
The Children’s Questions about Faith

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In the Name of Allah,

the Most Merciful,

the Most Gracious



In the name of Allah the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate,

All praises are due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And

prayers and peace to Muhammad, the messenger of Allah

and the noble prophet, and his companions and family.

This book is directed to Muslim parents devoted in teaching

faith to their children in the times of globalization and

unlimited access - through technology - to all that is confusing

and/or contradictory to the Islamic faith. As we know, Allah

and His prophet have ordered us, Muslims, to take good

care of our children and tend to their spiritual and physical

needs. Muslim parents ought to teach their children, raise

them, protect them from corruption, and instruct them to

follow Allah’s orders. In fact, we are held accountable for

this specific duty. In the Quran, Allah Subhanahu Watala

says: “O’ you who have believed, protect yourselves and

your families from a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is people and

stones.” Allah also says, “Allah instructs you concerning

your children.” In the Hadith, the prophet says “All of you

are responsible, and all of you will be asked about

what you’re assigned with.” If we raise our children to

be good Muslims, Allah will reward us for our efforts. If we

do not take care of our children, Allah will punish us. As

one scholar explains, bearing parents the responsibility of

caring for children proves Allah’s mercy because it makes



caring a religious responsibility. In fact, raising children to

become good Muslims is a blessing not only because it

demonstrates our compliance to Allah’s commands, but

also because good grown up children bring peace and satisfaction

in our old age and constant reward after death.

In the Hadith, the prophet says: Once a person dies, he

or she can no longer gain reward for the Hereafter except

through one of three: A recurring charity, knowledge that

benefits people, or a pious child who prays for his or her


Raising children by parents, as educators agree, is crucial

to their transition into successful life. Lack of parents

in child’s life leads to challenges children may not be able

to overcome. After all, children look up to their parents and

their integrity – later in life - is contingent upon their parents’

upbringing. If parents raise their children well, the

children will be better equipped to deal with the outside

world. If parents fail to raise their children well, children will

be ill-mannered and prone to failure.

In addition to teaching children the basic tools of life that

include education and skills, parents should also pay attention

to the spiritual needs of children. For Muslims, these

needs do not only mean religious knowledge or practice,

but also Islamic faith in specific. To us, Muslims, faith helps

us understand the meaning of life, death, good time, and

hard times. It gives us peace in mind and harmony with

our surroundings. Teaching faith to children helps them

overcome anxiety, uncertainty, and stress they might experience

in this turbulent world. And the sooner children learn

how to connect with Allah, the better; whatever children



learn early in life stays with them and develops throughout

their lives.

A lot of material by notable scholars and academics have

discussed the importance and methods of raising Muslim

children and teaching them Islam. This book, however, is focused

on one particular aspect: developing faith in children

and answering their questions about Islamic faith. Thus, it

is limited in its scope and parents should also consult other

books about raising children to practice Islamic rituals and


This book is divided into two sections, the first section provides

parents with the most important faith related information

they need to teach their kids. The second part provides

parents with ways to respond to questions children might ask

about faith. Both sections complement one another. I hope

that parents find the material here concise and useful. I would

also appreciate any correspondence with my valued readers

that help me improve the material presented and make

it available to all Muslim parents looking for ways to improve

the life and faith of their children.

May Allah Guide us to all that is beneficial in this world

and rewarding in the Hereafter

Abdullah Arrakf


Table of Contents




The Definition, Tools,

and Essentials

of Nurturing



Faith for



and Teaching

the Pillars

of Faith


74 Introduction on

How to Answer



Practical Examples

on How to Answer




The Definition, Tools,

and Essentials of Nurturing




Nurturing Nurturing children is a human necessity

in order to establish a functional society.

It encompasses preparing children in all

aspects of life including social conduct,

knowledge about surrounding, psychological

well-being, and caring for their

health. Thus, prior to discussing nurturing

faith, one has to understand the concept

of nurture and its implications.


When educators discuss the concept

of nurture, they mean a purposeful

and developed process

maintained by rules that aim to establishing

good habits in children

through guidance, training, education,

refinement, and practice. Nurturing

also aims to preserve the innate

nature and talents of children,

to protect them, and to guide them

towards righteousness and perfection

that prepares a good human

being ready for the responsibly of

life. Nurturing is a tool that creates

healthy and functional leadership in


Nurturing Children is crucial in Islam. Ibn Omar narrates that the messenger

of Allah (may Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon him) said:

“Every one of you is a guardian and is responsible for whatever he

or she are in charge of; the ruler is a guardian and is responsible for

his subjects; the woman is a guardian of her husband’s house and

is responsible for her charges.” In this Hadith, the prophet (may Allah’s

peace and blessings be upon him) points out the massive responsibility

on the shoulders of each one of us: we will be asked - undoubtedly –

about whatever we are entrusted with. The prophet (may Allah’s peace

and blessings be upon him) also said: “Any man whom Allah has given

the authority of ruling over people but does not look after them in an

honest manner will never feel even the smell of Paradise.” In this Hadith,

we see reference to the importance of providing truthful, honest and

beneficial advice. Furthermore, Ibn Omar said: “Educate your son, you

Raising Children

in Islam

Definition of




will be asked about him: how did you raise him?, What did you teach him?

He will also be asked on his kindness and obedience to you.” Here, Ibn

Omar asserts that caring for children is the parents’ responsibility; parents

are the first source of information and moral lessons. In fact, the prophet

has stressed that raising children is greater than charity: “A person educating

his child is better than him donating food.” It is also alleged

that the prophet said that teaching children good manners is better than

donation: “A parent has never granted to a son anything better than

good behavior.” These Hadiths indicate that raising and educating children

are one of the most important and noblest gifts parents can provide

to their children.





Nurturing Faith is

a Necessity:

Many Ayahs and Hadiths stress that it is the parent’s

duty to assist their child in this early and critical

stages of life. For example, in the Quran, Allah

says: “Allah instructs you concerning your children.”

The prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings

be upon him) also stressed the importance of

this stage. He says: “Every child is born with a

true faith (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone)

but his parents convert him to Judaism, Christianity

or Zoroastrianism”. This Hadith infers crucial

facts that include:



A Faith is inborn in human nature. Whoever deviates from it ultimately

deviates towards loss.

B Faith nurturing is a child’s right upon parents; it leads to happiness

in life and it is a safeguard in the Hereafter - Allah welling – that

would differentiate winners from losers.

C Children’s surroundings affect their state of mind.

It is a blessing from Allah to have an inborn pure faith since childhood

without an effort to achieve it. Accordingly, parents must do their best to

protect their children’s inborn nature. They must raise their children to

accept the true religion, built on the Quran and Sunnah, and never leave

their children learn through social influence.

Faith is the ultimate truth of existence and the reason Allah created humanity.

It defines a person’s journey in this life and determines his or her

destination in the Hereafter. Actions and manners are built upon faith;

nurturing the faith of children is crucial because – as we shall explain -

children’s soul, creeds, principles, habits, and visions are ultimately built

on faith. To ignore teaching faith to children is, thus, a form of abuse of

ignoring to teach and equip children with crucial tools they need for their

future life and the Hereafter.

As mentioned, children are vulnerable as they experience psychological

and cultural leaps and other forms of influence that should not be overlooked.

Sadly, distorting and anti-Islamic faith media programs are now

abundant and available at the tip of the children’s fingers. These programs

shape the minds of children; once they grow, it becomes harder to change

what has already been installed. It is the responsibility of parents to protect

their children from negative influence.


The Goals of Islamic


The general aim of Islamic education is to establish true worship of

Allah Alone. The below elaborates more on this:

Children who grow up in families committed to true Islamic teachings

and who focus on building Islamic faith are likely going to copy their parents

and adopt their personal perceptions. These children are also less

likely to deviate from Sunnah and fall into un-Islamic worship practices.

Uncommitted Muslim parents, or parent who ignore teaching their children

about faith under the pretense that they are still young, will find it

later difficult to bring their children back to religion or have faith because

these children did not see the benefits of religion early in their life.



Of course, without doubt, raising children is one of the toughest tasks

parents encounter. This is why it is explained, in the Quran, as the acts

of prophets (blessings and peace upon them all). In the Quran, Nouh

(peace be upon him) calls his son to follow the path of Allah and warns

him against following corrupt people: “O my son, come aboard with

us and be not with the disbelievers.” . Similar wise, Ibrahim (peace be

upon him) instructs his children on his deathbed “O’ my sons, indeed

Allah has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except while you

are Muslims.” Luqman’s (peace be upon him) first command to his son

was also a warning against worshipping anyone other than Allah: ““O’

my son, do not associate [anything in worshipping] with Allah. Indeed,

association [with Him] is great injustice.” Furthermore, the prophet’s life

is full of examples of teaching faith to children.

Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him)

commands Ibn Abbas: “Young man! I will teach you a statement: Be

mindful of Allah and He will protect you. Be mindful of Allah and you

will find Him before you. When you ask, ask Allah Alone, and when you

seek aid, seek Allah’s aid”. All these examples not only illustrate the

importance of nurturing faith, but also illustrate that it was a practice of

prophets and that it is a challenging practice. Muslims look up to the

prophets who are an example of leading good and productive life.

Here is what children gain from a strong faith:

A They will engage in doing good deeds and seek activities that

gets them closer to Allah and His mercy.

B They will be better at refraining from bad deeds.

C They will abstain from indulging in luxuries because life is not the

center of their interest and their hearts are not attached to it.


D They will gain divine support; Allah takes care of those who

believe in Him. They will achieve happiness in this life and in the


E They will gravitate towards Allah and increases spiritual strength.

As faith flourishes, the servants’ trust and affection towards Allah

and detachment from His creatures increase.

F They will let go of negativity and hostility. As faith grows in

the heart, the effect of personal inclinations becomes limited.

Moreover, determination strengthens and drives them towards

noble behavior.

G They will have positive outlook to the world; the strong believer

seeks to improve himself and those around him. In other words,

faith builds a psychologically and emotionally balanced individual

who is an effective and productive member of society, and

who performs his or her duties as a guardian of Allah’s dominion

of Earth by inhabiting it and utilizing its resources.

H They will achieve peace and tranquility. Trust based on faith is

ingrained in the heart. Fears that haunt others diminish. In other

words, faith nurturing provides spiritual stability and psychological

security because it provides answers to the big questions

of life; these answers are derived from The Quran and from the

messenger’s (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) the

Sunnah. These answers are characterized by the clarity of their

source, method, and goals. These answers also speak to the

child’s needs, reality, and upbringing.



Nurturing faith is beneficial to society in that it helps society fulfil the

main purpose of creation, which is to worship Allah. Furthermore, nurturing

faith is beneficial to society in three main ways:

A It provides the bedrock to establishing a Muslim community

through preparing righteous people who will worship Allah with

guidance and insight and fulfill Human being’s mission on Earth.

B It sets the stage for establishing good moral standards after

the standards that the prophet set fourteen hundred years ago.

Though the prophet focused on the importance of monotheism,

which is essentially the center of Islamic faith, Allah and

His prophet have frequently reminded us that morals are based

upon faith. Allah will reward as for good behavior and punishes

us for bad behavior. Allah has also praised the prophet for having

good morals that stem from faith: “And indeed, you are of a

great moral character.” The prophet also stressed this fact. He

said: “ I was sent to perfect good character.”

C Building a community with individuals who share their faith

develops brotherhood among individuals in that community. As

a result loyalty and care will be anchored towards the Muslim

community and its members. In the Quran, Allah says: “The believers

are but brothers.” The prophet (may Allah’s peace and

blessings be upon him) says: “A believer to another believer is

like a building whose different parts enforce each other” and

“The believers are merciful, kind, and loving among themselves

like a unified body; if any part of the body is not well, the whole

body will help it through sleeplessness and fever.”


The Essential Dimensions

of Nurturing faith

There are two essential dimensions for nurturing faith in children: epistemological

and practical:

The epistemological dimension has two aspects: knowledge and


a- Knowledge presents the key to understanding and building ethics

and motives. Allah says: “Say, “Are those who know equal to those

who do not know?” Only they will remember [who are] people of understanding”

(39:9). The prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be

upon him) was keen on teaching

his companions beneficial knowledge;

he taught them to seek refuge

in Allah from useless knowledge

by asking Allah in prayers: “O

Allah, I seek refuge in Thee from

knowledge which does not benefit

and from a heart that does not

fear Allah.” What these two quotes

prove is that good faith is based

upon knowledge about that faith

its requirements.



Creed is the belief that settles in heart based upon knowledge. For

Muslims, this belief is the belief in the six pillars of faith which will be

discussed further down

The practical dimension has three aspects: servitude to Allah,

practice, and morals

Aspect #1: Servitude to Allah: servitude is based upon truthful inner

self and unique personal traits that build the urge to constantly and

truthfully evaluate life and connection to Allah. It also means the belief

that servitude is a blessing rather than a burden. Manners, thoughts,

hopes, and ambitions are purified through devotion. The prophet (may

Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) told Mu’ath Ibn Jabal: “By

Allah, I love you, Mu’ath, I’ll teach you some words. Never leave

to recite this supplication after every (prescribed) prayer: ‘O Allah,

help me in remembering You, in giving You thanks, and in

worshipping You well.’” Here, the prophet (may Allah’s peace and

blessings be upon him) teaches Mu’ath that worshipping Allah is a gift

from Him, the Almighty and that it is not a burden. Worshipping is not

just individual effort, it is also divine guidance and blessing.

Aspect #2: Application: Knowledge about Allah and his blessings

dictates practicing worshipping and thanking Him. Our action and

practice of worshiping Allah and thanking him differentiates winners

from losers in the Hereafter. This is why Allah says in the Quran: “So

whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it ۝ And whoever

does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.”

Aspect #3: Morals: Morals are based upon faith. The foundations

of Islam create well-behaved people because it categorizes manners

and ethics as acts of worship. The prophet (may Allah’s peace and

blessings be upon him) states that his focus is on encouraging good

behavior. He says: “I was sent to perfect good character.” He also

states that: “Indeed the most beloved among you to me, and the nearest

to sit with me on the Day of Judgment is the best of you in character.”



of Nurturing Faith

1. Ibn Abbas narrates that the prophet

(may Allah’s peace and blessings

be upon him) used to seek refuge

in Allah for Al-Hasan and Al-Husain:

“Your forefather (i.e. Abraham)

used to seek refuge with Allah for

Ishmael and Isaac by reciting the

following: ‘O Allah! I seek Refuge

with Your Perfect Words from

every devil and from poisonous

pests and from every evil, harmful,

envious eye’”.

2. Abu Huraira narrates that the

Messenger (may Allah’s peace

and blessings be upon him) said:

“Every child is born with a true

faith (to worship none but Allah

Alone) but his parents convert

him to either Judaism, Christianity

or Magainism.”

Providing practical examples helps

ingrain principles and values. The

following are some examples of

how the Prophet (may Allah’s peace

and blessings be upon him) and his

companions establish faith in children.



3. Umar ibn Abi Salama narrates: “I

was a young boy under the care

of Allah’s messenger (may Allah’s

peace and blessings be

upon him) and my hand used to

meander in the dish while I was

eating. So, the messenger (may

Allah’s peace and blessings be

upon him) said to me: ‘O boy!

Mention the Name of Allah and

eat with your right hand and

eat of the dish what is nearer to


4. Ibn Abbas narrates: “I was behind

the prophet (may Allah’s peace and

blessings be upon him) one day

when he said: ‘Son ! I will teach

you a statement: Be mindful of

Allah and He will protect you. Be

mindful of Allah and you will find

Him before you. When you ask,

ask Allah, and when you seek

aid, seek Allah’s aid. Know that if

the entire creation were to gather

to do something to benefit you -

you would never get any benefit

except that Allah had written for

you. And if they were to gather to

do something to harm you - you

would never be harmed except

that Allah had written for you.’”


5. Al-Hasan ibn Ali narrates: “The messenger (may Allah’s peace and

blessings be upon him) taught me some words to say during the

witr (night prayer): ‘O Allah, guide me among those You have

guided, grant me security among those You have granted security,

take me into Your charge among those You have taken into

Your charge, bless me in what You have given, guard me from

the evil of what You have decreed, for You are the one who decrees,

and nothing is decreed over You. He whom You befriends

is not degraded. You are blessed and exalted, our Lord.’”

6. Anas ibn Malik narrates: “The messenger (may Allah’s peace and

blessings be upon him) said to me: “O my little son! When you

enter upon your family say salam, it will be a blessing for you

and upon the people of your house.”

7. Jundub Al-Bajli narrates: “We were with the prophet (may Allah’s

peace and blessings be upon him) and we were strong youths,

so we learned faith before we learned Quran. Then we learned

the Quran and our faith increased thereby.”

8. Umm Sulaim - Anas ibn Malik’s mother - entered Islam when Anas

was still young, not weaned yet, and used to teach Anas to say that

“There is no God but Allah,” “I testify that Muhammad (may Allah’s

peace and blessings be upon him) is Allah’s messenger” and so he


9. Ibrahim Al-Taimi said: “They used to prefer to teach the young child -

when he first learned to talk - to say ‘There is no God but Allah’ seven

times, so that it becomes the first thing he learns.”





Faith for




AAss mentioned earlier, nurturing faith

is vital to ingraining the correct creed

in the mind and heart and to developing

good habits and codes of ethics.

People establish their vision and attitude

towards the world during childhood.

These visions and attitudes

shape their happiness in this life and

success in the hereafter. Therefore, it

is the parent’s duty to assist their child

in this early and critical stage of life.

In the Quran, Allah says: {Allah instructs

you concerning your children.}



1. Faith is inborn in human nature. Whoever deviates from it ultimately

deviates towards loss.

2. Parents’ have a responsibility to raise children and maintain

their natural state of mind.

3. Children’s surroundings affect their state of mind.

It is a blessing from Allah to have an inborn pure faith since childhood

without an effort to achieve it. Accordingly, parents must do their best to

protect their children’s inborn nature. They must raise their children to

accept the true religion built on the Qur’an and Sunnah and never go with

the flow. Moreover, in times when the world is at the fingertips of children,

imitating other Muslims does not protect children from deviation or identity


A child’s pure heart is vulnerable. If a child grew up learning what is

good, he or she will eventually apply it and achieve happiness in this life

and success in the hereafter; parents and mentors will also be rewarded

for their effort. Conversely, if a child was neglected or raised poorly, he

or she will be miserable in life and doomed in the Hereafter; parents and

mentors will also be held responsible for their negligence. Childhood is

the best stage to shape a person. The older a person gets, the harder the


Children who grow up in families committed to true Islamic teachings will

copy their parents and adopt their personal perceptions. Introducing religion

harshly can lead to adverse effects on children. Uncommitted Muslim

parents will find it difficult later to attract their children to religion because

these children did not see the benefits of religion early in their life.

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