


ability is greater than the camera; He can watch everyone at the same

time because His ability is boundless. Allah’s knowledge is absolute and

inclusive of everything. Surveillance cameras help children grasp the omnipresence

of Allah. A company can survey its employees with a camera

that records and displays everything in monitoring screens, spontaneously.

If people can invent this surveillance method, then Allah, the Creator

Himself, can survey his creatures all the time.

Why Doesn’t Allah Die Like us?

Key to answering this question is that children understand that Allah created

death and the circle of life. He is beyond His creation and the rules

of His creation do not apply to him. Also, it is important to understand that

Death is a sign of weakness. Allah is never weak. He was not created

and will not die. Furthermore, key to this is explaining that death is part of

Allah’s plans for people. Death is the first stage of After Life.


Because Allah created everything and he created the circle of life.

Everything he created dies. He says: “Every soul will taste death. Then to

Us will you be returned.” A person’s death is the beginning of his or her

Hereafter, the most important part after life. People, however, are creatures

that die. Allah’s life is not like ours; our lives end with death. Every

creature vanishes, and nothing remains except Allah the Almighty. Allah is

perfect, infinite life is a trait of perfection. This is why one of the names of

Allah is the All-Living who never dies.

Does Allah Love Me?



Allah Almighty is forgiving and merciful; He loves the benevolent, the

pious, and the truthful. He says: “He loves them, and they love Him.” The

signs of Allah’s love for His worshippers include honoring them, nurturing

them, handling their issues, sustaining them, and forgiving them. Everyone

feels Allah’s kindness and generosity. Allah loves the person who

obeys Him, endeavors to get closer to Him and seeks His love by praying,

honoring parents, giving charity, generosity, honesty, reciting the Quran,

supplications and other good deeds. Allah loves whoever believes in him

and commits to these actions.




Questions related

to Angels

Who Are the Angels? What Do They Look Like?


Angels are one of Allah’s beautiful creatures. They are made of light.

Allah created them before us; they got a will, a mind, and wings. They can

take the shape of humans after permission from Allah. They neither eat

nor drink. They are servants of Allah who follow His commands. They are

honored on different levels.;

What Are the Names of Angels?


There are many angels and only Allah knows the exact number. Jibreel,

Mikael, Israfeel, Rudwan, Malik (peace be upon them) are the ones we

know of. There are also the carriers of Allah’s mighty throne, the writers of

people’s actions, and others. Jibreel (peace be upon him) is the most noble.

He is responsible for delivering the revelation to messengers (peace

be upon them). There are Mikaeel, Israfeel, and others. Some Angels are

responsible for continuously protecting humans. There are a huge number

of angels; each has a specific task.

Why Did Allah Create Angels?


Allah Almighty created angels to do good; they are pure hearted. They

never do evil or think of doing it. Angels are in Heaven; however, they

descent to Earth to for certain tasks Allah commanded them to do, such

as protecting, caring for, and watching us. They also descend to deliver

scriptures, attend religious gathering, etc. Children should know that angels

have two main tasks: worshipping Allah and taking care of the issues

of the universe.



Why Can’t We See the Angels?


Humans do not have the ability to see angels in their original form; therefore,

angels transform into the shape of humans so that prophets see and

deal with them. Jibreel (peace be upon him), for example transformed into

a Bedouin to teach the pillars of Islam.

Who Are the Jinn?


Jinn are one of Allah‘s creations. They are made of fire. Allah gave them

different abilities we do not have such as flying and transporting objects

fast. However, Jinn are commanded to obey orders and avoid whatever is

prohibited like us. They die like us. We do not have the ability to see Jinn.

Their nature differs from us; we are made of clay while jinn are made of fire.

Who Is Stronger: Angels or Jinn?


Angels are more powerful. Angels do not die until the Day of the blowing

of the Horn (for whom Allah wills to die); jinn, however, die earlier. The

angel of death takes the souls of jinn upon Allah‘s command: “Allah takes

the souls at the time of their death.” Furthermore, jinn fear the angels. In

the battle of Badr, for example, Satan saw the angels sent by Allah to support

the believers, and said to the non-believers: “I am disassociated from

you. I see what you do not see; indeed, I fear Allah. And Allah is severe in


Do Angels Die?


Yes, angels are one of Allah’s creations; everything dies except Allah

the Almighty. He is the Ever-Living and the Sustainer of all existence. He

says: “Everything will be destroyed except His Face.” Everything on Earth

and Heaven will die except things Allah permits to stay alive.


Three: Questions Related

to Scriptures

What Are the Scriptures?

They are scriptures Allah sent to

His messengers (peace be upon

them) to deliver Allah’s message

and laws. Scriptures are guidance,

mercy, and source of happiness in

this life and in the Hereafter. We

know that Allah sent the Scriptures

of Ibrahim (Abraham) (peace be

upon him), the Psalms of David

(peace be upon him), the Torah of

Mousa (Moses) (peace be upon

him), the Gospel of Isa (Jesus)

(peace be upon him) and the Quran

of Muhammad (may Allah’s peace

and blessings be upon him).

Why Do We Need the Quran?

Why Is it a Miracle?


Quran is a book of guidance that shows us the way to success, now

and in the Hereafter, the same way a manual shows us how to operate

a machine. Allah the Almighty said: “Doesn’t He know what He created,

and He is the Subtle, the Acquainted?” Since the prophet Muhammad

(may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is the final prophet with

no successors, his miracle, the Quran, is eternal; its message and orders

are obligatory to the Last Day. The most important proofs of the inimitability

of the Quran are lingual and rhetorical. Allah challenged the Arabs



– known for their linguistics and rhetoric mastery – to produce the liking

of the Quran. Humans and jinn failed to do so. That is why the Quran is

a miracle.

Why Didn’t Allah Protect the Previous Books from alteration?


Allah Almighty does what He desires. He has reasons for that - some of

them we know and others we do not. Previous books were not miracles in

themselves; therefore, it was not essential that they remain unchanged.

Moreover, they were temporary regulations for certain people.

What is the Evidence That Proves That the Quran is not Altered?

This question is usually asked by middle or High school students; therefore,

we should quietly and carefully explain the proof of the Quran’s

authenticity. Whenever things are repeated, they settle; whenever they

spread, they are affirmed.


The Quran was delivered to us by succession. Muslims inherited the

Quran generation after generation. They study and recite the Quran in

their prayers; they also teach it to their children. If a Sheikh makes a

mistake in a letter, we immediately correct him. The Quran is delivered to

us, protected from any addition, omission, or alteration. Refuting this evidence

leads to disproving historical facts, like the existence of the prophet

(may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), his companions, and

famous figures in history; this is rejected by every rational person. Also,

Allah challenged humans and jinn to come up with something similar to

the Quran and both failed. The narrative and legislation of the Quran has

no contradictions or distortions; this indicates that it is not a work of humans

whose can be contradictory and distortive. The Quran is from Allah.

He has taken care of protecting it.


Four: Question related to

the Messengers

Who Are the prophets and the Messengers?

Prophets and messengers are chosen human beings. Allah made them

prophets and ordered them to deliver the message to their people; this

message is to worship Allah Alone. The first prophet is Adam (may Allah’s

peace and blessings be upon him); the final prophet is Muhammad (may

Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). There are many prophets. Allah

sent them to every nation on earth.

Why Did Allah Send the Messengers?

Allah sent messengers to deliver His message. Every prophet in every

historical period called his nation to worship Allah and follow the straight

path. They are mercy and guidance for people. The messenger is a

well-respected man among his people prior and after revelation. Allah

chose messengers as role models for people. They teach us manners,

positive attitudes, and they guide us to whatever benefits us and forbid

whatever harms us. Sending the messengers is a testimony that there is

one religion that calls for worshiping Allah alone. People need guides in

their own language to show them the right way; Allah sent the books with

His messengers in their tribes’ mother tongue so that the message reaches

clearly and accurately.

Can prophets make mistakes?

Prophets are humans and humans make mistakes. Allah protected

the prophets from making mistakes only in what relates to their message

and whatever might taint their status as role models for people. Therefore,

it is important not to allow anyone to point an accusation towards the Message

prophets carry. However, prophets are liable to everyday mistakes

(e.g. the prophet’s misjudgment about agriculture or war).



Who Is Muhammad (May Allah’s Peace and Blessings Be Upon


Muhammad is the final prophet sent by Allah. His full name is Muhammad

ibn Abdillah ibn Abdilmuttalib Al-Hashimy Al-Qurashy. He was

born in Mecca on Monday in Rabee Al-Awal of “The Year of the Elephant”.

His father died while his mother was still pregnant with him. His mother

died when he was six. After that, his grandfather, Abdulmuttalib, took care

of him. His grandfather died when the messenger was eight years old.

What is the Proof of Muhammad’s (May Allah’s Peace and

Blessings Be upon Him) Honesty?


There are many proofs of Muhammad’s (may Allah’s peace and blessings

be upon him) honesty. The most important one is the noble Quran.

This miraculous book still amazes people with its dazzling treasure. Also,

his behavior and morals attest to his honesty ; even his enemies praised

him. Muhammad used to be called the truthful and the honest. Furthermore,

his miracles are seen by his contemporaries and narrated for generations.

The perfect and beautiful legislation he delivered is also a proof

as it continues everywhere throughout history.

How Did the Messenger (May Allah’s Peace and Blessings Be

Upon Him) ascend to Heaven in One Night?


The prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was taken

on the “Buraq” to Jerusalem. He then rose to heaven with Jibreel (peace

be upon him). Allah Almighty is capable of everything; nothing in land or in

sky defeats Him. Nowadays, people finally built super-sonic planes. They

have also invented 3D technology that allows them to be present in more

than one place. Therefore, Allah is bigger and his abilities are greater than

His creatures.


Why Is Muhammad (May Allah’s Peace and Blessings Be Upon

Him) the Final Prophet?


Divine wisdom dictates sending prophets; when people forgot or distorted

past scriptures, Allah send a messenger with a scripture that is not

altered. Moreover, Allah took responsibility of protecting the Quran until

the Day of Resurrection. Therefore, it is logical that the messenger (may

Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) became the final prophet and


Why are we Required to Love the Prophet (May Allah’s Peace

and Blessings Be Upon Him)?


Loving the prophet is one of the pillars of faith. Loving Allah the Almighty

is not complete without loving His messenger. Loving the prophet (may

Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is linked to loving Allah because

Allah has chosen him from all people to deliver this great message. Allah

chooses the best of people because He knows more than anyone who is

capable of handling His message. Since Allah chose him from all people

for this great task, it is our duty to specifically love him. After all, he is the

one who taught us about Allah. He was the best messenger and the most

merciful to his nation. We are not grateful to anyone after Allah more than

him (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). He went through pain

as he called people to religion and benevolence. He used to get very sad

when people disbelieved him because he feared that they will enter Hellfire.

Allah says: “Then perhaps you would kill yourself through grief over

them, [O Muhammad], if they do not believe in this message, [and] out of

sorrow.” That is why he (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is

the one who deserves our utmost love after Allah.




Questions Related to

the Hereafter

What Is the Judgment Day?


The judgment day is the day when Allah resurrects all creatures and

holds them accountable for their actions. It is also called the Last Day

because there is no day after it. After the Judgment day, Allah will grant

Paradise for whoever did good and obeyed we are not grateful to anyanere

not grateful to angane him in this life; conversely, Allah will punish

whoever’s did evil or disobeyed Him. This day is also called the Day of

Resurrection because it is the day in which people rise from their graves

towards heaven for judgment.

When Is the Day of Resurrection? Why Did Allah Hide that Day

from Us?


No one knows the date of the Day of Resurrection. Allah says: “They

ask you, [O Muhammad], about the Hour: when is its arrival? ۝ In what

[position] are you that you should mention it? ۝ To your Lord is its finality



۝ You are only a warner for those who fear it.” Allah has hidden the date

of that day so that we constantly do our best to prepare for it by doing

good and avoiding evil. If we knew when that day is, we will only repent

right after it and, consequently, life then would be full of evil more than

what is present right now.

What Is the Day of Accountability?


The day of accountability is the day when Allah gathers all the people

He ever created. Allah says: “Say, [O Muhammad], “Indeed, the former

and the later peoples ۝ Are to be gathered together for the appointment

of a known Day.” Allah then shows people their actions and holds them

accountable; He pays them according to their actions; whoever did good

will be rewarded, and whoever did evil will be punished. Allah says: “So

whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it ۝ And whoever does

an atom’s weight of evil will see it.”

What Is Death?

Note to parents:

Children six years or younger usually cannot conceive the full meaning

of death and resurrection and that death is inevitable. Children between

six and eight usually understand the meaning of death and its inevitability.

Children between eight and ten usually understand death and resurrection;

A child that age can experience a case of death in the family for the

first time. We do not know how children feel when they hear about death

and grave. Horror might fill their hearts. Therefore, we must explain the

meaning of death without lying or sugarcoating (e.g. that someone is travelling

) as soon as we can. Sooner or later, a child will know the truth from

others. Prior to the death of a family member, parents should show their

child a dead bird, tree, or bug to clarify the concept of death.



Death is a stage in life where a person moves from this world to another

world. All of us will die when we grow up and catch up with those who died

before us and live with them in Paradise - may Allah permit. Death is not

the end of everything; it is a stage where a believer transfers to a better

life and the wrong doer transfers to be punished. Allah loves us even

though he takes away our lives. Allah takes our lives so that we may live

beside Him in Paradise, a place that we cannot imagine its beauty. When

a person dies, his soul remains alive; it ascends to the Creator and people

will remember the good actions of a person. That is why one must prepare

to meet Allah by doing good deeds and by committing to the teachings of


What Happen to Children after they Die ?


Children do not do evil, and they do not mean it; therefore, all children

go to Paradise.

What happens in the Grave after we die?


When our time comes, we go to the grave, the place where dead people

go. For those who believe in Allah, obey him and do good deeds, the

grave will be a garden from Paradise. A believer will be blessed in the

grave until the day of resurrection.

Can a Dead Person Hear and See us? How Does a Dead Person

Breathe Under Soil? Does He or She Eat, Drink, and Sleep?


Yes, the dead can hear the greetings (Salam) of people and can hear

supplications; however, dead people cannot breathe like us because they

do not need to breath. Dead people have a different life with different laws



and nature. There is no breathing, eating, drinking, sleeping or working in

the grave. A grave is either eternal bliss or eternal punishment.

What Is Paradise and What is in It?


Paradise is the home of peace. It is a beautiful place full of

everything you love and wish for. Paradise is the destination of generous

people with good deeds. It has eight doors and it is made of levels;

believers enter Paradise according to their good deeds and mercy of Allah.

Those who have more deeds go to a higher and more beautiful level

than those with less deeds. Yet, everyone lives in happiness, pleasure,

and bliss. In Paradise, we will live happily ever after. We will never get

sick or tired, and we will meet Allah Almighty, the messenger (may Allah’s

peace and blessings be upon him), the prophets (peace be upon them)

and everyone we love - may Allah permit. Paradise has everything we

love and want - food, drinks, entertainment, and bliss.

What Is Hellfire and Why Did Allah Create It?


Hellfire is the place of punishment. It is a place that Allah made to

punish those who do evil, hurt people, disobey Allah, and not follow His


What Happens to Animals after they Die? Will They Go to

Paradise or Hellfire?

Animals are not accountable for their deeds since they were not

given the choice to live the way they do. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah

will gather them and avenge the harmed ones from the wrong doers. For

example, a hornless sheep will knock the sheep that knocked it previously.

After that, Allah will order them to become dust, so they turn into dust.


Questions Related

to Destiny

What Does Fate and Destiny mean?


Belief in Destiny is one of the pillars of faith in Islam. Allah says: “He has

created each thing and determined it with [precise] determination.”

-). To believe in Fate and Destiny requires us to believe that Allah knows

about evets before they happen, that he wrote them, that he willed them,

and that he created them.

How Does Allah Know What Will Happen Before It Happens?


Because Allah is the creator and because His knowledge contains details

of us before, during, and after our creation. In addition, Allah is the

One who created man, time, and space; therefore, He knows “what was”,

“what will be”, and “what shall be before it becomes”.



Possible Scenario:

We can explain this with a simple example; a toymaker knows what a toy

can do before the toy does anything because he made it and put the fine

details. Similar wise, Allah - who is capable of all things - created us; so,

Allah is more capable of knowing what will happen.

Are We Destined to do things or do We have a Choice?

This question might be asked by older children. The main answer should

lead to what we call guidance and aberrance. We do not know what Allah

wrote for us and we are not required to do so. Yet, we are required to

believe that Allah’s knowledge is infinite (including fate and destiny). We

should be concerned only with our will and how to obey Allah’s orders

within our limits.


We are destined to do certain things and we have the choice in other

things. We do not have a choice when or where to be born or die. We do

not have a choice to choose our parents or our relatives. However, we are

free to pray and believe in Allah. The will in this freedom is within Allah’s

will - meaning that if Allah wants to force us to accept or reject something,

He will; yet, He chose to give us the freedom; we will be held accountable

for our choices; this is what Allah means when He says: “And you do not

will except that Allah wills - Lord of the worlds.”

Possible Scenario:

instructor brings a glass-cup and asks a child if he or she can throw it on

the ground and break it.

- “Of course, I can.”

- “What is preventing you, then?”

- “It is wrong.”


- The instructor then comments: “Allah knows that you will not break this

cup because you are a good child. He also knows that a naughty child will

break it. So, did anyone prevent you from smashing the cup? Did anyone

force the other child to break it? In a similar manner, We have the choice

of what to do , but Allah knows what our choice will be.

Why Did Allah Guide Some People and Did not Guide Others?

Allah provided guidance to all people. He says: “And have shown him

the two ways. This means that He showed everyone the right path and

allowed us to clearly differentiate between truth and falsehood. Then, He

gave us the freedom of choice; therefore, some of us choose the right

path while others do not.

Why Does Allah Punish Those who Sin When He has Already

Written in Eternity That They Will Sin?


This knowledge is divine and we do not know why. All our assumption

about the answers are illusions and ignorance. Therefore, humans are

only responsible for what they do, and it is not possible for us to know

our destiny before we act. Destiny is known only after events happen.

So, why do we do good deeds and abandon bad ones? The answer is

that we should do good deeds and avoid bad deeds because it is the safe

path to Paradise. It is like choosing a road to a town. We avoid dangerous

roads and travel on safe ones. We cannot use destiny as an excuse for

being bad. Otherwise, criminals will argue that they are destined to do

bad deeds. That is why humans must admit and surrender to Allah the Almighty

who says “He is not questioned about what He does; yet, they will

be questioned.” He is the Creator and He Has authority over Everything.



Why Did Allah Create Us? What is the Origin of the Universe?

Why Did Allah Create Animals?


Allah said: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship

Me Alone.” Allah created us for a purpose that benefits us which is worshipping

Him. The outcome for fulfilling or neglecting this purpose is Paradise

or Hellfire, respectively. Allah masterfully created the universe with

its skies, land, planets, and stars that are signs of His greatness. He made

the sun provide us with warmth to help nurture plants and to kill germs.

He made animals available to humans so we can eat them or carry our

belongings on them. He said: “And [He created] the horses, mules and

donkeys for you to ride and an adornment. And He creates what you do

not know.

Is Allah Going to Punish People who Did not Get Any



They will be under trial because Allah

gave them intelligence. Allah will

test these people and gives them

orders on the Day of Resurrection;

if they obey Him, they will enter Paradise.

If they disobey Him, they will

go to Hellfire.

Why Does Evil Exist?

Life is a test; it is like the first chapter of a two-chapter novel. The Hereafter

is the second chapter. It is the home of reward, punishment, and

vengeance of the oppressed. That is why evil people are not always punished

in life. Everyone will rise on the Day of Resurrection and be held

accountable for his or her actions. Allah says: “So whoever does an at-


om’s weight of good will see it ۝ And whoever does an atom’s weight of

evil will see it.”.

Why Did Allah Create Evil People?

Allah created people and gave them the freedom to choose whether

to do good or evil. One decides whether to be decent or not and will be

responsible for the consequences. This is a blessing from Allah and His

infinite wisdom because evil people can be good; it is our duty to help

them. Yet, if they refuse and stick to what they do, then it is our duty to

prevent them from harming people so that Allah loves and rewards us.

Allah the Almighty is the Creator of everything in this life that is a home of

test and distress. Allah says: “[He] who created death and life to test you

[as to] which of you is best in actions - and He is the Exalted in Might, the

Forgiving.. This test includes the presence of evil performed by the devils

and human offenders.

Why Did Allah Create Some People With Disabilities or


Allah tests people with disorders and diseases. He will generously reward

them for their patience and puts them in higher levels in Paradise.

Noticing Disabled people reminds us of the blessings of Allah who gave

us health. We must thank Allah for this. Noticing disabled people also

reminds us of our weakness so that we are humbled and helpful. After

Judgement Day, the benevolent will live a healthy eternal life in Paradise

- may Allah permit.

Why Are There Rich and Poor People? Why Do Some Evil People

Live in Palaces While Some Good People Live in Sheds?

Allah the Almighty provides sustenance. He is the one who tests humans.

Sometimes He gives the good person sustenance, to test his generosity.

Other times He may prevent sustenance to test patience and endurance

against envy. As long as a good person is patient in life, his or her rewards

grow bigger. Conversely, a person with many blessings who offends others

and does not give charity will be punished on the Day of Resurrection

because he or she did not appreciate Allah’s blessing.



Allah created people different so that the rich gives the poor and the

strong helps the weak and poor. People have different languages, colors

, races, character, and behavior. Everyone is tested in accordance with

whatever Allah gave him or her. The rich are tested with money: will they

pay their ‘Zakaa’ and give charity? Will they be generous? The poor are

tested with their poverty. Are they going to be patient? Are they going

to work hard? Are they going to accept bribes. Are they going to steal?

Everything is a test; yet, Allah sustenance is for everyone and our financial

status will not dictate whether we go to Paradise or Hellfire. Everyone

is tested by what is bestowed upon them. If all people were rich, they

would not serve each other and would not need each other. Allah says:

“That they may make use of one another for service.” This means that we

(people) are subjected to each other. That is how the circle of life moves;

otherwise, life stops if everyone is the same.

Why Do We Get Sick? Why Do Calamities Happen to People?

Allah tests everyone to see if they endure illness or lose patience? Allah

the Almighty will immensely reward the patient believer on the Day of Resurrection.

Through illness, calamities, and distress Allah exalts the believers,

purify their hearts from arrogance and pride, and loves them more.

Also, worshippers get closer to Allah through prayers, patience, faith, and

good deeds. They will also learn the blessing of health. We can ask chil-


dren: “Why are cars made? For transportation, right? Why do they have

brakes? Don’t brakes stop cars from moving ? Brakes are necessary for

safety. Cars are made to travel and the brakes stop them at the right time

to protect drivers from harm. Allah created us to be happy by worshipping

Him and appreciating blessings. He also created calamities to remind us

of the great task we are made for so that we messing around, ask Him for

forgiveness, and be patient as we wait for the reward.

Is Allah the One who Created Animals and Harmful Insects?

Allah is the Creator and the Lord of everything. He created those creatures

with His ability and wisdom; He is the All-Knowing and the Wise who

knows about them what we do not know. Our knowledge is scanty compared

to Allah’s knowledge and wisdom. That is why Allah says: “And you

have not been given of knowledge except a little.” We do not know all the

reasons for Allah creating these animals. One of these reasons, however,

is to illustrate Allah’s intricate creation and masterfulness. Although they

are a lot, Allah provides for all. He also tests us through them and rewards

those these animals hurt; killing them illustrates courage and empathy



towards them illustrate weakness. Moreover, we sometimes get medicine

from harmful animals (e.g. snake venom). Some harmful animals also

take care of pests that are harmful to us (e.g. snakes eat farm rats that

wreck the crops). Many of these harmful animals are food for other useful

animals; this forms balance in the circle of life that Allah perfected.

Why Do have to Pray Five Times a Day?

Worshipping Allah purifies and uplifts a believer’s soul. The effort made

to perform them is minimal compared to their benefit. Prayers include recitation,

remembrance and supplication. In fact, prayers contain all forms

of worship; therefore, it is better than separate reciting, remembrance, or


Believers rejoice at prayers

because it brings them closer to

Allah Almighty and allows them

to ask for everything they wish

for; Allah answers our prayers.

We pray because Allah ordered

us to pray and we love obeying

Allah’s orders. We are His worshippers;

He is our Creator and

Sustainer, and He deserves to

be worshipped for His endless

blessings. Allah says: “And if

you should count the favors of

Allah, you could not enumerate

them.”. Praying is an expression of our love and gratitude to Allah Almighty

and a declaration of our need for Him to guard our health, guide

us to what benefits us, and protect us from evil. Allah does not need us to

worship Him; He does not need anything from us, and He does not benefit

from us. Prayers are commands from Allah who wants us to worship Him

in the way that His prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings

be upon him) demonstrated. That is the meaning of the Muslim declaration

of faith: we worship Allah Alone according to His messenger’s instruc-


tions. Worshipping Allah brings great rewards and it is

a reason to enter Paradise. After all, Heaven is Allah’s

precious reward that requires hard work (i.e. worshipping

Allah and obeying Him).

I Asked Allah in My Prayer to Grow Quickly but

He Didn’t Answer Me?

There are ethics for supplication that we should consider.

These include respecting the laws Allah put in this

world. We pray to Allah and He chooses what is good

for us. Your father would not give you permission to ride

your bike in the middle of a street because he loves you

and knows it might harm you. Allah is generous and

he answers our prayers in three ways: He accepts our

requests, protects us from a disaster that might happen

to us, or rewards us for our prayers on the Day of Resurrection

– which in turn gets us closer to paradise.

Why Am I Not Pretty as My Friend?

This is because Allah created everyone unique. All of

Allah’s creation is beautiful. Allah says: “We have certainly

created man in the best of stature.” - (95:4).

Every person is unique in his or her own way; those

who were created beautiful must thank Allah more, and

those who are not as beautiful must accept the way

Allah created them. Those who are thankful and patient

shall reach high levels and gain huge rewards.

If Allah Loves Us, Then Why Do Bad Things

Happen to Us?

Allah tests us to differentiate between the good and

the bad. Allah might test us so that we seek refuge in

Him and stay close to Him. Allah tests His beloved with

hardship to purify them and raise their ranks so that



These are the most commonly asked questions.

You are welcome to contact us through email for

answers to other questions or suggestions for better

answers (

they become role models for others and learn how to endure distress.

This is why the prophet said: “The most severely tested people are the

prophets, then those nearest to them, then those nearest to them”; the

firmer we are in religion, the more severe is our trial. That is why the

prophets were severely tested; they were murdered, hurt, and sometimes

tested with severe illness (e.g. Ayoub (Job) (peace be upon him). Our

prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was severely

hurt in Mecca and Medina; yet he was patient (may Allah’s peace and

blessings be upon him). The point is that the truly faithful and pious go

through hardship in accordance to their piety and faith. So, we must teach

children that Allah does what He decrees. We must not ask Him to justify

His actions. We know he is the most Just of all in what He does, because

He is the Most Just of all.



In conclusion, here are some important recommendations to keep

in mind when raising children:

• We must put effort in teaching parents how to nurture faith in children

because they are the cornerstone of a promising generation with

healthy education and awareness.

• We must produce Islamic media programs and cartoons that meet

international standards to help parents in their mission. Furthermore,

we must support and initiate symposiums and research that help in

producing our own products with our own identity. We need alternative


• We must provide more educational material in Arabic since material

in Arabic is minimal. Most available products are simply translations

of material that address cultures fit for different environments. We

must increase our efforts to enrich Arabic library with material.

• We must design Faith Nurturing training for children, train qualified

trainers, counselors, mentors, and teachers at different educational

levels, keeping in mind the specific educational and scientific needs

of each age group.

• We must develop official curricula that contain educational and

scientific material which deals with modern-day faith related questions

in a wide range contemporary setting.


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