On a dark night in the shadow of Mt. Tur, Allah conferred Prophethood on Musa and engaged him in a short but remarkable conversation. It was a conversation that taught Musa lessons about himself, about his world, about the nature of humankind and about the nature of Allah. To this day it continues to teach important lessons to humankind. On a daily basis, the words of the Quran change lives. The lessons learned in the story of Musa are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago.
The story of Musa teaches us the importance of trusting Allah; it demonstrates that Allah’s plans will overcome any triumph, test, or trial, and it shows us that there is no relief from the torments of this world except with remembrance and through seeking nearness to Allah. Reading and studying the life of Musa reveals that Allah can replace weakness with strength and failure with victory; and that Allah supports the righteous from sources we can barely imagine.
Egypt in the lifetime of Musa was the known world’s superpower. Wealth and power were in the hands of very few, and the lives and lifestyles of the majority were of very little consequence. The political situation was in some ways similar to the political world of the 21st century. In a time when the young people of the world are used as cannon fodder for the political and military games of the most powerful, the story of Musa is particularly pertinent. It teaches us how to obey the commands of Allah and it teaches us how to survive in a world where religion is less important than power and acquisition.
To read more detailed information about the life of Prophet Musa go to:
Lesson 1
Establish the salah.
Musa had extraordinary strength of character, even as a relatively young man he had developed the ability to persevere even in the direst circumstances. He had fled Egypt under the threat of death, trudged across the desert and found a new life in a new land but later circumstances pulled him back to the land of his birth. In the dark of the night, in the shadow of a mountain the light of a fire drew Musa into an amazing dialogue. Imagine his shock and surprise when he found himself engaged in a conversation with Allah, the Al-Mighty. After commanding that Musa removes his shoes, Allah reminded him of humankind’s obligation to Him.
“Verily! I am Allah! none has the right to be worshipped but I, so worship Me, and establish prayer (salah) for My Remembrance. (Quran 20: 14)
In this conversation salah was prescribed upon Musa and his followers. Salah was also prescribed upon Prophet Muhammad and his followers in much the same way. Allah establishes a direct connection between Himself and Musa before He revealed Musa’s mission to the court of the pharaoh of Egypt. Before Allah commands Musa to face his biggest fear He says, worship Me and remember Me, because I am able to replace weakness with strength and failure with victory; I will support you from sources unimaginable. Salah forges a connection between Allah and the person who prays and it means that one is never far from the protection of Allah. In this day and age when our fears about the future tend to overwhelm us, an unbreakable bond is a thing of comfort and joy.
Lesson 2
Allah hears our prayer and supplication.
Musa was a man of honour. Even after walking across the Egyptian desert exhausted and dehydrated he was able to put the needs of others before his own. Instead of sinking down in the shade of a tree at a desert oasis he helped two young women who were trying to water their flock of sheep. However, when his task was finished he sat down heavily and appealed to Allah for help. He said, “O Lord, whatever good you can bestow on me, I am surely in need of it”. Before his supplication was finished, the help from Allah was on its way. Musa was probably hoping for a slice of bread or a handful of dates but instead Allah gave him safety, provisions and a family. A person must never despair of Allah hearing his prayer and supplication. We are never alone, just as Musa was not alone when he fled from his land leaving behind everything.
Lesson 3
If a person accepts that there is no true god but Allah no sin is unforgiveable.
One part of the story of Musa that has intrigued people for centuries is the parting of the Red Sea and the drowning of the Egyptians. When Pharaoh had power, wealth, good health and strength he refused to acknowledge Allah. He denied the signs and ridiculed, belittled and threatened Prophet Musa. Yet even at the height of Pharaoh’s arrogance, most vile crimes and disgusting excesses, Allah was willing to forgive him but he wallowed happily in his arrogance until it was too late. At the last minute, as the waves crashed over him and his heart constricted in fear, Pharaoh acknowledged Allah. His arrogance fell away, but alas, it was too late; Pharaoh saw death approaching and cried out to Allah with fear and horror. From this we are reminded to repent and seek forgiveness before it is too late.