
The Eighth Lesson


Question 1: What are the articles of prayer?

Answer 1: The articles of prayer are fourteen:

1-    Standing in the Fard with the ability.

2-    The opening takbeer.

3-    Reciting Al-Fatihah.

4-    Kneeling in every rak’ah.

5-    Raising from the kneeling.

6-    Straightening from the kneeling uprightly.

7-    Prostration.

8-    Raising from the prostration.

9-    Sitting between the two prostrations.

10-     Tranquillity in all articles.

11-     The final Tashahhud and prayers upon the Prophet.

12-     Sitting for the final Tashahhud.

13-    The Salaam (salutation).

14-     The sequence.

The Ninth Lesson

The Duties of Prayer

Question 1: What are the duties of prayer?

Answer 1: The Eight duties of Prayer:

1.    The transitions Takbeer for all the Takbeers other than the Takbeerat Al-Ihram.

2.    The saying, “Sami’a Allahu-liman hamida” “Allah heard those who praised Him.”

3.    The saying, “Rabna walaka al-hamid” “Our Lord and praise be to you.”

4.    The saying, “Subâna Rabbiyal-’azem” Glory to my Lord the Great in Ruku’ kneeling posture.

5.    “Subhâna Rabbiyal-a’la”, “Glory and praise be to my Lord, the Highest”. To be said three times in prostration.

6.    Saying Lord, forgive me between the two prostrations.

7.    The first Tashahhud.

8.    And the sitting for it.

The Tenth Lesson


Question 1: What are the prayer nullifications?

Answer 1: The nullifiers of the prayer are:

1-    Deliberately leaving a condition or an article without an excuse.

2-    Nullification of impurity.

3-    Intentional eating or drinking.

4-    Deliberate speaking.

5-    Intentional increasing, decreasing or changing in one of its articles.

6-    Laughing with a voice.

7-    A lot of acts are not of the prayer nature.

8-    The passage of an adult woman, donkey, or a black dog before the place of his prostration.

9-    Al-Awrah uncovering.

10-     Be led by one whose imamate is not valid.

The Eleventh Lesson


Question 1: What is the form of the Tashahhud with the Abrahamic prayer?

Answer 1: The form of the Tashahhud with the Abrahamic prayer is:

“Say, Greetings belong to Allah. Pure actions belong to Allah. Good words and prayers belong to Allah. Peace on you, Prophet, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be upon us and on the pious slaves of Allah. I testify that there is no god except Allah. And I testify that Muhammad is His slave and His messenger." (Bukhari (6265) and Muslim (402).

As for prayers on the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), they include:

“O Allah, bestow Your favour on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad as You have bestowed Your favour on Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious.” Related by Al-Bukhari (3370).


Question 1: What is the Zakat?

Answer 1: Zakat is the third pillar of Islam, and it is the deduction of a specific portion of the money that has reached the Nissab quorum, for the one who deserves it, if the possession is complete, and a year has passed on it.

Question 2: What are the funds that are charged for Zakat?

Answer 2: The funds on which Zakat is due are five:

1-    The prices (gold, silver, or banknotes)

2-    The cattle beast.

3-    The trade bids.

4-    What comes out from the ground.

5-    Minerals and ores.

Question 3: What are the conditions for the zakāh obligation?

Answer 3: The conditions for Zakat to be obligatory are four:

1- Islam.

2- Freedom.

3- Possessing the Nissab.

4- the completion of the year, except in four:

a.    The production of farm animals. (Animals that are kept on a farm regarded as an asset.)

b.    What comes out from the ground.

c.    The ores.

d.    And minerals.

Question 4: What are the amounts of Zakat?

Answer 4: The amounts of Zakat are five:

1-    Al-khums (the fifth): in ores and minerals.

2-    Al-Osher (The tithe): What comes out from the land without provisions.

3-    Half of one-tenth: What comes out from the land with provisions.

4-    Cattle beast:

a.    Camels: in the five camels there is a sheep.

b.    The cows: from thirty to thirty-nine, there is a one-year-old calf.

c.    Sheep: from forty to one hundred twenty there is a sheep.

5-    Zakat on prices: one-fourth of one-tenth for gold, silver and banknotes.

Question 5: Who are the ones entitled to Zakat?

Allah Almighty said, “Alms-tax is only for the poor and the needy, for those employed to administer it, for those whose hearts are attracted to the faith, for freeing slaves, for those in debt, for Allah’s cause, and for needy travellers. This is an obligation from Allah. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (The Repentance, At-Tawbah, 9: 60)

Answer 5: Those who are entitled to Zakat are eight:

1-    The poor.

2-    The needy.

3-    And those employed to administer it.

4-    those whose hearts are attracted to the faith,

5-    And for freeing slaves.

6-    And those in debt.

7-    And for Allah’s cause.

8-    And for needy travellers. (Ibn al-Sabeel).

Question 6: Who is it not permissible to pay Zakat to?

Answer 6: Those who are not permissible to pay the Zakat to them, are five:

1-    The rich.

2-    Those who are obligated to spend on them.

3-    Unbelievers whose hearts are not attracted to the faith.

4-    The family of the Prophet, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) from Bani Hashem.

5-    The Mawali of the Prophet’s family.

6-    The slave.


Question 1: What is fasting?

Answer 1: It is the actual abstinence from the desires of the stomach, and the private parts from dawn to sunset, with the intention.

Question 2: On whom is fasting obligatory?

Answer 2: Fasting is obligatory on one who fulfils four conditions:

1-    Being a Muslim.

2-    The Puberty.

3-    The Mind.

4-    The ability to do it.

5-    Residence.

6-    Starting of the month.

7-    Freedom from menstruation and postpartum.

Question 3: Who is eligible for fasting?

Answer 3: It is eligible for one who fulfils six conditions:

1-    Being a Muslim.

2-    The Mind.

3-    Recognition.

4-    Intention.

5-    Cessation of menstrual blood.

6-    Cessation of postpartum blood.

Question 4: What are the things that break the fast?

Answer 4: Seven things break the fast:

1.    Intentionally eating or drinking.

2.    Intentional sexual intercourse.

3.    Intentional vomiting.

4.    Intercourse or masturbation.

5.    The intention of breaking the fast.

6.    Menstrual blood and postpartum bleeding.

7.    Apostasy.

Question 5: What are the recommended days for fasting?

Answer 5: The recommended days for fasting are eight:

1-    The Six of Shawwal.

2-    The day of Arafah for non-pilgrims.

3-    The day of Ashura.

4-    Mondays and Thursdays of every week.

5-    Fast one day and leave a day.

6-    Fasting nine of Dhu al-Hijjah.

7-    Fasting the three white days of each month (13th, 14th, and 15th days of the Lunar month).

8-    Fasting the month of Muharram.

Question 6: What are the days that fasting is disliked and forbidden?

Answer 6: The days on which fasting is disliked and forbidden are nine.

1-    It is disliked to single the month of Rajab with fasting.

2-    It is disliked to fast on Friday.

3-    It is disliked to single Saturday with fasting.

4-    It is disliked to fast on the day of Arafah for the pilgrim.

5-    It is disliked to fast the days of Al-Tashreeq for non-pilgrims.

6-    It is disliked for a woman to fast while her husband is present without his permission.

7-    Fasting is disliked every day.

8-    It is forbidden to fast on the day of doubt.

9-    It is forbidden to fast on the two days of Eids.


Hajj and Umrah Book

Question 1: What is Hajj?

Answer 1: It is the fifth pillar of Islam, and it is devotion to Allah Almighty with specific actions such as standing in Arafah, circumambulating, and Al-Sa’ei (the Hajj ceremony of walking between Al-Safa and Al-Marwah seven times), at specific times, which is Dhu al-Hijjah, in a special place, which is the Sacred House of Allah.

Question 2: What are the conditions of the obligation of Hajj?

Answer 2: The conditions of the obligation of Hajj are five.

1-    Being a Muslim.

2-    The mind.

3-    The Puberty.

4-    Freedom.

5-    The ability.

Question 3: What are the times of Hajj?

Answer 3: Temporal times, and spatial times.

•    First: In terms of the time of Ihram for Hajj: The beginning of Ihram for Hajj is only in the month of Shawwal, and Dhu Al-Qi’dah and Dhul-Hijjah every year.

•    Second: In terms of the place of ihram: The spatial timings: they are the ones that the pilgrim or the Umrah performer must perform Ihram from or its parallel if he passes by them, and if he lives before them, he performs his Ihram from his place ... and they are five:

1-    The Miqat of the people of Medina: Dhu al-Hulayfah.

2-    The Miqat of the people of Al-Sham and Egypt: Al-Juhfa.

3-    The Miqat of the people of Najd: Qarn Al-Manazeel.

4-    4 The Miqat of the people of Yemen: Yalamam.

5-    The Miqat of the people of the east: Zat Araq.

Question 4: What are the prohibitions of ihram state?

Answer 4: There are eleven prohibitions on entering ihram state, and they are:

1-    Wearing stitched clothes.

2-    Covering the head.

3-    Using perfume.

4-    Hair removal.

5-    Trim nails.

6-    Kill the game.

7-    Marriage engagement.

8-    The marriage contract for himself and others.

9-    Sexual intercourse in the vagina.

10-     Interaction below the vagina.

11-    Niqab and gloves for women.

Question 5: What are the articles of Hajj?

Answer 5: The articles of Hajj are four:

1-    The intention to enter the state of ihram.

2-    Standing at Arafah.

3-    Circumambulation of Ifadah.

4-    Walking between Al-Safa and Al-Marwah.

Question 6: What are the Hajj duties?

Answer 6: The duties of Hajj are seven:

1-    Ihram from the Miqat.

2-    Standing at Arafah until sunset.

3-    Stay overnight in Muzdalifah on the Sacrifice Night.

4-    Stay overnight in Mina for the Tashreeq nights.

5-    Throwing pebbles in order.

6-    Shaving or shortening the hair.

7-    The farewell circumambulation not for those who are menstruating or in childbirth.

Question 7: What are the articles of Umrah?

Answer 7: The articles of Umrah are three:

1-    The intention to enter Ihram.

2-    Circumambulation.

3-    The walking between Al-Safa and Al-Marwah.

Question 8: What are the duties of Umrah?

Answer 8: Its duties are two things:

1-    Ihram from the place for the people of Makkah - and the spatial timings for the people of every country.

2-    Shaving or shortening the hair.


(Biography of the Prophet)

(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

The First Lesson: The name of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

Question: What is the name of the Prophet, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)?

Answer: The name of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):-

Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusai ibn Kelaab ibn Murah ibn Ka’b ibn Loay ibn Ghalib ibn Fahr ibn Malik ibn Nadr ibn Kinana ibn Khuzaymah Mudrakah ibn Elias ibn Mudar ibn Nizar ibn Mu’ad ibn Adnan.

The Second Lesson: The Birth.

Question 1: When was the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) born?

Answer 1: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born on Monday, on the twelfth night during the month of Rabie I, the year of Elephant, 571 AD.

Question 2: Where was he born, and where did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) die?

Answer 2: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born in Mecca, died and buried in Al-Madinah.

Question 3: Who are the wet nurses of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)?

Answer 3: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wet nurses were:

1-    Thawiba the slave of Abu Lahab, was the first to breastfeed him.

2-    Then Halima bint Abi Dhuayb Al-Saadia. And with his presence at hers, a lot of blessings appeared.

Question 4: Who are the cradles of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)?

Answer 4: The cradles of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were: -

1-    His mother, Amna, daughter of Wahb.

2-    Thawibah, the slave of Abu Lahab.

3-    Halima al-Saadia, and her daughter, Al-Shaima’.

4-    The mother of Ayman Baraka al-Habashiya and the Prophet gave her in marriage to Zaid ibn Al-Haritha, she gave birth to him Usama ibn Zaid.

The Third Lesson: To the Mission.

1)    When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached four years, two angels came to him and cut open his chest, washed his heart, and then returned it to its place.

2)    When he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached six years, his mother died at Al-Abwa’a between Mecca and Al-Madinah.

3)    When he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached eight years, his grandfather Abdel Al-Muttalib died.

4)    And when he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached the age of twelve, his uncle Abu Talib took him to Al-Sham (Syria) and when they reached Busra, Buhaira the monk saw him and realized the prophethood characteristics in him, he ordered his uncle to return him so he returned.

5)    When he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached the age of twenty-five, he married Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her).

6)    And when he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached the age of thirty-five, Quraysh differed as to who should place the Black Stone in its place, so he ruled between them.

7)    When he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached the age of thirty-eight, the signs of prophethood coincided with him, and the monks and soothsayers spoke of them.

8)    And when he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached the age of thirty-nine, he was fond of being alone. He was to be alone in the cave of Hira worshipping in it on the religion of Ibrahim. 

9)    Six months before his mission, his revelation was a dream, and he did not see a vision except that it came true.

10)     Gabriel came down to him with the revelation, and he kept calling his people secretly for three years.

11)     Allah commanded him to speak out with Dawah, therefore his people showed hostility to him.

12)     The first generation embraced Islam with him, including Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq - may Allah be pleased with him - and Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) and Khadija bint Khuwaylid (may Allah be pleased with her) and Omar ibn Al-Khattâb (may Allah be pleased with him) and Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib (may Allah be pleased with him). 

13)     His people besieged him in the ravine of Abu Talib for three years.

14)     His uncle Abu Talib and his wife Khadija died, and he grieved them, and this year was called the year of grief.

15)     Some of the Companions immigrated to Abyssinia, including Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) and Al-Zubayr ibn Al-Awam (may Allah be pleased with him).

16)     He was made to travel from Al-Haram Mosque to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, then he was ascended to Sidra Al-Muntaha, and the prayer was prescribed on him.

17)     The first and second Aqaba Pledge.

18)     The Quraysh meeting in Dar Al-Nadwah and they agreed upon killing the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

19)     His people showed hostility to him, so they drove him out of Mecca, he immigrated to Al-Madînah.

The Fourth Lesson: 

From Immigration to Death.

Question 1: What are the most important events in the first year of Al-Hijrah (immigration)?

Answer 1:

1-    The Hijrah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) from Makkah to Madinah.

2-    He dismounted at Quba’a and built the Quba’a Mosque.

3-    He built the Prophet’s Mosque and the rooms (of his wives).

4-    He conducted brotherhood among the Al-Muhajereen (immigrants) and Al-Ansar (supporters).

Question 2: What are the most important events in the second year of Al-Hijrah?

Answer 2:

1-    Converting the Qiblah from Jerusalem to the Ka’ba.

2-    Ramadan fasting and Zakat were prescribed.

3-    The Great Battle of Badr took place; its reason was that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wanted to restore what Quraysh had taken from the Muslims. The number of Muslims was three hundred and nineteen and the polytheists’ number was a thousand. It ended with the Muslims victory over the polytheists, and the number of Muslim martyrs was fourteen and seventy polytheists were killed.

4-    The death of Ruqayya, the daughter of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

Question 3: What are the most important events in the third year of Al-Hijrah?

Answer 3:

1-    Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) married Umm Kulthum, the daughter of the Prophet, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) 

2-    The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married Hafsa bint Omar ibn Al-Khattâb (may Allah be pleased with them).

3-    Battle of Uhud took place; the reason for this is the march of the polytheists with three thousand fighters, to fight the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his Companions, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  came out to them with a thousand fighters, and at the beginning, the battle was a victory for the Muslims, then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was wounded, and seventy of the Companions were martyred, including Hamza, the uncle of the Prophet, and Musab ibn Umir, and twenty-two polytheists were killed.

4-    The verse of Al-Hijab (veil) was revealed.

5-    Prohibition of alcohol.

Question 4: What are the most important events in the fourth year of Al-Hijrah?

Answer 4:

1-    Al-Hussein ibn Ali, (may Allah be pleased with him) was born from Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

2-    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married Umm Salamah bint Abi Umayya.

3-    The Jews of Banu Nadir betrayed the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and he besieged them, then evacuated them from Al-Madînah.

Question 5: What are the most important events in the fifth year of Al-Hijrah?

Answer 5:

1-    The Clans Battle (Al-Ahzaab) took place; the reason for this is that the Jews of Banu Nadir began inciting the tribes against the Muslims. The polytheists’ army was ten thousand, and the Muslims were three thousand. There was no war engagement except with archery. The Muslims dug a trench to prevent the enemy to reach them. Allah sent wind on their enemy, and soldiers from the angels. The idolaters’ number killed was ten, and six Muslims were martyred.

2-    Saad ibn Muaz died.

3-    The hypocrites slandered Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) the hadith of Ifek (falsehood).

 Question 6: What are the most important events in the sixth year of Al-Hijrah?

Answer 6:

1-    Al-Hudaybiyyah truce took place and in it was the Al-Radwan pledge under the tree.

2-    The prescription of Hajj.

3-    Muslim women were forbidden to the polytheists.

4-    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent messages to the world kings calling them to Islam.

Question 7: What are the most important events in the seventh year of Al-Hijrah?

Answer 7:

1-    Battle of Khyber took place.

2-    Tayammum (dry ablution) verse was revealed.

3-    The Patches’ Battle took place.

4-    Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) embraced Islam.

Question 8: What are the most important events in the eighth year of Al-Hijrah?

Answer 8:

1-    Amr ibn Al-Aas and Khalid ibn Al-Walid (may Allah be pleased with them) embraced Islam.

2-    The detachment of Mu’tah took place.

3-    The conquest of Mecca Battle or the Great Conquest; and its reason was that some tribes broke their covenant with the Prophet, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Therefore, they sent Abu Sufyan to renew the reconciliation with the Prophet, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Consequently, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) turned away from him and he prepared ten thousand fighters to invade Mecca. He entered Mecca as a conqueror, toured the House, and ordered the Ka’ba to be opened and demolished the idols that were in it. Quraysh was pardoned, and two Muslims were martyred, and twelve polytheists were killed.

4-    Abu Sufyan ibn Harb (may Allah be pleased with him) embraced Islam.

5-    Zainab, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) died, and she was the eldest of his children (may Allah be pleased with her).

6-    The Battle of Hunayn took place. The reason for this is the tribes gathering to fight the Muslims for fear that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would invade them. Their number reached twenty thousand fighters, and the Muslim army was twelve thousand. The Muslims were victorious, and four were martyred, and the polytheists fled away leaving women, money, and belongings, so the Muslims captured all of that. 

Question 9: What are the most important events in the ninth year of Al-Hijrah?

Answer 9:

1-    In this year the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent many detachments.

2-    The Battle of Tabuk took place; the reason for this is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) knew that the Romans were ready to fight Muslims.

•    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) began to equip the army and called on the Companions to spend on it. This was due to its partakers’ large number, and the most were spent by Uthman ibn Affan, Abu Bakr, and Omar (may Allah be pleased with them).

•    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) marched to Tabuk with thirty thousand Muslims.

•    When the Romans learned of the Prophet descent, they dispersed throughout the lands, and no fighting took place.

3-    During the Battle of Tabuk, Ka’b ibn Malik and his Companions failed to go out. Then they repented, so Allah granted them repentance.

4-    Umm Kulthum, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) passed away.

Question 10: What are the most important events in the tenth year of Al-Hijrah?

Answer 10:

1-    The arrival of delegations to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). 

2-    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed the farewell pilgrimage.

3-    Musaylimah the liar claimed the prophethood.

4-    Ibrahim, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) son died.

5-    The King of Yemen embraced Islam.

Question 11: What are the most important events in the eleventh year of Al-Hijrah?

Answer 11:

1-    Al-Swad Al-Ansi the liar claimed the prophethood.

2-    The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) illness began approaching and he asked his wives to get treated in Aisha’s house (may Allah be pleased with her).

3-    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded Abu Bakr to lead the Muslims in prayer.

4-    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) delivered a sermon to people, and he recommended good of Al-Ansar.

The Fifth Lesson: 

The death of the Prophet 

(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

When did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) die?

•    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) died on Monday the twelfth of Rabi’i al-Awwal, in the tenth year of Al-Hijrah, after he had conveyed the message of his Lord.

•    Allah caused him to die when he was sixty-three years old and was buried in his place.

•    Men, then women, then boys, then slaves, prayed on him.

•    Fatimah, his daughter, died six months later (may Allah be pleased with her).

•    After the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the people pledged allegiance for Abu Bakr on the caliphate.


(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  

He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the best of people’s face. He was not apparent tall, or short. He was wide between the shoulders. He was a thick hair beard topped with redness. His face was round. If he is pleased his face was enlightened as if it were a piece of the moon. He was eye lined. He had a huge head, hands and feet, and his laughter was smiling.

Wives of the Prophet

(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

1-    Khadija bint Khuwailid.

2-    Aisha bint Abi Bakr.

3-    Sawda bint Zama’a.

4-    Hafsa bint Omar ibn Al-Khattâb.

5-    Zainab bint Khuzaymeh.

6-    Zainab bint Jahsh.

7-    Umm Salamah Hind, bint Umayya.

8-    Juwayriyah bint Al-Harith.

9-    Umm Habiba, daughter of Abi Sufyan.

10-    Safia bint Hai’e.

11-    Maymoonah bint Al-Harith.

Children of the Prophet

(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

1-    Zainab.

2-    Roqayyah

3-    Umm Kulthum. 

4-    Fatima. 

5-    Al-Qassim

6-    Abdullah. 

7-    Ibrahim.

The Sixth Lesson:

The Caliphate of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

(may Allah be pleased with him).

Question 1: When did Abu Bakr assume the caliphate, and what are his most important deeds?

Answer 1: Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) assumed the Muslims caliphate in Rabi ‘al-Awwal in the eleventh year of Al-Hijrah.

And his most important works were:

a- Fighting the apostates.

b- Carrying out Usama’s army campaign, which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had prepared to the land of Al-Rum (the Romans).

c- Compilation of the Qur’an.

d-The beginning of the Islamic conquests, including the Battle of Dhat Al-Silsil, in which the Muslims defeated the Persians, and Khalid ibn Al-Walid (may Allah be pleased with him) killed Hormuz the Persians’ commander.

Question 2: When did Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) die?

Answer 2: He died in Jumada Al-Akhira, in the thirteenth year of Al-Hijrah, and was buried next to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

The Seventh Lesson:

The Caliphate of Omar ibn Al-Khattâb

(may Allah be pleased with him)

Question 1: When did Omar ibn Al-Khattâb (may Allah be pleased with him) assume the caliphate?

Answer 1: Omar assumed the caliphate in the thirteenth year of Al-Hijrah.

Question 2: What were the most important works of Omar ibn Al-Khattâb (may Allah be pleased with him)?

Answer 2: During the reign of Omar, many Islamic conquests took place, including:

1. The conquest of Damascus.

2. The conquest of Ajnadayn.

3. The conquest of Jerusalem.

4. The conquest of Egypt.

The most important events in the era of Omar, (may Allah be pleased with him) were:

1-    The battle of Qadisiyah was between the Persians and Muslims under the leadership of Saad ibn Abi Waqas and ended with the Muslims victory.

2-    His caliphate ended with his murder by Abu Lu’lu`a Al-Majusi during his prayers, and he was buried next to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

3-    His caliphate ended on the 23rd of Dhu al-Hijjah, 23 AD.

The Eighth Lesson:

The Caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan

(may Allah be pleased with him)

Question 1: When did Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) assume the caliphate?

Answer 1: Uthman assumed the caliphate in Dhu al-Hijjah 23 AH.

Question 2: What were the most important works in the era of Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him)?

Answer 2:

1-    Establishing the first Islamic naval fleet.

2-    The conquest of Cyprus.

3-    The second collection of the Qur’an.

4-    The conquest of Nubia.

He died in Dhu al-Hijjah 35 AH.

Question 3: How did Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) die?

Answer 3: They besieged him in his house for 40 days, then entered and killed him while he was reciting the Qur’an.

The Ninth Lesson:

The Caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib

(may Allah be pleased with him)

Question 1: When did Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) assume the caliphate? In Dhu al-Hijjah 35 AH.

The most important events in the Caliphate of Ali, (may Allah be pleased with him) were:

1-    The Camel Battle.

2-    The Battle of Saffeen.

3-    The beginning of the Kharijites emergence.

4-    The Battle of Nahrawan.

5-    He was killed in the 40th year of Al-Hijrah.

Question 2: How did Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) die?

He was killed while going to Al-Fajr (morning) prayer with a poisoned sword.


The First Nasheed

بسم الله

بسم الله بســـم الله         أحلي كلام اتعلمناه

لما نأكل لما نشرب         لازم كلمة بسم الله

لما نقرأ لما نكــتب         لازم كلمة بسم الله

لما نجري لما نلعب        لازم كلمة بسم الله

بسم الله بســــم الله         أحلي كلام اتعلمناه    

In the name of Allah

In the name of Allah, in the name of Allah, 

the best of words we have learned.

When we eat, when we drink, 

a required word is “in the name of Allah”

When we read, when we write, 

a required word is “in the name of Allah”

When we run, when we play, 

a required word is “in the name of Allah”

In the name of Allah, in the name of Allah, 

the best of words we have learned.

The Second Nasheed

أول ركن في الإسلام

أول ركن في الإسلام     نسمعه في كل أذان

لا إلـــــــــــه إلا الله             محمد رسول الله

نشهد ألا رب سواه         لا إلـــــــــه إلا الله

نشهد أن نبــــي الله         محمد رسول الله

The first pillar of Islam

The first pillar of Islam 

We hear in every Adhan (call to prayer)

There is no god but Allah, 

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

We are witnessing that there is no god but Him, 

There is no god but Allah

We witness that the Prophet of Allah, 

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

The Third Nasheed

أركان الإسلام الخمسة

أركان الإسلام الخمسة      أذكرها دوما لا أنسى

اولـها شــهادة توحــيد       ثانيها صلواتي الخمسة

ثـالثـها زكــاة الأمـوال         رابعها صــوم رمـضان

والحج لبيت الرحـمن        يكــمل أركـان الإسـلام

The five pillars of Islam

The Pillars of Islam are five,

 I always remember, I never forget.

The first is a testimony of monotheism, 

The second is my five prayers.

The third is Zakat on funds, 

The fourth is the fasting of Ramadan.

The pilgrimage to the Beneficent House 

completes the pillars of Islam.

The Fourth Nasheed


بــــسم الله أنا أتوضـــأ          وبهــا يومي دوما يبدأ

أغسل وجهي والـيدين      أمسح رأسي والرجلين

لا أسرف أبدا في الماء          فــتقبل يا ربِّ دعــاءِّ 


In the name of Allah, I perform ablution,

and with it, my day always begins.

I wash my face, and the two hands, 

wipe my head and the feet.

I will never be extravagant in water, 

O Lord, accept dua’a (supplication). 

The Fifth Nasheed


كلما نادى المــــنادي    هاتفا الله أكــــبر

خمس صلوات نصلي    في خشوع وتفكر

وركـــــوع وســـجود       نسأل الله رضـــاه

The Prayer

The more the caller calls,

crying  Allah is the greater.

Five prayers we pray,

in reverence and contemplation.

And kneeling and prostrating 

we ask Allah His pleasure.

The Sixth Nasheed

يوم الجمعة

يوم الجمعة ما أحلاه         أفضل يوم عند الله

يوم الجمعة مثل العيد       نلبس فيه كل جديد

فلنتوضأ خير وضوء        ولنأتي المسجد بهدوء

نصغي لخطيب وإمام      نسمع منه خير كلام

يوم الجمعة ما أحلاه          أفضل يوم عند الله


Friday what a sweet day, 

it is the best day at Allah’s. 

Friday is like Eid, 

when we put on every new.

Let us perform ablution perfectly,

and let us come to the mosque quietly.

We listen to a preacher and imam, 

we hear from him the best of words. 

Friday what a sweet day, 

it is the best day at Allah’s. 

The Seventh Nasheed

أنا مسلم

أنا مسلمٌ          ديني الإسلام

أنا مؤمنٌ            ربي الرحمن

ورسولي              خير الأنام

وطريقي              نور القرآن

أنا مسلمٌ          ديني الإسلام

I am Muslim

I am a Muslim, 

my religion is Islam

I am a believer, 

my Lord is the Beneficent 

And my messenger

is the best of people

And my path 

is the light of the Qur’an

I am a Muslim, 

my religion is Islam

The Eighth Nasheed

يا إله العالمين

يا إلـــَـه العالـــمينَ           يامجيب السائلينا

هـب لنا منك رجاء          وســــدادا ويقيــنا

رب جمـــلنا بـــعلمٍ          واهــدنا دنيا ودينا

رب إن نحسن فهبنا         منك أجرالمحسني

وتجاوز إن أســـأنا          أو اخطأنا أونسينا

O God of the worlds

O God of the worlds,

Oh, You Who answers supplicants.

Give us from You a hope, 

Straightforwardness and certainty

O Lord, beautify us with knowledge

and guide us in this world and religion

Lord, if we do well, bestow on us 

From You the reward of the well-doer

He overtakes us if we do wrong 

or we err or we forget.

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