Interactions between Muslims and Non-Muslims
Before we begin, let us mention
the words of the award winning
TED speaker and author Dr. Karen
Armstrong: “Ever since the Crusades,
when Christians from western Europe
were fighting holy wars against
Muslims in the near east, western
people have often perceived Islam as
a violent and intolerant faith - even
though when this prejudice took root
Islam had a better record of tolerance
than Christianity.”
Interactions between
Muslims and Non-Muslims
01 Financial transactions between
Muslims and non-Muslims
All financial transactions are lawful
between Muslims and non-Muslims,
such as buying and selling, and taking
part in companies, as long as the
Islamic principles are upheld. A’ishah,
may Allah be pleased with her said:
“The Prophet bought some food
from a Jewish seller and was not able
to pay the money upfront so he left his
armor as collateral with him until he
could pay.” (Bukhari)
The only form of bartering that is
unlawful is that which contains a
degree of harm. Allah, the Exalted,
“O you who have believed, do
not consume usury, doubled and
multiplied, but fear Allah that you may
be successful.” (3:130)
Allah, the Exalted, also says:
“O you who have believed, indeed,
intoxicants, gambling, sacrificing on
stone alters, and divining arrows are
but defilement from the work of Satan,
so avoid it that you may be successful.
Satan only wants to cause between
you animosity and hatred through
intoxicants and gambling and to
distract you from the remembrance of
Allah and from prayer. So will you not
desist?” (5:90-91)
02 Performing prayers in a Non-
Muslim place
It is lawful for Muslims to perform
prayers in a non-Muslim place of
worship. Abu Musa performed prayers
in a church in Damascus.
It is not praiseworthy for a Muslim
to do this, for there maybe idols, and
other pictures. So, it is recommended
that only if a person cannot find any
other place to pray in, he may pray
there. Umar said to a Christian, “We
do not enter your Churches due to the
pictures that are posted on the walls.”
03 Entering the Masjid (Mosque)
It is lawful for non-Muslims to enter
the Masjid, if there is a need. This
provision does not include the Grand
Mosque in Makkah. As for Madinah,
the Prophet met with some non-
Muslim delegates there.
04 Visiting Non-Muslims
It is good for Muslims to visit non-Muslims
who are sick and to supplicate for them
that they become healthy. Anas said a
young boy from a Jewish background fell
sick and the Prophet visited him and
encouraged him to accept Islam. The
boy looked to his father for permission,
and the father told his sick son: “Obey
Abal-Qasim (i.e. Muhammad )”, so
he said the Testimony of Faith and the
Prophet said, “All praise is due to Allah
who saved him from the Fire.” (Bukhari)
05 Giving Condolences to Non-
We can also give our condolences
to non-Muslims. Abu Hurairah said
that the Prophet said: “I sought
permission to visit my mother’s grave
and it was granted to me.” (Muslim).
06 Giving Charity to Non-Muslims
One can give charity to non-Muslims
as long as they are not engaged in
oppressing others. Abdullah Bin ‘Amr
slaughtered a sheep and gave some of
its meat as a gift to his Jewish
neighbor. He said, “The Messenger of
Allah said: ‘The Angel Gabriel kept
on enjoining the good treatment of
neighbors to the extent that I thought
that he would include neighbors as
heirs.’” (Muslim)
07 Maintaining Ties of Kinship with
non- Muslim Relatives
Islam has further encouraged Muslims
to maintain the relations of kinship
even if they be non-Muslims. Asma
bint Abi Bakr, came to the Prophet
and said: “My mother is visiting me,
and she is a non-Muslim.” He said, “Be
kind to your mother.” (Bukhari)
08 Using Non-Muslims Utensils
and Clothes
There is no concern for Muslims to eat
from non-Muslims utensils and use
their clothes as long as they are not
made from materials that are unlawful
for us. Abu Tha’labah al-Khushani said:
“O Messenger of Allah, we are in a land
that belongs to the People of the Book,
shall we eat with their utensils?” He
said: “If you can find other utensils, it is
better. If not, then wash them and use
them.” (Bukhari)
09 Marrying a Non-Muslim
It is also lawful for a Muslim man to
marry a chaste woman from the People
of the Book. Allah, the Exalted, says:
“This day [all] good foods have been
made lawful, and the food of those
who were given the Scripture is lawful
for you and your food is lawful for them.
And lawful in marriage are chaste
women from among the believers and
chaste women from among those who
were given the Scripture before you,
when you have given them their due
compensation, desiring chastity, not
unlawful sexual intercourse or taking
them as [secret] lovers. And whoever
denies the faith, his work has become
worthless, and he, in the Hereafter, will
be among the losers.” (5:5)
10 Accepting Islam while being
Whoever accepts Islam and is married
to a woman from the People of the
Book, his marriage would continue to
remain valid.
11 Eating the Food of Non-Muslims
It is lawful for one to eat of the foods
slaughtered by the People of the Book,
as long as it is lawful for us to eat and
they have mentioned the name of God
over it. Allah, the Exalted, says:
“And do not eat of that upon which the
name of God has not been mentioned,
for indeed, it is grave disobedience.”
12 Offering Protection to a Non-
We are to offer protection to a non-
Muslim if he seeks it. Allah, the Exalted,
“And if any one of the polytheists
seeks your protection, then grant him
protection so that he may hear the
words of Allah. Then deliver him to his
place of safety.” (9:6)
13 Do not speak ill of Non-
Muslims’ Faith
A Muslim is not to swear or speak ill
of the non-Muslims’ faith. Allah, the
Exalted, says:
“And do not insult those they invoke
other than Allah, lest they insult Allah
in enmity without knowledge.” (6:108)
14 Paying the loan to Non-Muslims
Allah has ordered that we repay our
loans to a non-Muslim. He, the Exalted,
“O you who have believed, fulfill [all]
contracts.” (5:1)
He, the Exalted, also says:
“And fulfill [every] commitment.
Indeed, the commitment is ever [that
about which one will be] questioned.”
15 Showing Kindness to Non-
Furthermore, we are encouraged to
show kindness and to uphold justice
for those who do not share our faith.
Allah, the Exalted, says: “As regards
those who do not fight you because
of religion and do not expel you from
your homes, Allah does not forbid you
from being righteous toward them
and acting justly toward them. Indeed,
Allah loves those who act justly.” (60:8)
The Prophet also said: “Whoever
kills a person who is under a contract
of safety in a Muslim country, that
person will not even smell the scent of
Jannah.” (Bukhari)
16 Non-Muslims should receive the
welfare services
When a non-Muslim resides in a
Muslim state, he would receive the
welfare services due to any citizen
who has reached a senior age. Umar
saw an old man who was Jewish, and
he asked about his condition. He was
told that he was from the people who
had previously paid the protection-tax.
So, the Caliph, Umar, told him, “We
have not been fair to you. We took
Jizyah from you while you were young
and now that you are old, you have
nothing!” So, he took him by his hand
till he went to the Muslim treasury, and
he gave him some food and clothing.
He then told the treasurer, “Find
people like him and give them what is
enough for them and their families.”
He then recited the verse: “Zakah
expenditures are only for the poor and
for the needy.” (9:60)
He said the poor are the Muslims and
the needy are those from the People
of the Book.
17 Non-Muslims will be forgiven if
they cease
Allah has opened the gateway of
forgiveness for them (non-Muslims).
He, the Exalted, says:
“Say to those who have disbelieved
[that] if they cease, what has previously
occurred will be forgiven for them. But
if they return to hostility], then the
precedent of the former [rebellious]
peoples has already taken place.”
18 Wanting good for others is a
sign of one’s faith
The Prophet said to Abu Hurairah:
“O Abu Hurairah, be cautious, and you
will be the most devoted of people to
Allah. Be content, and you will be the
most grateful of people to Allah. Love
for people what you love for yourself,
and you will be a (true) believer. Be a
good neighbor to your neighbors, and
you will be a (true) Muslim. And laugh
little, for laughing a lot deadens the
heart spiritually.” (Saheeh Ibn Majah)
To download and read the complete book,
click on the picture here.
This is an excerpt
of a larger book titled
“Ease and Tolerance in Islam”
by Abd Ar- Rahman
bin Abd Al-Kareem Ash-Sheha.