words of Jesus or the prophets who came before him. They taught that man was accountable for his own actions; children would

not be punished for the sin of their No human being is born sinful. Jesus himself regarded

children as innocent and pure, not born with sin. It from his reported saying: not the little to come unto me, and forbid them not: for such Kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little he shall not enter therein." Mark 10: 14-15).

1 If the belief in the crucifixion of Jesus is the only way to salvation for

those living in his time and those who believe in him afterwards, is the case for the sinners who died before Jesus and never chance to know him or believe in the crucifixion?

MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol slamQ P

committedt housandso f yearsa go S in

transgressiono f hearted consecratedg roundsi n b ecause

wereb elievedt o haved iedi n 'originals in.'

Isldm condemns b ut somethingth at acquiresb y nart justice price If were

punishment, would justice, (Zfte

Atonementp, .5) connection":l t shouldb e as

cannot break His own

without first giving him an

appropriatep unishmentF. or did so, who rvould call

'Just' view shows complete

justice. is not a mere judge or

Qur'iin Him: Most

Most Merciful. Master of the Day of

He is not only 'Just' but also Merciful and

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~

Rationally considered, it would be the height of

injustice to condemn the entire human race for the sin

committed thousands of years ago by our first parents. Sin

is a willful transgression of the Law of God or the Law of

right and wrong, hence the responsibility or blame for it

must lie only on the person committing it, and not on his

children. It is a grave injustice to consider man sinful at

birth. How unreasonable and hard-hearted a man can

become by believing in the dogma of the inherited sin as

shown by the theological dictum of Saint Augustine that

all unbaptized infants are doomed to burn eternally in the

Fire of Hell?! Until recently, the unbaptized infants were

not buried in consecrated grounds in Christendom, because

they were believed to have died in 'original sin.'

Islam condemns the dogma of Original Sin and

regards children as pure and sinless at birth. Sin, it says, is

not inherited, but is something that one acquires by doing

what he or she should not do and by failing to do what he

or she should do.

The second part of the Christian doctrine of

atonement is that God's requires that a be

paid for the original and all other sins of man. God to pardon a sinner without it be a

denial of His justice. The Reverend W. Goldsack The

Atonement, p.5) writes in this connection: "It should be clear as daylight to anyone that God law: He cannot forgive a sinner appropriate punishment. For if He would Him 'Just' and Equitable." This ignorance of God's God judge king. He is as the Qur 'an describes "The Gracious, the Recompense." 'Just'

I mV Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslAm

*...Allah (Qur'dn 92).If A fter justice. person someonee lse c annotb e consideredf orgivenessb y

prescribesa demandso bediencei,t b ut benefito f A nd punishesa faultsa nds ins,i t satisfactiono r compensationa, s b ut G od

sinsa ndr eformedt hemselvews ithoutp unishing


Allah "...Your himsetf - Qur'dn 54)

part dogrna atonementi s Jesusp aid penaltyf or salvationc annotb e obtainedw ithout F. (Catholic

Teachingp, . w rites:" SinceC hrist,G od Incarnateh, as

~ My Islam

Forgiving, " ...Allah will forgive you; and He is the most

merciful of the merciful." Qur'an 12:92). If God knows

that man is sincerely repentant, having a real urge to

conquer the evil within himself, then Almighty God can

forgive his failings and sins altogether. After all, the only

proper motive for punishment is to check evil and reform

the offender. To punish a person for his past sins, even

after he had repented and reformed himself is a sign of

vengeance, not Also, forgiving a after

punishing him or her, or after inflicting punishment on

someone else instead, cannot be considered forgiveness by

any stretch of imagination.

The God we worship is a God of mercy. If He

prescribes a law and demands obedience, it is not for His

own benefit, but for the benefit of humankind. And if He

punishes a man for his faults and sins, it is not for His own

satisfaction or compensation, as the Christian dogma

proclaims, but it is to curb evil and purify the sinner. God

forgives the faults and sins of those who have turned away

from their sins and reformed themselves without punishing

them or any other person on their behalf and this is not

contrary to God's Thus, A/liih says: " ...Your Lord has decreed upon

Himself mercy: that any of you who does wrong out of

ignorance and then repents after that and corrects

himself indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful."

(Qur'an 6:54)

The third of the Christian dogma of the

atonement is that Jesus paid the penalty for the original

and other sins of men by his death on the cross of Calvary,

and that salvation cannot be obtained without belief in the

saving power of his blood. J.F. De Groot Teaching, p. 162) writes: "Since Christ, God Incarnate, has

lslam @

satisfactionto demandf or jr,rsticeH, e mediatorb etweenG od andm an."T his dogmai s justice.'

fonner rvilling rnanyr efutationsw hich confinn atonemenat nd cruciflxionT. he ale fbr.vfi orn amongt hem:

dogrnao f crucifixiono 1'.ef susC hristt o atonef or

cornrpt fbundation any,thingb uilt corruptf bundationis itselfc orrupt.T he

nas pessecol r.rt o his conlratlicttsh ev crsesin thc


ri'hich.a ccordingto .lesrrsc arrren ot 1o rlestrorb ut firlllll. Also, in

Deuterortottr3l -1l,( r u'c rcacl:" '[-hc firthcrs shall not ftrr cltiltlren, neither shall the

childrcn bc to death fbr the' fathers: every man

fbr his o*rt sin." Irr Ezekiel l8:20

llncl: "'l'hc sorrl sinncth, it shall die. The

not bear the irticlLrit-or'f the f'ather, neither

the father bear thc iniquit,v of the son." Jesus

himselfs aid.a ccordinsto Matlheu'1 6;27". then he shall

I point nruslb c askcd:\ \'asA dartt'sr clnofsca nd repcntancteo

God. his deyralting1 r'ontI 'aradisc.t hc flooding ancl the numerous

sacriliccsn raclct u (iocl not a pricc crtoLrghlb r his salration?l)W hat

thc rttorc horrcnclousth att '\dattt's'l ,\ttd horr could this

m) 'ster )o f sal rat iontc nt i t i ru. tn kt tonttto al l thc propl tclos nl l ' to bc latcr

discovcrccblv thc church?

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam \W

taken upon Himself our sins in order to atone for them by

giving satisfaction to God's demand for justice, He is the

mediator between God and man." This dogma is not only a

denial of the mercy of God but also of His justice. [

To demand the price of blood in order to forgive the

sins of men is to show a complete lack of mercy, and to

punish a man who is not guilty for the sins of others,

whether the fanner is willing or not, is the height of


There are many refutations which confirm the falsity

of the belief in atonement and crucifixion. The following

are only a few from 21l10ng them:

First, the dogma of crucifixion of Jesus Christ to atone for

the original sin is based on a corrupt foundation and

anything built on a corrupt foundation is itself corrupt. The

idea that Adam's sin was passed on to offspring

contradicts the verses in the Torah which. according to the

Bible. Jesus came not to destroy but to fulfill. Deuteronomy 24: 16 we read: "The fathers be

put to death for the children, nei ther children be put to for the shall be put to death for own In 18:we also find: "The soul that sinneth, son shall hear iniquity of father, shall the iniquity himself said, according to Manhew 16:27, "then I At this it must he asked: Was Adam's remorse and repentance to

God, departing from Paradise. the tlooding and sacrilices made [0 God price enough ttlr salvation'?') What

about the sins more horrendous than Adam's') And hOlv mystery of salvation remain unkl101\11 to all the prophets only be later

diseOVCl'ed by the church')



Great Love For Led Me To lslim

agreementw ith Qur'dn states" That [good] 38-


5, T his provest he falsehoodo f Genesis2 :"...for becauseit 21-22

wicked' he live,


mentioned him: in

was not inherited. thus. there was no reason

Jesush ad sinso f anyone. T his is in total

agreemenwt ith the Qur'iin,w hich states:'o ...And Adam

his Lord erred. Then his Lord chose him

him and guided [himl."


Third: It is not correcta ccordingt o the Bible to say that

Jesush ad come to willinely and deliberatelyf or the

' is case with ''u'icked". what would be rvhen the sinner

happened to be a righteous person like Adam? Surely, he would be

grantedf orgivenessa s he soughtr epentance.

~ My Jesus Islam

reward every man according to his works." This is in

agreement with the Qur'an as it states "That no bearer of

burdens will bear the burden of another. And that

there is not for man except that [good] for which he

strives. And that his effort is going to be seen." (53:3840)

Second, according to Genesis 5:5, our father, Adam, lived

with his wife after they had eaten from the forbidden tree

for 930 years. This proves the falsehood of Genesis 2: 17,

which states " the day that thou eatest thereof

thou shalt surely die" because it did not occur. This also

indicates that Adam repented from his sin and sought

forgiveness and God pardoned him. Ezekiel 18:21-22

states: "But if the wickedl will turn from all his sins

that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and

do that which is lawful and right, shall surely he shall not die. All his transgressions that he committed, they shall not be unto his righteousness that he hath done he shall live." So,

as Adam and his wife "lived", they must have "turned

from all the sins they have committed." This means that

the sin inherited, and thus, that Jesus had to die for the sins of This agreement with Qur'an, which states: " ...And disobeyed and and turned to in forgiveness [him]."


correct according to Jesus had die willingly deliberately for I If this the the "wicked", when granted forgiveness as sought repentance.

Myc reatL oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol slamQ 2

We read "soul (Mark l4:"Abba, not will. (Mark 36).H e askedh is disciplest o (Luke 36) protect

15:34 person

"cried w hich interpreteda s, 66My

desperatec ries - acceptf or sakeo f argumentt hat

- prove person was imporlantly passage

containsc leare videnceth at personc rucifiedc ould not

JesusC hrist, desperatec ries

prophet one who

50, was witnessedb y anyoneo f discipleso f Jesusa s "... they

fled."r witnessedth e in rvords,

therew ere crediblee ye-witnesseTs.h us,t he sourceso f


' rve disciplcso f Jesus\ \'e aret o conclude

oftrvo e ithert his anothcri nterpolationa nd rvasn ot

o1'thco riginalt ext. (if t he disciplesd id leavea s

not.lcsus Either *'a1'.


My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~

sins of men. in the Bible that he did not wish to

die on the cross. For when he learnt that his enemies were

plotting against his life, he declared that his "soul was

exceedingly sorrowful unto death." 14:34). After

that he prayed to God, saying, Father, all things

are possible unto Thee; take away this cup from me;

nevertheless what I will, but what Thou wilt."

14:36). He also asked his disciples to buy swords

22:36) and keep watch over him at night to him from his enemies.

Fourth: The Bible tells us in Mark 15 :34 that the crucified with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi,

lama sabachthani?" which is being interpreted as, "My

God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Such

desperate cries - if we accept for the sake of argument that

they did occur - that the crucified not

willing to die on the cross. More importantly the contains clear evidence that the person crucified could possibly have been Jesus Christ, as such desperate cries

and panic do not befit a of God, let alone is claimed to be God.

Fifth: According to Mark 14:50, the crucifixion not

witnessed by anyone of the disciples of Jesus as " ... all forsook him, and fled."] Also, none of the Gospel and

Epistle writers witnessed the crucifixion; other words,

there were no credible eye-witnesses. Thus, the sources of

the story are doubtful especially considering that 1 As we are to think good of the disciples of Jesus \ve are to one of two things: either this text is another interpolation and was not

part of the original text, or it was correct) the disciples did leave as

they realized that the crucified one was not Jesus himself. way,

the result is the same,

I tt creat Love For Jesus Led Me To lsldm

CanonicalG ospelst hemselveds iff'era rnongt hemselvesa s

to the exact fiom The idea sheddingo f blood is necessaryto

appeaseth e wrath carnei nto Christianityf rom primitive imageo f asa n porverfudl ernon.T herei s

no logicalc onnectionb etweens in W hat sins blood, rcrnorse.s incerer epentance.

persistentr esistancetc l inclirrationsa nd strugglet o carr1,o' ut the rvill o1'Cod as rer,ealedto us prophets. F urlhermorer, vhenJ esusr vas askeda bout

way to etemal reply rvas not belief hirn saviort hrought he sheddingo f his blood. I nsteadi,t

".... rvilt entcr life, commandrnents." (Mattherv | 9 : 1 7).

The Christians cherneo f salvationi s and unsound.b ut also contradictst he

Jesusr .vhoc amet o rescuel nen li'om sin by his

teachingsa nd exampleo f his godll' lifc rathert han by

deliberatelyd ying crossl br therrt.a nclo ffering his

for H is rnissiorut 'asa lsct'lo call sitrnersto

repenta s wast he cascr vitha ll tlrc prophctsb elbreh irn.H e

fbr thc atonemenot f human sin.

ernphasizeidn Mattherv4 : 17.a s \\e aret old Jesus": From Jesusb egant o preach, a nd to

R epent:f or kingdorno f heavcni s at hand." I t is

reallyi ncornprehensibthlea tt he Bibleg ocst o the extreme

anda buses.lesLbrys'r nakinglr inra cursc.I )aLrsla ys": Christ

hath redeemed fi'orn the curse of thc larv, being

fbr f<rr it is rvritten, is

everyoneth at hangctho n t ree, "( Galat ian3s: 13)


dogmao f atonemerrlti.k c thc pt'cviousC hristian

originatccl lionr uttcicnl pagiur ~ My Great Islam

Canonical Gospels themselves differ among themselves as

details of the crucifixion from beginning to


Sixth: that shedding of necessary to

appease the of God came into Christianity from the

image of God as an all-powerful demon. There is

logical connection between sin and blood. What wipes

away is not blood. but remorse. sincere repentance,

persistent resistance to evil inclinations and constant

struggle to carry out wi II of God revealed to by

the Furthermore, when Jesus was asked about

the eternal life, his was in him as

the savior through the shedding of Instead, it

was, ...... but if thou wilt enter into keep the

commandments." Matthew 19: 17).

Christian scheme of salvation is not only

morally rationally unsound, but contradicts the

words of Jesus who came to rescue men from teachings and the example of godly life rather than deliberately dying on the cross for them, and offering blood their sins. His mission was also to sinners to

repent as was the case with all the prophets before him. He

never said that he came for the atonement of This is emphasized in Matthew 4: 17, as we are told about

Jesus: "that time Jesus began to and say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is It really incomprehensible that the Bible goes to and abuses Jesus by making him a curse. Paul says: "us from the law, made a curse for us: for written, Cursed everyone that hangeth on a tree," (Galatians 3: 13)

The dogma of atonement. Iike the previous Christian

dogmas, originated fi'om ancient pagan religions.

MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM ef o lslam@

their salvation Egyptian t-tot rationalt hinking,b ut motivatesp eoplet o thell, the


justified by

(Romans 3:28). He

b), his deeds

2). only

attainableb y Christ'sc rucifixion.W hat would be

people in this

was made by Jesus

himseli "\\rhosoever shall break one of

teach men so,

least in the kingdom of heaven:

teach them, the same

kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 5;19).

Islant rejectst he dogrnao f atonemetrt.I t declarest hat

the fbrgivenesso f sinsc annotb e obtainedb y the suftering

and sacrificeo f any otherp erson,b ttt only by the graceo f

God and a person'so wn sincerer epentanclev ith persistent

effbrlst o avoide viland do goodd eeds.F utlhermorei,f tl .-'

sinsc ommittedi nvolvei njusticeto people'sr ights.t ho:'c

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam \U)

According to Arthur Findley (Rock of Truth, p. 45), 16

names were believed by their peoples to have come for

their salvation and atonement. Some of them were: the

Egyptian Osiris (1700 BC), the Babylonian Baal (1200

BC), the Hindu Krishna (1000 BC), the Tibetan Andra

(725 BC), the Chinese Buddha (560 BC), and the Persian

Mithra (400 BC).

The dogma of atonement is not only an insult to

rational thinking, but it also motivates people to abandon

good deeds and commit evils like murder, theft, rape and

adultery. Paul underestimated the importance of commandments preached by Jesus, and "Therefore we conclude that a man is faith without the deeds of the law." even stated that Abraham was not helped by (Romans 4:2). It was thus Paul who made salvation attainable by belief in Christ's crucifixion. What the state of mankind if were to believe concept?

The answer to Paul's claim himself, "Whosoever therefore these least commandments, and shall he shall be called the but whosoever shall do and shall be called great in the (Matthew 5: 19).

Islam rejects the dogma of atonement. It declares that

the forgiveness of sins cannot be obtained by suffering

and sacrifice of other person, but grace of

God and a person's own sincere repentance with efforts to avoid evil and do good deeds. FUlihermore, iftl.'

sins committed involve injustice to people's rights, tho:,c



Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lsl6m

rights have to given one hast o seekt heir forgivenessw heneverp ossible.

The Qur'dn promises believe in the ,.Yes

[on the contrary], Isliim Allah while good with his Lord. them, nor will grieve." (2:112). the Qur'dn, "'Whoever his Lord let the worship ( 1 8: 1 I 2: 14 and and commandments, "What brethren, though a not works? faith faith. hath not works, ~ My Great Love Islam

be back to their rightful owners and

has to seek their forgiveness whenever possible.

Qur'dn salvation to all those who

oneness of God and do good deeds: "Yes

[on whoever submits himself in Islam to

being a doer of will have his reward

And no fear will there be concerning

they 112). Allah also says in

Qur'dn, "Whoever would hope for the meeting with

him do righteous work and not associate in

of his Lord anyone." 18: 11 0)

James and 17 complies with both Islam and the

it reads, doth it profit, my

man say he hath faith, and have

Can save him...? Even so faith, if it

is dead, being alone."

Myc reatL oveF orJ esusL edM eT ot stamQ 2

Isldmz The Monotheistic Alt An unbiaseda nalysiso f aforementionedC hristian

doctrines can lead to only one are

both irrational ofJesus. is

sufficient following Jesus' ascendancei nto followers consideredh im propheto f doctrines mentioned previously years later, of the Christian deviation from the other prophets before him.

Believing in the onenesso f worshippingn o

one elseb ut Him is the rule. A ssociatingo thersi n with God came at humankind. For humankind, A dam, humanb eingsw orshippedn o God (AllAQ. It was only prior to that idol worshipb egant o practicedI.t wast he resulto f

people'se xcessivee ndeavorsin reverings ome individuals among them who had passed then sent by God to guide his people and call them back to the worship of Allah that He sent one prophet after another to various preacht he sameb asicm essaget:h at there is god of worship butAllah.

The primary mission of all prophets was not peoplet o believei n the existenceo f God as the Supreme

Being and acknowledgingH im as the Creator, P rovider

and Sustainero f the worlds for event he polyheistsk nerv

by nature that God existed and never doubted that such

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~

Islam: The Monotheistic Religion of All the Prophets

An unbiased analysis of the aforementioned Christian

doctrines can lead to only one conclusion; that they are

both irrational and contrary to the teachings of Jesus. It is

sufficient to know that during the years immediately

following Jesus' ascendance into heaven, none of his

followers considered him other than a prophet of God. The

were conceived many

which is a clear indication that the foundation

Church was based on a considerable

original message of Jesus and all the

oneness of God and worshipping no

else but Associating others in worship

a later stage in the history of

ten centuries after the father of

Adam, human beings worshipped no one but

Allah). the era of Prophet Noah

worship began to be practiced. It was the result of

people's excessive endeavors in revering some righteous

away. Noah was

back to the right path

alone. After

nations to

preach the same basic message: that no worthy

but Allah.

to call

people to believe in existence of acknowledging Him Provider

Sustainer of even the polytheists knew

I tt Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslAm

wast he case'.O nly a few of themp retendedto denyG od's

existence. those who worshipped God by

doing devoted prayers to Him in

difficult they did so

through intercessorsT. he prophets called

them to turn without

mediators and

hardship.A nd becausem onotheismi s foremosta nd

most impofiant fbundation which makes

deedsv alid acceptablew, e all the prophets

began "Worship

Allah; IIim." (Qur'dn

7:65). Qtr'dn (1636): We

certainly messenger' [sayingl'

'Worship Atllh Taghiit (false deities)."'And

25 states:" And sent not before you

any revealed to him that

there Me." Therefore,

that Isldm submissiont o Allah) hasa lways been

prophetsa nd messengeros f God,

frorn I slam was indeedt he religion

of Noalr.A braham,M osesa nd JesusA. ccordingt o Islam,

I Atheism onll'started to spreado n a large scale in Clhristians ocieties

during the eighteenth and nineteenth centurics. Among the reasons for

that were the injustices cornmittcd by the Church manifested in the

cnslavcmenth, umiliationa nd abuseo f peoplei n the name of "God'"

Christianity also conflicted r.vith rcason ancl hunlan nceds. The Church

fought scientillca dvancemenat nd pcrsecutcds cicntistsr.e sultingi n a

dichotomyb etrveenm an and laith. Conscquentllp',e opleb ccamem ore

concernecwl ith the materialr vorld and gave in to their naturalt endcncy

to pursuc rvorldly te mptations. With the absencc of rcason and

compatibility.f nith disintegratcda nd religion's role in lif'e becamc


\If My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam

was the case1

• Only a few ofthem pretended to deny God's

existence. There were those who worshipped God by

doing good deeds; they also devoted prayers to Him in

difficult times. However, during times of ease, they did so

through mediators and intercessors. The called

them to tum to God and supplicate to Him alone mediators or intercessors in times of both ease hardship. And because monotheism is the foremost and

most important obligation and the foundation deeds valid and acceptable, we find that began by calling their peoples and saying: "Worship

Allah; you have no deity other than Him." 7:65). Allah also states in the Qur'dn 16:36): "And certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying],

'Worship Allah and avoid Taghut deities).'" in Verse 21:25 it states: "And We any messenger except that We there is no deity except Me, so worship it is clear that Islam (submission to has always the religion of all the prophets and messengers of from Adam to Muhammad. Islam indeed the of Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, According to 1 Atheism only started to spread on Christian societies

during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. the reasons for

that were the injustices committed by the Church manifested in the

enslavement, humiliation and abuse of people in the name of "God."

Christianity also conflicted with reason and human needs. The Church

fought scientific advancement and persecuted scientists, resulting in a

dichotomy between man and faith. Consequently, people became more

concerned with the material world and gave in to their natural tendency

to pursue worldly temptations. With the absence of reason and

compatibility, f~lith disintegrated and religion's role in life became


, Myc reatL oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol slam9

all prophets are brothers and no distinction between them. As for those people guidanceo f the propheto f time and worshippedG od

as He should be worshipped, they are Muslims, a nd Paradisew ill Islam restored to its status message that God revealed to all His prophets. continuationo f that messagew, hich is essenceo, ne.

Althouglr Allclh had originally addressedit tribe, people or nation prophet, passageo f tirne it was rnisinterpreteda nd superstitionsf,a lse beliefs rituals inventedb y This caused a degenerationo f the superstitionasn dm eaninglesrsit uals.

Islam, as revealedto ProphetM uhamrnadi,s a revival

ofthe concepto fmonotheismt aughtb y Jesusa nd tlre precedingp rophetso f Islclmi s rnessageto of humanity until the end and particular

group, a sw ast he casew ith previousp rophets.

Islam rejectsa ll blasphemoutsh eologicalb eliefs reinstatesth e true concepto l'God; that is Creator, t he Providera nd Controllero f every.thingin universea nd to whom alonep erfbctioni s T his

necessitates that He alone is to be worshipped.

Furlhermore,H e must be worshippedi n u,ay that ordained and not through invented ritr.ralsa nd acts worship. I'{e is the only whon prayers addressedA.n d just as confirmingt he onenesso f God the greatesta nd rnosti rrrportanvt irtue,a ssociatingo thers

rvith l'lirl is the gravest all. is only sirr

unfbrgivableb y God unlesso ne repentst o Him before

dcatl-rH. e hass aidi n the Qur'dn:" Indeed, Alllh doesn ot

forgivc association rvith Him, He what My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~

should be made

who followed the

guidance of prophet of their worshipped God

all considered

and Paradise will be theirs.

restored original the same eternal

Islam is a

continuation of message, which in essence, one.

Although Allah addressed it to a specific

through their with the

passage of time misinterpreted and mixed with

superstitions, false and invented by man.

degeneration of true religion into

superstitions and meaningless rituals.

revealed to Prophet Muhammad, is of the concept of monotheism taught by Jesus and by all of

the preceding prophets of Allah. hlam is a message to all

of time not to a as was the case with previous prophets.

rejects all blasphemous theological beliefs and

reinstates the concept of God; He alone the

the Provider and Controller of everything in the

universe and alone perfection is attributed. This

Furthermore, He worshipped in the way He

rituals and of

He one to whom should be

addressed. And just confirming the oneness of is

greatest and most impOliant virtue, associating others

with Him sin of It the sin

unforgivable by unless one repents to death. He has said in Qur'cin: "Indeed, Allah does not

forgive with but forgives is

I *t To lslim

less than whom a sin Hellfire. Qur'dn

"Indeed, Alleh -

Atllh Qur'dn

"But Allnh,

then 88)

t he all depend, Merciful, the


Vaglierir, to Islam,

The concept

practices of religion and social


minds were made

realized its dignity and

Lord and Master of

"The spirit was liberated

from free from the ties which

or other so-called hidden

guardians of mysteries, brokers of

salvation and all pretended to be mediators

| "Apologia dell' Islamismo" translated into English as "lnterpretation

of Islam" by Dr. Caselli,p p. 33 34.

W My Great Love For Jesus Led Me Islam

less than that for whom He wills." (4:48). Moreover, it is

a sin that deprives one of Paradise and consequently

relegates the person who commits it to eternity in the

Hellfire. This was stated by Jesus as quoted in the Qur'an

(5:72): "Indeed, he who associates others with Allah Allah

has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the

Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any

helpers." Directing any act of worship to other than God

is the one sin that nullifies all good deeds. The Qur'an

confirms: "But if they had associated others with Allah,

then worthless for them would be whatever they were

doing." (6:88)

God is indeed the one to whom all needs are sought

without intercessors, the one upon whom creatures

depend, the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe,

the Oft-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful, the Almighty, Omniscient.

Citing the words of the famous Italian orientalist, Laura Veccia Vaglieri \ she writes: "Thanks paganism in its various forms was defeated. of the universe, the customs were each liberated from all the which had degraded them, and human free of prejudices. Mankind finally humbled itself before the Creator, the all mankind." She continues, from prejudice, man's will was set had kept him bound to other men called powers. Priests, false salvation and all those who I "Apologia dell' Islamismo" translated into English "Interpretation

ofIslam" by Dr. Caselli, pp. 33 34.

MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol stam @

betweenG od and man and consequentlyb elievedt hat they

had authority over the will of other people fell from their

pedestals. Man became the servant of alone and

towards other men he had only the obligations of one free

man towards another free men had

suffered from the injustice of social ,Islarz

proclaimed equality among Muslim

was distinguished of

birth or any other his

personality, but by his greater his morals and intellectual her

book, "It was, of

arrns nor through the pressure that caused the great and but

above all, through the fact presentedb y the

Muslims to the vanquishedw, ith accepti t or

reject it, was the Book the

greatesmt iracleM ohammadc ould showt o thosei n and to thosew ho remaineds tubborn."S hec ontinues,., The

strengtho f this messagew as its crystalc lear marvelouse asinessf,o r Islam reachedo ut people without having recourset o explanationso r

involved sermons."

And as one of the foremost historians, Toynbee, o bsenres": Indeed, I invite the adoptt he

Islamic principle of brotherhood doctrineo f God's onenessb roughtb y Islam wonderful examples of how to unify continuationo f Islamg ivesh opet o the whole r

I Civilization onT rial.N ervY ork,O xtbrdU niversitpyr ess1, 948

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam \ij)

between God and man and consequently believed that they

had authority over the will of other people fell from their

pedestals. Man became the servant of Allah alone and

towards other men he had only the obligations of one free

man towards another free man. While previously men had

suffered from the injustice of social differences, Islam

proclaimed equality among human beings. Each Muslim

was distinguished from other Muslims not by reason of

birth or any factor not connected with his

fear of God, his good deeds,

qualities." She also states in her

therefore, neither by means of violence of

arms of obtrusive missionaries

rapid diffusion of Islam, but

that this Book presented by the

vanquished, with the liberty to accept it or

of God, the Word of Truth, the

greatest miracle Mohammad could show to those in doubt

those who remained stubborn." She continues, "The

strength ofthis message was crystal clear simplicity and

marvelous easiness, for reached out to the soul of the

recourse to long explanations or

Arnold J.

observes: "world to adopt the

and equality. The

doctrine of oneness brought by is of the most

the world. The

continuation of Islam gives hope to world."l

I Civilization on Trial, New York, Oxford University Press, 1948

\Z tty Jesus Led Me To lslAm

VIII. My Isltim: Influence Of

Jesus On Conversion Islfim

in the


Islam to which

Christianity real

teachings decisive path that the

church "talisman" was always

with srnall package I

always and a

supposedir nagea nd statueo f JesusI. felt if I everp ut

it aside For this

reasonI neverm isplacedit ; wasa lwaysi n rny pocket.

reviewingt he literaturet hat had

rne I readt wo statementsth at

joy happiness.

'fears started

"My God, this is the

t his answert hatI couldn everf indl"

adrnit the leader that up to that

tirne rcad rl'te Qur

'cirr' I had not

seeno r toucheda in any langtragea,r rdt he nalle

Qur'dn parl lny vocabulary. l n a categorical,

precisc lrlatlner. I read in the study

euide lnosque: T'hey said 6oast], 'We Jesus, the son of Mary, the

Messenger All[h.' killed him not, nor did

they crucify (Qtrr'tin 4: 157)

Here, I pausedin reading. I repeateds everatl imes,

"...lhey killed him tlot, dicl the.1ctr Ltcifi'h im'" At rhe

precisem omentI rvasr eadingt hoses tatetrentsI' I'eltt hat

bod was answeringth e questiontl tatm adeI nc ltaved oubts

about His power due to the lack o1' a logical and

convincinagn swer .

It was not easy to flnd this anslver. I had to cotnpete

with rnany other studentst o eartta scholarshipI. had to

~ My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam

VIII. My Final Step Toward Islam: The Influence Of

Jesus On My Conversion To Islam

Even a portion of the information contained the

previous chapters is sufficient for a seeker of truth to

perceive the authenticity of lshim and the extent Christianity has deviated from and contradicted the teachings of Prophet Jesus. Yet I still could not take any

decisive step to distance myself from the church had outlined for me. My with me wherever I went. Inside this small always carried were seven small silver crosses supposed image and statue of Jesus. I that ever put

it aside something bad would happen to me. reason I never misplaced it; it was always in my One day, when I was reviewing the literature that been given to me in the mosque, read two statements that

filled my heart with great and Tears to flow from my eyes and I said: truth; this is the answer that I could never find!"

At this point, I must admit to reader time I had never touched or read the QUI' ·cin. seen or touched a copy of it language, and the name

QUI' 'an was not part of my In emphatic, clear and precise manner, guide I had received in the mosque: "They [in

boast], 'We killed Christ Messenger of Allah.' But they they crucify him..." Qur 'an Here, I paused in the repeated several times,

" ... they killed him not, nor did {hey crucify him. " the

precise moment I was reading those statements, I felt that

God was answering the question that made me have doubts

about His power due to the lack of convincing answer.

It was not easy to find this answer. I had to compete

with many other students to earn a scholarship. I had to

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To tstim


travel thousands of miles to the state of Washinston in the

westernmost part of the USA. I had to Iearn to*speak and

read English, and being from Latin America, I had to have

a charactert hat was acceptableto the rest of the Muslims

in Seattle in order to find statements. probabilities that this information of a Venezuelan in 1978 been decreedby AllAh must while I was still rejoicing great God and asked Him for this newst o Venezuelaa nd give rest of the world.

It was happeningju st hero, the good guy in Jesus of Nazareth, to whom I pray smalla ltari n my house, h adn ot beenc rucified!

To me it seemed as allegedlyc arriedb y JesLrtso Calvaryv anisheda nd

disintegratedin the sarner nannert hat greatb uildingsa nd

firm mountainsc rumbler vhend emolishedb y What followedt his discoveryw as lesss ignificant.reasoneda, nd said:" lf this trr.rtht,h ent his religioni s

the right one." For twenty years, had been killed. I had been journey alternate routes. Now, with a more logical answer, a nd nou, thingsr .vereg etting

clearer and the last piece "Dnzzle" This wast he lasti n thes equencoef miraclesth atJ esush ad

perfonned by the power Atlah. of God, hadr eturneds ightt o r vhoh adw alkedo n

lvater, healed a leper, nlade lame rnultiplied

breada nd fish to feed thousandso f peoplea nd given life back to the dead.u ndoubtedlyc ould been crucified! Once again wantedt o belongt o thisr eligion;rvantedto bea Muslirn!

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~

travel thousands of miles to the state of Washington in the

westernmost part of the USA. I had to learn to speak and

read English, and being from Latin America, I had to have

a character that was acceptable to the rest of the Muslims

Seattle these two statements. The

would reach the hands

1978 were remote. However, what has

decreed by Allah be fulfilled. In those moments

over this news, I spoke to

forgiveness. I wanted to fly with

news to Venezuela and it to my family and to the

happening just like in the movies. My great

the movie, my beloved prophet,

used to twice a day in a

small altar in had not been crucified!

though the weight of the cross

allegedly carried by Jesus to Mount Calvary vanished and

disintegrated in same manner that great buildings and

mountains crumble when demolished by dynamite.

followed this discovery was no less significant. I

reasoned, and said: "If is the truth, then this religion is

I had been told that Jesus

taken on a without any

another avenue had been opened

and now things were getting

of the puzzle" was available.

was the last in the sequence of miracles that Jesus had

performed of Allah. A man who, by the will

had returned sight to the blind, who had walked on

water, made the walk, multiplied

bread and thousands of people and who had

dead, undoubtedly could not have

I reasoned and resolved; I

wanted to belong to this religion; I wanted to be a Muslim!

9 ftfy lsl6m

disintegrated, Holy Churches the 'Holy

Days' logical was theseb aselesstr aditionsb uilt

upon even

though could no


Oklahoma illuminated the


1979 I

same imam who had

lslamic embracedI slam officially

(the Shahadah)'

tne: you

I "Yes." Then he

it will be written in your

I said: "Even so." Then

you want, then repeat

testifu right to be worshipped

except AllAh, that Muhammad rs the

of Allah. " testirnony in English and

then it afler the imam, thereby

taking to Islam.

~ My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam

In the same manner that the weight of the cross

disintegrated, the resurrection of Jesus on Sunday, the

Holy Week (Easter), Good Friday, the visit to the Seven

Churches (Stations of the Cross), the fasting on Fridays,

the eating of fish instead of meat on those alleged 'Holy

Days' also disintegrated all at once and I realized that they

were all lies. The power of the talisman vanished. The

logical mind of a young man studying to be an engineer

was now free to reject all of these baseless traditions built

upon the irrational concept of God becoming a man and

dying for the sins of men. As a young man who had been a

professional fireman saving lives and property and who

had not acquired the vices of smoking and drinking though these were among the norms of society, I longer accept these impositions.

During the summer of 1979 I took an optional at Oklahoma State University that further new path I had started to walk. The course was "Islamic Culture." At the end of the summer of went back to Seattle, and before the given me the Islamic literature, I embraced Islam by pronouncing the testimony of faith Shahiidah).

I can still remember the imam asking me: "Are sure you want to embrace Islam?" said, insisted: "Even if it means that passport that you are a Muslim?" he said, "If you are sure that is what after me: I testify that none has the except Allah, and I testify is Messenger ojAllah. " I made the testimony then in Arabic by repeating after taking my final step

My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslam @

Isldm Undoubtedlyc, hangesin volvec ertaina djustmentas nd

my casew as no exceptionO. nce I had embracedIs lam, I

prornised that I rvould do whatever I could to learn

as as possiblea boutt his religion. W hile I was still

young having just completed my first year at

State University, I married a young Muslim

girl. In O klahornat,h e IslarnicC entera ssigned

me first Islamic teacher. Brother Faiz from Palestine

(may him and reward him for rvhat he taught

me) dedicateda lot of his tirnet o teacht nc the prayer, t he

pillars Islam, pillars of f-aith,a bout life after

t he Day of Resurrectiona nd many other topics. I

remember the great in"rpact caused by the

life During my life as a

n o one ever taughtr re any'things irnilara nd in

suchd etail.D eathr vasa lu'aysa m,v"stetroy tne.

not know what rvould happen to me once my

buried the grottnd.l n Islc1rnI, found

detaileda nswersW. hen a persond ies.h e or shem ust be

the itrstrlrctiotrs of Prophet

T he the personi s rvasltedc ornpletely

T hen is rvrappedit t ttvo pieceso f r.vhite

andt he body is buriedi n tlte grotttrdr vithotrta coffin

andf acingM akkah.T he dcadp ersonu 'ill heart he stepso f

rvalk arval frorrr thc grare attd rvill be

awaret hath e sltei s beingl cft alone. Shortlyt hereafter,

trvo angelsc ome into gravea nd ask tlte cleceasetdh e

follorving three questiorts:

( l) is your Lord'?

(2) is voul religion?

3) is your prophet?

Islam \ij/

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