The Muslim’s Treasure The Virtue of Giving Da’wah
Written by: Jotiar Bamarni
Translated by: Mahmoud Osman, Celeste Yarrell, and Imaan Muhammad
Rights of the publications to every Muslim:
May Allah have mercy upon those who publish, copy, translate, or circulate the means of obtaining this work. May Allah the most high grant much good, greatness, and steadfasteness upon Islam and the Sunnah.
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Second Edition 2019
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You are a candidate to be one of the callers to the way of Islam (Da’aees)
Nothing motivates one to take action in calling to the way of Allah may he be exalted like having the desire in your heart to spread goodness, and you have already achieved a big part of that with proof by beginning to read this book. So, now you are nominated to become a caller in the way of Allah and the possibility that thousands, no rather millions become Muslims due to your Da’wah. If you have the desire in your heart to please Allah and the strong desire to strive in the way of Allah..for who? Picture you are calling to the way of Allah and not to self or a party or a group or a sheikh or business. For, it is a great gain with Allah and there are only profits and no losses.
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And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone). [51:56] Reflect in this great verse...
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The First Priorities
Bismillah and Alhamdulillah and peace and blessings be upon Muhammad.
One of the most important priorities in our time is to increase the number of callers, those who call Muslims to align on the straight path and calling Non-Muslims to Islam. We can give them the keys and skills and give them the avenues to call to Islam. The acceptance of the youth to good (khair) and leading them towards Tawbah and the desire to sacrifice for the sake of Allah. With all the Khyar in the world, there are people who don’t understand the true value of Da’wah and they deny themselves from high status and noble honor.
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Unfortunately, lots of righteous people busy themselves and evade the responsibility of spreading the Deen. One of the goals of this booklet is to make the righteous people and righteous doers by the permission of Allah and help them impact the community, and we must pause and re-evaluate ourselves before moving forward and it's too late.
So, I would love to inspire with the remembrance of the virtues of calling to the way of Allah and for mankind to strive in this field and have the ability to achieve in ranking with Allah. We must begin to take strides in spreading this Deen and spreading this Deen to all horizons upon the correct understanding of Islam.
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I would like to address and point attention to the idea that each and everyone of us should plan to teach and support a group of youth to carry the responsibility that falls on their shoulders. So, we are in great need to cooperate on Birr and Taqwa, reaching the highest levels of Khayr. Peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad and his leadership.
May Allah forgive him and his parents.
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The Honor of this Ummah
All praise due to Allah that made Da’wah the honor of this Ummah and that is the job of the Ummah of Muhammad Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him for it is an obligation upon everyone in this Ummah, man and woman, wealthy and poor particularly; because Da’wah to Non-Muslims is what solves the big problem, the problem of polythesim and shirk in humanity, and if this problem is solved other problems are solved easily and peace would spread through out humanity.
Allah says in the Quran:”You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah .” (3:110)
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And if you really know the virtue of Da’wah and callers to Islam and their great station that the Almighty Allah has promised them and with it and what is prepared for them from good deeds, rewards, and a high status, you would leave the Dunya and what it is in it to pursue this noble goal and you would regret every breath you took not spreading the Deen. Every breath you take and every perspiration that exits from your body that is used in the disobedience of Allah will come out as regret and sadness; because on the day of judgement; the few trivial days of the Dunya are few and numbered and it is nothing compared to the millions of years we will spend in the Akhira in either Jannah or hellfire. It is nothing compared to the bliss of Jannah, that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard or no one can imagine.
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The global equation to prepare the number of Daa’ees we need
There are more than 8 billion people on earth? How many Daa’ees do we need?
The United Nations report indicates it expects the world population to increase from 7 billion people to eight and a half billion people by the year 2030 , and the population will increase to 10 billion by the year 2050 .
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So, the global average goes as such: one doctor for every 400 people or close to that , and if we take the same percentage for each Da’aeeah this means we need about 20 million Daa’ees by the year 2030!!, so, the integrity of the bodies in this world does not come before the integrity of bodies and souls in this Dunya and the Akhirah.
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Write down everything you know regarding the virtue of Da’wah. The goal of this exercise: is to strengthen our mind regarding the virtue of Da’wah, and how to convey this idea to others via discussions, giving lectures or conferences.
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The virtue of callers to Islam
Because they spread Khayr and carry out the same mission of the Prophets and Messengers; Daa’ees are absolutely the best of this nation, and there is no speech better than their speech. Allah says in the Quran: ``And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims.(41:33)" Allah says in the Quran: “You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah .” (3:110). “Those are the Muflihoon'', “Allah will have mercy on them.”
Their reward is continuous; and their blessing is everlasting, the Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings be Upon Him said: “Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to those who follow him, without detracting from their rewards at all.” Narrated by Muslim.
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And by Allah we can’t afford to miss this blessing, Allah will uphold his religion and does not need us. Tamim al-Dari reported: The Messenger of Allah Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him, said, “This matter will certainly reach every place touched by the night and day. Allah will not leave a house or residence but that Allah will cause this religion to enter it…”
Da’wah to Allah means calling to goodness and that which is upright and to be steadfast upon The Deen of the one who deserves to be worshipped. For, he is the sustainer and the coordinator of all affairs, and the intent of calling Non-Muslims to Islam and calling the Muslims that are disobidient, the heedless having no connection with Allah, those related to other than Allah, to obey Allah and remind them of his promises of Jannah and Jahannam and to spread goodness and the beauty and value of Islam.
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This responsibility is one of the most glorified of duties and it’s more noble due to what it contains of reward and virtuous favor. The call to Da’wah to Allah and Its blessings are far greater than what is mentioned or described in these booklets, lectures or conferences but as a reminder, we touch on some of them:
So, let us think and reflect on the verses of the Quran and the Ahaadeeth about the merits of the virtuous call to Allah as if we are hearing it for the first time...
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2). Da’wah was the mission of the Prophets and Messengers
Da’wah has a high station as it was the honor of the Prophets and Messengers. May Allah be pleased with them, Allah selected this nation from all his nations and gave it the crown of the Prophets, which is Da’wah.
The callers to Allah are those who follow the way of Ibrahim, Nuh, Mousa, Isaa and Muhammad peace be upon him them and they act as a Khalifa on their behalf, calling people to believe what they believed in and spreading their message:”Worship Allah, you do not have a God besides him”, and to walk in their paths, and reaching this high ranking is precious and worth it.
Allah says in the Quran:”Say, "This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. (12:108)
Alkalbi commented on this verse saying, ”It is mandatory for everyone that followed him (may prayers and peace be upon him) to call for what he called” .
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Now that we have established it to be the greatest of all occupations, do you hope or wish for it?
Would you have the greatest job? The choice is yours, if you said yes, you have won a great victory, by the permission of Allah, so be patient and patient with this task if you choose to pursue this occupation then you have won a great reward with Allah.
It is the most honourable position for a servant of Allah. It is the occupation of Prophets and Messengers. Allah says in the Quran: “And We sent not before you any messenger except that We revealed to him that, "There is no deity except Me, so worship Me." (21:25)
Sheik As-Sa’di May Allah have mercy on him commented on this verse saying: ”All the Messengers before you with their books and messanges the command to worship Allah with no partners is singular. Making clear that he is the only one deserving of worship and worship besides him is falsehood.
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And that the Da’wah ties and paves the creation to the creator, and this is the most honorable and noble of deeds because you are helping strengthen the relationship between them and their creator. This is one of the most noble of occupations.
So, what is your share in this my beloved brother and sister? What have you brought forth of good deeds? And Congratulations to whoever pursues this goal.
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3). Da’wah is the best of actions and speech
Allah says in the Quran: “And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says: indeed, I am of the Muslims. (41:33)"
Sheikh As-Sa’di May Allah have mercy on him commented on this verse saying: “The question is one of constant deniability, i.e there is no one with better speech in all forms of Da’wah to Allah from teaching the ignorant to advising the headless and debating the deniers and being resilient and staying away from what Allah commanded him to stay away from.
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This is the true way of calling to Islam and debating it’s enemies with that which is best and rejecting it’s opposition from disbelief and Shirk and enjoining the good and forbidding the evil.
Hasan Al- Basri (rahimahullah) recited the verse, ‘Whose speech can be better than the one who calls to Allah, who performs righteous deeds and says, ‘I am from the Muslims’ (Surah Fussilat, Verse: 33) and then said:
“This person is the beloved of Allah, the friend of Allah, the chosen one of Allah, the most beloved of all those on earth to Allah. He has answered Allah’s call, and has invited the people what he has responded to . He has done good in answering Allah and has declared that he is from among the Muslims, [and therefore he is] the Khalifa of Allah”
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4). The great reward and blessing for Da’wah
One of the rewards of Da’wah is immense Ajr because the Da’aee leads people to the truth and shows the people their creator and removes them from what angers him. Allah may he be exalted loves with and rewards for this. It was narrated in Bukhair and Muslim that the Prophet peace be upon him said to Ali May Allah be pleased with him: "By Allah, if a single person is guided by Allah through you, it will be better for you than a whole lot of red camels." and that encompaes the Da’wah to Muslims and Non-Muslims. So, who is searching for that high position?
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5). Allah’s mercy upon the callers to Islam
Da’wah is one of the reasons for Allah’s mercy: Allah says in the Quran: ”The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.” (9:71)
Take a look at how Allah granted mercy to those who carry these traits.
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6). By calling and enjoining the good and forbidding evil our Ummah became the best of Ummahs.
Allah says in the Quran: " Allah says in the Quran:”You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah .” (3:110)
Ibn Kathir may Allah have mercy on him, commented on this verse saying: “Whoever from this Ummah has these qualities then they are to be praised in this verse.”
Omar Ibn Al- Khatab May Allah pleased with him said regarding this verse: “Whoever would be happy to be from this Ummah then let him fulfill the conditions Allah stated in there” and whoever does not these qualities are like the people of the book where Allah describes them in the Quran as: ”They used not to prevent one another from wrongdoing that they did. How wretched was that which they were doing.(5:79)”
Mujahid said: ”You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind” only under the conditions mentioned in the verse regarding enjoining the good and forbidding evil and believing in Allah.
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Of the rules mentioned in the verse. (Al-Imran-110)
The rules mentioned in the verse are the commandment of enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong and the belief in Allah, and in this verse, this Ummah praised and established and characterized it.
Al-Imaam Qurtubi said: “If they leave the change and collude with evil the praised name is removed from them and the name of defamation followed them and that was a way to destroy them.”
The scholars say: enjoining the good and forbidding what is evil is of Imaan, and Imaan in Allah is restricted to those who believe. The one who enjoins what is good and forbids what is evil is a believer and his faith transgresses the good and he spreads what he believes in and this was presented to other believers.
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Callers to Islam are the best of people. It is sufficent that the Daa’ee lives for Islam and is a Khalifa for the Prophets and does not live an aimless, empty life.
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7). Success in the Dunya and Akhirah
Da’wah is a reason for success in the Dunya and Akhira.
And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful.(3:104)
Da’wah is a reason for spreading knowledge due to the verse above.
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Allah holds you steadfast upon the Deen:
Da’wah is one of the causes to be steadfast upon the religion, may every man who joins the caravan of Da’wah rejoice in that Allah may hold him steadfast upon the religion giving him the strength and ability to do so. This is something that we can observe with our great scholars, and you can read about the stories of Ahmed ibn Hanbal and how he served the Deen on the day of Fitnah. His reward was that Allah allowed him to be steadfast and not to waiver in the face of adversity, jail and being whipped.
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Sheik Al-Islam ibn Taymiyah served the Deen by his books that replied to the people of false idealogoies and he spread the deen by spreading his knowledge throughout his many books. His reward was that Allah allowed him to be steadfast while he was imprisoned. They are the most steadfast people in their religion throughout the times and the changing of conditions and in the roughest countries.
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The righteous Daee balances between worship and Da’wah and between knowledge, action and teaching. He must learn to give everyone of these things its rights and what they deserve from time, effort, wealth and importance.
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9). Allah is suffice in taking care of your affairs
Allah will ease your affairs in the Dunya, for that the more effort you put into Da’wah the easier Allah makes your worldly affairs and religious affairs, because you are living for the sake of Allah and not yourself and this is the epitome of sacrifice. You will notice if you are sincere how easy and simple your life becomes. Perhaps you remember the saying of the wife of Al-Sameet (while she was in a scary place in Africa) and she says “ O’Abdelrahman, is our happiness like the happiness of the people of Jannah now” get your family used to sacrifice and working hard for Allah’s Deen.
It is sacrificed for the sake of Allah so what have we prepared for?
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10). The sweetness of life
By making Da’wah you gain comfort in the heart
Do you find sweetness in life? If not hurry and get into Da’wah and not a day will pass without you feeling alive and with extreme ease in your heart and you will regret days that passed.
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11). Escaping failure
Callers to Allah are the winners the day people lose, and they are happy the day people are sad.
Da’wah is a way to escape the loss that Allah mentions in Surah Al-Asr:”By time,Indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.”
Know that Allah has removed loss from whoever believes and does righteous deeds and advises people and works with them to uplift themselves onto the right path and call to that path and be patient during his calling.
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12). The continuance of your good deeds after your death
Da’wah is one of the biggest reasons for increasing righteous deeds and continuing upon them. “Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to those who follow him, without detracting from their rewards at all.” Narrated by Muslim.
The effects of Da’wah lasts for the Muslim after his death and even while he sleeps. Imagine ten people benefit from a lecture you gave or a cassette you gave them or a book you gifted them. How many good deeds did you spread between them and their family members and oth'wah is an easy way to earn rewards.
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Those rewards last after your death and everyone that you guided them to praying and remembering Allah and fasting and giving charity are on their scales on the day of judgment and on your scales as well without decreasing from their reward at all. This is the most lucrative of trades, are there any takers?
The successful merchant is the one that maximizes his profits in the shortest time, the intelligent believer who wants good deeds and high stations in the hereafter should do the same so that he can achieve that through Da’wah that continuously multiplies.
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The believers who strive for the hereafter are divided into two parts:
The First: Concerns himself with worship only and his deeds are cut off when he dies and his book is closed.
The Second: Concerns himself with worship and Da’wah and teaching Allah’s commandments and being kind to the creation.
He is in a higher status and his deeds are continuous and his book stays open and filled with Ajr everyday.
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13). Da’wah is a reason for Allah’s love
Question: Who are the most beloved people to Allah?
Da’wah is a reason for Allah’s love, as the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said ““The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to people.”Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani.
The greatest benefit to people is guiding them to paradise, helping them correct their beliefs and deen. Purifying their manners and raising their level of Imaan.
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14). Allah loves the good doers
Allah says in the Quran:”And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.”(2:195).
If you know how much reward there is for feeding a person, then what do you think the reward is for nourishing their hearts by increasing their Imaan, and that will be a reason for them to enter Jannah?
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15). Reason to save people from hellfire
The number one goal of callers to Islam is to prevent the people from entering the hellfire, and the greatest of all callers to Islam, Muhammad peace be upon said: "My example and the example of the people is that of a man who made a fire, and when it lit what was around it, moths and other insects started falling into the fire. The man tried (his best) to prevent them, (from falling in the fire) but they overpowered him and rushed into the fire. The Prophet (ﷺ) added: Now, similarly, I take hold of the knots at your waist (belts) to prevent you from falling into the Fire, but you insist on falling into it."(Bukhari)
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16). Praise of Allah and the angels seeking forgivness for the callers of Islam.
Imagine with me, Da’wah being one of the reasons for Allah’s praise and the angels seeking forgiveness on your behalf. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: “Allah, His angels, the inhabitants of the heavens and earth, even the ant in its hole and the fish (in water) supplicate in favour of those who teach people knowledge. "[At-Tirmidhi].
Da’wah for the sake of Allah encompasses good deeds, reward and virtue. I feel a deep sorrow for the man that misses this opportunity.
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17). Winning the Dua of the Prophet peace be upon him
Da’wah is an example of the Prophet peace be upon him, The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Convey from me, even a single verse. (Bukhari)
And whoever upholds his Sunnah the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, may Allah bless him like he says in the Hadith: “May Allah cause his face to shine, the man who hears a Hadith from us and conveys it, for perhaps the one to whom it is conveyed may remember it better than the one who (first) hears it." (Tirmidhi)
Ibn Al- Qayyim May Allah have mercy on reported: “The Prophet peace be upon him said: “Convey from me even if it is one verse.” He also made Dua for people who conveyed about him. The Prophet’s Sunnah reaching the Ummah is better than the arrow reaching the throat of the enemy because many people can be marksmen with an arrow. As far as letting the sunnah spread only a few people can do that because it is the inheritance of Prophets and their Khulafa in their nations, May Allah make us of them.”
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18). The reward for being patient in the way of Da’wah.
There is no doubt that the way of Da’wah is not lined with flowers. I offer you glad tidings of great reward for the harm that will occur sooner rather than later. Allah says in the Quran:And will reward them for what they patiently endured [with] a garden [in Paradise] and silk [garments]. (76:12).
If you are righteous then no one will hurt you. But if you strive to be a spreader of good then harm will afflict you from the ignorant people and Allah will reward you for your patience. The Prophet peace be upon him said:”Never a believer is stricken with a discomfort, an illness, an anxiety, a grief or mental worry or even the pricking of a thorn but Allah will expiate his sins on account of his patience".[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
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The people of Quraish loved the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him before his message, but when he received the message and began spreading goodness and correcting their wrong ways they began to harm him, made him an enemy and waged war against him; Because the good doer clashes with their desires. The scholars say that one doer of good is better than a thousand righteous people because the righteous people focus on themselves while the doer of good focuses on the Ummah. As Allah says: “And your Lord is not such as would wrongfully destroy human habitations while their inhabitants are righteous” (11:117)
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The person that calls to Allah goes through two states:
The first: The state where people accept him like what happened with the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him when the people of Medina accepted him, and they rejoiced with his coming.
The second: The state where people reject them like what happened with the Messenger peace and blessings be upon him when he visited Ta’eif and the tribal leaders rejected him and ordered stones to be thrown at the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him and his companions. Allah is wise and makes the callers of Islam go through both states so they can grow.
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The first state is the most dangerous because it allows the Daee to become arrogant and full of himself and this is one of the entry ways for Shaytan to lure them away from Da’wah and to chase money and position.
The second state is best because it forces the Daa’ees to get closer to Allah and ask him for victory and make Dua like what happened with the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him with the people of Ta’eif when they kicked him out and Allah allowed him to be victorious and enter Mecca and migrate to Medina and allow Islam to spread on Earth.
Allah says in the Quran:”Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars.(29:1,2)
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The period of growing: During this period Allah tests the callers to Islam and tests them with what helps them become better, to test their patience and sincerity and prepare him to handle all the hardships and be kind to the creation and complete submission to the truth so he is tested with good and evil, wealth and poverty, saftey and fear.
Allah says in the Quran: “And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.”(21:35)
Allah says in the Quran: ”And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided”(2:155-157)
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The period where victory begins to show
If the Daa’ee is patient throughout these circumstances and performs Da’wah even though conditions are hard and resources are low, Allah is with them and will make him victorious and answer his Dua and protect him and destroy his enemies.
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The fruits of Da’wah for the individual, family and society:
1). Achieving the purpose of Allah’s creation for the creation
The sole purpose that Allah created mankind his to worship him and he says this in the Quran:And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. (51:56)
Ibadah: A comprehensive name for everything that Allah loves and is pleased with from sayings, and of actions those which are public and private. Da’wah is clarifying and explaining Ibadah and helping people stay steadfast upon it and leaving what takes them away from it. Clarifying the immense reward for performing these Ibadahs and that is the highest aim of Da’wah.
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2). The emergence of generations of Imaan
From the fruits of Da’wah is that you stop the descendents and generations of disbelief. Before Islam a person was a Kafir, son of a Kafir, this was for a thousand years and Islam came and turned this man into a Muslim. So his upcoming generations will all be Muslim. What an honor this is! Stopping generations of Kufur and creating generations worshiping Allah alone with no partners.
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3). Increasing the Ummah of Muhammad which is one of the things he wanted and that it is to be the Prophet with the most followers, Prophet peace be upon him said:”I hope my followers will be more than those of any other Prophet on the day of resurrection” Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
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If one were to accept Islam because of you it is as if a million people accepted Islam
One man becoming Muslim at your hands means millions and millions of people. The actions of his children and this childrens’ children and their children and whoever became Muslim due to him will be on your scale of good deeds on the day of judgment. So if they have two to three kids every hundred years that number will jump 1000 times...
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Let’s assume that 100 years pass and that number is 1000 Muslims. 500 of them are alive and the other 500 died within those 100 years. We take that 500 and after 100 years that number becomes 100,000 and after two hundred years that number becomes 500,000 thousand. Another 100 years pass, meaning 300 years from today and that number becomes 250 million people. Multiply them by one thousand and the result is 250, 000,000, two hundred and fifty million people and imagine that the fourth and fifth percent were calculated and so on.
Millions need not be said but one million is sufficient, that is if one doesn’t accept Islam due to this man.
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One person. If only one person were to become Muslim, then the reward is the same for the one who helped guide them, as it is for the newly reverted Muslim. Imagine helping to guide 10, 100, or 1000 people to the path of Islam. How about if someone became Muslim everyday because of you?
There is a Daa’ee who more than 7000 people became Muslim at his hand, and the reason he became a Daa’ee was because a man from Riyadh gave him a book. I know another man who converted a priest in Africa, and that priest converted more than one million people. So remember that converting one person could be like converting one million people with the permission of Allah.
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So if all those millions glorify Allah and give charity, you have the same as their reward while not decreasing anything from their reward, every step those millions take to the Masjid you have a reward in that. If they perform Hajj or fast or strive or make dua or help others your reward would be the same as theirs. If they help others, learn, teach and raise kids then you have the exact same deeds as him.
The purpose: Every action whether it’s verbal or physical or intended from the heart then your reward is the same as his...
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So, if Allah has blessed you and a person became Muslim due to you, his deeds and the deeds of his lineage are on your scale till the day of judgment. With some simple calculations, after 300 years one person could multiply into one million people, and you would be the reason they were guided to Islam.
Imagine: If you weren’t the reason for that one person to become a Muslim, you would miss out on a chance for that one to lead to millions.
Is there a loss bigger than that?
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4). Building Role Models
From the fruits of Da’wah is creating a society that embodies high characteristics like the first generation of the Prophet peace be upon him, that generation was an example for every generation that came after them till the Day of Judgement. The people in this society are monolithic, uphold the boundaries of Allah cooperating in righteousness and piety. These people uphold the laws of Islam, they’e shaped by their character and show effection with good will. The Prophet peace be upon him said: “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb of it aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.” (Muslim)
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5). Da’wah increases Imaan
It is known from the people of Sunnah that Imaan increases and decreases. It increases by obeying Allah and decreases by disobeying Allah. It is said in Sahih Muslim “Section: Forbidding evil is from Imaan and Imaan increases and decreases and that enjoining the good and forbidding the evil are obligations. It is then followed by a hadith of Abu Dharr (May Allah be pleased with him)reported:The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "In the morning, charity is due on every joint bone of the body of everyone of you. Every utterance of Allah's Glorification (i.e., saying Subhan Allah) is an act of charity, and every utterance of His Praise (i.e., saying Al-hamdu lillah) is an act of charity and every utterance of declaration of His Greatness (i.e., saying La ilaha illAllah) is an act of charity; and enjoining M'aruf (good) is an act of charity, and forbidding Munkar (evil) is an act of charity, and two Rak'ah Duha prayers which one performs in the forenoon is equal to all this (in reward)."[Muslim].
If Allah favors you, and he wills to l let someone take Islam due to your assistance, for his childrens actions until the day of judgement are on your scales of good deeds.
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6). Rejuvenating Hearts
In Da’wah hearts are rejuvenated, in this ignorant people are stimulated and reminded, Imaan increases and the people of misguidance are refuted. It inhibits the people of desire and those who spread falsehood. There is sweetness for its workers. It’s fatigue is a pleasure for those who live and breathe Da’wah. It’s sweat is unlike any other sweat. All of us sweat when we perform physical activity, workout, construct roads or ride public transportation. cook grilled food. There is a difference between that sweat and fatigue and the sweat and fatigue that comes from Da’wah. The best of that sweat is sweating because you are putting hours in distributing booklets to tourists, carrying boxes or getting sick and exhausted in the jungles of Africa trying to guide thousands if not millions. In all of my life, there is no fatigue or sweat more honorable and beautiful than this..
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7). Firmness in the truth
Da’wah is also used to combat the innovators and the people of desires in every time and place and those who go against the religion. Like the Prophet peace be upon him Said: ”There will always be a group amongst my Ummah who is triumphant upon truth, abandoning them will not harm them, until the order of Allah is given and they will be like that (triumphant)”(Muslim and Bukhari)
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8). Delivering Good and Expelling Corruption
In Da’wah there is delivering the good and increasing it while expelling corruption decreasing it as much as possible. It ends corruption,drugs and wrondings while spreading virtue, safety, prosperity and goodness. It also prevents christianization, superstitions and Shirk and Tawheed spreads.
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It is stated by the vatican, many western media outlets, and research centers that Islam is the fastest growing religion on Earth.
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9). Solving intellectual, social, moral and behavioral problems in society:
Among them are solving problems that stem from society and lead to destruction and chaos. If a man follows his mind, desires and isolates himself from the divine revelation then he is in a state of self-destruction. Da’wah: Is showing humanity a way to salvation and Allah’s deen is guiding people to all that is good and it is the cure for all human diseases including ideological, societal and behavioral.
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10). Da’wah to Allah protects the servant from punishment
Allah says in the Quran:”Cursed were those who disbelieved among the Children of Israel by the tongue of David and of Jesus, the son of Mary. That was because they disobeyed and [habitually] transgressed.They used not to prevent one another from wrongdoing that they did. How wretched was that which they were doing. (5:78-79)
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11). Da’wah is a safeguard from sinful speech
Concerning oneself with Da’wah is a safeguard from sinful speech and the evils of the tongue. Allah The Most High says in the Quran: “No good is there in much of their private conversation, except for those who enjoin charity or that which is right or conciliation between people. And whoever does that seeking means to the approval of Allah - then We are going to give him a great reward.” (4:114)
If your Nafs is not occupied with obedience it will be occupied with disobedience, Allah says in the Quran: “ and keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance.”(18:38)
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12). Da’wah is a reason to make a person’s life good and prevent the the corruption of the ignorant
The Prophet peace be upon him Said:"The likeness of the man who observes the limits prescribed by Allah and that of the man who transgresses them is like the people who get on board a ship after casting lots. Some of them are in its lower deck and some of them in its upper (deck). Those who are in its lower (deck), when they require water, go to the occupants of the upper deck, and say to them : 'If we make a hole in the bottom of the ship, we shall not harm you.' If they (the occupants of the upper deck) leave them to carry out their design they all will be drowned. But if they do not let them go ahead (with their plan), all of them will remain safe".[Al- Bukhari].
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13). Da’wah is an important requirement for one who wants to save himself:
Allah says: “And when a community among them said, "Why do you advise [or warn] a people whom Allah is [about] to destroy or to punish with a severe punishment?" they [the advisors] said, "To be absolved before your Lord and perhaps they may fear Him.”(7:164)
And other fruits like uniting the word, sharpening the swords, spreading safety and reinforcing certainty.
This is a group of the virtues of Da’wah and it’s fruits. It came short and concise. I ask Allah the almighty to allow us to benefit from these reminders.
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Da’wah is a great goal that deserves our time, money, and effort, and not our leftovers, and it follows us until we are buried.
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What Do We Require to Call Upon Allah?
1. Accompanying the Niyyah ridding it of impurities, self- fortunes and seeking fame and praise.
2. To increase our Islamic knowledge in both skills and practice.
3. The caller should be a good example to the people in his life, his privacy and image.
4. Sabr for the sake of Daawa, and from the necessities of patience is that you do not prolong the path, and not rush the results.
5. He should not receive a reward for inviting those to Islam other than what he asks from Allah.
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Doubts regarding breakdown of Dawaa
Some may leave da’wah due to not seeing results, but without a doubt the prophets and Messengers are the most perfect of people in terms of da’wah. It is the main mission that Allah has sent for them, and with that, they faced the most stubborn and repulsed of people, and even some did not have single a follower, as told by the Prophet peace be upon him: “The nations were shows to me and one or two Prophets would pass by me with a group (of followers), and a Prophet who had no one with him…”
So guidance is in the hands of Allah as he stated in his book: Not upon you, [O Muhammad], is [responsibility for] their guidance, but Allah guides whom He wills. (2:272)
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The lesson is not through response
If we contemplate the guidance of Allah to our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon Him in which he is our example regarding Da’waa, we find that Allah did not assign him with the people responding to him, but rather he was assigned in delivering the message, as stated in his book: “but if you turn away - then upon Our Messenger is only [the duty of] clear notification. (64:12)
Which confirms that the mission of the Messenger is to deliver as Allah states: “And there is not upon the Messenger except the [responsibility for] clear notification." (24:54) and that true guidance is to Allah as states: “Not upon you, [O Muhammad], is [responsibility for] their guidance, but Allah guides whom He wills.”(2:272)
And to the People of the Sabbath from the Israelites when they denied a group of preachers by saying: "Why do you advise [or warn] a people whom Allah is [about] to destroy or punish with a severe punishment?..." (7:164)
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The preachers responded by saying: "...To be absolved before your Lord and perhaps they may fear Him." (7:164)
Al-Qasemi said in his translation: “On the forbidness of evil it never falls, even if the forbider knew there is no benefit in doing so. So it is not from its rulings to have compliance from it. Even if it only includes performing a great pillar from the pillars of Islam, and having jealousy towards the boundries of Allah, and apologinzing to him if he intensifies in leaving his palm has a benefit.”
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Judging people by not responding is a judgement in error
Who is it that can judge people by not responding?! He says: I invited them twice or thrice or more than that, maybe an answer would not occur until it happens only after repetition over and over again and a long time. So the call to Allah requires a deep breath and patience for those people called upon, because rushing results, not having patience for those called upon are among the diseases that most callers are diagnosed by. We have in the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him is a good example, as he remained a long time calling his people to Allah and enjoining them in good and forbidding them from wrong until Allah manifested the religion and made the Muslims victorious.
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It is not the essence of Da’wah that people only become Muslim , but there are other goals even if they do not accept Islam:
1- Islam is practiced even if it is after a while
2- Removing any misconceptiom about Islam
3- Having a correct image of Islam
4- Neutralization
5- Adherence
6- Fixing Christianization and their exploit of the poor
7- Fulfilling required duties
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Changing the concept of submission
The concept of submission is that the one who calls to Islam thinks that the people are hard to guide!
On the contrary is correct
It is easiest for people to reach Islam if they recieved the message…
You seek the way to deliver the message with the best of ways and you will see them entering into Islam with the help and by the permission of Allah. What is important is to think about delivering the message and it is not your responsibility to guide them.
Ask yourself, how many people has Islam reached because of you: 100 people or 200 people, how many times? Astonishing! Then you complain about how difficult it is to guide people to Islam!!
This is a trick by the Shaytan so be wary and also, be wary from the frustrated losers who bring you down and enter
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a cotton bud in your ears so you don't hear them. Ask yourself, how many people have you informed about Islam reached? Then judge.
The concern of Da’wah in general, and the Da’wah given to Non-Muslims especially, should be carried out by every Muslim in speech, action, and conduct. It should be carried out by both old and young alike, male and female, and the educated and the un-educated, each in their own capacity and capability. Allah guides whom he wills with his mercy, so we should encourage our children, wives, siblings, mothers, and every person in our family to help us deliver the message. The way to do this could be by assigning them duties, and incentivising them both materially and morally.
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A Non-Muslim may respond to the calling of a child, and refuse it from a caller that has the skills to convince and influence the ideas of Islam.
This is evident through the experience of one of the new Muslims in the city of Riyadh. He mentioned that while he was working as a swimming instructor, the reason he became a Muslim was because of a 13 year-old child he was teaching how to swim. This child brought him a couple of translated Islamic books, as well as a translated copy of the Quran and it’s meanings. This was the reason he was guided to Islam.
With the simplest of ease, people enter into the religion of Allah and accept Islam; And so the Non-Muslims of today are in dire need of someone to expose them
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to them Islam, and it is indeed the easiest way of calling in this era for the righetous soul, and it is indeed is a hardhip on the corrupted souls!
And the planting of the Da’wah in the Nafs of the young ones with what they are capable of leads to a way of guidance and protection, and an incentive to others to seek the route of Da’wah, and Allah guides whom he wills to the straight path.