It means that Allah didn’t bring creatures into existence except to be worshiped alone with associating partners, through sincere devotion. Therefore He is Allah besides whom no deity is worthy of worship. Allah, the creator, says: [Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah. (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.](Q59:22-24).
Allah, the exalted, also says: [Say: “O People of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.” If then they turn back, say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah’s Will).](Q3:64). Here Allah is commanding Muhammad to say to the people of the book; Jews and Christians, to rally around a common term between us and them; that is, we should worship none other than Allah; that we associate no partners in His worship; that none of us shall take one another as lords besides Allah. In this verse, Allah the creator, commands his messenger and prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to remind the people of the book; the Jews and the Christians, that they must believe in Muhammad, the last prophet, as well as all other prophets (Peace upon them) who commanded the true worship of Allah, the manifest truth. Allah, the exalted, says: [Say: “He is ((Allah)) Most Gracious: We have believed in Him, and on Him have we put our trust...](Q67:29), [... Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!](Q7:54). Allah also says: [Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day,- there are indeed Signs for men of understanding](Q3:90). It means that in the heavens, the earth, the alternating of day and night are signs and clear-cut evidence for those who have living minds that guide them to the right path as it guides them to the belief in Allah, the exalted, and in his messengers.
Allah sent his messengers to command people to worship Him alone, without associating partners in his worship. They were sent to forbid people from worshiping other deities besides Allah, whether it is the sun, the moon, objects, idols, graves, or any other creature. The worship of any creature is not legitimate;
rather all acts of worship should be dedicated to Allah alone, which is why he sent all his messengers, May peace be upon them, to command people to do just that. While informing us about his messengers, Allah, the exalted, says: [We sent not an apostle except (to teach) in the language of his (own) people, in order to make (things) clear to them...](Q14:4), [For We assuredly sent amongst every People an apostle, (with the Command), “Serve Allah, and eschew Evil”:](Q16:36)
آية الله في استجابة الدعاء
A sane person realizes that Allah answers supplications. Thus when a man wants to seek cure from illness, he turns to Allah who created him and his request is granted by the grace of Allah. So who answers his prayers and providesthe cure he needed? It is Allah who provides cure, and He says: [And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me](Q26:80) His answer to prayers is not restricted to seeking cure, all requests and supplications are fulfilled only by the grace of Allah; it is He alone that grant your requests. Allah says: [And He giveth you of all that ye ask for...](Q14:34)
Allah has informed about the idolaters that when they embark on a sea journey and they are met with bad weathers which threaten their lives and they fear drowning, they immediately call out to Allah for help. Allah says: [Now, if they embark on a boat, they call on Allah, making their devotion sincerely (and exclusively) to Him; but when He has delivered them safely to (dry) land, behold, they give a share (of their worship to others)!](Q29:65). It shows that it is Allah that answers prayer even the ones made by the non-believers, because they were saved from the wrath of the sea when they call out to Allah. The reason is because they did so sincerely and devotedly, even though momentarily, calling to Allah alone without associating partners.
This is a clear-cut sign that Allah answers prayers from human beings and He is the one who deserves our worship. He alone should be worshipped without associating partners with him. He is the creator, the provider, the giver and taker of life. We human should believe in Allah, the exalted. In line with his commands, we should also believe in his prophets and messengers, beginning from the first of them to the last of them, Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who is also the Prophet of the last generation. We must obey Allah, the one who created us. We must not die without ensuring that we accepted Allah as our lord, Islam as our religion, and Muhammad as a messenger and Prophet. We must all testify that there is no deity worthy of
worship besides Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah before we die.
لا إله في هذا الوجود إلا الله
Allah, the God of manifest truth, says: [Know, therefore, that there is no god but Allah,](Q47:19). You should know, dear mankind, that there is no other god in this universe and in existence but Allah, the exalted and high. It therefore behoves us to worship him alone, follow his revealed doctrines, and align our life with his commandments, because we cannot worship except in line with his revelations with which the prophets and messengers were sent (May peace be upon them). Allah, the God of manifest truth, says: [Allah bears witness that La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), and the angels, and those having knowledge (also give this witness); (He always) maintains His creation in Justice. La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.](Q3;18), [We sent Noah to his people: He said, “O my people! worship Allah. Ye have no other god but Him. Will ye not fear (Him)?](Q23:23). He says: [Say: “Verily, I am commanded to serve Allah with sincere devotion; “And I am commanded to be the first of those who bow to Allah in Islam.” (Q39:11-12), [“For me, I have set my face, firmly and truly, towards Him Who created the heavens and the earth, and never shall I give partners to Allah.](Q6:79), [Not an apostle did We send before thee without this inspiration sent by Us to him: that there is no god but I; therefore worship and serve Me.](Q21:25), [On the earth are signs for those of assured Faith. As also in your own selves: Will ye not then see?](Q51:20-21). The earth abounds with signs that point to the existence of Allah, the exalted.
This includes the mountains, the trees, the oceans, the night and day, the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets and animals [As also in your own selves: Will ye not then see?](Q51:21)). Even in ourselves, can’t we marvel at He who bestowed us with the sense of hearing and sight? It is Allah the creator, who says: [Have We not made for him a pair of eyes? And a tongue, and a pair of lips?](Q90:8-9).
There is no deity worthy of worship besides Allah, the creator, the God of manifest truth, in whom we must have faith and worship, alone without partners. We must also have faith in his messengers, beginning with the first of them and ending with the last of them, Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him). Therefore, every human being including the Jews and the Christians must proclaim these words of faith that; none is worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
Everybody must declare the testimony and embrace these two concepts which ensure his salvation from the hell-fire
A Letter From Satan
I saw you yesterday as you began your daily chores. You awoke without stopping to pray.
As a matter of fact, you didn’t even bless your meals, or pray before going to bed last night. You are so unthankful, I like that about you. I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have not changed your way of living, Fool, you are mine.
Remember, you and I have been going steady for years, and I still don’t love you yet. As a matter of fact, I hate you, because I hate God. I am only using you to get even with God. He kicked me out of heaven, and I’m going to use you as long as possible to pay him back. You see, Fool, GOD LOVES YOU and HE has great plans in store for you. But you have yielded your life to me and I’m going to make your life a living hell. That way we’ll be together twice. This will really hurt God. Thanks to you.
I’m really showing Him who’s boss in your life. With all of the good times we’ve had .. We have been watching dirty movies, cursing people, out partying, stealing, lying, being hypocritical, indulging in fornication, overeating, telling dirty jokes, gossiping, back stabbing people, disrespecting adults and those in leadership position, NO respect for the mosque, bad attitudes: SURELY you don’t want to give all this up.
Come on, Fool, let’s burn together forever. I’ve got some hot plans for us. This is just a letter of appreciation from me to you. I’d like to say “THANKS” for letting me use you for most of your foolish life. You are so gullible, I laugh at you. When you are tempted to sin, you give in HA HA HA, you make me sick. Sin is beginning to take its toll on your life. You look 20 years older, I need new blood. So go ahead and teach some children how to sin.
All you have to do is smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, cheat, gamble, gossip, fornicate, and listen to and dance to the top 10 jams. Do all of this in the presence of children and they will do it too. Kids are like that. Well, Fool, I have to let you go for now. I’ll be back in a couple of seconds to tempt you again. If you were smart, you would run somewhere, repent from your sins, ask forgiveness from Him, live for God with what little bit of life that you have left. It’s not my nature to warn anyone, but to be your age and still sinning, it’s
becoming a bit ridiculous. Don’t get me wrong, I still hate you...... IT’S JUST THAT YOU’D MAKE A BETTER FOOL FOR GOD.
Quran [14:22] : “ And Satan will say when the matter is decided ( The Disbelievers entered the hell ) : “It was Allah Who gave you a promise of Truth: I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but ye listened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with Allah. For wrong-doers there must be a grievous penalty.”
The devotional love in Islam - First Part
Allah said: “Say: If you really love Allah follow me!” “And Allah will love and will forgive you sins.” (3:31)
This Aleya is called Aleya of love and devotion. It is said that a group of people said to supposedly love to Allah I, and then when it was revealed the Aleya was showing that love to Allah Ihas a test and a result. The test is to follow the Messenger of Allah rand the result is the love for the Prophet r
Wing says: “tell [Oh, Muhammad!]: If your fathers, sons, brothers, wives and family, property that you have purchased, businesses fear losing and properties that you have and you like they are more beloved to you than Allah, his Messenger and the fight for their cause, because then wait I remains the punishment of Allah”. (9: 24)
WingIordered his Prophetrthat note to those who give priority to their families, property, clans, businesses and homes as has ordered them wingIand was pleased to.
Said Ibn Kazir: “i.e., if all these things are most beloved to Allah, then rest assured that you will reach your punishment.”
All this demonstrates the importance of always prioritize what loves and is pleasing to Allah. Why must love what he loves Allah Iand hate who hates wing always following the example of the Messenger of Allah rI.
Said wingI: “O believers!” “If some of you deny their religion, wing impersonate them by others who love and they you will love and that will be compassionate with believers, severe with unbelievers, and fight for the cause of Allah without fear of any reproach.” (5:54)
This Aleya are four characteristics:
The humility to the believers, that is caring, loving, indulgent.
1 But strict and firm with unbelievers.
2. The fight in the cause of Allah and the road Iwith the words, goods and the facts, and all this is a demonstration of love and devotion.
3. Do not fear to the criticisms, and this is a proof of unconditional love and devotion.
Said wingI: “They seek the means of closer to his Lord, crave his mercy and fear of his punishment”. (17: 57), this Aleya refers to three States:
1. Love, which means the longing for its proximity and complacency.
2 Login to your complacency by pious works.
3. The longing and fear.
Love the servant is striving to achieve complianceI, we could even say that this love is the engine that drives the longing for closeness.
The Yahmiah sect and those who deny the names and attributes of AllahIdeny the existence of the above, since they deny that AllahIlove, because love is an action. Heart and way murdered sublime life that contains this life and the other. This is the reason why their hearts are hard and empty all love, and struck them wing Iwith the distance, a veil separates them from knowing their Lord, nor remember the names and attributes of Allah Iexcept at the time deny them, since they consider the mere mention of the attributes and names the worst of sins. But devotion to Allah who is in your heart Iand love, includes the offset which have fallen and the reason of the hardness of their hearts.
The best definition made on the meaning of devotional love was expressed by Al - Yunaid. Abu Bakr Al - Katani said: “the definition of”devotional love”was discussed in the city of Mecca, that wing Ifill it with honor and prestige, during the days of the pilgrimage (Hajj).” Different scholars issued their views thereon, and al - Yunaid, who was the youngest of them, was asked: “Tell us your Iraqi opinion”.
Then the Yunaid lowered the head and with tear-filled eyes said: “Un servant who loses the awareness itself, handed over to the memory of his Lord, fulfilling their obligations, observing his Lord through his heart, which ignite reverence to its light taste of the cup of your devotion, to discover the shame to the occult. “If then speaks do by Allah, and if it is pronounced do by Allah, and doing work
by the order of Allah, and if it stops so with Wing, his whole being is wing, wing and with Wing”.
At these words the sages present there cried and said one of them: “And who of us can add something to this definition?” “Which wing succor you, oh who of us knows best to his Lord!”
There are ten works that come to the servant to his master and delivered it to the devotional love:
1. The reading and reflection of the Holy Quran, assimilating its deep meanings and objectives.
2. The approach to wing through the voluntary works after fulfilled the mandatory.
3 Stay in your memory with scope language, the heart and the members.
4. Prioritize the love of the beloved to the seductions of the passion.
5. Open our hearts to the names and attributes of Allah, and its manifestations, meditating on the places of such wisdom.
6. Observe the revelations of his benevolence, their thanks and favors, the apparent and hidden.
7. Surrender to his divine essence.
8. Seize the moment of divine descent, reciting his book, ending the night with repentance (taubah) and the request for forgiveness (istigfar)
9 Accompany the sincere lovers of wing, meditating on his most sublime words and not to talk unless it is strictly necessary and productive for others.
10. Move away of everything that stands between your heart and the presence of Allah I
Narro Anas that the Messenger of Allahrsaid: “None of you complete your faith until I am more beloved to him that his son, his father and all of humanity”.
“None of you will complete their faith” compulsory minimum, until the Messenger of Allahris more beloved to be his own. Relates that ‘ the Khattab Omar Ibn said: “Messenger of Allah!” “You are more beloved to me than all the things except my own being”, then said the Prophet r: “there are no your faith be complete until it is more beloved to you than yourself”. He said ‘ Omar: “Now you are more beloved to me than myself”. He said (the Prophet r): “now ‘ Omar completed your faith”.
Who claims to love the Prophetrbut do not follow his example or give priority to his sayings from the rest of the people, is a liar himself. Said Ala I:
“[Hypocrites] say: we believe in Allah and the Messenger, and I obey.” “But then they do not obey because they aren’t really believers.” (24: 47)
In this Aleya denies the existence of faith (magnet) of those who deviate from the obedience to the Messenger of Allahr. All Muslim loves according to their degree of Islam, as well as all Muslim should be a believer, although it is not a believer in its maximum expression (i.e., with their faith or full), since it only reach some.
This hadeeth indicates that the works are integral part of faith (magnet), since love is a play that takes place in the heart.
The devotional love in Islam - Second Part
Love for the Messenger of Allahris mandatory, and a consequence of the love of AllahIthe love of the Prophet increases as increases the love for AllahIin the heart of the believer, and decreases if this decreases. Anyone who loves Allah Iloved by him and for him, and for this reason loves the faith and pious works.
Said the Messenger of Allahr: “Who get three qualities you will find the sweetness of the faith: who loves a man and you love only for the cause of Allah;” “who loves above all things to Allah and his Prophet, and who hates to disbelief again...”.
“Who get three qualities will find the sweetness of faith”, the word “sweetness” is intended to describe a feeling (dhauq) which takes place in the heart when it experiences happiness and grace that feeds it.
As Suiuti said: “the sentence: ‘the sweetness of faith’ is a metaphor that compares the desire of the believer through faith (magnet) with something sweet, evidencing the existence of its consequence”.
An Nauaui said: “the meaning of ‘the sweetness of faith’ is savoring the acts of worship and support difficulties, giving more importance to this worldly affairs.” “Why the demonstration of the love of the servant by his master and his Messenger is comply with the acts of obedience and deviate from the prohibitions.”
Love referred to in the sentence: “Who loves above all things to Allah and his Prophet” is human love that you feel towards your children, wife or material goods. However the Khattaabi said: “the love that is referenced is ‘ conscious or devotional love”.
For the love of idolatrous whether much or little opposes love AllahIand his Messengerr. The Hadith says: “Love with all your heart to Allah”. A sign of love for Allah I, is to love what the ama and hate what he hates, giving priority to their complacency, looking for it with all its potential, moving away from the illicit and despising it. Following the example and the path of the Messenger of
Allah r, as the Koran says:
“Who obey the Messenger is due to Allah”. (4: 80).
Who give priority to orders or opinions of others on the Messenger of Allahr, evidence of their lack of love for Allah and his Messenger. The love of the Prophet rit is a consequence of the love of Allah I, so who loves Allah Iand obey you, you will love the Messenger and will obey you.
A direct consequence of the love of AllahIis the respect for the godly and devout, as well as the love of the prophets, the envoys and sincere believers. The love of everything that is loved by Allah Iis part of the perfection of faith.
“Who hates to disbelief again...”, this Hadith is a rebuttal to extremists who considered that the Muslim who commits a sin or disobedience will have lost all of their faith, although you repent later.
The right thing is that if Muslim not repent after committing a sin or disobedience, their faith will be decreased, but if he repent their faith does not diminish or is corrupted.
Narro Ibn ‘ Abbas that the Messenger of Allahrsaid: “Who loves by Allah, and odie by wing;” It is allied by enemy by wing and wing, there will be for the friendship and protection of wing. “The servant should not find the flavor of the faith until it is, even if much is your prayer and your fasting.”
“Who love by wing” loving Muslims believers by wingIand in obedience to him.
“And odie by wing” polytheism and Sin even if it is a very close person who commits, as it says in the Qur’an:
“You will not find any people who creates in wing and the day of judgement you feel love for those who reject Allah and his Messenger, even though they are their parents, children, siblings or relatives”. These [wing] has recorded the faith in their hearts, strengthened them with its light and eternally enters them gardens by where the rivers run. ALA welcomes them and they of him. These
are those who believe in Allah. “Perhaps they are not the winners those who believe in Allah?” (22: 58)
“Is allied by wing and enemy by Allah”, this is a condition of the authentic love of AllahI, since who loves AllahIloves his cause, and especially loves his friends (allies). As well as feuds with those who oppose Allah Iand religion (Din), and also those who commit sins. To enhances the love for Allah Iin the heart of the servant, these feelings become stronger, and its increase full monotheism (Tauhid).
“Thus met the friendship and protection of Allah”, the friendship of AllahImeans your proximity, love, protection and support. It aired Ahmad and At-Tabarani that the Messenger of Allah rsaid: “the servant will not feel la purity of it la faith until you love for Allah and se enemiste by Allah.” “When accomplishes this is worthy of the friendship of Allah”. Another story says: “faith firmer grip is the love for wing and wing hatred”.
“The servant should not find the flavor of faith” or its sweetness, albeit much prayer and fasting, unless you love by Allah and hates for Allah, is allied by wing and enemiste wingI.
Narro Abu Umamah that the Messenger of Allahrsaid: “who loves by Allah, odie by wing, given by Allah and deny by wing completed their faith (magnet)”.
Today most relationships are by worldly, Affairs and therefore they do not contribute to the faith but that otherwise harms, as said wingI:
“Know that day [in disbelief] friends will be enemies among others, and not have as well who feared to Allah”. (43: 67)
It happened as the Messenger of Allah prophesy itrwhen he said: “Islam has begun as a strange being, and it has to be a stranger as he began”. The Sahaba during the life of the Prophet rand the caliphates of Abu Bakr and ‘ Omar showed total altruism on behalf of his brothers, for the love of Allah Iand as a way of approaching, as mentioned in the Qur’an:
“Who were established in Medina and accepted the faith before his arrival, love those who migrated to them, do not feel any jealousy in their hearts by what has given [of the loot] and prefer them to themselves even though they are in dire need.” “Those who have been preserved of greed will be the winners”. (59: 9).
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allahrsaid: “certainly, Allah has said: who to demonstrate hostility to my beloved will declare unto you my enmity.” My servant not approaching me with something more dear to me fulfilling what you’ve ordered, and if my servant continues bringing me through voluntary acts I love it. And when you love I will be your ear to hear, your view that sees, his hand with which hits and his leg that walks. “If asks Me something I will give, and if he seeks refuge in me protect it”. Posted by Al Bukhari.
The pious are of two types:
1 - Those who come to wingIthrough compliance with the prescribed mandatory, including the observance of the precepts as abstinence from sins.
2 - Those who come to wingIthrough voluntary acts as well as mandatory. Clearly that the best way of approaching wing Iand being a pious servant is obeying his orders, which we came through his Messenger Muhammad r. Who claim to follow another path tricks same and lost the way. ALA Itells about the idolaters:
“Those who take others as protectors [and object of worship] abroad say: adore them only so bring us closer to wing [and mediate for us]...” (3: 39)
The first group are those who seek to get closer to AllahIthrough compliance with which he established as binding. The greatest Act of adoration is salah (prayer). ALA Isays: “Prosternar you [to Allah] and approaching the [with your works]”. (19: 96)
The Prophetrsaid: “the servant is closer to his Lord at the time being prosternado”.
The second group integrate those who, in addition to complying with what is required, seek to get closer to AllahIdoing voluntary acts and refraining from committing sins, for they are milder. The reward for all this is achieve the love of Allah I; and when Allah loves a person, makes it easier to be obedient and closer to the.
The Prophetrsaid: “Allah told me in a dream: Oh, Muhammad!” Di: Oh, Allah! “I ask I beg you love and love those who love you, and I beg I provide to perform good deeds that make me love you.”
“And when you love will be your ear to hear...” Means that when the Muslim strives to approximate wing Iobeying all orders, moving away from sins, and making voluntary acts, wing raises their faith to reach the highest level, and that is when you can worship him as if you you were watching, with total feeling of that he it is observed at all times, filling your heart of love for him. Then, when only wing inhabits the heart of the believer, his works are dictated by your heart and it does only what pleased to Allah I. All its bodies is become obedient abiding by what dictates the heart and refraining from what prohibits.
“If asks Me something I will give, and if he seeks refuge in me protect it.” Means that this pious servant is located next to Ala Ihas the privilege to obtain everything that calls you.
Translation:Muhammad Isa Garcia
Dawa Office in Rabwah - Riyadh
A Letter from a muslim girl to her christian parents
Hello Mami and Papi,
I don’t know how else to approach you in order to explain my reasoning behind my life changing decision and have you listen and understand at the same time.
Since I can long remember I have not be a strong believer of Christianity, there was a lot that did not make sense to me, for example, why I have to beg for forgiveness to a priest? Why I have to pray to saints and not straight to God, why is Jesus the SON of God, why are their SOO many versions of the bible?
The religion became a fascination to me, and I truly wanted to know more. I purchased a few books in the UK and read some pamphlets on the religion. I did not make any decisions but I continued to read and become more familiar to Islam.
Islam began making sense to me, the idea that we pray only to Allah, that we ask Allah for help and for forgive us, how a book (the Quran) that was written thousands of years ago remains unchanged as of today (there are different translations but no different versions) . Also how a book that was written years ago managed to explain scientific situations that was only discovered by mankind only a couple of year ago. Or how the Quran has managed to explains how babies develop in the womb? How would anyone thousands of years ago know this and in such detail? Especially since scientist discovered the explanation of these situations less that 100 years ago?? How can we explain those wonders of the book?
Also how can I deny the holy book when it has been so clear in explaining advanced technology, how the day turns into the night, the creation of human beings by water (as we know scientifically to be known that we came from cells) layers of heaven (which we describe now in scientific terms as the atmospheric levels?). Furthermore, the beginning of the universe and the movement of tectonic plates (there are numerous other examples of the science behind the Quran).
What also has touched me is that Islam believes in ALL THE PROPHETS - JESUS MOSES DAVID ABRAHAM AND MOHAMMAD (pbuh) they all coexist in the Quran, the Quran also tells us that we must respect ALL religions. Mami and
Papi, I cannot explain how many times I have made myself clear to you of what I believed in, I could not have given myself away anymore! Every time I spoke hours and hours on end about Islam, and how I knew so much.
Also I began of interacting more with Muslim friends; I felt that they would be able to give me a clear explanation of Islam. Also Islam played a major part in self respect, and it helped my appreciate myself more, and realize that I should stay away from harmful situation such as drinking, smoking, going out with people that only meant trouble. I told you what my friends were like, they were heading the wrong direction, and I did not want to be in that direction and believing in Islam made it easier for me to walk away from the powers of shaytaan and do better.
Also Islam was and has been the reason for my success in school. I have placed my mind in my studies instead of going out all the time as my old friends did, and trust me you would not like me to be like them, because if I had been than you would have every single reason to think I was a bad person, that I was irresponsible and that I was a disgrace to the family.
After almost one year of studying Islam I had no doubt in my mind that it was not the right religion.
I was prepared to become a Sunni Muslim. In early June 2006 I attended the mosque in Westbury NY to ask further questions about Islam and after speaking to a sister and the imam of the mosque I knew that it was time to make the right decision. I did shahada around 2 weeks later which is the Islamic creed; it means to testify or to bear witness in Arabic, the declaration of the belief. I stated in front of 80- 100 Muslims “ash hadu anla ilaha illallah, wa ash hadu anla Mohammad roosul Allah” which translates to “I believe in one and only God and Mohammad is his messenger” It was such a beautiful experience.
I had been accepted into the Islam. I was welcomed by every single Muslim at the mosque with open arms, I felt too special, it felt so right, I knew I had made the best decision in my life, and it was something that was going to bring positive sides of me. It is so hard to explain the rush, and the emotional and faith satisfaction that I had at that moment, but I knew there was something wrong, that I was not able to celebrate my happiness with the people in my life that I loved the most, the meant to most to me, and that was you and papi. The moment was wonderful but not complete. I really wish you could have been as proud of me as I was for myself.
It hurt so much to think and feel that my biggest challenge would be to openly tell
you about me and Islam, about me and my faith, about me and my happiness. I know that you both want the best for me, you want me to be happy and you want me to be responsible, and you want me to be independent and make the RIGHT decisions. I have done the right decision, and I made it all by myself, and I read about Islam all by myself, I discovered Islam in me all by myself, IT WAS ME who made every decision from the point where I began in the Islamic interest to the point where I am now.
I can’t lie to you and tell you I had no influences because how else would I have been influenced by wanting to know more about Islam? Well from observing other people. How do we know as humans whether eating a chocolate cake taste good or not? We taste it, we try others to compare and then we make a final decision and if we like it we continue to eat if we don’t then we disregard it.
Mami and Papi, I know I might seem weak sometimes in certain situations, and I know I display signs of vulnerability , but converting into Islam was decided by me, its hard and it hurts to think that all this studying, research of Islam and me converting has been credited to someone else, but at the end of the day the only one that knows the truth is God and it is to him that I will be standing in front of on the day of Judgment, and it is him that knows everything.
It is stated in the Quran that all the prophets were messengers of God, they all came to spread the news and religion of God, but that they all came in their own time, and that Mohammad (pbuh) was the last messenger of God.
I know my word is hard to believe after the incidents these past two days, but there is nothing more that I can do to prove to both of you when it comes to the decisions that I made about Islam.
And most importantly I want you both to understand that it is virtually impossible to explain ALL of my reasoning behind my belief in Islam, this email is not even 1/100th of it all, I have spent hours and hours and hours speaking to others about my feeling towards Islam, and I wish and pray to Allah that one day I will be able to express everything I feel about Islam with both of you.
I still remain to be the daughter that you had almost 21 years ago, it has not changed the way I feel about you, you still are the most important people in my life, I love you both more than anything, I just have a different belief and its one which will bring you no shame, it will not physically hurt you, and I will not patronize our relationship.
I love you both very much and I only pray for the best, Carolina Amirah DeFonseca
Islam and me
My name is Lyndsey-Yazmeen Koenig; I am 17 years old and I live in Maine in the northeastern United States of America. I have been a Muslim since September 18th, 2001. This is my story of Islam and me.
“Jewish people celebrate Hanukah and are a different religion than us – different from Christianity. Judaism and Christianity are the two main religions we should focus on…”As a teacher of mine from ninth grade reported to me I knew nothing of Islam. Nine years in Public School and didn’t hear one word about Islam. To be honest with you up until 9\11 I have never seen a hijaabed woman.
“It seems as though this was a terror attack aimed at the U.S.A. by someone or something that hated us simply hated us.” It was the day after 9\11 and I was watching the news, as I have done nonstop since then, and I heard about ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslims.’ I sat there wondering what they were. Right then I felt a string being pulled inside my brain sending a wave to my fingers telling me, “research, research, and research!” This happens to me a lot, I owe much of my knowledge to this reflex, which I adore so much. So the string was pulled letting the dam of knowledge came rushing towards me.
I run to the bathroom, bedroom find the comfiest pair of clothes I have preparing myself for a long day of reading and research. Grab a cup of coffee and put my long hair in its famous ‘rats nest’ on the top of my head. Turn the computer on and get comfy in the leather chair. Cold to the touch, but comforting like my pilot’s chair on my way to wisdom.
I proceed to the search engine Dad has raved about; I type in ‘Muslim’ and press the magic ‘go’ key! My eyes fill with colors of red, white, blue – letters of ‘m’, ‘i’ – Links! Links! Links! Which to chose, they’re all so beautiful!? There are the regular sites…then there are the exceptional sites! The first one I ventured into was http://www.islamonline.nettaught me the basics but I still yearned for more. I continued to visit numerous websites but I still couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to talk to a young Muslim girl my age. It took me about a week of serious searching and scaling almost all of the internet (probably, LoL) to find an e-mail pen pal site. Now the real story begins.
I filed my pen-pal form on the site writing, ‘Non-Muslim seeking to speak with Muslim young woman to find out more about Islam’ and hoped for the best. Within three days I received an e-mail from a young woman named Maryam
who is a born Muslim, but her mom is a revert. Maryam and I began talking just about school, family, friends, and our problems. We became very close friends, almost sisters. As I was continuing to watch the American Media, which I would later find out is very bias, and usually sides with the Jewish people, I had more and more questions on Islam. Except this time I actually had someone to ask the specific questions to.
The first question I asked was ‘Do you think UBL did this?’ and she kind of avoided my question (which I later found out why and will explain) so I went on. The next question was about the scarf (hijaab); she answered me with unwavering attention and precision. The hijaab was the hardest thing to put into action for me (I will explain later). But Maryam (bless her soul) did her best and told me everything she could – and what she couldn’t she gave me URL’s which I could read more information if I wanted.
Then there were the rules about boyfriends, pork, and more. The rules weren’t the things that caught my attention, it was the benefits, love, structure, discipline, and most of all spirituality.
I was never religious before Islam. I went to church maybe a total of five times in my life. My mother grew up in a strict Roman Catholic family in New Hampshire with 6 children. My father grew up in a Protestant\Atheist household – really not practicing ever once.
So our religious life in the Koenig family was not very strong. I can remember going to church as a child and hating it. The other times I can only remember are funerals and weddings. I just remember listening to the Priests babble on and on never made sense to me. Once in a great while when I was feeling low I would read some of the Bible but always felt like it was a boggled mess that was so difficult to understand and comprehend. Not just that but it didn’t make sense to me at all. Before Islam I always felt like there was a big chunk of my heart missing yet I didn’t know what it was.
“So, how do I convert?” I asked Maryam on an early fall day. “Take the shaada.” I took the shaada. Now I am a Muslim. The date is September 18th, 2001. My heart felt full, I felt I have a purpose, life inside me to live.
I went to good ol’ Wal-Mart and bought some plain handkerchiefs – blue, red, green, and pink. I decided to wear these as my souped up version of makeshift hijaab. I have worn handkerchiefs over my hair before; it was not a big difference