
First published on: Coronavirus between Materialism and Islam - The basics of fighting Coronavirus are in Islam -Coronavirus: No Refuge but God 

     Over one night, the entire world was devastated by an unseen creature called Corona. A virus that was a reason of a complete shutdown of the most powerful empires in the whole world like the US, UK, and china. People are countlessly dying everywhere. Financial breakdown is happening in a blink of an eye. Curfew is all over the world. Hospitals is in full capacity and doctors trying hopelessly to save as much lives as possible. It’s time to check Coronavirus, between Materialism and Islam.

The Eternal Questions!

   This sudden change in the structure of the world, had led to a complete unorganized picture, leaving humans all alone questioning themselves with a list of eternal questions!

With all the technology and hygienic techniques that the world has reached, it stands completely powerless in front of a small virus.

The Reality of The Modern Civilization

     Sheikh Ahmad Sief – A modern Islamic scholar- puts us close at hand from the facts that we insist on neglecting, saying:

“And now while you are watching the modern civilization of the world, with its research centers, and its powerful weapons in the time of “knowledge and globalization” unable to face a worthless virus. Only then, you can understand the divine speech that Allah the Al-Mighty has directed to the old polytheists that lived back in the time of Muhammad -peace and blessings be upon him- challenging them, and subjoining disability to them!”

What a Challenge!

     Then he continued, “That challenge back then, wasn’t by revealing the great cosmic signs in the universal kingdom of the heavens and earths, nor was it by the tremendous power that Allah has placed in some of His creatures. It wasn’t even by the miracles that hacked all the rules of the math and physics. But instead, Allah has addressed them with the disability of their lords in comparison to one of His weakest creatures: a fly!

    “O people, an example is presented, so listen to it. Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah will never create [as much as] a fly, even if they gathered together for that purpose. And if the fly should steal away from them a [tiny] thing, they could not recover it from him. Weak are the pursuer and pursued”  [Qur’an 22 – 731] (1)

And here it is the corona virus paralyzing the movement of airplanes, schools, trading, markets worldwide. Although it is even less than a fly in creation, so who could recover it from Him?”

The words of the sheikh have ended herein.

Coronavirus Between Materialism & Islam

     If it’s not the proper time for us to think for a while now, how could all the materialism we live in be defeated in just few days harvesting souls and economies, then when?!

     Corona was a clear message from Allah the Al Mighty (the creator of the heavens and the earths), that this universe is totally out of our control. As well as, that it has a creator who can not to be defeated, nor challenged. Obviously, it has come to tell us that all the modernization we live in is just a mirage. And that only faith is the thing that makes sense in all of these equations.

If you feel like your soul is missing something you couldn’t figure out, please contact us, we will help you fill this gap.

The basics of fighting Coronavirus are in Islam

 Coronavirus, Health Corona Virus, Islamic Civilization Mai Ahmed

    In Islam, are there any basics regarding fighting Coronavirus? Allah is the Creator of all things and everything besides Him is created. He is the One who has no beginning and He has no ending. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:

Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is, over all things, Disposer of affairs.”    [Qur’an 39-62](1)

Allah decides what happens with them. And as for humans, we know some of the lost creatures and there are others and many from Allah’s creatures that we are unaware of. Allah says:

…and He creates that which you don’t know.”    [Qur’an 16-8](2)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    There are creatures of Allah that we are not aware of and today we are discussing one of these creatures, a creature from among the creatures of Allah which in term of its size is tiny, yet, it has brought the world to its knees. In terms of the size then, it is a creature which you need to look through a special type of electron microscope and magnify ten, twenty, thirty, & forty thousand times before you can even see it, yet, it has crippled the financial markets, the stock markets, and companies have gone bust because of it. All humans are living in a state of fear and they are frightened, apprehensive, worried and paranoid because of this little creature, that is Coronavirus  (COVID19) which we are going to talk about today.

Coronavirus & Islamic Guidance

     Islam hasn’t left us without guidance; there isn’t a single situation that a person is going to find himself in that isn’t in the book of Allah and in the Sunnah (teachings) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We have to look at what Islam has to say about contagious diseases.

In many narrations, the Prophet (PBUH) said:

(There is) no ‘Adwaa [no contagious disease], nor is there any bad omen, nor is there any Hamah, nor is there any bad omen in the month of Safar.”    [Sunan Ibn Majah](3)

The basics of fighting Coronavirus are in Islam

    So, if a person is to take this one Hadith and he was to hear the statement that the Prophet (PBUH) has said, he might get confused and say: “Hang on a minute, the reality of the situation quite clearly contradicts with this Hadith in which the Prophet (PBUH) was telling us that there is no such thing as contagious diseases, yet, we see that there are contagious diseases. This thing we have seen with Coronavirus where it started in Wuhan in China and then it transmitted from one to the other and it has become a worldwide pandemic now.”

Here we should pay attention that it is important that we don’t just take one narration and leave the rest, because in another Hadith the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said the same four things then he added:

…, and one should run away from the leper as one runs away from a lion.”    [Sahih al-Bukhari](4)

That is important now because in one side the Prophet (PBUH) told us that there is no such thing as contagious diseases, and yet on the other side, he told us to run flee from a person who has leprosy, which is a contagious disease, just as we would run from a lion.

Social Distancing 14 Centuries Ago

    There is another Hadith which talks about the same idea in which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

The ill should not be taken to the healthy.”    [Sahih Muslim](5)

Which means don’t put the sick with the healthy. Don’t put the sick animal with the healthy animal, don’t put the sick person with the healthy person. Thus, we are quite clearly getting now to what’s known nowadays as “Social Distancing”; staying away from people who might potentially have that illness. So, clearly we have a caution against contagious illnesses like “Coronavirus”.

Infection in Islam

When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “There is no infection” he meant that there is no transmission of contagious diseases except by the permission of Allah. So, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was teaching us and was very careful to emphasize to us that these illnesses in and of themselves can’t harm you, can’t decide and they don’t have the ability affect a person except by the permission of Allah. So, the point is that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is attaching the hearts of the people to Allah and making them trust and rely solely on Allah.

1400-Year-Old Teachings

     The Islamic teachings warned against putting and mixing the sick with the healthy, and that is why if anyone fears that he may be harmed or may harm others, it is permissible for him to not attend the Friday prayer and prayers in congregation. (6)

Also, Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-Mughni (1/366):

“The one who is afraid is excused for not praying in congregation or praying Jumu’ah, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘Valid excuses are fear and sickness.‘ Fear is of three types: fear for oneself, fear for one’s wealth or property, and fear for one’s family.”

This is extremely important and we see the basis of this in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over 1400 years ago, before science could ever tell us in this much detail anything along these lines.

The prophetic teachings also taught us what to do the instance that a plague or a virus breaks out. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

If you get wind of the outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; and if it breaks out in a land in which you are, do not leave it.”    [Riyad as-Salihin](7)

To Conclude,

    If the people followed the teachings of Islam, it wouldn’t have escaped past the area where it was. So, we find that Islam gave us all what we need in any circumstances and this rule is for every illness. This happened when nobody knew about this whole phenomenon of a virus transmitting from one person to another and what exactly takes place. Isn’t it time to consider embracing Islam!?

Coronavirus: No Refuge but God

 Coronavirus, The Creator Allah, Break The Chains, God’s Mercy Jehad Adel

If you are here in search for a materialistic or medical therapy for Coronavirus, I am sorry to say that this article will be odd for you. I am not a doctor or a scientist, but for sure I wish them success in their research to combat the virus. Indeed, this piece of writing aims at something deeper. It directly goes to speak with your soul, your common sense. Let’s discover together why there is no refuge but God.

Coronavirus in Context

There is a big difference between someone who puts the virus in its right context, and another one who doesn’t. In fact, it is so difficult for anyone to realize the huge laws controlling the universe, on his own. However, the nature of man is arrogance. He is so weak, but so arrogant. Everything around us says there must be a Creator for this universe. Coronavirus comes to tell us there is no time for arrogance. Rather, it is time to uncover the truth inside everyone… There is a Creator; there must be a Day of Judgment.

Actually, your common sense shouts at you to accept that, however you try to cover that. Let’s suppose that there is nothing after this life and there is no Creator. Then, why are you so terrified by the spread of Coronavirus? In other words, why are you afraid of death? If you think that death is the end of every trial you face, why are you escaping from it?

I think it is more rational to relieve your common sense, and to start to deal with this ultimate truth. Then, you can put Coronavirus in its context.

Coronavirus is Nothing but Creation

Let’s face it, there is only one God for this universe; Allah the Almighty. He creates and will create everything in this universe. Thus, Coronavirus is one of His creation, same like me and you. The only solution is to ask Him guidance and support. Yes, scientists might find a solution sooner or later. Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) says that:

Allah does not send down any disease, but He also sends down the cure for it.”  [Sunan Ibn Majah] (1)

However, there is no guarantee for the occurrence of a similar incident with a different virus!

Coronavirus: Not the First Story

Coronavirus isn’t the first strange virus, and it won’t be the last. Over history, there were similar incidents. For example: Allah (Only One God) tells us in His book, the Qur’an, a story about a similar event.

Allah the Almighty says:

Have you not considered those who left their homes in many thousands, fearing death? Allah said to them, “Die”; then He restored them to life. And Allah is full of bounty to the people, but most of the people do not show gratitude.”   [Qur’an 2 – 243] (2)

That large group escaped out of a pandemic or something similar, seeking refuge. However, Allah’s effective order is above everything. He is the Almighty. He made them alive again as a miracle, whether by the supplication of a Messenger at their time or something else.

God’s Attributes

This leads us to speak about Allah’s attributes. He is the Most Merciful, Wise, Affectionate, Almighty and a lot more. We are certain that this condition will end, God willing. But what about the lesson or the message behind it? Do we get it? Also, do we realize that this life is just a test, and it has a Creator? Everyone’s result for this test will be according to his/her deeds. None will bear the burden of another.

Coronavirus: No Refuge but God

Moreover, they believe that praying is something essential as a relation with the Creator, at any time, not only that of hardship. So, they generally believe that there is no refuge but God. Thus, of course in such hardships, they put all their trust in Him while taking all usual worldly means. Furthermore, they believe that this life is not the end, so they try to look at the overall picture.

In short, a true Muslim is always satisfied with his/her live, regardless of all its ups & downs. Actually, a new study shows that “Muslims have the greatest score of life satisfaction”. (3)

Qur’an is the message of Allah the Almighty to the people. It has a significance and hint for everything that man needs. I invite you to start reading it.


To conclude, it’s now time to revert to Islam. The pure message of God, where you’re directly connected with your Creator, Sustainer, Provider & Protector without any intermediates. The simplest message that best suits human nature & doesn’t contradict with common logic.

This is very easy, just say these words: Ashhadu Alla eIlaha eIla Allah Wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan Rasolullah (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah). Congratulations! You are Muslim. As simple as that. Also, you can have [one to one conversation] with our team if you have any questions related to Islam. Be a Muslim, win your life twice!

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