
10 Hadiths on Remembrance of Allah

Muhammad Fathi

19 June, 2020

Which status would be higher than having your humble person appreciated and mentioned by Allah Almighty to a gathering of high-esteemed Angels?

That is only one of the many valuable advantages you gain trough frequent remembrance of Allah (dhikr Allah). The special position of this easy act of worship is frequently emphasized by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who “used to remember Allah all the time” (Abu Dawud)

Reviewing the reward promised for Allah’s remembrance should fill us with pity for all the hours we waste without seizing these amazingly easy opportunities.

The following collection reveals the significance of this beautiful type of worship and the great reward you can reap through it.

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Best Deed

1. Abu Ad-Darda’ (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet said:

“Shall I not inform you of the best of your actions, the purest in the sight of your Lord, which raises your rank to the highest, which is better for you than spending gold and silver, better than meeting your enemy so that you strike at their necks and they strike at yours?’ They replied: ‘Yes, indeed,’ and he said: ‘It is the remembrance of Allah.” (At-Tirmidhi)

A Special Status

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2. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet said:

“Allah says, “I treat My servant as he hopes that I would treat him. I am with him whenever he remembers Me:

if he thinks of Me, I think of him; if he mentions Me in company, I mention him in an even better company. If he draws near to Me a hand’s span, I draw near to him an arm’s length; and if he draws near to Me an arm’s length,  I draw closer by a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

3. Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet said:

“The similitude of someone who remembers his Lord and someone who does not is like that of the living and the dead.” (Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet’s Advice

4. Abdullah ibn Busr (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that one of the Prophet’s Companions said, “O Messenger of Allah. I am overwhelmed by the so many injunctions of Islam. So tell me something to which I may hold fast.”

The Prophet replied, “Keep your tongue wet with the remembrance of Allah.” (At Tirmidhi)

Abundant Forgiveness

5. Abu Hurairah also reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

He who says, ‘Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdih‘ (Glory and praise be to Allah) one hundred times a day, his sins will be obliterated even if they are equal to the extent of the foam of the sea. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

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6. Zaid ibn Harithah narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

Whosoever says:

‘Astaghfirullaha al-`Azeem al-ladhi la ilaha illa howa Al-Hayy al-Qayyum wa atubu illayh

(I ask forgiveness of Allah, the Magnificent, than Whom there is no deity, the Living, the Sustainer of existence, and I turn to Him in repentance,)

his sins will be forgiven even if he should have run away from the battlefield (while he was engaged in fighting for the Cause of Allah, which is a grave sin in Islam). (Abu Dawud and authenticated by Al-Albani)

Huge Reward

7. Anas ibn Malik narrated that the Prophet said:

“Whoever prays Fajr Prayer in congregation, and then sits and remembers Allah until the sun rises, then (after a while) prays two rak`has, he will gain a reward equal to that of making perfect Hajj and `Umrah. [The Prophet repeated the word “perfect” thrice.] (At-Tirmidhi)

8. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said:

He who repeats after every prayer:

Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah) thirty-three times,

Al-hamdu lillah (praise be to Allah) thirty-three times,

Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest) thirty-three times;

and completes the hundred with:

La ilaha illallahu, wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa `ala kulli shai’in qadir

(There is no true god except Allah. He is One and He has no partner. His is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Omnipotent)

Will have all his sins pardoned even if they may be as large as the foam on the surface of the sea.” (Muslim)

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Easy Opportunity

9. Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

He who utters ten times:

La ilaha illallahu, wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahulmulku wa lahulhamdu, wa Huwa `ala kulli sha’in qadir

(There is no true god except Allah. He   is One and He has no partner. His is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Omnipotent),

he will have a reward equal to that for freeing four slaves from the progeny of Prophet Isma`il. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)


Words That Allah Loves

10. Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet said:

“There are two statements that are light on the tongue, heavy on the scales, and beloved to the Most Merciful:

Subahana Allahi wa bihamdih

Subhana Allahi Al-`Azeem

(Glory and praise be to Allah,

Glorified is Allah, the Most Great.)” (Al-Bukhari)

How to Embrace the Power of Prayer

Monique Hassan

19 June, 2020

Prayers are a time of reflection and submission to our creator, to Allah (glorified and exalted). We let go of this world, even if only for a minute.

In this submission we find calmness, we release our emotions and the power of prayer impacts us. Prayer in itself is a gift, a blessing, a powerful coping skill, it is therapeutic and most importantly; it is an act of worship.

“Indeed, I am Allah . There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance” Quran 20:14

We know that we have 2 types of prayers. The 5 daily obligatory prayers when we are engaged in worship and submission as well as special duaa or supplications when we are asking for something.

Salah and duaa help us to connect on a deeper level to our spiritual self and connect to our creator.

Spending Time Alone with Allah

Spending Time Alone with Allah

We must pray our 5 daily prayers, this is crucial not just for our religion, but also for our own mental state. Prayers are a time to slow down, rein our minds in and calm our emotions.

In trauma informed care they often encourage patients to meditate on a regular basis, prayer is a form of meditation; isn’t it?

If mental health professionals are encouraging this as part of a treatment plan then surely we must see the power of prayer for our own mental health and overall well-being.

Duaa can be done anywhere at any time. When we make duaa we are acknowledging that Allah (glorified and exalted) has the power to change the outcome of our situations.

Some anxiety medications are often prescribed to be taken as needed or PRN, duaa is a prayer prescription which we can take as needed.

When we make duaa, 3 answers are provided for us.

1. Yes

2. Yes, but not now

3. No. I have something better for you

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Really take that in for a moment, imagine if this was our mindset when we feel anxiety or we feel sadness.

We make duaa, seek counsel with our Lord who is As-Salam (the peace, the source of peace and safety, the savior). 

In that moment of duaa we are submitting ourselves to trust in our faith. Whatever is the best outcome for us, will transpire.

It is the will of Allah (glorified and exalted) and we accept that outcome. Alhamdulillah for everything.

In acknowledging the power of prayer and duaa, we find a greater sense of peace and awareness. Our optimism can increase and our perspectives on situations can become more positive.

“So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me. O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient” Quran 2:152-153

Increasing Sisterhood/Brotherhood 

When we pray we all begin with Al-Fatiha and we all pray in Arabic, no matter what our native language is. We face the same direction and perform our 5 daily prayers with the same movements.

During congregational prayer, we line up in our rows shoulder to shoulder; irrespective of race, culture or financial standing. We are equal and we are united as we all say ameen in unison.

Prayer is very multifaceted for us; it enjoins worship and spiritual awareness alongside unity. Those are not complete strangers on your left and right, those are brothers and sisters.

One ummah. Although we may not always act like one ummah and some of us feel more accepted than others, ultimately we are one ummah.

Prayer is a bridge to unite us and this goes for our families as well. We should be praying with our family, not always praying by ourselves. During moments of emotional upheaval or crisis, we come together with our families or with the congregation to pray as one.

Increasing Iman to Increase Emotional Resilience

Sometimes we hear believers asking how they can increase their iman, this is not a simple answer but one can always begin by holding fast to the five pillars. We know that salah is one of these five pillars and a very crucial one.

“Indeed the first deed by which a servant will be called to account on the Day of Resurrection is his Salat. If it is complete, he is successful and saved, but if it is defective, he has failed and lost” Sahih At-Tirmidhi 413

The power of prayer in Islam is unlike other prayers, we purify ourselves with wudu and our entire body is part of the worship process as we bow for rukoo and prostrate in sujood. It is a form of worship combining the body and mind.

Our ummah is facing many hardships, but we can strengthen our resilience and ability to handle these if we strengthen our iman. By remaining steadfast in our prayers, we open ourselves more to Allah’s (glorified and exalted) infinite wisdom and infinite mercy.

As our faith grows we find ourselves more likely to say Alhamdulellah instead of “why me” during hardships. Our hearts feel more grateful and full of love for our creator whether we are having a time of ease or a time of trial.

Final Thoughts

The power of prayer is more immense than we realize, it is the first act of worship we are held accountable for so this has to show the immense weight it bears.

Prayer is an act of worship, but it runs deeper than just that. It is a blessing which reminds us 5x a day what our purpose is, to serve Allah (glorified and exalted).

In that submission is tranquility and immense strength if we approach prayer with focus and from the heart. One of the most beautiful moments in our days is when tears hit our prayer mat; this is a sign from our hearts of sincerity. Just as our call to prayer reminds us, go to prayer and go to success.

This article was first published at It’s republished with a kind permission from the author.

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