Why does God punish people?”

Why does God punish people?”

No one can disagree with the concept of punishment, which is necessary for justice. God has created us with the ability to choose how we want to live, and in turn, be accountable. Those who sincerely strive to obey God will earn God’s mercy and enter paradise. But those who are careless about their purpose in life and deny God, have ultimately made their own choice and will be held to account. No one can blame God. God did not create people to punish them – rather, He intends ease and mercy for them. The fact that God knows our choices does not make our actions any less voluntary and does not absolve us from responsibility.

Islam is a practical religion that encourages a balance between hope in God’s mercy and fear of His punishment – both of which are required to lead a positive and humble life. God is the Most Merciful but also the Most Just. If there were no day of Judgement, it would contradict the perfect justice of God, and life would be unfair.