
why only four gospels 

 1415 CE - the Church of Rome took an extraordinary step to destroy all knowledge of two second-century Jewish books that it said contained "the true name of Jesus Christ". The antipope Benedict XIII firstly singled out for condemnation a secret Latin treatise called Mar Yesu, and then issued instructions to destroy all copies of the Book of Elxai. No editions of these writings now publicly exist, but Church archives recorded that they were once in popular circulation and known to the early presbyters.

1517 CE - On Oct 31, 1517, Protestanism Martin Luther and John Calvin start. Challenge the establishment of Catholic monopoly, and break from major denominations(Catholic) into spawn modern day 33.000 christians denominations due to exegesis of the bible are no longer monopolized by the churches (Sola Scriptura not sola ecclesia). During this Protestant reformation era, Martin Luther reduce the protestant canon from 73 books to 66 books

 1229 CE - Decree of the Council of Toulouse: “We prohibit also that the laity should be permitted to have the books of the Old or New Testament; but we most strictly forbid their having any translation of these books.”

1234 CE - Ruling of the Council of Tarragona of 1234 CE: “No one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments in the Romance language, and if anyone possesses them he must turn them over to the local bishop within eight days after promulgation of this decree, so that they may be burned...”

 1522 CE - The case of Johannine Comma, Desiderius Erasmus added forged verses 1 john 5 7 Trinity forgery in the first printed edition of his New Testament, Erasmus's Nouum instrumentum omne, who added it to his text in 1522.[4]

 1525 CE - William Tyndale makes the first English translation of the New Testament from Roman Catholic Latin version.

[٣:٠٨ م، ٢٠٢١/٧/١٢] Abdelhamed: 1546 CE - Catholic, in response to Martin Luther canon, initiated Council of Trent to reject Protestanism. From the Council's fourth session (of 4 April 1546), issuing an anathema on dissenters of the books affirmed in Trent,[1] which passed by vote (24 yea, 15 nay, 16 abstain).[2] With its decision, the Council of Trent confirmed the identical list already locally approved in 1442 by the Council of Florence (Session 11, 4 February 1442),[3] and that had existed in the earliest canonical lists from the synods of Carthage[4] and Rome in the fourth century

 In his book Basic Theology, Charles Caldwell Ryrie countered the claim that Luther rejected the Book of James as being canonical.[6] In his preface to the New Testament, Luther ascribed to several books of the New Testament different degrees of doctrinal value: "St. John's Gospel and his first Epistle, St. Paul's Epistles, especially those to the Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, and St. Peter's Epistle-these are the books which show to thee Christ, and teach everything that is necessary and blessed for thee to know, even if you were never to see or hear any other book of doctrine. Therefore, St. James' Epistle is a perfect straw-epistle compared with them, for it has in it nothing of an evangelic kind." Thus Luther was comparing (in his opinion) doctrinal value, not canonical validity.

However, Ryrie's theory is countered by other biblical scholars, including William Barclay, who note that Luther stated plainly, if not bluntly: "I think highly of the epistle of James, and regard it as valuable although it was rejected in early days. It does not expound human doctrines, but lays much emphasis on God’s law. …I do not hold it to be of apostolic authorship."[7]

 1646 CE - There is some evidence that the first decision to omit these books entirely from the Bible was made by Protestant laity rather than clergy. Bibles dating from shortly after the Reformation have been found whose tables of contents included the entire Roman Catholic canon, but which did not actually contain the disputed books, leading some historians to think that the workers at the printing presses took it upon themselves to omit them. However, Anglican and Lutheran Bibles usually still contained these books until the 20th century, while Calvinist Bibles did not. Several reasons are proposed for the omission of these books from the canon. One is the support for Catholic doctrines such as Purgatory and Prayer for the dead found in 2 Maccabees. Another is that the Westminster Confession of Faith of 1646, during the English Civil War, actually excluded them from the canon. Luther himself said he was following Jerome's teaching about the Veritas Hebraica.

 1870 CE - Vatican I on April 24, 1870 approved the additions to Mark (v. 16:9–20), Luke (22:19b–20, 43–44), and John (7:53–8:11), WHICH ARE NOT PRESENT in early manuscripts but are contained in the Vulgate edition.[125]

1927 CE - Pope Pius XI on June 2, 1927 decreed the Comma Johanneum was open TO DISPUTE.

1943 CE - Pope Pius XII on 3 September 1943 issued the encyclical Divino afflante Spiritu, which allowed translations based on texts other than the Latin Vulgate

1523 CE - Luther made an attempt TO REMOVE the books of Hebrews, Jude, BOOK OF JAMES and BOOK OF REVELATION from the canon (notably, he perceived them to go against certain Apostle Paul doctrines such as sola gratia and sola fide)[citation needed] but this was not generally accepted among his followers. However, these books are ordered last in the German-language Luther Bible to this day.[5]

"If Luther's negative view of these books were based only upon the fact that their canonicity was disputed in early times, 2 Peter might have been included among them, because this epistle was doubted more than any other in ancient times."[2] However, the prefaces that Luther affixed to these four books makes it evident "that his low view of them was more due to his theological reservations than with any historical investigation of the canon."[2]

1534 CE - The Luther Bible is a German language Bible translation from Hebrew and ancient Greek by Martin Luther. The New Testament was first published in 1522 and the complete Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha, in 1534.

1536 CE - Fate of William Tyndale in 1536 C.E.: William Tyndale was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. According to Tyndale, the Church forbid owning or reading the Bible to control and restrict the teachings and to enhance their own power and importance.

 1554 CE - Solomon Romano, a catholic (1554) also burned many thousands of Hebrew scrolls, and in 1559 every Hebrew book in the city of Prague was confiscated. The mass destruction of Jewish books included hundreds of copies of the Old Testament and caused the irretrievable loss of many original handwritten documents. The oldest text of the Old Testament that survived, before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, was said to be the Bodleian Codex (Oxford), which was dated to circa 1100. In an attempt by the Church to remove damaging Rabbinic information about Jesus Christ from the face of the Earth, the Inquisition burned 12,000 volumes of the Talmud. However, many copies survived and today provide opposing traditions about the person called Jesus Christ.

 1870 CE - Vatican I on April 24, 1870 approved the additions to Mark (v. 16:9–20), Luke (22:19b–20, 43–44), and John (7:53–8:11), WHICH ARE NOT PRESENT in early manuscripts but are contained in the Vulgate edition.[125]

1927 CE - Pope Pius XI on June 2, 1927 decreed the Comma Johanneum was open to dispute.

1943 CE - Pope Pius XII on 3 September 1943 issued the encyclical Divino afflante Spiritu, which allowed translations based on texts other than the Latin Vulgate

 Nowadays - Since Eusebius and Athanasius canon 73 books of bible(or Protestant 66 books) are actually A MERGED OF FOUR SECTARIAN GOSPELS: Pauline christianity(Marcionism, Pauline christianity cult), Nazarenes(ebionites, true historic followers of Jesus PBUH), Docetism(Galilee, Antioch, and southern Syria, cult), Johannine community(Asia minor,Valentinian cult use book of John) and even pagan(Hellenistic/Graeco Roman religions), the exegesis of NT still continue to be confusing, conflicting and spawn more and more denominations such as the birth of new religion called Messianic Jews churches, Beit Israel, Jews for jesus, Black Hebrew etc which originally a split from Southern Baptist denomination which originally a split from original protestant movements: Lutheran and Calvinism, which also originally split from catholic. Circa year 2000 it is estimated we have 33.000 Christians denominations and as of 2018 we have more than 40.000 christians denominations that differ in theology, churches rite as well as their salvation doctrines.

 "....The first great Christological battle of the Christian period was not over docetism (Ignatius) or modalism (Tertullian); IT WAS OVER MONOTHEISM...."(Christology in the Making, Professor James D. G. Dunn, 2nd edition, 1989, foreword, xxx)

397 CE - FOR THE FIRST TIME Council of Carthage officially establishes orthodox New Testament canon (26 books, but missing book of revelation due to its controversy theology content) as official Catholic churches canon to be read in sunday sermon(Synod 397). Other bible was decreed as apocrypha and decreed to be burnt including Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philips, Gospel of Ebionites/Nazarenes(Gospel of Holy 12), Apocalypse of Peter, Acts of John, Second treaties of great Seth, Acts of John, Apocalypse of James etc)

[13] McDonald & Sanders 2002, Appendix D-2, note 19: ‘Revelation was added later in 419 CE at the subsequent synod of Carthage.

McDonald, LM; Sanders, JA, eds. (2002), The Canon Debate, Hendrickson

Added 1415 CE Pope Benedict XIII churches decreed to burn Talmud, destructions of hand written Jewish books and Hebrew scroll in the city of praque chekoslovakia as advised by brother Peter van Poelgeest. 

 This because shepherds of hermas which was part of codex sinaiticus said holy spirit is ange

Makes sense

 Yes 👍 the oldest shem tov book of matthew hebrew version didn't have trinity formula

 And shepherds of hermas become obstacles to trinity theology

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