Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessing upon him) said,
Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.” (Hadith) (1)
Whoever researches the Quran and the authentic Sunnah will enumerate them, as follows:
Meaning of the name Name
The one whom all acts of worship belong to, and He is the only one who deserves to be worshipped by all of His creation. They submit, surrender, bow, and prostrate to Him, and all forms of worship are due to Him. (Allah)
The All-Comprehensive in Mercy, Beneficient, Benevolent: A name that indicates the great expansion of His Mercy which is comprehensive for all of his creation. It is a name that is specific for Him and it is forbidden for anyone else to be. (Ar-Rahman)
The Most Merciful: The one who is merciful and forgives the believers in this life and the hereafter with paradise. (Ar-Raheem)
The Pardoner, the Effacer of Sins: The one who removes the sins and overlooks them. He does not punish His servants even when they deserved to be punished. (Al- Afuwu)
The All Forgiving: The one who conceals the sins of His servants. He doesn’t expose them or punish them for their sins. (Al-Ghafoor)
The Most Forgiving: A name that indicates the great forgiveness of Allah for His servants who ask for forgiveness. (Al-Ghaffaar)
The Compassionate; the All Pitying: This name is from compassion. It is the highest level of mercy. It is for all of the creation in this life and only for the believers in the hereafter. (Al- Ra’oof)
The Forbearing; Relenting; Indulgent: The one who does not haste to punish his servants even though He is capable of doing so. He pardons them and forgives them. He forgives their sins if they ask for His forgiveness. (Al-Haleem)
The One who Accepts those who repent: The one who guides whom He wishes from His servants to repent and accepts their repentance. (At-Tawwaab)
The Concealer: The one who conceals the sins of His servants and does not expose them in front of His creation. He loves His servants to conceal their faults from others. He also likes them to cover their private parts. (As-Sitteer)
The All Rich; the Entirely Independent, The Self-Sufficient: The one who does not need any of His creation. This is because He and His attributes are perfect. All of the creation is in need of Him, His favors and aid. (Al-Ghani)
The Generous; Gracious; Noble: The one who gives plenty. He gives to whom He wills and what He wills whether they ask or not. He pardons people and conceals their faults. (Al-Kareem)
The Most Noble; Generous: The one who is tremendously generous. There is no one similar to Him in that, and all good comes from Him. He rewards the believers in His favor. He does not hasten to punish those who turn away and He reckons them with justice. (Al-Akram)
The Giver; Bestower: The one who gives plenty without any return. He gives without any reason and provides without being asked. (Al-Wahhaab)
The Generous Giver; Bestower of Good: The one who gives so much to His creation due to His generosity. The believers get the greater portion of His favors and generosity. (Al- Jawaad)
The Giver; Bestower: The one who gives whatever He wills of His treasures to whom He wills. His servants get the best portion of them. And He is the one who gave everything its form of creation. (Al- Mu’ti)
The Vast; the all Encompassing; All Sufficient: The one who is Vast with respect to His attributes so that none can enumerate His praise. He is Vast in His grandeur and authority, Vast in bestowing His mercy and forgiveness and Vast in His good and favors. (Al- Waase’)
The Excellent; Good: The one who has great excellence with regard to His essence, names, attributes, and actions. He created everything in a perfect manner. Also, He is good to His creation. (Al-Muhsin)
The provider; Sustainer: The one who provides for all of the creation. He decreed their provision before He created the world, and took the responsibility of their provision. (Ar-Raaziq)
The provider; Sustainer: A name that indicates His great provision for his creature. He provides for them before they even ask Him. He even provides for them while they disobey Him. (Ar-Razzaaq)
The subtle; the Kind: The one who knows even the small and detailed matter. Nothing is hidden from Him. He gives His servants good and beneficial things through ways they don’t expect. (Al-Lateef)
The All Aware: The one whose knowledge encompasses the hidden and inward things just like the outwards ones. (Al-Khabeer)
The Opener: The one who opens what He wills of the treasures of His dominion, mercy, and provision. He does it in accordance with His knowledge and wisdom. (Al-Fattaah)
The All Knowing; the Omniscient: The one whose knowledge encompasses the outward and hidden matters, the open and secret, the past, present, and future. Nothing is hidden from Him. (Al-Aleem)
The Most Kind and Righteous: The one who is vast in bestowing good upon His creation. None can enumerate His favor. He fulfills His promises, pardons His servants, protects, and supports them. He accepts the little from them and makes it grow. (Al-Barr)
The Wise: The one who puts things in their right place. There are no mistakes or imperfections in His arrangement. (Al-Hakeem)
The Judge; The Ruler; The Legislator: The one who judges between His creation with justice and does not oppress anyone. He sent down His book to rule people. (Al-Hakam)
The Bestower of the Reward for Good; Grateful; Thankful: The one who praises those who obey Him. He rewards them for doing good deeds even if they were not much. He rewards those who are grateful for His favors by giving them more in this life and rewarding them in the Hereafter. (Ash-Shaakir)
The Grateful; The Thankful; The Appreciative: The one who makes the small quantity of action grows, and multiplies His servant’s reward. He appreciates His servants by rewarding them for thanking Him and accepting their acts of worship. (Ash-Shakoor)
The beautiful: The one who is beautiful with regard to His essence, names, attributes, and actions. And any beauty in His creation is from Him. (Al-Jameel)
The Majestic; Glorious: He has the pride, honor, might, and loftiness in the heavens and earth. Al-Majeed
The modest: The one who is Modest in a manner befitting Him. His modesty is modesty with generosity, goodness, and majesty. (Al-Hayiy)
The Eternally Living: The one who has a complete and ongoing life, which has no beginning neither does it have an ending. Any life that exists is from the effect of His life. (Al- Hayy)
The self Subsisting; Sustainer of All: The one who is Self subsisting and is not in need of His creation. He is the Sustainer of everything that’s in the heavens and earth, and all of them need Him. (Al-Qayyoom)
The Heir, the Inheritor of All: The one who remains after the creatures perish. Everything goes back to Him after their inhabitant perish. Everything in our hands is a trust that will go back one day to Allah, the owner of it. (Al-Waarith)
The Dominant; King: The one that the creation has surrendered and submitted to. He rewards His servants for their actions. If they are good, He multiples them, and if they are bad He punishes them or pardons them. (Ad-Dayyaan)
The King; The Sovereign: The one who directs the affairs to do with His command, prohibition, and conquest. He manages the affairs of His creation by His commands and actions. None has any favor over Him for establishing His dominion or managing it. (Al-Malik)
The Owner; Master: The one who deserved to own His dominion from the beginning. To Him belonged everything when He first created, for there was not anyone except Him. And everything will belong to Him at the end when everything perishes. (Al-Maalik)
The Owner; Master: An attribute that indicates His unrestricted ownership. Its meaning is greater than Al- Maalik. (Al- Maleek)
The Glorious: The one who is far from every fault and imperfection, for His attributes and beauty are in the most perfect manner. (As- Subbooh )
The Most Holy and Exalted: The one who is free and pure from all imperfections and defects in all aspects, for He is the only one who is described with the most perfect description. Nothing can be compared to Him. (Al-Quddoos)
The Peace and Blessing; Giver of peace and security: The one who is free from every deficiency or blame with respect to His essence, names, attributes, and actions. Any peace in this world or the hereafter is from Him. (Al-Salam)
The Truth; The Reality: The one who there is no doubt about Him, not in His names and attributes, nor in His Oneness. None other than Him deserves to be worshipped. (Al-Haqq)
The clear and self Evident: The one whose oneness, wisdom and mercy are clear. Furthermore, He made the way of guidance clear for His servants to follow, and made the ways of darkness clear for them to avoid. (Al-Mubeen)
The Most Powerful; Strong: The one who has the greatest power with a complete will. (Al-Qawiy)
The Firm; Strong; Steadfast: The one who is great in His power and ability. Moreover, He is not subjected to any tiredness or hardship after His actions. (Al-Mateen)
The All Able: The one who is cable of doing anything. Nothing in the heavens or on earth can cause failure for Him, and He decreed everything. (Al-Qaadir)
The capable; the Able: It is similar to ” Al-Qaadir” except that it is more praiseworthy of Allah. (Al-Qadeer)
The All Determiner; Dominant: A name that indicates the extreme ability of Allah to bring into being and create what he decreed, in accordance with His previous knowledge. (Al-Muqtadir)
The Most High and Exalted: The one whom highness in status, power and essence belong to Him. Everything is under His control and authority, and nothing is ever above Him. (Al-A’laa)– (Al-‘Aliyy)
The Self Exalted: The one whose transcendence everyone submits to. Nothing at all is above Him. Rather everything is under His might and authority. (Al-Muta’aal)
The Expediter; The one who brings forward: The one who forwards things and puts them in the right place in accordance with His will and wisdom. He prefers some of His creation over others in accordance with His knowledge and out of grace. (Al-Muqaddim)
The Delayer; The one who holds back: The one who puts things in their correct order. (Al-Mu’akhkhir)
The Restrainer: Constrictor; Restrictor; Taker: The one who takes the souls and holds back the provision from whom He wills. All of this is in accordance with His wisdom as a test for people. (Al-Qaabid)
The Expander; Munificent; Magnanimous: The one who provides to whom He wills of His servants due to His generosity and mercy. He does that to test them in accordance with His wisdom. He opens his hands for His servants to repent. (Al-Baasit)
The First: The one that was nothing before Him. All the creation came into existence, by Him creating them. There is no beginning to His existence. (Al-Awwal)
The manifest; The All Victorious: The one who is High above everything, nothing is higher than Him. He has control over everything and encompasses it. (Az-Thahir)
The Hidden: The one who is nothing beyond Him. He is Close and can’t be seen by His creation in this world. (Al-Baatin)
The one: The one who deserves to be worshipped alone without any associates. Nothing is similar to Him. (Al-Witr)
The Master; Owner; Noble: The one who has complete ownership of His creatures. He is their Lord and Owner, and they are His creatures and servants. (As-Sayyid)
The Perfect in Everything; the Self Sufficient; the Eternally Besought of All; The Everlasting: The one who is the Master in the most perfect manner. The whole of the creation relies on Him with regard to their needs, due to their great need of Him. He feeds and He is not fed. (As-Samad)
The one; Singular: The one who is singled out with all aspects of perfection such as nothing else shares with Him these aspects, and no one is similar to Him. This necessitates that He is to be worshipped alone without anyone. (Al-Waahid)
The Protecting Lord; Patron and Helper: The one who looks over the affairs of His creation and arranges His dominion. He is the helper and supporter of His servants. (Al-Waliy)
The All Praiseworthy: The one who is praised for His names, attributes, and actions. He is the one to be thankful to in times of ease and times of hardship. He is the one who always deserves to be thanked due to His perfect attributes. (Al-Hameed)
The Protecting Lord; Patron, and Helper: The one who is the Lord, Kind, Master, supporter, and helper to His servants. (Al-Maula)
The Giver of Aid: The one who assists with victory whom He wills. Thus, no one can defeat whom He assists and no one can help whom he abandons. (An-Naseer)
The All Hearing: The one whose hearing encompasses all that which is secret or public, rather all sounds regardless of whether they were great or minute. And He is the one who answers those who call upon Him. (As-Samee’)
The All Seeing: The one whose sight encompasses everything visible or unseen world, whether it is hidden or apparent, and whether it is great or minute. (Al-Baseer)
The Witness; Testifier: The one who looks over His creation. He witnessed for Himself that none has the right to be worshipped except Him and that He maintains (His creation) with justice. Also, He witnesses for the believers, His angles, and messengers that they are truthful in their belief if they worship Him alone. (Ash-Shaheed)
The Watchful: The one who watches over His servants, and enumerates their deeds. Thus, neither a glance nor a thought passes without Him knowing. (Al-Raqeeb)
The Gentle; Companion; Lord: The one who is compassionate with respect to His actions. He, the Exalted, is patient and gradually creates and orders. He treats His servants with kindness and leniency, for He doesn’t burden them with what they can’t bear. Thus, He, the Exalted, loves His kind servants. (Ar-Rafeeq)
The Close One: The one who is close to everyone with respect to His knowledge and power. Moreover, He is close to His believing servants with respect to His kindness and mercy. With all of this, He is still above His throne and doesn’t mix with His creation. (Al-Qareeb)
The Answerer: The Responsive; the one who answers the supplication of those who call on Him in accordance with His knowledge and wisdom. (Al-Mujeeb)
The Reckoner: The one who is sufficient for His servants in everything that worries them from the matters of this world or the Hereafter. The believers get the most of His support, and He will call them to be accounted for what they did in this world. (Al-Haseeb)
The Bestower of Security; Guarantor: He is the one who confirmed the truthfulness of His messengers and their followers by testifying to their truthfulness and giving them proofs for it. All security in this life and the Hereafter is from Him. Also, He will secure the believers from being oppressed, punished or terrified on the Day of Judgment. (Al-Mu’min)
The Gracious; Benefactor: The one who gives and provides much. Furthermore, He gives so much good to His creation. (Al-Mannaan)
The Good and Pure: The one who is pure and free from all imperfections and faults. He is perfect in all aspects, and He does so much good for His creation. He only accepts from their actions and charity what’s good, permissible, and sincere for Him. (Al-Tayyib)
The Curer; Granter of Health: The one who cures the hearts and bodies of their sicknesses. There are no medications in the hands of His servants except what He made possible for them. As for the cure, it is only in His hands. (Ash-Shaafiy)
The protector; Preserve; Guardian: The one who protects and preserves His believers and their actions out of His Kindness. Also, He protects and looks after His creatures with His power. (Al-Hafeez)
The Trustee; Dependable; Trustworthy: The one who tools the responsibility to arrange the affairs of the worlds. He is responsible for bringing His creation into existence and for their provision. The believers rely on Him before they do anything. They ask Him His help when they seek wealth, and thank Him after being successful. And they are satisfied with what He gives them after testing them. (Al-Wakeel)
The Creator: The one who created all the creation in a manner that never happened before. (Al-Khallaaq)
The Originator; Maker: The one who brought into existence what He decreed and chose from His creation. (The Bari)
The Fashioner of Forms and Shapes; Shaper: The one who shaped His creation the way He chose in accordance with His knowledge, wisdom, and mercy. (Al-Musawwir)
The Lord; Master: The one who brings up His creatures with His favors little by little. He nurtures His servants with what rectifies their hearts. He is the Creator, Owner, and Master. (Al-Rabb)
The Most Magnificent: The one who is greater than anything with regard to His essence, names, and attributes. This is why it is an obligation upon all the creation to exalt and glorify Him. They must glorify His orders and prohibitions. (Al-Atheem)
The All Compelling; the Conqueror; Subduer: It is similar to Al-Qaahir but has a stronger meaning. (Al-Qahhaar)
The Guardian; Preserver; Ever watching: The one who is Sustainer. The one who looks after everything, preserves, and encompasses it. Al-Muhaymin
The Almighty: All aspects of might and honor belong to Him. He is Might in Strength; no one can overcome Him. He is Might in prevention; thus, He does not need anyone. He is Might in conquest and compel; nothing moves without His permission. (Al-Azeez)
The Compeller; The Restorer: The one whose will is implemented. All of the creation is under His power, submitted to His greatness, and follow His ruling. He cures broken hearts, enriches the poor, makes hardships easy and cures the sick. (Al-Jabbar)
The Majestic in His Greatness; Supreme: The one who is Great, and above all imperfections, evil and oppressing of His servants. He compels His proud servants. He is described as being Supreme, and whoever claims to be so will be punished and broken. (Al-Mutakabbir)
The Great: The one who is Great with respect to His essence, attributes, and actions. Nothing is greater than Him, and everything other than Him is small with respect to His greatness and loftiness. (Al-Kabeer)
I am usually curious about the unknown area of my life. A bulk of questions emerges every now and then. Shall I lead a happy life till the end? Am I going to be a successful wife and mother? What about my beloved people; parents, brothers, family, friends, and others? Will they be with me whenever I need them, or will some of them pass on? And on top of all, what about my death moment and after death? Shall I survive or not?
Belief in Ever-Preserving Equals Ease
To begin with, Islam helps me to find the answer to the big questions I face; why am I here, and what will happen after death and others? However, like others, continuous issues are emerging in my everyday life that need detailed knowledge. One of the useful knowledge is knowing the Names and Attributes of Allah (only one God). He is The Ever Preserving. He preserves man’s provision, life, religion and deeds.
First of all, knowing that Allah arranges for the provision, life and death moment of everyone keeps the mind away from imagining different scenarios. Allah says in Qur’an (His book):
For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron.” [Quran: 13-11](1)
Hence, as a Muslim, I should adopt means to reach the desired end. At the same time, I have to believe in Allah’s Ability and Destiny. Indeed, a strong belief in this concept will lead me not to regret anything I lose or didn’t reach.
Secondly, Allah’s Preservation includes also a man’s deeds and words. There are two angels for every person to record his words and actions. Thus, this knowledge will help me to purify myself and to be patient if I face any kind of injustice in case I was not able to take my right here. To illustrate, when an oppressed person knows that everything is recorded and he will take his right in the Hereafter, this could bring hope and ease.
The Ever-Preserving: Unique Concept of God in Islam
Adding to the ease resulting from Allah’s way to control provisions and deeds, a concept of the Creator in Islam is rational and unique. Actually, I first reflected on this after hearing that from a new revert to Islam. Allah is out limited by time or place. He is characterized by noble attributes. To illustrate, He never oppresses any creature. He is never deceived or turned to be like any of His creation.
Indeed, none can describe Allah better than Himself. Allah the Almighty says in His book:
Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.” [Qur’an: 2-255] (2)
The Ever-Preserving & My Parents: Comparison & Contrast
In a simple way to understand Allah’s uniqueness, I chose the most sincere relation on earth: daughter and parents. I know that my parents truly love the best for me, even if they show something else. When I was a child, my parents provided me with everything they can to see my smile. However, my parents are humans; hence, they are limited, weak and needy. To illustrate, if I feel tired, they can sympathize with me, help me to go to a professional doctor, take care of me, and that’s it. They can’t cure me. Furthermore, if I can’t express myself they won’t help. Maybe they can guess, but nothing is guaranteed.
Also, my parents are not experts in everything. Sometimes they harm me out of inexperience. Adding to that, I can’t find them all the time. In general, nothing is guaranteed with a person, as he/she is just created.
On the other hand, Allah the Almighty is my Creator. He knows the secrets of my soul, intentions and deeds. Indeed, He knows my past, present and future. Not only is He a Creator, but also He is the Guide, the Gentle, and the Compassionate.
Allah says in Qur’an:
… And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.” [Qur’an: 65-3] (3)
To conclude, to be a Muslim is to be consistent with your common sense and reach true happiness. Keep in contact with your Creator directly and ask Him for what you need; serenity matters!
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