
Go-Rap is a technique that consists on taking a non-Muslim through a conversation about the existence of God, the Oneness and Uniqueness of Allah, the need for a revelation, how can we know that Quran is from God, and prophethood (prove that Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, is a Messenger from God, Allah)   

All this leads to the conclusion that Quran is from God and Muhammad (pbuh) is a prophet, and there is only One God.

We must answer the questions and clear the misconceptions that non-Muslims present.

We can give them a brief answer, a rational one.  And then we say that that question is not the important issue, but the important matter is that there is a God, and then go throw the essential components of GO-RAP

Another way is to deal with the question by saying that that is a good question and you are glad that they ask it, and smile to them and make a connection by asking names and shaking hands; so you make the person to feel more comfortable.

So, tell them that, in order to answer their question, we need to understand the fundamentals, basics of Islam.

Then ask, Do you have a few minutes? First, because they may be busy to have a long conversation, Second, that is good to have them saying 'yes' and agreeing with you, in order to build a positive connection with them.

GO-RAP is all about communication skills, nice manners, relaxed way of talking, smile, and in general, positive body language, and should not be done as a monologue or philosophic cold talk. Take into consideration that 70% of communication is non-verbal. Also listening to the other person and giving them the time to express themselves is very important.

First we have to make them understand the fundamentals of beliefs in order to answer their questions later, cause if they do not understand the basics, the rest is irrelevant.

If the person does not come with any questions, how we can lead that conversation into GO-RAP ?

1. You have to have Enthusiasm and passion for Dawah and make it part of your life.

2. Make duaa', ask Allah to help us to give Dawah to people in the best way.

3. You can start a conversation about anything (football, weather, etc) and then lead the conversation to Dawah. Or you can go straight to Dawah.

You have to know how to say the right thing, in the right way, at the right time and place. You have to consider all those facts.

And you need purpose and practice, so you can develop your communication skills.

Also you can have some 'scripts' (phrases) that you can use always effectively.

Do not be afraid to Invite people to Islam.

Initiate a conversation with the person and ask him if he agrees that we should use common sense, logic and rationale to arrive at important conclusions in life. This is very important as it sets the tempo for your conversation.

The person who you inviting to Islam may say that he feels his religion is truth or that he follows what his parents follow.

Then we need to talk about the issue between subjective and objective threads.

This means that some things that may sound true to an individual but there's no way to prove that to everybody else. But a scientific truth for example is something that anyone can see and prove.

The problem is that this is based on a person's feeling and it can be felt by anyone of any religion or beliefs but that does not mean that it can be proved to others, is just based on individuals' feelings.

When we are having a conversation on a topic that is controversial we need to establish from the beginning the bases on which we are having that conversation.

We need to use common sense and reason in order to come into conclusions.

So, before you GO-RAP, we need to agree to have a conversation using common sense and reason.

For example, we can give the example of a man in red pants knocking your door or maybe any other absurd character, and he claiming he is the gas man,,,, and then, from there we GO-RAP

We use a basic type of reasoning on a mental level, we compare the information I know with the situation in front of us, in this case, how the gas man used to look like?  In general, things we know from our experience. Does the new situation match the previous experience? This is reasoning.

So, if you use reasoning to protect yourself and your property; what about something that is more significant than that?.... The very meaning of life itself….

Don't you think that we need to use reasoning to understand the meaning of life, why we are here, what's this all about?

Purpose of Life

Later they may reject reasoning, so you have to make them agree from the beginning on reasoning and common sense.

So, before going into GO-RAP you need to agree with them to use common sense and reasoning, then, give them several examples. This is what we use all the time to make decisions.

Even if the person says that he/ she does not want to use reasoning, so you can ask them the reason why they do not use reasoning?


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