
How Can Muslim Women Live the Sunnah Today?

Sadaf Farooqi

17 June, 2020

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is Allah’s last Messenger to establish Islam on earth as guidance for humankind before the final reckoning. He was the leader of  Muslim Ummah; their guide and role model.

Almighty Allah guided the Prophet Muhammad’s actions, both personal and public, so much so that he became the epitome of lofty, righteous conduct and character. The first Muslims emulated, imitated, and admired the Prophet by incorporating his actions completely into their own practical lives.

{Say: If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins} (Aal Imran 3: 31)

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Allah’s love and pleasure with a believer, man or woman, is conditionally dependent upon the level at which he or she loves and obeys Prophet Muhammad. This means that one should show his love to the Prophet by adopting the Prophet’s habits, qualities and personality into his lifestyle.

Challenges of the Contemporary World

The Prophet’s Companions followed the Sunnah automatically and wholeheartedly.

Now, times have changed, and following the Prophet’s Sunnah in the everyday life has gradually become quite a challenge for today’s Muslims. Here are only a few reasons for that:

1- Modernity

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Advances in science, aviation, technology and industrialization have rendered life fast-paced and hectic.

Many consider it primitive to follow methods that are “obsolete” viz discovered centuries ago, instead of the result of some modern research, scientific findings or data study. It is a “modern” fashion, for example, to shave off the beard, instead of growing it.

2- Peer pressure and corporate culture

Everyone nowadays works for a living – even the elderly, women, teenagers, and sometimes children. Lives revolve around career rat races and corporate ladder ascension. People are reluctant to compromise on careers when practice of a Sunnah becomes an obstacle in them.

For example, a Muslim woman might not be able to wear hijab at her workplace because of its strict employee dress code, and might need to protest to lengthen her skirt according to Islamic injunctions.

3- Pressure to ‘assimilate’

Muslims living in non-Muslim majority areas are constantly under the pressure to prove the steadfastness of their faith, or else relinquish it for the secular lifestyle. Adherence to strict halal dietary laws, for example, might be a challenge, if no other food alternatives are available.

Sending children to public schools might undermine their religious upbringing; however, home schooling poses the risk of social isolation.

A Muslim who refuses to drink “socially” viz not attending banquets that serve alcohol as per Prophet Muhammad’s instructions, might eventually be relinquished by his social circle altogether.

4- Ethnic Culture and Tradition

Many Muslims who want to practice Islam face pressure from older generations of Muslims in their own geographical and ethnic environment. The older generation sometimes give preference to culture over the Prophet’s Sunnah.

5- Invasion by Technology

How Can Muslim Women Live the Sunnah Today? - About Islam

The Disease of Technology

Technological devices and information sharing have made it easy to view pictures, videos and other content anywhere, at any time. Explicit and impermissible content is no exception.

Muslims today face the challenge of how to follow some Sunnahs of the Prophet despite the difficulties surrounding them. This includes lowering the gaze when provocative pictures of women appear even on cell phones whilst reading the news.

6- Deviant Islamic Group

Unfortunately, some groups among Muslims have fallen into innovations in Islam. Innovations are those religious practices that have no basis in Islam; which the Prophet (PBUH) did not endorse. Whenever someone falls into practicing innovations, he relinquishes the Sunnah.

Can Muslim Women Overcome These Challenges?

Overcoming the above challenges to stick to and follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is an uphill task.

A Muslim nowadays has to not just guard his or her faith from the onslaught of modernism and the prevalence of more fitnah (worldly allurements), but he also has to strive to prove, through his actions, that Islam is practical and easy to implement in all times.

In increasingly secular societies, religion has been divorced from politics and government; progress and advancement is now synonymous with secularism and lack of religion.

Sadly, the economic progress and military power of these societies urge modern Muslims to abandon the teachings of Islam that were revealed centuries ago.

Challenges of Muslim Women in the Modern Life

How Can Muslim Women Face Modern Challenges?

Muslim women are ardent followers of the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad as well.

However, those teachings of his Sunnah that are relevant to men are not supposed to be followed by women; the Prophetic teachings clearly marked the different requirements of the roles of both genders in society.

For example, growing a beard and praying every prayer regularly in the mosque are applicable to Muslim men rather than women.

Muslim women, therefore, look up to practical examples from within the Prophet’s life, of women who obeyed and practiced Islam according to his teachings, to get guidance towards how to apply his Sunnah in the modern context today.

Foremost among these noble women are his wives and daughters, some of who had significant expertise in matters of Islamic jurisprudence.

Today, the greatest challenge Muslim women face on a global level, when they choose to practically live the Sunnah as a way of life, is the assumption that they are oppressed by Muslim men and forced to cover themselves with modest clothing and focus on their homes and families, instead of careers.

Many Muslim women obey Allah’s Messenger and willingly adopt the highly fulfilling Islamic way of life. However, misconceptions about women in Islam, purported by a few legitimate but gender-based differences in Islamic laws and commands, abound in global media, nurturing unjustified stereotyping and propaganda.

Successful Examples

Asma Elbadawi

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Today, several Muslim women have carved a niche for themselves, especially in the field of dawah through communications media. They are wives and mothers, but also writers, journalists, doctors, lawyers and teachers. They are active in their community and in service of Islam.

Their hijab and other aspects of adherence to Islamic principles do not thwart them from being educated, proactive members of society.

Practical Advice

To implement the Sunnah in one’s daily life in this day and age, there is no one, clear-cut methodology. Rather, a broad strategy that, when applied in the long-term, leads to surefire results:

1- Gain Knowledge of Islam

By learning Quran recitation (tajweed), mastering Arabic, studying Quran exegesis (tafsir) and listening to Islamic lectures by the qualified teachers of the ummah, a Muslim can keep himself steadfast upon his practice of Islam, including the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

2- Study Sirah (life story of Prophet Muhammad) and Hadith (verified prophetic traditions)

This can be easily done through leisure reading and listening to lectures. The more you know about the Prophet, the more easily you love and imitate him.

3- Carry out the Religious Obligations

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No matter how tough it might be, always follow the obligations of Islam primarily – such as prayers and fasting. They keep the Muslim grounded in faith, and prove to be stepping-stones for further spirituality.

4- Pious Company

Strive to hang out with practicing Muslims and their families. This will automatically keep you tied to faith-based social events and knowledge circles among the righteous Muslims of the ummah.

The challenge today is not whether Muslims can practice Islam and Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah effectively or not. The challenge is to overcome the various tangible, social and prejudice-based obstacles that are thrown their way repeatedly by society. This dares Muslims to prove that they can go on in their chosen path without being deterred.

How to Stop Moving Away From Allah

16 June, 2020

QI'm a Muslimah who has reverted to Islam in the age of 17 but after that, I had a lot of difficulties regarding faith.

My first problem was I had a doubt regarding wudu. I always feel like farting while making wudu and praying whenever I recite something in my salah.

I feel I'm doing it for the sake of shaitan and when I do dikr or say any dua starting with rabbana I feel I'm denoting shaitan.

Whenever I bend I feel that I'm bowing to shaitan. Whenever I swear bad words I feel I'm swearing on Allah.

Whenever I come across all these stuff I regret and repent and seek Allah forgiveness. But now asking forgiveness has tired me. Everything has tired me now.

I have started getting anxiety and panic attacks often where I have a constant urge to bow to anything or anyone blasphemy.

All these terrify me and I'm developing an aversion towards any ibadah.

I'm moving away from Allah and I’m watching dirty stuff, listening to music, and masturbating.

I really want to come out of this horror.


Hannah Morris

16 June, 2020

In this counseling answer:

Remember Allah in everything you do.

Surround yourself with good and pious people who will have a positive influence on you.

Fill any gaps in your time by activities that will bring you closer to Allah.

Seek professional counseling.

It could be helpful for you to join our support group for Muslim converts.

Remember to seek refuge with Allah from Shaytaan.

How Do I Strengthen My Faith and Iman?

As-Salamu alaikum sister,

It sounds like you are suffering from the whisperings of Shaytaan. This can indeed be very distressing and distracting, but that’s exactly what Shaytan wants.

The good news is, the fact that you are bothered by it, have asked for forgiveness and have sought help makes it clear that you want to break free from this and that you are strong enough to beat this.

We all face moments where our levels of eman drop, even the most pious of people go through the same so you are not alone. Even some of the best of people at the time of the Prophet went through these same difficulties.

This is a normal part of faith. You have made it clear that you want to come out of this means that you are willing to do what you can to get back on track again.

How to Stop Moving Away From Allah - About Islam

There are many things you can do to work on breaking out of this and push Shaytaan away.

Remembering Allah

Remember Allah in all you do. Memorize the du’aa’s to be said before everyday actions such as eating, entering and leaving the house, entering and leaving the bathroom, etc. This constant remembrance of all will keep Him constantly in mind and push Shaytaan away.

Even though you might not feel like praying sometimes and might be overcome by bad thoughts, continue to pray anyway. Don’t let Shaytaan win.

Remember to seek refuge with Allah from Shaytaan before you do the things that seem to be most troublesome, like making wudu and praying. You’d be amazed at how those few words can keep your mind more focused.

Memorize the meaning of all the actions of prayer in your native language so that you can also be focused on the meaning as you read them. Often, if Arabic is not your native tongue it can be easy to get distracted whilst in prayer.

Good company

Surround yourself with good and pious people who will be a positive influence on you.

Fill any gaps in your time with acts that will bring you closer to Allah such as making dhikr and reading Qur’an. This will pull you closer to Allah and push Shaytaan away.

It might feel difficult at times, but Shaytaan likes it when you feel this way, so stay strong and keep at it. You can make this easier for yourself by not overburdening yourself with these things.

Do them little and often. Start with obligatory prayers, memorize short surahs, read the Quran for just 10 minutes a day. As it becomes easier for you, you can gradually increase the amount you do.

Spending Time Alone with Allah

Yasmin Mogahed

17 June, 2020

What do you do when you have no one who shares the same views as you, who wants to make the change like you? Is it better to be alone than with the bad company?

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This is a really important question.

Alone with Allah

And I’m glad it was brought up because I would say it absolutely is better to be alone with Allah than with bad company; and sometimes it is in the times when you are alone that you are closest to Allah Almighty.

In fact, even if you have a good company, it does not substitute for the time alone with Allah Subhan Allah.

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If you really want to build your relationship with Allah, then you need that time alone with Him. And this sometimes happens in the last third of the night, in Qiyam, in whatever time it is, after fajr, even if it’s after prayer… and you’re just making dua, you have time alone with Him, you’re reading Quran…

That time cannot be replaced even if you have the best of company, even if you’re surrounded with scholars who are teaching you, it still cannot replace that time alone with Allah.

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