Main Difference between Islam and Christianity

Main Difference between Islam and Christianity

1-Islams believes that God is one and not a trinity God and that the idea of the trinity is an evolved understanding which was not preached by any prophet of old test nor explained by Jesus not the word itself ( trinity) comes in the bible. and both Muslims and Jews agree that God of Abraham is only One and not a trinity. 

2-Jesus stands a good position in Islam as one of the messengers of God together with other messengers.. they were all  special and they were all humans like us-- none of them must be worshiped -- we only worship God who sent them . we believe that Jesus was a noble Messenger of God but not divine God nor a son of God! God has no sons no family, he does not give birth,,,, we love Jesus and obey his true teachings and pray like him , fast like him , and a person won't lose Jesus if he accepts Islam -- but you will just correct your belief about him, According to Islam,Jesus was the Messiah ( Anointed/chosen) prophet of Israel-  Jesus was born from Virgin Mary, without father  but this does not mean he is divine, we consider  (His birth to be a miracle ) and  that Jesus was not the son of God, nor God has sons ( Simply, many people in bible beside Jesus were called sons of God, such as Adam, David , Israel etc ) so the term son of God must not be taken literally in a sense that it means ( biological son ) ! never - but it means metaphorically pious servant of God , Great man , someone who is close from God ,it does not mean literally divine son of God ! otherwise the person who think like that will have to worship all men in bible who were called sons of God
We believe that Jesus did not die for sins! Simply because God just forgive us out of his grace he doesn’t need price to forgive – just repent and u ll be forgiven > and this is what Jesus himself taught in bible when he said (( I came to call sinners to repentance )) and also his statement (( repent for the kingdom of God is near )) so this is the simple way for forgiveness always .

3- there is no original sin in Islam, we are not responsible for Adam's sin,, we were not there to carry his fault, and we think that such idea is unjust and unfair and not from God 

4-we don't confess sins to priests -- we just repent to God directly 

5-Paradise in Islam is physical life for both body and soul - not just spiritual. same also is hell 

6-Islam is not named after a person like Christianity after Christ, Judaism after Juda , Buddhism after Buddha -- Islam describes a relationship of (Submission to God and being conscious  of him ), this is the literal meaning of it -- this is why we consider Islam to be the first, common and original religion of all prophets since Adam . and that all prophets were Muslims ( submissive servants of God ) including Jesus
7-Islam is mainly about the King ( God himself) and his message,  it's  about the sender not focusing on the one who is sent- so we don't exaggerate or overpraise the prophets or religious people, so in Islam there is no mediator between you and God -- you can pray to God directly - there is no need for someone in between...there is no religious theocratic Authority in Islam and we don't confess sins to priests or to anyone but God
8-In Islam (worship) is not about mere rituals. it's a comprehensive term that includes any deed that pleases God. All good deeds are types of worship, smiling, being sincere at work, saying a nice word, and even treating one's spouse gently, all this is greatly rewarded by God. And in the opposite any deed that doesn't please God is a sin; talking bad about people is a sin, cheating, lying, hurting innocent people, harming the environment.
9-the divine sources of Islam have a statement of authorship which is not the case in the bible - I mean God in such sources clearly say I revealed these sources!Plus the sources of Islam ( Qur'an ) is the only divine book which has scripts of it datings to the prophet time. So we have original scripts and more over .

It is only the divine book which is memorised from cover to cover by millions of Muslims. So its not modified or altered, it actually challenges people to find any faults or contradictions in it. it does not contradict any proven scientific fact but it affirms many of it before it was known to people in recent ages.
10-Muslims believe only in Taurah, gospel, and psalms to be originally from God but believe that the current copies of it got modified and altered by people, mistranslated and twisted to suit their desires and this is even attested to by bible scholars themselves - such as the famous bible scholar DR Bart Erman

11-The concept of God in Islam is  unique and perfect, he is just one and this is The Most important of all commands is to believe in the one true God alone without partners.He is not an idol or image or a trinity, he is not a man or like man or becoming man or dying for sins–in Islam it’s a perfect concept – God according to Islam is one God, unique, perfect, ever living, all wise and he is the most powerful who created the universe and all living beings to him belongs all the perfect/good attributes .

So we don't accept many of the bible claims against God and we think of it to be degrading to God such as :👇

-Being unjust and commands killing babies 
1 Samuel 15:2-4
slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. 
4 And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim,

-Command slavery 
You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.  (From the NIV Bible, Leviticus 25:44-46)"

-Children of adultery can never go to paradise
Deuteronomy 23:2  No one born of a forbidden marriage nor any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the LORD, not even in the tenth generation.

-Forcing faith on people 

Deuteronomy 17:3-5 "And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, .....and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die."

2 Chronicles 15:13 "All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman."

-Sending someone to die for sins of others! we see this contradicting to verses which say ( no one carries the sin of another, the father does not carry the sin of his son nor the son carry the sin of his father ) 

-God feels tired and rest and refresh 
(Exodus 31:17)" ... in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed ." 

-Jesus was carried by Satan to go on top of a high mountain to see all kingdoms of the world --! we see this as degrading to Jesus the prophet of God -- plus of course, it's not possible scientifically since the land is not flat! even if you go to the highest mountain you cant see all world.