
Weird Dreams Bother Me Every Night

12 June, 2021

QI dream about dajal everyday and I told my parents and elders who can give me advice about it.

Every night or every time I close my eyes I dream about creepy stuff like illuminate, dajal, and jin.

I always read ayat al kursi and duaa, but still have nightmares. I dream that I’m running from fitna al dajal or I’m beating shaitan?

So what should I do?


Hannah Morris

12 June, 2021

In this counseling answer:

You are doing the correct thing to make sure that you read the relevant duas, including ayat al kursi.

Regarding the content of your dreams, do be cautious about who you share this with, especially the bad dreams. 

Dreams can come from Allah or Shaytan and sometimes it can be difficult to tell which because shaytan likes to play tricks on the mind.

Dreams can simply be a product of your thoughts conscious, or unconscious during the day. 

Make sure that you are eating well and getting some exercise each day, engaging in acts of worship both obligatory and mandatory.

Try to maintain healthy sleep hygiene by ensuring you get sufficient sleep, avoiding food and caffeine close to bedtime. 

Seek Counseling.

Déjà Vu or True Dream?

Déjà Vu or True Dream?

Assalamu alaikum sister, 

First of all, you are doing the correct thing to make sure that you read the relevant duas, including ayat al kursi. This is something you should remember to do at various points – following a bad dream, along with following the recommended sunnah practices such as changing sides. 


You should also always endeavour to read your adhkar in both the morning and evening as a means of protection. There are also select surahs and duas recommended to read immediately before sleeping which will, in sha Allah, protect you from bad dreads and any harm that could come in the night. 

Regarding the content of your dreams, do be cautious about who you share this with. Especially the bad dreams. Not many people are trained in dream interpretation so if you are looking for this, ensure you turn to someone who is qualified to do so. 

Weird Dreams Bother Me Every Night - About Islam


Aside from this, remember that these dreams may or may not mean anything. Dreams can come from Allah or Shaytan and sometimes it can be difficult to tell which because shaytan likes to play tricks on the mind.

On the other hand, dreams can be simply be a product of your thoughts conscious, or unconscious during the day. These dreams have no meaning to them as much as it can be tempting to assign some meaning to them.

It may be that in your case since you’ve had this dream many times, it is consciously in your thoughts and therefore could just be a reflection of what you have been thinking about in the day. 

Check out this counseling video:


Regardless of the root of your dreams, they are causing you a level of distress and understandably. So also make sure that you are engaging in self care to minimize the effects of this distress. Given the distressing nature of your dreams it can easy to become so fixated on them that you forget about other matters.

Make sure that you are eating well and getting some exercise each day. Engaging in acts of worship both obligatory and mandatory. As well as engaging with others socially and doing things you enjoy in order to maintain a healthy balance. These things will ensure a healthy mind that is less likely to become fixated on the more frightening things that are occupying your present thoughts.

Try to maintain healthy sleep hygiene by ensuring you get sufficient sleep, avoiding food and caffeine close to bedtime. Likewise, with stimulating activities such as use of technology which can make it difficult to sleep. These things will also ensure a good sleep less likely to be interrupted by vivid dreams and restlessness. 

Sister, if you do all the above and find yourself still struggling with these dreams, It would be a good choice to seek counseling.

May Allah grant you ease and may you find comfort in His remembrance.

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