Is jesus is emmanuel ?

Jesus Christ is Emmanuel(god with us) which means jesus is God

But this doesn't mean that he is God


Samuel : means the name of god
Rafael : means the god heals
Yoel: means the lord is the god
Azria : means the lord helped
Gabriel: means the god is great
Ismail : the god hears
These are means of some Hebrew names



A question about Isaiah 7:14 prophecy about Jesus being the promised Messiah born of a virgin. Question about IMMANUEL or EMANUEL meaning God with Us.

In Bart Ehrman's book Jesus Interrupted Page 74 he writes We have seen that Matthew is particularly keen to show that everything in Jesus birth, life, and death was a fulfillment of Scriptural prophecy. 

So why was he born of a virgin? It was because the Hebrew prophet ISAIAH indicated that "a #VIRGIN shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call him IMMANUEL" (Matthew1:23, quoting Isaiah 7:14). 

Actually, that's not exactly what Isaiah said. In the Hebrew Bible, Isaiah indicates that a "#YOUNG_WOMAN" will conceive and bear a son, a prediction not of a future Messiah but of an event that was soon to take place in Isaiah's own day.

When the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek, however, Isaiah's "Young Woman" (Hebrew #Alma; there is a different Hebrew word for "#Virgin") came to be rendered by the Greek word for "Virgin" (#Parthenos), and that is the form of the Bible that Matthew read. And so he thought that Isaiah was predicting something not about his own day but about the future Messiah (though the term "#Messiah" does not occur in Isaiah 7). 

So Matthew wrote that Jesus was born of a virgin because that's what he thought Scripture predicted.

Also Jews have a different translation of this passage where it is #Not virgin but #Young_Woman.